China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 494 Eighth Spring Festival Gala,

[The title is wrong, it’s not the Eighth Spring Festival Gala, it should be the ninth Spring Festival Gala]

February 17, 2007, another New Year’s Eve

Empress Xigong is pregnant, and her great-grandmother takes care of her daughter. Sun Lan and his wife also choose to celebrate the New Year in Changping Villa this year.

But the Empress of the East Palace is not lonely either. When she returns to her hometown in Yunnan Province, she will naturally have Father Hu, Mother Hu and a large group of relatives to celebrate the New Year.

Sun Lan and Cao Shuangguo have had extraordinary experiences over the years. They have celebrated the New Year with their own family, the East and West Palaces have celebrated the New Year with their family alone, and their two daughters-in-law have also gathered together.

The psychological quality of the old couple has been greatly tempered through this repeated training.

However, there is something new this year, that is, it is the first time to celebrate the New Year with the in-laws. If the children in Nishinomiya's belly are also included, this year will be even more special, with three generations living under one roof.

Both the old couple and the great-grandmother were very happy. Starting from the late twelfth lunar month, they began to celebrate the New Year together.

China has a vast land and rich resources, and its New Year customs are also different.

For example, during the Chinese New Year in Shandong Province, dumplings are basically eaten on New Year’s Eve. In Jing City, Hubei Province, where Zeng Li is located, chicken soup, fish cakes and other foods appear more frequently on the New Year’s Eve dinner table than dumplings.

However, Zeng Damei's family is from a banner family. She immigrated to Hubei Province with the Eight Banners garrison in her early years, and brought some northern customs with her.

Anyway, the Zeng family eats dumplings most of the time during the Chinese New Year. Zeng Li is also good at making wontons and is quite popular among family and friends.

However, this year’s New Year’s Eve dinner still has a lot of Hubei flavor, such as the Jingshi fish cakes and lotus root pork ribs soup made by Zeng’s mother.

Especially the latter, Cao Xuan personally loves to eat it. Although his mother-in-law doesn't have a good attitude towards him, as long as Cao Xuan is around, this dish is always on the table.

Just for this reason, no matter how much Zeng’s mother tries to shame her, Cao Xuan’s “Mom” calls are always sweet...

As evening approached, Sun Lan and Zeng's mother worked together to cook. Two nannies who lived out of town helped, and Cao Shuangguo hung a lantern at the door.

Zeng Li originally wanted to help but was forcibly suppressed. He watched TV series in the living room depressedly.

She is now six months old, and her due date is at the end of May or early June. Her belly is obviously pregnant, and her status in the family is getting higher and higher. Sun Lan and the two of them are cooking, and they don't forget to come out to take a look at her from time to time.

The TV series that Empress Nishinomiya watched was the first part of "The Legend of the Gods" jointly produced by CCTV and Fanxing.

This drama was also CCTV's first drama of the year in 2007. As for the second part of "Feng Shen Bang", it will be broadcast in the summer season. These two periods are the ones with the highest advertising fees, so you can eat two things for one sheep.

The total investment in the first and second parts of "Fengshen Bang" exceeds 150 million, starring Li Xuejian, Sun Honglei, Tang Guoqiang, Fan Xiaopang, Duan Long and other stars.

Not to mention the guest artists, although they are not on the same level as "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", there are dozens of stars scattered here and there, which is definitely a ceiling in the field of TV dramas.

The drama "Fanxing" did not collect money from CCTV at all, and the other party would not spend hundreds of millions to buy it. The two parties cooperated and shared the advertising fees.

Big IP + big production + high exposure, CCTV prime time is still a super platform. If you don’t earn sky-high advertising fees, the relevant people in charge of CCTV and Fanxing should pack up their baggage.

In fact, they were very impressive. The two companies did not disclose how much they sold for, but Zeng Li still knew the inside story.

It can only be said that from the advertising and various income in the upper part of "Feng Shen Bang", the two companies have a high probability of making back their money in one go, while the lower part during the summer vacation is pure profit.

Moreover, the ratings performance of the upper part of "Fengshen Bang" was extremely impressive. The first broadcast easily won the championship in the same period, even surpassing the 2006 CCTV ratings champion "Country Love 1".

This data not only made the "Fengshen Bang" TV series extremely popular and benefited the leading actors a lot, but also gave CCTV and Fanxing the initiative in negotiations during the summer vacation.

Zeng Li actually didn't care about this. She knew that her family didn't lose money, so she didn't care.

Sitting on 20% of the trust fund that owns nearly 70% of Cao Xuan's assets, Zeng Damei's own net worth is conservatively estimated to be more than 5 billion yuan.

She is now a human being in the true sense of the word.

After all, with Cao Xuan, a man who makes money so fast that she can be called a monster, her money and fame are like a cloud, and she has long since become a Buddhist...

Sometimes, Zeng Li would even feel empty because of too much money. Unfortunately, she told her best friend about these confused times.

Whether it was her manager Han Mei, good classmates Yuan Quan or Zhang Tong, or students Liu Tianxian and others, they would all be silent for a few minutes and then hang up the phone, unable to get through for a day or two.

The only one who could understand Zeng Li's pain was Hu Jing. This was one of the few things where the two palaces of the East and West had reached a tacit understanding.

This is a clip from "The Legend of the Gods" where Nezha is making waves. The person who plays Nezha is a child under 10 years old named Wu Sanshi.

Zeng Li knew this name because she saw him when she was a guest star in Yunxiao. The child was very cute with a tiger-like head and a tiger-like head. She even bought him several bags of snacks.


Let God give me this list of gods

Let God give me the strength to persevere

Three hundred and sixty-five days and nights

Three hundred and sixty-five reincarnations

Please take me back to the first place of love..."

As Nezha beat the third prince of the Dragon King to death, the episode also ended, and the ending song sung by Zhang Jie played.

This song is the same as the theme song of the original "Fengshen Bang: Fengming Qishan". Fanxing found the lyricist to write it and then gave it to Zhang Jie to sing.

Well-known large-scale movies and TV shows like this are a good opportunity for many singers to appear.

From "Beautiful Myth" in "Myth" to "Love Is As Light as You" in "Xiu Chun Dao 2", as well as the theme song "Painted Heart" from "Painted Skin" not long ago.

It's not that Cao Xuan can't sing these theme songs by himself, but it's not necessary. It's better to leave the opportunity to his singers.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when the TV series ended, and the New Year's Eve dinner was almost ready.

There is no need to wait for Cao Xuan, the family has gained experience over the years.

Every year, I keep a few unfinished dishes so that when I watch Cao Xuan's show on TV, or when he finishes his performance, I will cook and cook hot dishes at home. Cao Xuan will be able to have hot dishes soon after he returns home.

But even so, everyone basically just made up for it, and most of the time, they had to wait until Cao Xuan came home to eat dinner.

Especially Cao Shuangguo, whenever the Spring Festival is celebrated together, he will have a few drinks with his son. This is also a rare moment for Cao Xuan to break the rule throughout the year.

The family ate, drank, talked and laughed, and got through "News Lianbo" and "Weather Forecast". Finally at 8 o'clock, the Spring Festival Gala started.

The routine starts with singing and dancing, followed by a medley of ethnic singers. Feng Gong’s cross talk is ranked third, and the quality is extremely average. Many people have no impression of this program at all.

On the contrary, the subsequent cross talk "Free Call" by Li Jindou, Da Bing, and Zhao Weiguo had many highlights. In the context of this year's anti-three customs, it gave the mainstream cross talk community a boost.

Cao Xuan's program this year was ranked very high. It was the fifth program in the entire party, just behind the cross talk.

It is worth mentioning that compared with previous years, this year’s Spring Festival Gala introduced LED screen technology for the first time, which enhanced the expressiveness of the stage by several levels.

Cao Xuan is the first singer to use this technique extensively on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

So when he came on stage, the first thing the audience, whether they were on-site or off-screen, saw was not Cao Xuan, but the dimmed big screen behind him.

There was a thin layer of sand attached to it, and one hand quickly painted on it. Those who knew it immediately saw what it was——

Sand painting!

According to legend, it was created by an old man named Zhang Yuxian in the Qing Dynasty. It was born out of the ancient craft cloisonne and gradually matured after several generations.

A handful of yellow sand can be transformed into ever-changing shapes in the hands of a sand painting master, which is of great artistic and ornamental value.

Cao Xuan rarely hires backup dancers, and this is still the case this year. However, he hired a sand painting master to record a sand painting version of the MV and put it on the LED screen on the Spring Festival Gala stage to accompany the live song performance.

In the Spring Festival Gala TV broadcast, the stage and sand painting MV were broadcast together, with the two editing flashbacks of each other.

This is not the first time that Cao Xuan has done this in the Spring Festival Gala. The previous "Stars and Sea" and "Borrowing the Moon" both used the stage + MV formula. The rendering power of the songs is obviously stronger than the pure stage performance.

However, in the past, only the audience in front of the TV could experience this effect. This year, with LED technology, the live audience can also see the MV+song.

Seeing this scene, many old Spring Festival Gala viewers had a bad premonition.

The guy named Cao is trying to hold back his big move!

Many people vaguely recalled Cao Xuan's nickname - the Tear-Jerking King of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, even if some people realize that something is wrong, few actually tune in. Cao Tianwang is one of the pillars of the Spring Festival Gala. The new songs every year are the highlight of the Spring Festival Gala. Worry about it, you should watch it when you need to.

Cao Xuan didn't know what the audience was thinking. He was fully focused on the show. As the soothing piano intro played, the sand paintings behind him took the lead in changing.

After all, it is a recorded sand painting. Compared with the normal painting speed, the speed of the MV is accelerated to best match the song.

The first painting shows a man and a woman walking in front of a simple tile-roofed house, guarding a little baby. There are small flowers blooming on the pomegranate tree next to it.

He waved his hand and wiped it away, and in the blink of an eye the second picture took shape. The child was a few years older, carrying a schoolbag and riding on his father's shoulders, happily going to school.

The next picture shows the children growing up, waving to their parents who are looking at the door, and pushing their luggage towards the distant train station.

The old painting was erased again and turned into a close-up of the couple, looking worriedly at the leaving child. A wisp of white sand appeared in the sand painting, dyeing the couple's temples with a few strands of frosty white.

After 5 paintings, Cao Xuan's singing voice finally sounded, the voice was clear and tender.

"The old tree in front of the door sprouts new buds

The dead trees in the yard are blooming again

Half-lived a lot of words

Hidden in a head of white hair


Along with the singing, the sand paintings gradually changed again. The departed children continued to grow up, work, fall in love, get married, and even have their own families. However, during this period, the parents' heads became more and more white.

In an accident, his parents were hospitalized due to illness and the children were taking care of him. Suddenly he saw his parents' pale hair and wrinkled faces. Suddenly, he realized that the parents who were playing with him had become old people.

The child was at a loss and ran outside the house in a panic. When he saw the pomegranate tree in the yard, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this time, Cao Xuan's singing finally reached its climax.

At this moment, the world's pop king did not use any singing skills. His singing voice was peaceful and sincere, and his eloquent words touched people's softest hearts.

"Where's the time

Not enjoyed young age good enough before turning old

Give birth to a son and raise a daughter for a lifetime

All I can think about is children crying and laughing.


The sand painting on the big screen stopped, and several sets of photos appeared instead.

The first one is a black and white family photo.

Two young men and women wearing simple clothes from the 1970s sat on chairs, looking nervously and shyly at the camera, with a grinning and crying boy in their arms.

This is the only photo of Cao Xuan before he was 10 years old. When he was a child, his family was poor and he had no spare money to take pictures. The day this family photo was taken was Cao Xuan’s 100th anniversary. At that time, Cao Shuangguo went to unload goods for a few days before "changing "Here comes this photo.

The second photo was taken when Cao Xuan was 13 years old, and his family went to have a wedding with relatives. The rustic and crew-cut man took a photo with Sun Lan.

The third photo is from the 1990s. It was also at a wedding. The eldest cousin got married, and the family of three stood on the edge and took a photo.

These three photos are the only group photos of the family of three before 1998. There may be other photos, but Cao Xuan can no longer find them.

After Cao Xuan became famous. There are gradually more and more photos of a family of three, including one taken when they returned home during the Spring Festival in 1998; one where an old couple came to Beijing for the first time and the family was taken in front of the Forbidden City; another where an old couple went to visit the crew and Cao Xuan took a group photo in costume; and one where a family took a photo Photos taken while traveling abroad...

The last photo was taken shortly after my grandma passed away. Just like in 1976, the old couple were sitting on chairs with Cao Xuan standing behind them.

However, what is different from the original photo is that the eyes of the family of three are no longer reserved and shy, and their smiles are calm. However, at the same time, white hair appears on the heads of the old couple, and wrinkles that cannot be changed by microdermabrasion will never be the same. in his prime.

"Little feet in memory

Meaty little mouth

Give him your love all your life

Just for the sound of "Mom and Dad"

where did all the time go

Not enjoyed young age good enough before turning old


As a professional singer who has experienced no less than hundreds of regular performances, Cao Xuan originally thought that his psychological quality was strong enough, but when he sang this part and saw the comparison between the two photos, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The audience in the audience had already burst into tears, and countless people in the audience in front of the TV were in tears.

It is unlucky to cry during the Chinese New Year, but everyone just couldn’t help it.

Many people think of their parents, who worked hard to raise them as adults, but their hair is gray and their eyes are dim. People can't help but sigh, where has the time gone?

The best performance of a music program is to arouse emotional resonance from the audience.

After the song was sung, countless members of the audience looked at their parents and awkwardly expressed their gratitude. Those who were not around their parents couldn't help wiping their tears and taking out their mobile phones.

"Hey, Mom..."

Changping villa, in front of the TV

Sun Lan had long since burst into tears, and Zeng's mother and Zeng Li also cried. Whether they were mothers or wives, they could all feel the emotional power of this song.

After Cao Shuangguo finished watching the show, he stood up silently and quickly left the living room. The nanny who was also wiping tears next to him vaguely caught a glimpse of the old man's eye circles being red.

A man of his age from Lu Province must be strong all his life, and he will never show his "weakness" in front of his wife and junior...

But when Cao Xuan returned home, from the various signs that Cao Shuangguo kept pulling him to drink, it was inferred that the old man's heart was not calm, and even a little turbulent.

Cao Xuan wondered if he would one day tinker with "Father" and see if he could let the old man break his defense on the spot.

Not to mention Sun Lan, Cao Xuan felt that in at least a week, he could be upgraded from an "uneasy bastard" to a "mother's great son".

Even his old mother-in-law, who had always been unkind to him these days, couldn't help but serve him a few dishes during the New Year's Eve dinner, which made Cao Xuan feel flattered.

It's a pity that there are no songs for the mother-in-law to sing. Otherwise, if you just collect a piece of wool, you won't be able to let your great-mother take him as your biological son...


ps: This is not easy to write. I keep deleting and deleting. I owe 2,000 words. I will make up for it tomorrow.

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