Blooming America

Chapter 676: Family Picnic (Part 1)

The girl danced gracefully.

Her dancing posture can be said to be very beautiful.

But what’s dissonant is that the girl’s ōng part is a little bigger than the average dancer. To be honest, this kind of situation, just looking at it, will make people unconsciously produce a kind of "Is this girl tired?"


For a long time, the daily practice for girls is over.

"Papa." Then, there was applause.

"Kate, you dance really well." Bruce praised his daughter.

"It's just a daily routine." Catherine patted her tights.

Although professional ballet can sometimes make people sad, ballet is indeed a weapon to keep in shape. Even Catherine does not think that she can be at ease just like this. Because she has become more and more greedy recently, Catherine found it necessary to strengthen her exercise. Although she does not have a trace of fat on her body, she must guard against it. Burning "Okay, I think we probably have to set off too."

The old man pressed his cap.

"I think your mother and Elsa should have everything ready."

"Well, yes, I'll change my clothes now."

As Catherine said, she left the dance studio, then washed a little, and put on a sports outfit.

Next, I'm going to have a picnic.

In Catherine's memory, going on a picnic with her family was still more than ten years ago. Later, because Catherine began to gradually come to prominence, such family gatherings were rare.

Said it was a picnic, but it also included hunting.

Don't forget, there are 1,500 acres of wetland in the Sacramento Valley not far from here, belonging to the Edson family.

Going hunting there is naturally duck hunting.

When Catherine came out, everyone had already come out.

"Okay, let's go!" Bruce smiled, then walked into the driving seat, while his mother Emma was in the passenger seat, and Catherine and Elsa were in the back row.

But just behind this car, Kane and Leroy are in another car, and the other side will be responsible for protecting them all the way. Of course, the four people in the car in front completely ignored each other.

"It seems we haven't got together like this for a long time"

Catherine first sighed in the car.

To be honest, if it were not for her father to call herself suddenly, Catherine would have dived into the oil market. She had already notified Soros that she would start paying attention to the oil market.

But at this time, his father's phone call made Catherine, who had already been lost, recovered.

I have ignored my family for a long time, right?

Speaking of which, Americans also care about their children.

Similar to a middle-class family, children, like their parents, can be said to be equal members of the family. However, as far as the bottom layer is concerned, the situation in the United States is somewhat similar to that in China. All kinds of strict management and arrangements exist, and these people buy new houses and their parents help to pay the down payment.

Only the middle class and upper class who play style can say "[Freedom] Equality".

No money, no power, who is equal to you? Who is playing with you?

"You are really busy people. It's different from me, a woman who is idle and afraid of being bored." Emma used two "boring" to describe herself, which is regarded as dissatisfaction with her family.

Can't help but not just Catherine, Bruce is also very busy at ordinary times.

"It's because of work." Bruce explained.

(On the top floor, +1)

Catherine thought of the previous Internet language with a funny thought in her heart.

"It's because of work."

Catherine repeated Bruce's words.

"It seems that I am going to find a job too. I can be idle alone"

"Mom, didn't you work as a coach at Alice Academy?" Catherine was a little suspicious.

"Yitai didn't challenge. Xìn's mother replied like this: "It's just to pass some time. I don't see these people's enthusiasm for dancing."

Don’t you see the enthusiasm for ballet?

My mother likes ballet, Katherine knew this.

In the United States, the vast majority of women will become family heads after marriage, with few exceptions.

Speaking of which, the original intention of this is often not because of "good traditional culture" but because if both parents go to work, they must hire a nanny to take care of the child and a small part of it will also be handed over to the child. The grandfather and grandmother are to raise, but this situation is less than the salary of both parents to work, sometimes it is better to quit the protection and let the mother take the child better. So over time, such a situation occurred.

This is a little different from the [Japanese] book, and [Japanese] himself is more of a cultural dictator.

And fù, the idle family owner like Guan Ma, sometimes goes back to find a job instead. But some people are used to being idle, so they can't work anymore. "Speaking of which, if it weren't for being idle today, I wouldn't have time.

"Although his father was driving, he also interjected.

"Shouldn't it be busy these days?" Catherine asked strangely.

"The last few days were very busy, especially in the Middle East, where bodyguards were in short supply. We had to recruit a lot of bodyguards from various countries—

Even "In the past, the visa alone was annoying...but finally got it done. After that, the busiest Middle East went idle. Not only that, I heard that there were mercenaries from the Middle East to North Africa. Business has been reduced by more than 60%."

"Well, the war is about to break out..."

Catherine was thinking at this time.

"Maybe, I think everyone is at risk in the Middle East. Otherwise, we won't have so much business. From Egypt to Israel, as well as Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, except for visa troubles. In Iran, we now have our people in most areas."

"It's probably the calm before the storm."

Catherine sighed with emotion.


"Well, I think if you really care about this family event, you should stop discussing work matters, okay? ...

Emma interjected dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, I'll drive." The old man was softened.


Catherine also scratched righteousness here.

Unknowingly, this topic has become related to work. In other words, this is not ours.


"I was watching a festival called "Discovery Channel," and the "Food Everyday" in it

...No, what's the name? "Emma seems to want to talk about something, but seems to have forgotten about the key points.

"..., "Survival in the Wilderness"?" Catherine thought of something.

"Oh, yes, this is the show. The other party lives by himself in such a jungle...oh, he's really amazing." Emma sighed, "I think this show is awesome, why are we just hunting ducks? Speaking of which, other things can be eaten, right?"

"One because our taste buds can't make everything taste like chicken"

Bruce's complaint stopped Emma's unrealistic fantasies.

"Elsa, did the mw handheld bring it?"

The mw handheld has recently been redesigned in accordance with Catherine's requirements and has passed the demonstration. It is expected to be mass-produced at the end of May and will be launched after the e3 exhibition at the end of June this year.

Ersa took out the latest handheld from her bag.


With the sound of the music, the game starts up.

Although there are not many games now, it is enough to kill Catherine.

In this way, the car drove for more than an hour and finally reached its destination.

"But with the four of us, wouldn't it be too boring?"

Because when I got it a few days ago, Catherine played for a few hours, so it took only an hour today and Catherine found out that her machine was out of power. What is more terrifying than no computer?

It's not that the computer is disconnected, because there is still a single machine.

It's not that the computer is broken, because it can be reinstalled.

The most terrible thing... is the power outage...

Catherine is now encountering such a terrible situation.

So Catherine started the topic again at this time.

"Can we call Kane and the others?" Elsa said first.

At this time, Emma in front seemed to be dozing off and stopped for a long time, only then did she react.

"Next time Lou, please call Sister Susan over." Mom said.

"Can I invite my friends? If it's hunting, they will definitely find it interesting." Catherine also asked.

"Well, you can." The old man nodded in agreement. "Well, we're at our destination."

Not far away is a small house, which was cleaned by a servant yesterday, and here is the destination.

"It's time to hunt."

Catherine has a shotgun and two Brownings with her. But speaking of it, after Catherine found that she could hold a gun, she seemed to have not touched it for a long time, except for a while when the novelty had passed Strong.

"Dad, are you good at hunting?"

"Well before, I also hunted wild boars, a long time ago.

After getting out of the car, Dad seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Fortunately we brought a picnic basket..."

Catherine found that in this case, it is really wise to bring a picnic basket.

"You can't say that." My father was interested: "Isn't there still Kane?"

When he said this, Kane's car just arrived, so the other party didn't hear it.

"But in that case, wouldn't it be meaningless?" Emma complained and looked at her husband.

"Hey, how can you guys think like that? Speaking of which, I also hunted wild ducks... well, although I hit a sleeping wild boar."

It turns out that the so-called pig hunting is like this...

Hey, but how can there be such a stupid wild boar!

I found myself neglecting the narrative too much...

Well, correct it. ! .

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