Big Panda Boss

Chapter 817: What is civilization

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"Don't look at it, you bunch of buns, hurry up and work!" Director Pighead yelled, and drove all the handymen to the cabin to carry the performance props.

Chen Fan and Marduk are no exception, just pretending to be.

The two of them still have to use this layer of disguise to hide in the imperial capital, so they don't plan to leave for the time being.

Pretending to carry all the props for tonight's performance into the car, Chen Fan was about to find a place to steal it, and suddenly saw a large group of people walking down from the VIP area on the upper deck of the spacecraft.

"It's the protagonists who got off the boat, get out of the way, don't stand in the way of others, and be careful of losing your job." A group of handymen quickly retreated aside.

Chen Fan hid behind the crowd and looked up, and found that the protagonists of these singing and dancing troupes were male and female, all dressed up.

However, among these protagonists, there is a ‘superior’ who covers himself from head to toe, who stands out from the crowd.

After the protagonists got off the ship, the handymen began to talk.

"Are these characters going to perform tonight?"

"It should be. I heard that I'm going to perform in a nobleman's manor tonight. It would be nice if I could follow the show."

"Who has the tallest head just now? Look at the height of at least two meters, right? How can I cover myself from head to toe? Is it too long to see?"

"Shhh! Don't talk nonsense. That expert is Mrs. Prawara Laguna, who is from the Ramemor ethnic group. It is normal to grow taller. There are more and bigger races in the universe."

"Oh, it turns out that it is Mrs. Prawara Laguna who can subdue angels with her singing! It would be nice if she had a chance to hear her singing."

"What is Duchu doing here? Why don't you get out and work!" Director Pighead appeared like a ghost, and the crowd of handymen hurriedly scattered around with a loud shout.

Director Dutou pointed to Chen Fan and Marduk and ordered: "You two come with me."

The handymen all showed expressions of schadenfreude, because in the past, anyone who was named by this pig head would not end well.

Chen Fan and Marduk obediently followed Director Dutou to a locker room.

"Master, I have planned an errand for you to go out according to your instructions." Supervisor Dutou pointed to two sets of clean waiter's clothes and said: "When the time comes, master, you will pretend to be a servant for the horns. ."

Chen Fan said with satisfaction: "You arranged it well."

"Thank you for the compliment, master, this is what I should do." Director Dutou exited the room with interest.

Chen Fan glanced at Marduk, and the other party quickly took his waiter uniform and exchanged it outside.

Soon the two of them changed into clean waiter's clothes, and followed Director Pigtou to get off the spaceship. I wonder how many handymen they had.

When the three people got in the car and looked for their own seats to sit down, Chen Fan discovered that there were only three of them in the car and there was no driver, because the car was driven by magic and had an automatic wayfinding function...

Chen Fan asked, "Aren't those protagonists ride with us?"

Director Zhutou replied: "Back to the master, the corners have their own special cars, and they won't ride in the same car with the inferior people like us."

Chen Fan nodded to express understanding.

The magic flying car flew the three people through the lively blocks until they came to the outside of the beautiful manor.

After careful inspection by the guards, the three talents were released. They drove slowly into the gate of the manor in a magic speed car, followed a tree-lined path with birds and flowers, around an old castle covered with green vines, and came to a flower garden near the lake. Stopped at the edge.

Chen Fan got out of the car and saw a dozen workers setting up a stage by the lake, and several large tents had been erected nearby.

An old man with the appearance of a housekeeper walked over and said directly: "Are the props of the singing and dancing troupe here? All move to that blue tent."

"Yes, yes." Director Dutou quickly responded.

The butler glanced at the three of them, and then exhorted: "After moving things, stay where you are and don’t walk around, especially this ugly Demon slave. You should show me more attention, in case you scare your distinguished guests. The common people can afford it."

Director Pighead nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Yes, yes, don't worry, butler, we have bought this slave for more than ten years. Honestly, it will never cause you trouble."

The housekeeper hummed and then turned and continued to supervise the construction of the stage.

And Chen Fan and Marduk also began to pretend to unload the props from the car to the tent.

Taking advantage of the gap in moving things, Chen Fan secretly spread out his mental force field and spread it a little bit, and soon found more than a dozen magic sirens in the surrounding area, and there were more and more strict on the ancient castle.

Chen Fan did not want to startle the snake and withdrew his mental strength field.

A truck of cargo was half unloaded, and suddenly a group of people strolled by the lake.

The old butler immediately greeted him personally, with a very flattering attitude.

Chen Fan glanced and found that it was a group of magicians.

The old housekeeper seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and ran back hurriedly and ordered the workers: "Stop all, go to the tent and rest for a while, not to make a lot of noise."

When the workers heard that they could rest, they would naturally not object, so they put down their work and squeezed into another tent to drink water ~ ~ chatter chatter.

Then the old butler came to Chen Fan and the three of them again, and ordered: "You also stay in the tent for a while, and didn't tell you not to come out."

Supervisor Dutou hurriedly took Chen Fan and Marduk into the tent.

Marduk opened a gap, looked outside and curiously said, "What are those guys?"

"It's just a group of rich second generations." Just now, Chen Fan saw clearly that none of the magicians were over 30 years old, but the magic robe on his body was very particular about design, workmanship, and materials, obviously not ordinary magicians. Affordable goods.

Marduk sneered: "Humans are really ignorant creatures. Just because they are related to each other, they waste so much money on a bunch of waste."

For the extremely selfish devil, as long as it is profitable, even his own baby can be sold, so it is incomprehensible for them to cultivate the next generation in a nearly selfless way.

Chen Fan took out the wine gourd and drank it and said: "Human beings are a huge social race built on basic blood relationship. No matter what political system is on this social structure, its internal structure is very similar. After all, from Primitive clans, tribes, city-states, and even countries are all societies that are connected by complex blood relationships. If they are not connected by the most primitive blood relationships, I am afraid that humans are still bare-ass on the tree."

Marduk shook his head and said, "Goddess, what you said is correct, but in my opinion, interest groups formed by blood ties are the most vulnerable. This system may be an efficient division of labor in primitive society. , But still the same in interstellar civilization will only make these humans one day be dragged down by their decadent system."

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