Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 79 Sun Chengtian picks up the line (10th update 410)

After several hours of intense meetings, major car companies issued orders one after another internally and began to implement drastic changes.

Naturally, this series of astonishing moves cannot be concealed from the all-pervasive media.

They are good at arousing emotions and provoking topics, so they rushed to start reporting and gave them eye-catching headlines.

The three major car companies have stopped producing all fuel vehicles! Existing models are being sold at significant price cuts!

The deterrent power of Thor batteries! The three major car companies surrendered!

The three major car companies cut off their tails to survive!

The end of fuel vehicles! The three major car companies have completely abandoned the fuel vehicle route!

A new era in the automotive industry! Thor batteries are about to dominate the world!

Astonishing reports on the Internet, print media, and television made people in Sakura Country finally understand that the three major car companies had really given up on fuel vehicles and turned to fully attack the new energy market.

This also means that the original advantages of the three major car companies have been completely abandoned, and they will stand on the same starting line as other car companies in the future.

Especially when multiple media reported that the three major car companies were actively contacting Apocalypse Energy to win orders for Thor batteries, the people of Sakura Country who had been deceived by public opinion suddenly understood——

Thor Battery really has technical advantages and prospects that no one can resist, and traditional car companies have really come to the end of the road!

Amid all the bad news, the stock prices of the three major traditional car companies in Sakura Country all plummeted!

The three major car companies have no control over this. They have been mentally prepared for this from the moment they decided to abandon fuel vehicles.

However, in order to stabilize people's hearts as much as possible, senior executives of major car companies still made public speeches:

We are not falling behind, but we are just back on the same starting line as other car manufacturers!

As long as we win the order for Thor batteries, we will still have a clear advantage in the competition in the new era by relying on the advantages of the entire automotive industry chain, our huge distribution network, and our brand advantages that have been deeply rooted in people's hearts for many years.

We haven't lost yet!

We still have a big advantage!

So, everyone please keep faith in us. We will start again and move forward with all our strength. We can still stand on top of the world!

Although these words could not stop the downward trend of stock prices, they somewhat stabilized many people, at least allowing the major car companies to stabilize internally.

In addition to the major car companies in Sakura Country, there are also countries such as Kimchi Country, Beer Country, Romantic Country, Eagle Sauce Country, etc. The major traditional automobile powers are also in shock.

The world's top car companies such as Volkswagen, Zhanma, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, etc. have basically made the same decision as the three major car companies in Sakura Country -

Give up gas vehicles.

Comprehensively enter new energy!

The premise of all this strategy is to grab orders from Tianqi Energy.

As veterans of the automotive industry, everyone knows very well that in this period of great change, only by grabbing orders from Thor Batteries can we get a share of the pie in the new era.


On the day of the press conference, Tianqi Energy’s business department received inquiries from all over the world.

Many senior car company executives flew to Tianjing overnight and stood guard at the gate of Tianqi Energy Factory early the next morning.

Among them are not only representatives from the three major traditional car companies in Sakura Country, but also executives from traditional Western car companies such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and Horse, as well as major domestic and foreign new energy car companies.

It can be said that executives from almost all mainstream car companies are gathered here at this moment.

And their purpose.

Naturally, they want to win the first batch of orders for Thor batteries from Tianqi Energy.

As soon as Ding Kuiyong went to work, he was surrounded by such a large group of people.

Everyone rushed to say hello to Ding Kuiyong and introduce themselves, as if they were afraid of being overtaken by others.

Please be quiet first!

Ding Kuiyong shouted in fluent Eagle language.

Everyone gradually became quiet and gathered around Ding Kuiyong, waiting for him to speak.

Everyone, I know why you are here. The acquisition process of Thor Battery has not been completed yet, and the production capacity has not been expanded. We cannot promise anyone an order now.

“But what I can promise is that as long as Thor’s battery production capacity is sufficient, I will never refuse an order from any company.”

Ding Kuiyong looked around and said loudly:

One more thing. In order to promote the good and harmonious development of the global new energy vehicle industry and promote in-depth cooperation between the upstream and downstream industrial chains, our boss has decided to hold an international summit forum on new energy vehicles in a week's time.

All mainstream companies in the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the global automotive industry will be invited to participate. I hope your company can arrange for candidates to come and discuss future cooperation.

As for the specific time and location of the summit forum, we will issue formal invitations to your companies in the name of Tianqi Energy later. Please pay attention to the invitation letter at that time.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

The so-called international summit forum is generally a way for top corporate executives from around the world to participate and communicate with each other on a certain issue.

The initiators of summit forums are usually governments or industry organizations, or companies with great authority and voice in the industry.

But now.

Tianqi Energy, a rising star who was unknown just a week ago, is brazenly planning to hold a summit forum on the new energy automobile industry?

In terms of size, background, assets, and status, Apocalypse Energy is much worse than the company behind any one of them present.


When everyone thinks that Tianqi Energy has the most advanced and only all-solid-state battery technology, no matter how absurd it is in their hearts, they have to face Tianqi Energy's invitation.

Otherwise, if Tianqi Energy reaches a cooperation agreement with manufacturers participating in the summit forum and excludes those who do not participate, it will be a huge loss for those who do not participate.

Senior executives of various car companies greeted Ding Kuiyong one after another, and after making their presence felt, they turned around and left one after another, reporting the summit forum to other senior executives of the company.

At the same time, Ding Kuiyong also arranged for his subordinates to send formal invitation letters to each company.

Inside Apocalypse Technology Company.

Su Xin looked at the hot searches about Apocalypse Energy on the Internet, and there were many netizens who praised and flattered him, so he couldn't help smiling.

According to the development strategy formulated by Liu Qingli, the massive acquisition of battery factories and the announcement were made to release a signal of production expansion to the outside world and further undermine the confidence of traditional fuel vehicle companies.

In this way, the three major car companies in Sakura Country will have no resistance in the stock market, and their funds can be withdrawn as soon as possible.

at the same time.

This move will also allow global car companies to realize that Tianqi Energy not only has top technology, but also has strong ambition and strength, and can meet the needs of all car companies in a short period of time.

In the face of such a trend, major car companies will understand that only by cooperating with Tianqi Energy can they keep up with the pace of the times and maintain the same market competitiveness as other car companies.


At that time, other car companies will have new models equipped with Thor batteries, but their own will not have a dead end?

It can be said that the news of large-scale acquisitions and expansion of production is the last straw that crushes the inner resistance of major auto companies.

As for the new energy vehicle summit forum, it is to solve the last difficulty in the expansion of Raytheon battery production - the supply chain.

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