Blooming America

Chapter 675: Arrow on the string

"—The Middle East is about to go to war!"

Catherine looked at the escalating conflicts between Israel and Arab countries in the news.

The war is not far away.

This is Catherine's opinion.

Although the situation is eastern, the overall situation in the Middle East is on the contrary very calm.

But this subtle peace is the peace before the storm.

Both sides hope that the other side can relax their vigilance, and then beat him off guard.

It is precisely for this reason that both the Arab world and the sè column are very peaceful from the outside, because this is a strategy of showing the enemy by weakness.

But among them, Catherine was a little concerned about some things.

For example, it is landing the special forces regiment in Israel.

They actually used Sè Lie as a training ground for the troop training, which made Catherine feel strange.

Speaking of it, Catherine can be regarded as a supporter of the conspiracy theory. In this case, Catherine uses the most malicious thoughts to doubt. These people in the sè list may take this opportunity to rectify some domestic situations. It will be done right away, otherwise, wouldn't it be enough if the Special Tenon Soldiers School directly locates the training location in Vietnam or North Africa? Isn't it enough to find a jungle directly?

Historians' evaluation of the fourth Middle East war is: The result of this war is that Arab countries have caught up with Israel, reversing the state of successive failures in the past and restoring the strategic balance between the two sides.

And Catherine felt that the formation of this result is historically inevitable. After the three Middle East wars, the process of national awakening in the Middle East has accelerated. The failure of the first Middle East war disillusioned the colonizers in protecting the Middle East, and it was also North Africa. And the cause of the upsurge of national liberation movement in Arab countries, Egypt’s victory in the revolution and recovery of the East Canal was created in this context. The second Middle East war failed. As a result, the great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union were involved in the Middle East to replace Britain and France. However, the US-Soviet intervention in the Middle East also cannot guarantee the interests of all ethnic groups in the Middle East. The defeat in the third Middle East war made the people of the Middle East realize that they must rely on their own efforts to win.

If there is no Sharon who can save Israel in the Fourth Middle East War, it may not be possible for Israel to win after defeat as in history, but will simply fall into disrepair.

Honestly. Catherine admired the repayment.

Apart from the list, Catherine had never seen any country dared to do this against the Green Cultists.

In the 21st century, when they are scared, the Green Cultists have almost invaded and occupied the entire old Europe.

The Green Cults are like a group of lunatics. They mocked the beheaded Red Cross members. By the way, the other party was also a converted Muslim. They also rallied and fought everywhere. In a sense, in addition to the fundamental Christianity, they also No one can be more crazy and unscrupulous than these Green Cultists.

"In order to prevent the Egyptians from attacking, the Barev line of defense, which I spent a full 800 million US dollars on, is behind me. This is the first line of defense for the Egyptians to resist the Egyptians... ………"

Now, the news is introducing the line of defense and weapons of the Israelites.

In the Six-Day War of 1 ah, a large area of ​​Arab land was captured by the sè column, especially the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt was occupied by the sè column. In the previous Six-Day War, the sè column launched a war and captured the entire Sinai Peninsula and even the Suez Canal. It also captured about half of the Golan Heights from Syria, annexed the entire Palestine, and occupied a large amount of territory in Jordan. Once the Israeli government knew that the Arab countries, especially Egypt, would never give up. Because the Sinai Peninsula is the only important land area where the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe meet, its strategic location is very important.

For this reason, after the Six-Day War, the line of defense built by Israel for the long-term occupation of the Sinai Peninsula is the current Barev line of defense. This line of defense is built on the east bank of the Suez Canal, and the line of defense starts from the port of Fouad in the north. South to the Gulf of Suez, it has a total length of 175 kilometers, a depth of 30 to 35 kilometers, a total area of ​​5,000 square kilometers, and a cost of 238 million US dollars.

However, due to historical changes, the huā fee has risen to the second index, which is already several times the historical data. It seems that the sè column is very confident.

The Barev line of defense is composed of three parallel lines of defense: the first line is the Suez Canal and the east bank of the river. Oil pipes are buried under the embankment, which can be lit during the war to turn the canal into a sea of ​​fire. A 20-meter-thick sand embankment is built along the river. There are more than 30 frontal support points behind the embankment, and barbed wire and minefields are in front of the support points. The second and third lines are ten to twenty kilometers away from the canal, and there are 11 core forts. The core fort is generally a semi-underground multi-storey building with reinforced concrete as the skeleton. The top is made of railroad tracks and stones installed in the iron net. It is 4 to 5 meters thick and can withstand direct attacks from heavy artillery shells and bombs. The core fort is composed of several bunkers, one of which is the brigade command post, some are heavy artillery positions, and some are ammunition and logistics material warehouses. There are houses, command rooms, lookout posts, and shooting positions in the fort, and there is a storage space for one. For food and ammunition over the month, the bunkers are connected by trenches, and they can support each other in battle.

Speaking of which, Catherine’s deepest understanding of this line of defense is the so-called "sand formation."


Needless to say, the "Barev Line of Defense" has become the most direct obstacle to Egypt's recovery of lost ground. If the Egyptians want revenge, they must find a way to attack this line of defense and overcome the "Lev line of defense".

The key link is to conquer the "sand formation...

Historically, the Egyptian army has envisaged the method of digging and blasting, that is, the engineers who cross the river dig out several large holes with iron trees on the sand slope, fill them in and quickly evacuated, and then detonated them to open the gap.

However, experiments have shown that this idea simply does not work. Because the sand is mobile, it is difficult to dig holes. Moreover, to open a channel, it is necessary to remove nearly 1,500 cubic meters of sand, and the amount of sand removed each time does not exceed 300 cubic meters, which is far from enough. If manual or bulldozer is used, it takes about 60 people and one bulldozer to work continuously for 6 hours. This is obviously impossible on the battlefield full of war. For a while, many high-ranking Egyptian generals were at a loss for what to do with the Israeli "sand formation" and felt deeply anxious.

In order to prevent the Egyptian attack, the Israeli army also created a secret weapon: the fire barrier. The so-called fire barrier is a string of oil barrels 1 buried under each bunker and connected by pipelines. As long as you press the electric twist, the oil jet will spray the oil onto the surface of the canal, and the electric ignition device will ignite it, and the river will ignite a raging fire, and the entire canal becomes a fire barrier.

"I wonder if there is a sand formation now?"

Catherine was guessing again.

Historically, because the "sand formations" that the Israeli army relied on basically failed to function, the Egyptian army's combat operations lasted for less than 24 hours. With only 208 casualties, it completely destroyed the two Israeli brigades guarded by the "Palle "Balev Line of Defense" made Israeli Chief of Staff Barev and his "Balev Line of Defense"

Become a joke for future generations together.

What cracked the sand formation was a brilliant countermeasure proposed by a young Egyptian army engineer to "use water to destroy sand", that is, to use high-pressure water jets to spray the sand dike. Unexpectedly, this trick really worked. Experiments show that one cubic meter of river water can be sprayed at high pressure to wash away one cubic meter of sand: If a large number of high-pressure water hoses are used, it can open up the gap in the Israeli defense position in a short time. After hearing the report, the upper ranks of the Egyptian army adopted this suggestion and immediately imported 450 state-of-the-art high-pressure water pumps from the UK and Germany.

Once this is over, if this line of defense in history has not been easily cracked by Egypt, will there be any major changes in history?

Catherine was guessing.

One she didn’t know, because the investment doubled allowed the Israelis to build the defense line more calmly. They did not simply use sand formations to block the Arab offensive,.........,

Catherine vaguely felt that the war in the Middle East might be different from the past, and she could not tell why she had such a view, but indeed, Catherine always felt that this matter might be a little strange.

In the end, one of the big reasons why Catherine determined that the fourth Middle East war would be more troublesome than in history was because Catherine learned that Israel actually purchased a batch of m70a1 main battle tanks from the United States...

This kind of tank that has never appeared in history has been regarded as his trump card by the mosquitoes. To tell the truth, Catherine is not sure whether such a tank is powerful, so it also brings a lot of history to history. variable. And the Soviet Union is now in power with Andro bō, will the other side almost abandon the Arabs as it did in history?

These are also unknowable factors.

"It doesn't matter to him, it will never change that oil will increase in price anyway!"

The loan will be down soon. Catherine felt that this was an opportunity to urge Soros to enter the Middle East...

In any case, the most important significance of this war for him is oil, and only oil can bring real money to Catherine.

But Catherine is speculating, how this war should break out?

Historically, in the year before the war broke out, on October 24, 1972, Sadat revealed his intention to initiate the war in a meeting with the military’s high-level officials, even when the Soviet Union did not support it. . The war plan... was drawn up under top secret, and even high-ranking commanders in the army were only informed less than one week before the outbreak of the war.

But now, Sadat’s time is running out. Syria has been prepared and the situation in the Middle East is increasingly deteriorating. Any effort for peace has become so ridiculous.

"...Just why? This vaguely uneasy feeling in my heart"

Watching the report in the news, Catherine frowned.

Why should I worry about the Barev line of defense?

Why do you care about the situation in Egypt and Israel?

Catherine did not understand.

But in this, Catherine vaguely felt that things seemed to be much more complicated than she thought...

The old man drank too much, and he had to go drying the quilt...

After being embarrassed for a long time, it took half an hour to close the quilt.

By the way, turnips and oranges have their own loves. We can't cover everything and take care of everyone's preferences... Let's write at our own pace...

By the way, a nuclear war is impossible, so don't count on the wasteland! .

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