Big Panda Boss

Chapter 818: tree

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Chen Fan is not a frog at the bottom of the well. On the contrary, in his memory, he has witnessed the destruction of many cosmic civilizations in strange postures.

Many of them, due to institutional problems, have caused irreconcilable contradictions within civilizations, and then they will die in endless internal friction.

On the contrary, there are many races with a high concentration of ‘thoughts’ in the universe. Once they evolve into interstellar civilization, they are like dragons returning to the sea, expanding extremely rapidly in the sea of ​​stars.

The representatives of this are the zergs he raised on Soul Jupiter...

But these worm social systems cannot be explained by human philosophy, because people also built a huge and complex race by blood relationship, but unlike the complex human society, hundreds of millions of worms only use one'brain' to think. problem.

The advantage of this is naturally that the entire Zerg is a completely selfless society. As long as the Zerg can grow and develop, any insect will dedicate its life without hesitation.

But the drawbacks are also obvious, that is, the lack of ‘mutant’ genes that can trigger social changes under the high concentration of thought.

The most typical example is during the Middle Ages of Earth Europe, when the people at the bottom were firmly imprisoned by the upper class with ignorant beliefs. The whole society was like a pool of stagnant water for hundreds of years, and there was even a civilization regression.

It was not until a terrible natural disaster destroyed all of this that humans at that time crawled out of the quagmire of ignorance, illuminated the world with sparks collided by hundreds of millions of activated brains, and then rapidly evolved toward a higher dimension of civilization. The starry sky has been touched in less than a few hundred years.

This is the difference between a brain and hundreds of millions of brains.

Chen Fan wiped the corners of his mouth and said lightly: "There is no perfect system in the world. Only a system that adapts to the present and can modify itself in time is the best system."

Marduk is not a philosopher and can only express some superficial opinions based on his own experience. Therefore, he cannot refute Chen Fan with any subtle arguments. He can only say angrily: "Goddess, do you think human civilization is superior to our demons? ?"

"Superior?" Chen Fan said with a smile: "There is only difference between civilizations. Where is the difference between good and bad? The difference is just a momentary strength. If any civilization is obsessed with its own strength and forgets about it, it will sooner or later be followed by others. Catch up."

Marduk had no words to argue, and could only laugh to cover up his embarrassment.

At this time, the wealthy second-generation group outside had already gone, and the workers were called out by the old housekeeper to continue their work.

Chen Fan put away the wine gourd and was about to continue unloading with Marduk. The old butler suddenly came over and said, "Your goods will be unloaded later. Go and help me move something."

Director Dutou asked, "I don't know what the housekeeper is going to move? The corners of our song and dance troupe will be here soon. If it is delayed for them to dress up..."

The old butler said impatiently: "It's just a few cages, it won't take up much of your time, hurry up, maybe you will get a reward if you do it well."

Supervisor Dutou received Chen Fan's secret advice, so he responded with embarrassment and asked Chen Fan and Marduk to help.

On the way, the old butler walked quickly in front, and said as he walked: "Wait for you two to listen to my order with the cage, and say you let it go. Don't let it go. Remember?"

"Remember." Chen Fan answered.

The old butler looked back at him and nodded slightly, "Behave well, if you can be photographed by that young master with your beautiful appearance, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life."

Chen Fan staggered and almost kicked the old bastard.

Soon the three of them came to an animal feeding room and took out several bird cages.

Chen Fan and Marduk each carried two bird cages, and each cage contained seven or eight small gray birds.

Seeing that the two of them were unclear on their faces, the old housekeeper explained: "These are young gray falcons, which are extremely difficult to catch. Therefore, the young masters like to use these gray falcons as the target to compete with their own magic skills."

Chen Fan understands, isn't it just a group of rich second-generation idlers, catching birds and playing with each other.

Soon the three of them entered a small forest along a path, and the rich second generation had been waiting for a long time.

The old butler left the two of them in place, and after hearing the instructions in the past, they turned back and exhorted: "Wait for my password."

Chen Fan nodded to express understanding.

At this time, a whistle sounded.

The old housekeeper hurriedly ordered Chen Fan to open one of the cages. Chen Fan immediately opened the gate of the cage, and the young gray falcon squeezed in it instantly bounced out like an arrow from the string. But because they were blocked by the woods, these little birds could only move back and forth to the free sky.

At this time, the wealthy second generations showed off their luxurious staffs, casting colorful magical brilliance, and making the whole grove a lot of fun.

Marduk looked much lazy with contempt, and Chen Fan also had an expression that couldn't bear to look straight.

The end result was that all seven or eight little birds escaped from birth, and the rich second generation didn't even catch the bird's feathers.

The old butler was immediately called in and received a round of reprimand, and walked back sullenly.

Chen Fan's ears heard those rich second generation blame their incompetence on the old housekeeper's early release of the bird so that it affected their performance.

Marduk heard it too, and couldn't help but spit out: "It's just such a bunch of trash, it's not enough for our demons to kill a single soldier on the battlefield."

Chen Fan smiled lightly: "Every big tree will always have one or two dead leaves, as long as the roots don't rot."

Marduk muttered: "Even if the noble class of an empire is not the foundation of a big tree, it is also the trunk..."

Chen Fan glanced at him: "Are you itching again?"

Marduk hurriedly smiled, not daring to talk back.

The old butler did not dare to lose his temper with the master, so the anger received from the master was sent to both Chen Fan.

"Be serious!" The old butler said coldly: "Wait later you two will listen to my order to release the birds together. If the young masters can't catch a single bird, I will ask you!"

Marduk gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Fan. Seeing her indifferent expression, he didn't dare to speak more passionately.

The sharp whistle sounded again soon, and the old housekeeper hurriedly urged the two to open the gate and release the birds.

Chen Fan lifted the bird cage and opened the gate with a flick, and Marduk on the side hurriedly followed suit.

Immediately, a colorful spell light appeared in the woods again.

However, in the end, only a dozen birds were knocked down...

Not enough for those rich second generations.

The old butler's face can be as varied as it is wonderful.

The rich second-generation group seemed to be unable to hold on to face, and came over aggressively.

Before they were in front of the three of them, the leading blond boy yelled and cursed: "Old Bot, are you really deaf? I have been blowing my whistle for a long time before you let the bird go. I think you meant to This young master is pretty, right?"

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