Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 4 Chapter 357: more and more kryptonite

Shuishanjian, the thirty-ninth of the sixty-four hexagrams.

Xiagen and Shangkan, the mountains are high and the water is deep, and there are dangers ahead.

It is good for the southwest, not good for the northeast. Li Jian-sama, Zhenji.


After the rain, the sky was clear, and the long-lost sunlight shone on the Dongcang sea area, sparkling waves.

A white sail sailed away in the wind, shattering the waves on the sea, as if scattered gold in the sea.

I remember that I came by the river in late autumn, and now I travel on the waves in warm spring.

When you come, the moon is full of stars, and when you go, the sun is full of gold.

Being instructed in advance, the unassuming Dongcang officials and Great Confucianism stood on the high platform some distance from the port and watched Ye Baifan finally disappear from sight.

"Gufan is far away from the blue sky..." Master Qin sighed, "Okay, Lord Hou is not in Dongcang, I will work harder. When Lord Hou returns from his apprenticeship, he will see a more prosperous Dongcang City. ."

After speaking, he sighed again: "Finally gone..."

As soon as Master Qin's voice fell, someone nodded in agreement: "Dongcang City has been inexplicably unlucky for the past two days. Either this house fell down, or that mansion caught fire for no reason... It's a mess."

"Yes, Lord Hou is imaginative, but people's livelihood still needs to be done step by step, and it is necessary to be steady and steady. Go back quickly, and complete all the measures that the Lord Hou has come up with!"

"Then don't stand stupidly, go back to work quickly."

"Exactly, exactly!"

In the blink of an eye, all the officials on the square disappeared, and the great Confucian scholars who had planned to gather together to hold a literary meeting looked at each other in dismay.

"This is... gone?"

"I still have a poem I haven't read yet!"

"Speaking of which, there are still some trivial matters in Wutang. This old man will leave first."

"Well... the Martial Arts Academy also has something to deal with, so I'll go first."

"Hey, didn't you say a good excuse to see you off and take a day off? Why are you so untrustworthy? That's all, this old man has returned to the Commerce Department. If you don't lower the lowest prices of those caravans today, this old man will cut his own way! "

"Strange, why does the old man feel that he is still enjoying himself?"

"Let's go, go back to work!"


Dongcang is far away, and his eyes are on the boat.

Said to be a small boat, but it was actually a small two-story building boat. At this time, the sea breeze slapped on the face, and the blue sea in front of him was endless. There were sea fish jumping out of the sea, and the sea birds were dancing and singing in the sky, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

On the boat at this time, Chen Luo and Yun Siyao were sitting on the deck to play a game. Mastiff Lingling held tea and waited on the side; on the other side, a green lotus was telling a life story to a green frog. Knowing that some of the passages belonged to him, and some belonged to Li Qinglian, he was very excited when he heard the gourd croaking, and from time to time poured a pot of immortal brew on Qinglian, right as a toast.

The purpose is to use the fate of the human race to eliminate the punishment of bad luck in the heaven, so this is the first stop in Dongcang, and it naturally falls in the northern hub of Leya City. Today's Cangle shipping line is very busy. Chen Luo was worried about causing more trouble, so he didn't use Jinfanwei, but mixed in with a group of ships as a small merchant ship.

"Junior Brother, I won again." Yun Siyao dropped a piece, and in an instant, all three pieces on the chessboard were connected to three pieces.

Chen Luo scratched his head, it was indeed a wrong choice to play Gobang with Senior Sister Liu, and he had no game experience at all.

"By the way, Senior Sister, have you heard of the Qi of Hongmeng?" Chen Luo strategically changed the topic.

Yun Siyao's beautiful big eyes blinked: "What are you asking about?"

Chen Luo began to clean up the chessboard in sequence.

As long as I cleaned up quickly, the game just now would never have happened.

"Oh, to write the three books 'Demon Ghost', 'Buddha and Demon', and 'Immortal', you need the spirit of Hongmeng." Chen Luo kept his hands and explained.

Yun Siyao didn't seem to see Chen Luo's movements, and thoughtfully, after a while, he nodded: "It also makes sense. Before, what you wrote was the book of the mortal world, martial arts skills, and the treasures of the evolution rules of the sky are not difficult. However, the three books that open the gate of heaven do need the Qi of Hongmeng."

Saying that, she looked at Chen Luo, "You have seen the aura of Hongmeng, and it is the giant elephant outside Taiping City!"

"The origin of the Dao of Heaven?" Chen Luo was shocked.

Did you make a mistake? It was summoned by the tower bone after the Taiping City was forced to sacrifice. Where did you go to do it?

Hmm... Speaking of which, Pixie, Chikiss, and Jairju seem to be the spirit beasts of the heavens condensed from the origin of the heavens!

No, no, no, little mythical beasts are so cute, how can they make soup?

Yun Siyao saw that Chen Luo's face was ugly, he knew that he was thinking wrong, and chuckled lightly: "The aura of Hongmeng is not uncommon."

"Take the human race as an example. The three schools of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism use Yawen as the medium, use the classics to explore the way of heaven, and gather great power in themselves. What do you think is the essence of this?"

Chen Luo Ningmei probed: "The Qi of Hongmeng?"

"The so-called truth is all kinds of strange. There are Confucian schools of Confucianism, Taoism has the evolution of Taoism, and Buddhism naturally has Buddhist studies. It is said that the Confucian family, the same reason, also has thousands of views. In fact, right and wrong, that It's all determined by people. The inherent goodness of nature and the inherent evil of nature have been debated for thousands of years, but it does not prevent both from being sanctified!"

"Look at the Fang family, don't their family's principles also support many demigods?"

"So in its essence, it's nothing more than being able to appreciate a piece of Hongmeng Purple Qi with one's own principles, which is hidden in the Confucian heart, and then evolves its own power of truth."

"Everyone who cultivates the Dao of Heaven and Heaven contains the aura of primordial aura, which is nothing more than quantity and pure quality."

Chen Luo looked strange: "Senior sister, shouldn't it be killing people to get angry?"

Yun Siyao shook his head: "You martial arts, why do you want to kill when you think about it?"

"Do you remember how the Great Confucian Wenbao came to be?"

Chen Luo nodded: "Great Confucianism nurtured with its own literary talent... eh? Great Confucianism Wenbao!"

Chen Luo suddenly thought that the great Confucianism and Wenbao also contain different truths, so the power they show is also very different. Could it be related to the aura of Hongmeng?

Yun Siyao said: "All Taoist treasures, whether they are Wenbao, Taoist treasures or Buddhist treasures, are created by the master who separated a trace of the primordial aura and injected it into it."

"So, the primordial energy can naturally be extracted from these treasures." Yun Siyao smiled, "However, it's very expensive."

Chen Luo's face darkened completely.

He has a lot of treasures in his storage orders, but most of them are spiritual materials, and there are really few treasures of great Confucianism. After all, it is not easy to forge treasures of this level, and they are all treasured by major scholars. Even if he dies, it will be left to his family or his disciples. There are very few that really spread out. Don't say buy it, it's priceless means this stuff.

The Confucian sect with the most practitioners in the world is still like this, not to mention the Dao sect that is not bad for money.

Besides, after listening to Yun Siyao's introduction, you don't need to think about it to know that once the Qi of Hongmeng is extracted, the treasure will be useless.

There is always a feeling of dismantling Gundam and selling scrap iron!

I feel more and more kryptonite!

"As for the demon clan, it's simpler. The bloodline naturally contains the aura of primordial primordial, and the deeper the cultivation, the purer the primordial primal chi." Yun Si thought for a while, and added another sentence.

Chen Luo's gaze stayed on Mastiff Lingling for a moment, then turned away.

"It's not easy to do!"

Mastiff Lingling hurriedly filled Chen Luo with tea, and agreed, "Yes, it's hard to do! It's really hard to do!"

"Wait!" Yun Siyao suddenly paused, then waved his hand, and several objects appeared on the chessboard.

Chen Luo looked intently and saw a bald pen, an inkstone table with a broken corner, and a paper fan with a broken fan bone.

"These are the Wenbaos that I captured before. Although the Wenbaos were destroyed by me, I just removed the above principles, and the spirit of Hongmeng is still there. If I re-sacrifice and nurture, I hope to return to the rank of the great Confucian Wenbao. "

"It's useless for me to stay on my body. Little Junior Brother will take it and try to extract some primordial energy!"

Chen Luo immediately looked at Yun Siyao with emotion.

No matter how wasteful it is, it can still be smelted into one's own treasures. It's not as useless as she said.

All I can say is, dear senior sister!

"Hurry up and try it!" Yun Siyao urged with a smile, "As for these waste treasures, Second Senior Sister has quite a few. Go back to the bamboo forest and ask her for some more."

"Three thousand miles and six thousand miles are the difference between clouds and mud, first get a story and see how it is different from the previous book!"

Having said that, Yun Siyao shot out a flash of light, and the method of extracting the Qi of Hongmeng fell into Chen Luo's soul. Chen Luo was not polite, grinned at Yun Siyao, put away the three waste treasures, turned around and walked towards the cabin.


Transferred to the cabin, although the three treasures have been scrapped, but according to the technique from Yun Siyao, Chen Luo still sensed that there is a source of consonance in each of the three scrap treasures, and immediately used the red dust method, intending to put it away. The three waste treasures were completely scrapped, and the three primordial spirits were refined, but something unexpected happened.

When Chen Luo's heart ached when he saw that a mysterious yellow aura was about to rise from the bald brush, the Qishang Fist's true intentions backfired, and the red dust in Chen Luo's hand suddenly deviated from a certain direction.

"Bang!" The mysterious yellow aura dissipated instantly, and the brush turned into coke.

"This..." Chen Luo's face was gloomy, the method of refining was engraved into his soul, why is it not a 100% success rate.

Heaven, you secretly changed!

He breathed a long sigh of relief, not nervous. It's normal to be unskilled the first time, so try again.

With that said, Chen Luo did the same for the shattered inkstone. At the end of the month, with a stick of incense, the aura of Xuanhuang was about to escape, and he was done.

The liver hurts!

I will endure!

My lungs hurt!

I will bear it.

The spirit is in a trance!


The inkstone is still the same one, and it is hard to tell if it is burnt or not, it seems to be a little brittle.

Chen Luo suddenly felt distressed. At this time, it had nothing to do with the true meaning of Qishangquan. He was just looking at the coke-like brush and inkstone, and felt distressed and panicked!

However, it is clearly pointed out in the extraction method that this extraction cannot be done by human hands, but can only be done in person.

If it were anything else, Chen Luo would definitely put it away first. But it's useless now.

This bad luck is going to take a year!

Chen Luo thought for a while, then suddenly shouted, "Guagua, come in!"

The voice fell, and a blue light flew in and landed on Chen Luo's shoulder: "Huh! (Why!

"Add buff!"

Chen Luo immediately called for the third piece of waste Perhaps because of the skill in the first two times, the refining speed was actually one third faster.

"Okay, it's the last step again." Chen Luo concentrated, the pain in his internal organs struck, Chen Luo gritted his teeth and stopped, at this time the feeling of trance appeared again!

This... can't be prevented!

At this time, Jin Guagua felt bored, yawned, pouted, and blew the whistle that Lang Feixian had just taught him. It was squatting on Chen Luo's shoulder, and the whistle almost blew into Chen Luo's ear, instantly awakening Chen Luo's trance.

"It's useful!" Chen Luo was overjoyed, he quickly focused his attention, and quickly completed the refined spell. A wisp of black-yellow gas floated in front of Chen Luo.

Chen Luo immediately radiated the power of his divine soul, wrapped this primordial aura into his sea of ​​divine souls, and then took Jinguagua from his shoulder and kissed it fiercely.

"Huh! (Shut up!

"Huh... (This uncle is not clean!

Chen Luo ignored Ginga Gua's complaint and immediately closed his eyes and entered the dreamland of flowers.

Six thousand miles of flower forest, here I come.


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