Becoming a Saint by Leisure Reading

Vol 5 Chapter 596: Fighting unicorns, cheap dragons

Feng Nanzhi swooped into the abyss black hole that had just collapsed, and followed the hole all the way down.

It's not as bright as day, but a cool brilliance, like a little bit of starlight shining.

When Feng Nanzhi saw the ground, she tapped her jade feet and fell. At the same time, all around suddenly burst into flames. If you look closely, the flame is not an ordinary torch, but the stars suspended in mid-air burning by themselves.

It was as if the stars were lit up.

The fire of the stars surrounded a huge square. This square was exactly the ground where Feng Nanzhi was standing at this time. At first glance, the radius was a hundred miles in size, and outside the square, it was a void.

On one side of the square, there is a high stone platform, on which stands a stone unicorn statue, behind the stone statue is a long corridor, and at the end of the corridor is a stone gate, and it is not clear what is behind the stone gate.

And Feng Nanzhi could clearly feel that in those burning fireballs, countless thoughts were projected.

"The unicorn fights the battlefield!" Feng Nanzhi's eyes flashed. As the female emperor of the tiger clan, she naturally understands the secrets of various demon clan.

The Qilin Battle Battlefield is the Fengchan system in the Qilin domain.

As we all know, since the death of the owner of this unicorn tomb, the unicorn bloodline has disappeared in the Southern Wilderness, and the reason why the Qilin Domain can still stand in the Southern Wilderness in this long time, in addition to the unicorn beast blood formation left by the first unicorn, the other A hole card is from the Yin Qilin bloodline that can almost reach the half-step emperor demon.

As we all know, the bloodline of the emperor demon cannot be inherited directly through heredity, but like a beast like Bai Ze, when the luck of the demon clan reaches a certain stage, it randomly appears among the corresponding races.

Therefore, Shi Qilin specially developed the hidden Qilin bloodline that can replace the ordinary bloodline to manage the Qilin domain for the Qilin. According to the Qilin King's father, the hidden unicorn bloodline is condensed from the blood formation of the unicorn beast, and he will give it to whoever he says. However, there is another situation, that is, if the unicorn master is still there, it will not pass through the unicorn beast blood formation, but will be directly condensed by the unicorn master.

The unicorn battle field is actually a ring to win the appreciation of the unicorn master. However, with the last Kylin Lord Xingyun, this rule was also abandoned by the new Kylin King.

There is a speculation in the records of the Tiger Clan, that the traitor who framed that generation of Kylin King and caused the Kylin King to be besieged was appreciated by the Kylin Fighting Battlefield and infiltrated the top of the Kylin Domain.

Therefore, the later generation of the Kylin King thought that fighting the battlefield was not a good way to obtain materials, so he discarded it.

However, it is not surprising to see such a retro ring in the last unicorn master.

Feng Nanzhi slowly walked towards the unicorn stone statue on the high platform, and finally stood in front of the unicorn stone statue.

She frowned slightly, and forced a drop of blood from the center of her eyebrows, which exuded majestic demon power, and landed on the unicorn stone statue.

Feng Nanzhi's voice fell, and the dripping blood turned into a blood-colored ripple that spread over the entire unicorn stone statue. The stone statue's eyes flashed with blood, and then the stone statue slowly turned into starlight and dissipated.

Feng Nanzhi directly crossed the position of the stone statue, stepped directly onto the corridor in front of the battle field, and walked towards the stone gate. When Feng Nanzhi passed by, the starlight gathered again and re-condensed into a unicorn stone statue.


Chen Luo and Niu Dafa stood on the edge of the pothole, looking at the dark black hole, they both looked at each other.

"The source of the ground movement is here?" Chen Luo kicked a stone, and the stone fell into the black hole, and there was no echo for a long time.

Niu Dafa also stared at the black hole, hesitating for a moment: "Brother Jinwu, we... Maybe we didn't see it..."

Chen Luo glanced at Niu Dafa and said, "What are you afraid of, I can fly!"

Having said that, Chen Luo walked to the black hole, thought for a while, and then said: "Niu Dafa, you find a place to hide. Now the great saints of the unicorn tomb should all come here, you should hide away, it should be safe... "

Chen Luo turned his head and saw that Niu Dafa had already driven away on the clouds and waved to Chen Luo.

"Brother Jinwu, send you a thousand miles, and we will say goodbye to you. Niu Dafa wishes you to take the Qilin bloodline in one fell swoop and take charge of the Qilin domain. The green hills will not change, the green water will flow forever, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future... "

"Bah!" Chen Luo spat.

How did the honest and honest cattle come out with such a wonderful creature like you!

But Niu Dafa should leave, otherwise, it would be inconvenient for him to transform himself by staying by his side.

Seeing Niu Dafa's back disappearing, Chen Luo jumped directly into the black hole with a fan of fire wings behind him.


"Hey, run a little further, run a little further." Niu Dafa drove the clouds away quickly, "The first grade starts here, I can't afford it, I can't afford it..."

"That Golden Crow should be fine." Niu Dafa thought again, and then he shook his head, "It must be fine, otherwise Qilin Domain would not have sent him in."

"It's a pity, I knew I had a fragment of the portal in my hand, and it was opened, so I should have sold it."

"It will definitely sell for a sky-high price!"

Just when Niu Dafa was depressed because of his huge loss, Niu's ears suddenly flickered.

"Well, such a powerful breath..."

Niu Dafa looked forward, his eyes shrank instantly.

"Fuck, the dragon family, the lineage of the blue dragon!"


Niu Dafa quickly turned around the cloud and flew back to the original road.

"Why are you so unlucky!" Niu Dafa shouted wildly in his heart. If he met other demon clan, he would at least give him a thin face from the Qingniu clan, but the Canglong lineage...

That's a deadly vengeance!

No, we still have to go back, at least Big Brother Jinwu can deal with one, right?

"Brother Jinwu, I can't help but worry about you..."


At this time, Chen Luo also fell on the battlefield of the unicorn battle, but the problem came.

"What does this mean? The pick-up platform?" Chen Luo looked around, a big outrageous square with sparks burning around, and the only place that looked like a way out was a unicorn stone statue blocking the way .

"Well... I'm familiar with this method!" Chen Luo trotted directly, walked to the stone statue, clasped his fists, "Kirin Yu Jinwu, I have been ordered to come to collect the Qilin blood, and I also ask the seniors to accommodate!"

Having said that, Chen Luo bowed earnestly.

The stone statue is still the same stone statue, the square is still the same square, nothing has changed.

Chen Luo thought for a while: It should be proved.

Thinking of this, Chen Luo took out the drop of Yin Qilin blood essence from the storage order, he hesitated for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth, stomped his foot, and placed it on the stone statue.

"The Golden Crow of the Qilin Region, I have been ordered to come to collect the Qilin's blood and blood, and I also ask the seniors to accommodate!"

Still no response.

Chen Luo frowned.

You wouldn't have to learn to kowtow a thousand heads in Langhuan Yudong by yourself.

No, the demon clan doesn't want to understand that!

Chen Luo could see the corridor behind the stone statue, thinking that someone had already taken the lead, and suddenly felt a little anxious.

"Senior, offended!"

Chen Luo bowed his hands again, then raised his fist, raging flames ignited on his fist, Chen Luo slammed his fist into the unicorn stone statue.

But just when Chen Luo's fire circle was all on the unicorn stone statue, the pupils of the unicorn stone statue suddenly flashed with blood, and then a powerful force was released from the unicorn stone statue, which directly blocked Chen Luo's attack, and a The majestic attack hit Chen Luo, knocking Chen Luo into the air, flying out of the wish, and fell heavily in the center of the square.

"I'll go..." Chen Luo spat out a mouthful of blood, and the stone statue would fight back!

Just when Chen Luo was about to get up and continue fighting with the stone statue, a voice suddenly came from above his head: "Big Brother Jinwu, Big Brother Jinwu... it's not good."

Chen Luo raised his head and saw the familiar jewels falling from the sky and landed beside him.

"Niu Dafa?" Chen Luo looked puzzled, "Didn't you leave?"

Niu Dafa looked nervous: "It's not good, Brother Jinwu, I saw two dragon princes of the Canglong lineage on the way, and they took the risk to report to you!"

Chen Luo was taken aback: "Longhou?"

Speaking of Longhou, Chen Luo's first reaction was that the white-clothed Longhou who took away Sixth Senior Sister in Mount Sumeru. According to the elder brother, the third rank and above of the dragon family are called Longhou, the half-sage is the Dragon King, and the next is the Dragon King of the sage level.

However, in the era of no saints in the world, the dragon family does not have a real dragon emperor, but three peak dragon kings known as immortality who inherited the title of the dragon emperor, also known as the title dragon emperor.

But even so, it should not be underestimated. The dragon race itself is extremely powerful. Even if the three titled Dragon Emperors are not as good as the real saints, their strength should not be inferior to that of the Qilin King. Moreover, the dragon clan has occupied Yuanhai for countless years, who knows what the background is.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let the Daoist gatekeeper Dongtianfudi levitate above Yuanhai to monitor the dragon clan.

But these are not important at the moment, the important thing is, how did the dragons get in the monster unicorn tomb?

Where did they get the portal fragments?

Chen Luo thought about it, and seemed to have some eyebrows.

When the Elephant Clan was destroyed, it seemed that there was a barbarian **** intervening, and the barbarian **** wanted to cross the sea south without being noticed by the temple and the Taoist palace. Without the help of the dragon clan, it was absolutely impossible.

So... this portal fragment is probably the reward for the intervention of the dragon race!

There was probably a context in his mind, and a trace of cruelty flashed across Chen Luo's face.


After learning about the life of the sixth senior sister, Chen Luo once asked the Great Sage Shaluo to make up for the dragon clan.

In today's Yuanhai, the dragon clan is divided into three veins, which are Huanglong, Canglong, and Yunlong.

According to Yuanhai, when Zulong left, he left behind the three Taoist traditions of Zulong, namely Zulong's body, Zulong's method, and Zulong's wisdom. Among them, the yellow dragon occupies the body, the blue dragon obtains the law, and the cloud dragon obtains the wisdom.

Among these three veins, although there are ups and downs, in general, Canglong is the strongest, followed by Huanglong, and Yunlong the weakest.

The reason why Yunlong is weak is because the wisdom of Zulong refers to the method of the soul of Zulong. The upper limit of inheritance is extremely high, and the lower limit is also extremely low. Therefore, if it is said that he is fighting alone, Yunlong always has the strongest, but the overall strength is not the same. Not as good as the other two.

As for the attitude towards the human race, the Yunlong lineage is the most friendly with the human race, while the Huanglong is ambiguous, and only the Canglong lineage is determined to stand on the opposite side of the human race.

The reason is that it is said that Emperor Lin's phoenix eggs disappeared, and it was the Canglong lineage that kept them at that time, so the Canglong lineage also contributed the most in finding the phoenix eggs. Therefore, after the conflict with the human race, the true dragons of the Canglong lineage died a lot. , and thus forged hatred.

But Sima Lie told Chen Luo something else.

At that time, Confucius had not yet become a saint, and was called the dragon among people by Taoist ancestors, better than the real dragon, which attracted the dissatisfaction of a arrogant dragon in the dragon family. Canglong Tianjiao tried to assassinate Kong Sheng, but Kong Sheng counterattacked with arrogance and righteousness, and cut off a section of the dragon's tail. The Canglong Tianjiao fled in a hurry, leaving only an allusion of "the dragon sees its head but not its tail".

At that time, Confucius, how could he bear this kind of anger, he said at that time, "A gentleman who is not serious is not prestige!"

The interpretation of this sentence in later generations is that a gentleman cannot be convincing without self-respect.

But what Confucius said at that time meant: A gentleman who is not serious is not powerful enough!

So, Kong Sheng took seventy-two sages and three thousand disciples into Yuanhai.

The Master said: If the name is not right, then the words are not right.

If you are not famous enough, no one will listen to you.

The Master said, "Forgetting to eat while working hard, forgetting worries with joy, I don't know that old age will come to Yun'er."

In order to get revenge, you can forget about eating and worrying, otherwise you won't get your revenge, and you won't know what to say when you get old.

The Master said: A gentleman wants to be slack in his words, but quick in his deeds.

Gentleman, you don't talk too much, but you do it very quickly!

So under the leadership of Kong Sheng, the Canglong lineage of the dragon clan suffered a lot, and it was not until the dragon emperor and the ancestor of the dragon clan came to mediate at the same time, and the matter was settled.

Of course, in fact, Kong Sheng did this at that time, but it was just before the establishment of the dynasty, Kong Sheng used this as a lead to beat the dragon clan, but inevitably he formed a deadly feud with the Canglong lineage.

"Big Brother Jinwu..." Niu Dafa's call brought Chen Luo back to his senses from his complicated thoughts, and Niu Dafa looked at Chen Luo with some worry, "It's two first-rank dragon princes, is there a problem?"

"Two statues and one rank..." Chen Luo was about to speak when suddenly a low voice sounded from all directions, "Kirin fight, go!"

Niu Dafa was startled when he heard the sound, and then he looked around with a look of surprise: "This is... the battlefield of the unicorn battle?"

"Huh? What is it?" When Chen Luo heard that Niu Dafa actually told the origin of this place, his face immediately showed joy, "Dafa, do you know this place?"

"This is the unicorn battle battlefield..." Niu Dafa quickly explained the origin of this battle field, and then frowned, "If you want to pass this battle field, you must prove your strength. Brother Jinwu, you..."

Before Niu Da could speak, the eyes of the stone-like unicorn suddenly flashed with blood, and then a force quickly enveloped the battlefield, and then a force rushed towards Chen Luo.

Chen Luo frowned slightly and was about to block that power, but the power was just like a gust of wind and just hung over him without causing any harm.

"What are you doing?" Chen Luo was a little irritable and looked at Niu Dafa, "Dafa, you haven't finished talking about your forehead, how can you prove your strength!"

At this moment, Niu Dafa seemed to have seen something incredible, his eyes were fixed on Chen Luo, his mouth opened wide, and he murmured, "Jin... Brother Jinwu?"

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Luo asked angrily, why is this cow so rambling.

"" Niu Dafa pointed at Chen Luo, "Are you a human race?"

Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, only then did he react.

Damn, the blood body turned into a supernatural power was released.

The power just now wiped out his transformation.

Thinking of this, Chen Luo's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent, and he looked up at Niu Dafa.

Niu Dafa was met by Chen Luo's eyes, and his heart suddenly trembled. He looked at Chen Luo's face, and said tremblingly, " are...a great teacher of the Taoist sect, Wuhou of the human race, Chen Luo!"

Chen Luo frowned and took a deep breath: "Niu Dafa, I'm sorry, this secret cannot be known to outsiders, so..."

"My dear!" Niu Dafa suddenly lowered his head and knelt down towards Chen Luo. Even on the square, two sparks were rubbed off by Niu Dafa's knee. Niu Dafa hugged Chen Luo's thigh tightly, "Great teacher, I It's my own!"

"My Qingniu clan is the force of Daoism planted in the Southern Wilderness!"

"Huh?" Chen Luo was taken aback, although he had always guessed that the Qingniu family and Daomen were unclear, but he didn't expect it to be so close.

The Qingniu clan, they are the top ten big clans in the Southern Wilderness!

Niu Dafa's ox eyes were filled with tears: "I won't hide it from you until now. Daomen suppressed Yuanhai with the blessings of the earth and the sky, and my Qingniu clan also contributed greatly."

"So the Canglong lineage is also a deadly enemy to my Qingniu clan!"

"If you don't believe me, look, this is my identity plate!"

With that said, Niu Dafa opened his mouth, and a token flew out of his mouth. Chen Luo borrowed the token and saw the token reads: "Daomen, Baiyu Palace."

On the flip token, "Xuan" is written on the back.

"Xuan?" Chen Luo thought for a while, thinking of the Kun Dao who often stood beside the Great Celestial Master of Qingwei and made a special trip to congratulate him when he opened the Eastern Cangwu Academy, so he asked, "Who is the Celestial Master Qingxuan? people?"

"It's the master of Xiaoniu!" Niu Dafa responded quickly, "I grew up in the White Jade Palace when I was young, and I only returned to the clan in the past few years!"

Chen Luo heard the words and nodded. This Heavenly Master token cannot be faked, and non-Daoist disciples cannot refine it. So, this Niu Dafa is still Chen Xuan's junior brother.

"Since it's your own, then get up and talk." Chen Luo ordered, and Niu Dafa immediately stood up. He looked at Chen Luo with a pair of bull's eyes, and seemed to think of something, but he didn't dare to say it.

"What do you want to say?" Chen Luo saw Niu Dafa's state and asked.

Niu Dafa swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "That... eldest brother, the Baishan Master of Fangcun Mountain, shouldn't it be you too?"

Chen Luo waved his hand: "It's not good to know too much."

"My identity, if you dare to reveal half a sentence, just wait for the joint siege of Confucianism and Taoism!"

Niu Dafa was startled, and quickly shook his head desperately: "Brother, don't worry, I understand the rules!"

"After leaving the Qilin Tomb, I will return to the clan to retreat."

"When will you announce your identity, and when will I come out again!"

Chen Luo was very satisfied with Niu Dafa's statement, so he returned to the topic: "Tell me, how can this unicorn battle field win recognition and walk past that stone statue!"

Hearing Chen Luo's question, Niu Dafa quickly replied: "The opening of the unicorn battle requires a challenger, and the challenger needs to be recommended by the hidden unicorn. If you drop a drop of the blood of the hidden unicorn on the stone statue, you will be eligible for the challenge."

"Within an hour, whoever stands on the battlefield, the challenger has the right to challenge."

"The stronger the challenged opponent is, the easier it is to be recognized after victory, so they can leave the unicorn battle battlefield and accept the gift of the unicorn master."

Chen Luo nodded when he heard the words and looked at Niu Dafa: "So, you are considered an opponent?"

"No, you are too weak!"

Niu Dafa smiled and said, "Brother, stop joking."

"The opponent... isn't it delivered to the door?"

When Niu Dafa finished speaking, he heard a dragon roar coming from his mouth, and then two figures descended from the sky and landed not far from Chen Luo and Niu Dafa. They were the two dragon princes of the Canglong lineage.

"Huh? Qingniu, human race..." At this time, the two dragon princes also saw Chen Luo and the others, and Cang Ming smiled coldly, "One is third-rank, one is fourth-rank, not even small fish and shrimp..."

"What did the forces behind you send you in? As a snack?"

Cang Xiu frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on Chen Luo: "Interesting, why do you have the aura of Yunlong?"

"Yunlong breath?" Cang Ming was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Luo carefully, and suddenly sneered, "Could it have something to do with that bastard?" After saying that, he also looked at Chen Luo, "Hey, Human Race, know someone Is it Yunlong named Yun Siyao?"

"If you answer to my satisfaction, I won't kill you today!"

When Chen Luo heard the words, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes instantly, but there was no abnormality on his face. Instead, he said lightly, "I heard about the prestige of Mr. Zhulin Liu!"

"Che, what Mr. Bamboo Forest Sixth?" Cang Ming's eyes showed sarcasm, but a trace of jealousy was hidden in his eyes, and he said disdainfully, "Sooner or later, it will be the cauldron of our Canglong lineage!"

"The lowly human-dragon is just lucky to get the ancestors' inheritance. Otherwise, she is not even qualified to be a maid for me!"

"Boom!" Chen Luo's whole body suddenly burst out. At this time, he was so blessed that he raised his hand, pointed at Cang Ming and Cang Xiu, and said coldly, "Challenge, one rank Canglong and two!"

"Yes!" A deep voice sounded, and in an instant, a blood-colored light curtain appeared on the square, shrouding the battle square, and the surrounding star fireballs instantly doubled, and the flames became brighter.

At the same time, Niu Dafa was wrapped by a teleportation force and swept into the void outside the square. Only Chen Luo and Cang Ming and Cang Xiu were left in the square.

"Qilin fights the battlefield?" Cang Xiu glanced left and right, and immediately understood where they were, but his expression did not change at all, and he still said coldly, "I don't know what your relationship is with that Yun Siyao!"

"But once the unicorn battle battlefield is opened, it will never die!"

"You are courting death yourself!"

Chen Luo had a gloomy face, and a seven-colored martial arts real body came out of Chen Luo's body, exuding a momentum that was not inferior to Chen Luo's body.

Chen Luo and the real body of Martial Dao hooked their fingers at Cang Ming and Cang Xiu at the same time.

"bring it on."

"You are cheap, you have to pay a price!"


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