China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 495 They said they should write a love song that would be appreciated by both refined and po

The 2007 Spring Festival Gala is destined to remain in the memory of many people.

Gu Miaomiao, Zhang Shaohan, and Joey Yung from across the Taiwan Strait and three places performed solos in the finale, setting off a new climax in the media.

They call these three most prominent young female singers in their respective regions the "Three Little Queens of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan".

Well, this is what the mainland media calls them. The Hong Kong media’s order is [Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China].

Because Gu Miaomiao is a Mandarin singer and has a certain influence in Taiwan, the Taiwanese media favored Joey Yung as the "Three Little Queens of Mainland China and Hong Kong".

In the three orders, each person occupies one head and one tail, which can be regarded as "fair and just".

But no matter what, this is a rare opportunity for the three singers.

The examples of the Four Heavenly Kings and [Nan Ren and Bei Cao] tell them that in the rising stage of their careers, bundling sales to create a team effect is always a good way.

Gu Miaomiao is very popular, but her weakness is that her background is still shallow. Joey Yung is the most popular female singer of the new generation in Hong Kong, but she has been unable to achieve success in the mainland.

Zhang Shaohan has filmed idol dramas with good ratings, and also had hit songs such as "Aurora".

Logically speaking, there is no need for her to be tied to Gu and Rong, but she also has her own disadvantage, that is, there are too many young and popular female singers in Taiwan.

Gu Miaomiao is one of the new generation of female singers in mainland China. Although singers such as Li Yuchun, Jin Sha and Yao Beina have their own advantages, they will not pose a high threat to her in a short period of time.

Not to mention Joey Yung, although Twins is popular, the two sides are not on the same path, and Zhong and Cai are obviously starting to focus on the film and television field.

The only person who can pose some threat to her is Yang Qianhua, who is now gradually starting to focus on film and television.

The most important thing is that behind the two of them, one is the domestic entertainment overlord Fanxing, and the other is the Hong Kong giant Yinghuang. They have personal advantages and strong backers.

In comparison, Zhang Shaohan's situation was much worse than the two of them.

The Fumao Records she signed with is not even ranked among the first-tier record companies in Taiwan. The leading artists are her and "good sister" Weiqi Fan.

The company is not strong enough, and there are still some big queens above her. No matter how good Zhang Shaohan’s performance is, she can’t surpass Sun Yanzi, Cai Yilin, and even Liang Jingru and Elva Hsiao, she dare not say that she will definitely win.

The so-called "Taiwan Province's Four Major and Three Little Queens" seem to be full of talents in Taiwan's music scene, but they have also taken away the cake.

In the past two years, Zhang Shaohan's popularity has been in a mess, and her rise has been rapid. However, she is still suppressed by the four great queens, Sun, Cai, Liang, and Xiao. She can only be ranked as a minor queen with the two "cute leaders" Wang Xinlin and Yang Chengling.

Zhang Shaohan and her team are definitely not willing to do this, but Fumao Records is too weak and unable to break the monopoly of those brands, so they can only overtake in a corner.

What about the four big ones and the three little ones? I don’t want to play anymore. I’ll find Gu Miaomiao and Joey Yung to do the [Three Little Queens of Taiwan Mainland and Hong Kong].

Although she is still a little queen, her pattern is different.

Today's little diva will be a diva in two years' time. Moreover, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places are juxtaposed. There is limited competition with each other. However, they have jumped out of the restrictions of Taiwan Province and become unique. They have a bright future.

The Spring Festival Gala was an opportunity. Realizing the possibility of cooperation, the three teams contacted each other and immediately started building momentum.

It’s not about who gets the short end of the stick, everyone gets what they need, long-term cooperation can be achieved, and if it doesn’t break up, it’s not a combination anyway, just fly solo...

In addition to the "individuals" of the three little queens, after Gao Xiumin died of illness, Fan Wei announced his withdrawal from the Spring Festival Gala, and the Iron Triangle became a thing of the past, Lao Zhao found his old partner Song Dandan.

Last year, there was a sequel to "This Year, Tomorrow and Yesterday", which received rave reviews. This year, the golden couple joined forces again, with Niu Hong, to create a sketch "Planning".

The egg-laying rooster, the fighting rooster of roosters, oh yeah!

Overnight it became the latest buzzword in early 2007. Another buzzword was Cao Xuan's "Where Has the Time Gone".

This song that reflects the years and the kindness of parents has made many people cry, and Cao Tianwang's reputation as the "Tear Jerker King of the Spring Festival Gala" has become more and more famous.

Speaking of which, Cao Xuan has been on the Spring Festival Gala for nine times. In addition to "Gong Xi Fa Cai" in 1999, "Yellow Race" in 2000, "The Drunken Concubine" and "Thousands of Miles Away" the year before, last year's "So Many People in the World", Almost all of them have a strong tear-inducing effect.

Inspirational and lonely "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"

"Stars and Sea" conveys the history of faith

"Borrowing the Moon" praising SARS medical staff and heroes

Love that lasts until old age "When You Get Old"

And this year’s “Where Has the Time Gone?”

Strictly speaking, many people were deeply moved by "So Many People in the World" last year.

I went to the Spring Festival Gala nine times, sang 10 songs, and made everyone cry at least five times.

That is to say, in the past two years, with the support of Lao Zhao and the others, everyone could still smile after crying. If it were the Spring Festival Gala in future generations, Guang Sheng would cry during the Chinese New Year...

Sketch Zhao Benshan, listen to songs Cao Xuan!

This slogan of the Spring Festival Gala is not a joke. The two main pillar programs are fine, and this Spring Festival Gala is half a success.

Of course, this year's Spring Festival Gala was not without loopholes. Several leading hosts performed the famous black three minutes. The atmosphere was so embarrassing and confusing that the audience in front of the TV almost dug their toes.

But this has nothing to do with Cao Xuan, he has been busy accepting praise these days.

The song "Where Has the Time Gone" has a great idea.

Among the noble virtues passed down by the Chinese nation for thousands of years, filial piety is definitely one of the most important.

Regardless of whether they are men, women, old or young, or of high or low status, almost all of them have been blessed by their parents, and they can all resonate more or less from this song.

The children felt grateful after hearing this and became more filial. The parents were happy and happy after hearing this, and felt warm in their hearts.

Among Cao Xuan's previous Spring Festival Gala works, "Stars and Sea" and "Borrowing the Moon" have received the highest reviews, but they are somewhat tainted with political overtones.

The most widely circulated "Gong Xi Fa Cai", "Thousands of Miles Away", "When You Get Old" and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" are popular, but their conception is somewhat inferior.

"Where Has the Time Gone" is a song that is highly popular and has deep intentions. Especially because it takes the line of family love and has no political overtones, it is widely welcomed and recognized.

Perhaps it is called Cao Xuan's best Spring Festival Gala work in history. Many people are not convinced, but many people agree that it is ranked in the top three.

Although even Cao Xuan doesn't know which three songs are in the top three of his Spring Festival Gala works.

Basically, as long as his Spring Festival Gala songs can arouse a lot of recognition and praise, they are all in the top three in history, but no one has listed the specific three songs.

Even Cao Xuan himself didn't dare to list them, and if he did, everyone probably wouldn't agree.

After all, he is just a bad singer, so he doesn’t know anything about historical rankings...

The most awesome thing is that this song is not only praised by many people, but also has positive social education and guidance significance.

Some media reported that a wanted person who was absconding in a certain place was so shocked after seeing this song during the Spring Festival Gala that he went to the police station and surrendered the next day.

According to an interview with this person afterwards, it was learned that after listening to the song, he felt guilty thinking about his mother living alone in his hometown, so he thought about surrendering himself to get a reduced sentence, so that he could be released from prison as soon as possible and go home to support his mother.

Cao Xuan later heard about this and asked someone to inquire about it. He learned that the other party was not a heinous person. He also wrote a special letter to persuade him to reform in prison and gave the other party's mother some living expenses.

Perhaps because of his unfair position, Cao Xuan has always felt a little guilty in his heart, except for his regular charity work.

Sometimes when I learn about similar things, I will help out under the conditions.

Thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands are a drop in the bucket for Cao Xuan. If the other party gets help and his heart gets moral satisfaction, that's enough.

After helping, Cao Xuan will not deliberately publicize. If someone reports, he will take the name. If no one reports, he does not care. He accumulates virtue and does good deeds and enjoys himself.

In his early years, Cao Xuan was doing charity with some other utilitarian motives. Now as his wealth increases, he takes money more lightly, and his charity becomes more and more sincere.

This may be the so-called pursuit of spiritual transcendence after material satisfaction. Cao Xuan does not understand philosophy and cannot explain his own psychology.

But helping the weak and doing good deeds within your ability will never be wrong...


Cao Xuan has a tight schedule this year. After the Spring Festival, he paid New Year's greetings and then had a concert within two days.

On February 22, the fifth day of the first lunar month, the first concert in Beijing was held at the Workers' Stadium.

After that, we will go to Harbin City in Northeast China, and then to the island city of Shandong Province, from north to south. Xiangjiang on March 10th will be the last one in China, and then go straight to overseas.

It's just over half a month, excluding the time for traveling and running on the field, basically one game a day, and the rhythm is not as tight as usual.

Fortunately, there were a large number of performing guests to help, the show was almost rehearsed, and there was a professional medical and logistics team. He was definitely a little tired, but Cao Xuan was not worried that he would not be able to survive.

I had no choice but to complain that his stall was too big and he held nearly a hundred concerts in one go.

Normally, this is basically a year's workload, but Cao Xuan has to film "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" again, so he can only suffer on his own and be a stupid boy.

Fortunately, he still holds concerts in several stages. The exhausting work can only last a few months at most. If he puts all these concerts together and sings them in one breath.

Cao Xuan can basically arrange inheritance distribution for his son/daughter born in June.

His daughter/son will also become the luckiest and youngest billionaire in China.

"China Entertainment: The king's father died from exhaustion at the beginning and inherited the entertainment empire in tears"

Just change the protagonist!

Cao Xuan has no plans to give up his seat to the next generation yet, but no matter what, the words have been spoken and the tickets have been sold out.

Boss Cao always keeps his word, even if he broke his leg, he still finished the concert on crutches.

On February 21st, Cao Xuan went to the venue early and went through several formal rehearsals. The time behind was tight. I was afraid that there would not be enough time for the formal rehearsals, so I could only go through the process.

February 22, the day of the concert

Before leaving home in the morning, Cao Xuan drank a few sips of herbal tea specially formulated to soothe and soothe his throat. In the next month, he was afraid that he would have to sing at high intensity, so he needed to take care of himself early to prevent future troubles.

Not only now, except for drinking some wine at the New Year's Eve dinner, Cao Xuan only eats bland and warm food these days, which is also to protect his throat.

In fact, a professional singer like him in his prime years does not have any bad habits, his skills are mature, and his related physical functions have been greatly trained. Not only does he have excellent patience, but he is also very resilient.

Even if you hold a high-intensity concert, it is difficult to "destroy" your voice. If you have done some care and maintenance in advance, it will be even more difficult.

Zeng Li was very sleepy during her pregnancy, so she couldn't sleep well at night. She often caught up on her sleep during the day, but today it was rare for her to set an alarm clock and get up to see Cao Xuan off.

Before parting, Nishinomiya was still a little aggrieved: "It's a rare concert, and I can't go to see it live."

"It's not safe if there are too many people, and the sound wave is too strong, which is not good for the fetus. It's not easy to go to the concert. I can sing for you at home every day."

Cao Xuan comforted her with a few words, muttered a few words to her son/daughter in her belly, kissed the Empress of the West Palace, and said goodbye to her reluctant family members.

Zeng's mother was staying with her daughter at home. Sun Lan and Cao Shuangguo couldn't resist the temptation of their son's live concert and planned to go and watch it.

Especially Sun Lan. The last time Cao Xuan held a concert, Cao Shuangguo went, but she didn't go for some reason. She always felt deeply regretful. This time, even if her daughter-in-law was sad, she had to go to support her son.

When they arrived at the Workers' Stadium, they handed over their parents to Zhang Chong and arranged them in the VIP area. Cao Xuan went straight to the backstage to prepare.

Fans who bought tickets also began to arrive near the Workers' Stadium, waiting to enter the venue.

A few people away from the crowd, there were a few people with strange expressions quietly asking around. They were scalpers selling high-priced tickets.

And there are scalpers, and naturally there are also fans who are trying their luck without buying tickets. Both parties find people for each other, and they can easily match up, and then it becomes a back-and-forth negotiation.

Scalpers are targeting these fans who want to attend the concert, and each one offers a horrifying price.

Fans, on the other hand, are betting that the show will start soon. If the scalpers can't sell their tickets, they have to smash them in their hands and push down as hard as they can.

The two sides battled wits and courage, and exchanged words with each other.

Overall, scalpers have an advantage. After all, there are too many Cao Xuan fans, and many of them have not bought tickets. Among them, there are some who are well-off and are willing to pay a lot of money as long as they can attend the concert.

Of course, there is no need for scalpers to be complacent. After being reported by a certain king who did not want to be named, the relevant police stations in the capital have deployed on-site control.

When the time comes, it depends on who has the bad luck. Not only will he have to spit out whatever he eats, but he will also be fined + eat official meals.

Boss Cao has nothing to do with these scalpers and cannot put an end to the phenomenon of scalpers, but he has to pay the price for cheating his fans' money.

Others don't know, but Cao Xuan has nothing to do with these scalpers. He doesn't rely on concerts to earn a living. It's rare for him to give back to his fans, and he's being ripped off. He doesn't vent his anger and can't sleep well at night.

However, Xu Ruo and his classmates, who were given tickets by Cao Xuan, did not have this problem at all. They took the cameras they just bought and kept taking pictures.

After the Spring Festival Gala performance, the two did not go home. They waited until now just to watch Cao Xuan's concert.

Last time they accidentally caught Cao Xuan and got autographs and tickets. However, because it was dark and their mobile phones did not have camera functions, their biggest regret was that they could not take a photo with Cao Xuan.

Without video data, no pretense is complete. For example, Xu Ruo's cousin firmly does not believe Xu Ruo's statement.

Therefore, the two of them scrimped, moved around, and bought a cheap second-hand camera, not only to take photos, but also to leave a souvenir of this rare experience for themselves.

It was not easy for two female college students who had not yet left school to raise money to buy this camera.

Even though they participated in the Spring Festival Gala, under normal circumstances, the Spring Festival Gala includes food and accommodation, plus travel expenses at most, but there is no remuneration, and most of the time they even have to pay extra.

Cao Xuan participated in the Spring Festival Gala nine times, and it seems that he only received a 100-yuan red envelope in one or two years, which was not even enough for him to travel to and from the rehearsals.

Naturally, Xu Ruo and the two had no money, but they couldn't repay the money. Moreover, as students of Northeast Normal University, they sacrificed their winter vacation to perform at the Spring Festival Gala, which brought glory to the school, and the school rewarded them with some money.

Coupled with the New Year's money received during the Chinese New Year, my parents are worried about the living expenses sent by mail, as well as borrowing money from various girlfriends, friends and classmates.

Finally, my wish was fulfilled!

Although each of them was carrying hundreds of foreign debts, Xu Ruo and the two were in high spirits.

You can earn money by working part-time, but the opportunity is rare. Besides, after developing the photos and selling the camera, you can get back a lot of money...

The two smart little guys took a few photos of each other with the crowd at the door, and then waited steadily for admission.

At around 5 p.m., the workers' sports hall started checking in for tickets. Xu Ruo and the two lined up to get in, and then found that their location was quite good. Although it was not a VIP area, it was not far from each other and the viewing angle was excellent.

This is normal. After all, their tickets were given by Cao Xuan. Tickets that Cao Xuan can keep in his hands must be good seats.

Xu Ruo and the two looked around excitedly in their seats. Suddenly, their classmates pointed to the VIP area not far away in surprise.

"Is that Yang Mi?"

Xu Ruo looked up and saw that although he was not wearing a mask, he was wearing a thick down jacket and a hat, which made it difficult to tell.

However, considering that it is a VIP area, Xu Ruo thinks it is still possible.

"I read in the newspaper that there are many celebrities as guests, including Liu Yifei. Why can't Yang Mi be on the show?"

"Maybe it's not famous."

"It's possible that the singing is mediocre."

A girl wearing glasses next to her put her head in to interject, and introduced herself familiarly.

"My name is Tang Lili, the owner of Hemerocallis bar. Most of the people here give away tickets. Which way do you two take it?"

"Master, sir? I'm in the bar too."

Xu Ruo was very pleasantly surprised. As a long-time fan of Cao Xuan, she naturally knew about Hemerocallis, the base camp for Cao Xuan fans. She was quite active in high school. In the past two years, she has calmed down a lot after going to college, but she still occasionally goes to check in.

As they were both bar friends, their relationship became much closer. Tang Lili was surprised when she learned that Cao Xuan himself had given tickets to the two of them.

"You two are so lucky. Let's do an exclusive interview in the bar later. You will definitely become a famous person."


Xu Ruo promised that she could go to the Spring Festival Gala to perform, and she even dared to go to her idol alone to ask for his autograph. Her personality was relatively outgoing and very expressive.

The three of them chatted happily, and Tang Lili also gave Xu Ruo and the others some knowledge about the people nearby, many of whom were well-known fans of Hemerocallis Bar and even Penguin Blog.

In addition to these big fans, there are also about 100 lucky fans who participated in the internal draws of several online platforms.

However, due to time and travel constraints, some people have no way to come if they win the prize, so they can only sell their tickets to other people, but this is basically done internally by fans.

It can be said that Xu Ruo and the two fell into the den of die-hard Cao Xuan fans.

Especially Tang Lili, a group of big fans, because they are active on major platforms and have a wide network of contacts, they have access to many insiders in the circle. They are considered half insiders, and even many insiders are not as well-informed as they are.

While chatting while waiting for the concert to begin, she chatted a lot of gossip with Xu Ruo and the other two.

"The boss (Cao Xuan) is going to accept Gu Miaomiao as his apprentice. I heard that he is the second apprentice. There is also a eldest apprentice in the United States who is also a new singer. I guess the stars will support Gu Miaomiao soon."

"Liu Tianxian and Da Mimi are not going to deal with each other. Behind Da Mimi is Hu Jing. It's hard to say for Liu Tianxian. There are quite a few forces behind her."

"Hu Ge and Liu Tianxian are not in a relationship. Their private relationship is quite average."

"Da Mimi's singing is terrible. She wanted to make an album, but the boss personally rejected it."

"Dong Xuan is in love, it seems to be Pan Yueming, but the news may not be accurate."

"Hu Jing is similar to the boss's wife in Fanxing. She is supposed to be in love with the boss, but it has not been announced. There are rumors that the two may have a secret marriage."

"Of course Fan Xiaopang's illegitimate child is fake. Her backer in Fanxing is Jiang Yue, but it's hard to say whether it has anything to do with the boss. After all, our boss... you know."

"Yan Kuan seems to have a girlfriend, but no one knows."


A series of relatively accurate gossip secrets came from Tang Lili's mouth. Although some of them were already considered old melons, the finalization of this Cao Xuan fan confirmed the authenticity.

The curiosity of Xu Ruo and the two of them was greatly satisfied, which made them both happy. Just these gossips, this concert was not in vain...

The small talk was over, and it was finally time for the concert to begin.


When the lights dimmed, the entire building was in darkness. The fans were not afraid at all and excitedly waved the light signs and glow sticks in their hands.

After a few guitar strums, a figure holding a guitar appeared on the big screens in the middle of the stage and on both sides. There was a faint white light on his body, and his face could not be seen clearly.

All the audience were silent in unison, watching the figure adjusting the guitar quietly. After about half a minute, the guitar playing gradually took shape, and many people exclaimed in surprise as they already knew what the song was.

At this time, the lights turned on, and Cao Xuan appeared on the stage and on the big screen.

Dozens of blue lights suddenly appeared around the stage, like a blooming lotus tightly surrounding Cao Xuan. Cao Xuan plucked the strings vigorously, and the band behind him started playing, and his vigorous and heroic singing voice suddenly sounded.

"Nothing can stop

your yearning for freedom


There were only two lyrics, one positive, and the entire 60,000-strong workers' body was instantly excited. The surging sound matched the singer's and stimulated everyone's adrenaline.

Tang Lili, who just looked like a big boss who was pointing the way to the country, instantly threw away all her reserve, wildly waved the light stick in her hand, and shouted incomprehensible words.

"Ahhhhh, blue lotus!!!"

Xu Ruo and the two were not much better. These two lyrics seemed to be magical, making all the fans burst into tears and look at the man on the stage with obsession.

It wasn't until Cao Xuan finished singing a chorus that everyone gradually regained their composure, or entered the world of music. Many people even hummed along.

Seeing everyone getting into the mood, Cao Xuan also smiled. When he reached the end of the main song, the hand holding the guitar flipped the microphone from the front to the side and waved upward.

"Let's all sing together."

The song "Blue Lotus" was taken from Cao Xuan's God-Essential Album "Bright Stars". It is also one of the few rock songs in Cao Xuan's Chinese album. It has extremely high reputation, popularity and singing popularity.

Of the 60,000 people present at the Workers' Stadium today, more than 90% of them are Cao Xuan fans, and they will sing this song, or at least hum a few lines of the chorus to the climax.

So when Cao Xuan asked everyone to sing together, there was almost no stuttering. Everyone smoothly started to sing along with the accompaniment of tens of thousands of people.

"The free world in my heart

So clear and far away

What blooms never fades

Blue lotus..."

As the song "Blue Lotus" fell, many blue fireworks suddenly bloomed around the stage, and above the workers' body, there were several explosions, and countless blue flakes fell from the sky, turning the entire concert venue into a blue of ocean.

The audience was excited again, reaching out to the blue patch in the sky happily, screaming and cheering from time to time.

Cao Xuan watched with a quiet smile, then suddenly plucked the strings and the prelude of "Blue Lotus" started again.

When he greeted the entire audience to sing the last chorus, he was laughing at the accompaniment except for the beginning, and this time he filled in the last verse that he had not sung just now.


What blooms never fades

Blue lotus, ah——


At the end of the song, Cao Xuan bowed, and the 60,000 people present applauded and cheered, not only for Cao Xuan's performance but also for this sincere and amazing opening.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone."

Cao Xuan thanked him for winning streak, and the scene gradually became quiet before he smiled and spoke.

"I'm actually very ashamed. I've only held a few concerts since my debut. There probably aren't many singers like me. As my fans, I've suffered a lot from you.

Therefore, whether you call me Cao Thief or Cao Mom on your blog every day, I won’t blame you. Let’s be even. "


Many fans sent cordial and friendly greetings, and the audience was booed, with many shouting "Cao Ma".

Cao Xuan didn't care and made some more jokes. He surfed the Internet every day and knew a lot of his own jokes. He used them to make fun of them, and the effect was surprisingly good.

After talking and laughing for a while, Cao Xuan started to laugh after the interaction time was almost over.

“All kidding aside, the tickets are not cheap, and many friends seem to have bought scalper tickets. The concert time is limited, and the nonsense will delay everyone’s listening to the music.

"The next song, "Dusk," is the title song of my first album and is dedicated to everyone."

In fact, for many loyal fans, listening to idols chatting nonsense is sometimes more interesting than listening to songs at concerts.

But Cao Xuan definitely can't do this. After all, there are many serious audiences who come to listen to songs. Fans also understand that interaction is a kind of fun, and listening to songs is also an enjoyment.

"I still remember from your eyes

The tears falling down are heartbreaking

There is an illusion of burning tears in the chaos


From "Blue Lotus" to "Dusk", Cao Xuan sang 4 songs in one breath. Including the interaction time, it was more than half an hour.

Cao Xuan came off the stage to change clothes and rest. The first guest of today’s concert appeared——

Liu Tianxian!

These days, it is normal to act while singing. Although Liu Tianxian has no plans to enter the Japanese music scene, he has good talent, and Fanxing Project can also release an album to test the waters.

To put it more bluntly, Liu Tianxian is very popular now, so he released an album to make some money.

It would be best to have a masterpiece song, so that you can have a program at performances or commercial events in the future.

Hu Jing and other four major beauties all play this way. Fan Xiaopang also sang the theme song of "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" and published an autobiographical book.

Liu Tianxian has been making films and television works, and has not received many endorsements. The monetization channels are limited, so releasing an album is a good way.

Cao Xuan was noncommittal about this, but Jiang Yue still forced Liu Tianxian to be the first guest at his concert.

The song she sang was Cao Xuan's English song "Let her go" last year, which just highlighted Liu Tianxian's English advantage.

There are several professional singers as guests today. If she doesn't find another way, she may become a scumbag.

Even this song was chosen from thousands of people. Many of Cao Xuan's English songs are very difficult for ordinary singers, even though he can't sing much.

Especially for a half-hearted person like Liu Tianxian, if he sings forcibly, he is not showing off his face, but showing his cowardice.

"Let her go" is in the British style, and the singing is somewhat difficult, but not too difficult. Liu Tianxian also practiced it many times in private and successfully mastered it.

Then he sang a new song prepared for his album, which Gao Jin co-wrote with several musicians.

Cao Xuan listened to it backstage. Although it was not first-class, it was still above the standard. If the album had two or three songs like this, it wouldn't be considered a rip off of fans' money.

After two songs, Cao Xuan, who had changed his clothes, came back on stage. The first song was "Ten Thousand Reasons".

This song, Cao Xuan's first famous song of the year, does not have a good reputation now, and many of his fans are even ashamed to talk about it. They even repeatedly explained that it was Cao Xuan's helpless move back then.

If a newcomer wants to get ahead, singing is the best way. Only after he becomes famous can he have the confidence to try his own musical pursuits.

What these fans said is not wrong. Cao Xuan thought so at the time, but it does not mean that he also looked down on the song.

Cao Xuan may objectively evaluate these songs and distinguish between good and bad, but he will always respect these songs in his heart.

To put it bluntly, how can a beggar have the right to complain that the food is sour? Without these lousy street songs, Cao Xuan would not be where he is today.

So no matter who dislikes them, Cao Xuan himself does not have the qualifications and confidence to dislike them.

Even if these songs are outdated, old-fashioned, and vulgar, even if Cao Xuan sometimes thinks so in his heart, he still has to tie these songs to himself all the time, reminding himself not to forget his roots, and that he has no right to forget his roots.

Not only must we not forget them, but we must also find ways to rename these songs.

Of course, Cao Xuan himself does not have that talent, so it is inevitable that he will have to rely on the help of others.

So I'm sorry, Wu Gao!!

Feeling contemptuous of himself in his heart, Cao Xuantian expressed his shamelessness after getting some comfort from his conscience.

"The following is a new song, which is also a response to many so-called disputes between elegance and vulgarity in music. "Appreciation of both elegance and vulgarity", please correct me."

The audience was in an uproar. They didn't expect to come to a concert and hear new songs live. The ticket money was well spent.

Cao Xuan didn't care about the audience's reaction. When the prelude was over, he took the microphone and came out with a clear and slightly unruly voice.


vulgar fearlessness, elegant frivolity

Aren't they all just stinky?

They said they should write a love song that could be enjoyed by both refined and popular people.

It’s easy to sing and express your feelings when you write.

It can go up to the hall and go down to the kitchen.

Just like the girl I've been looking for


The lyrics throughout are actually very straightforward, and you can understand the meaning without much thinking.

High emotional intelligence: Appreciating both refined and popular tastes

Low EQ: If you can do it, write it, if you can’t do it, don’t force me

Many fans understood the meaning of the song and burst into laughter, and the entire workers' body was filled with a happy atmosphere.

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