China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 499 Zhou Gongjin entered Cao’s camp alone, and Cao Mengde led the crowd to meet the king

After all, "Run" is the first outdoor reality show in China, and it is trying to create a trump card, so it requires a lot of preparation work.

Equipment upgrading, behind-the-scenes staff training and learning, mastering and designing the entire program process, and the selection of several members, etc. The actual recording and broadcasting will not be possible until at least the end of this year or the beginning of 2008.

So there is still plenty of time, and Cao Xuan is not in a hurry and is willing to give the production team time to select and grow.

There is no other way, Cao Xuan wants to get the director of "Extreme Challenge" Yan Min, the director of "Where Are We Going, Dad" Xie Tiaokui, and the director of "Run, Brother" Yao Zetian.

But this group of people is simply not good at this stage.

Except for Xie Tiaokui who reluctantly became a producer of the program, Yan Min didn't know where he was, and Yao Zetian had never graduated from college.

In contrast, Fanxing's team has produced many variety shows, including the flagship program "Tomorrow's Star", and is currently one of the most mature variety show production teams in the mainland.

Rather than looking for those "rookies", Cao Xuan is more willing to trust his own employees.

I specifically mentioned this to Liu Yan because I wanted her to pay attention to see if there were any suitable candidates to recommend.

As a popular host nowadays, Liu Yan has a very wide network of contacts in the entertainment industry.

Although Cao Xuan has a large circle of friends, before the future of "Run" is unclear, those celebrities who have become famous may not be willing to come. Even if they agree to come, the price is too high.

Therefore, Cao Xuan hopes to find some program members who are well-known, but not particularly popular, and who are of high quality and low price.

In this regard, Liu Yan knows more people...

As expected, Liu Yan was very excited after learning some information about "Run" and was very optimistic about the prospects of this program.

After returning home, I found the relevant producers, and within a day, several candidates were submitted.

The first one within the company was Huang Bo. Liu Yan had done a show with him and was deeply impressed, and felt that Huang Bo was an excellent candidate.

Cao Xuan didn't agree or disagree, so he pressed the button temporarily and waited to see Huang Bo's personal wishes.

Although he felt that Huang Bo should concentrate on being an actor, if Huang Bo wanted to become famous in variety shows, he could not block his future.

Otherwise, if Cao Xuan thought he was doing Huang Bo a favor, others might accuse him of not being a good person for not giving him a chance to rise to the top.

The choice was given to Huang Bo himself. The pros and cons should be clearly explained. Whether he regrets it in the future is Huang Bo's choice. Cao Xuan has nothing to do with it.

The remaining two people are Xue Zhiqian and Qi Wei. According to Liu Yan's recommendation, the former has a strong sense of comedy and variety shows, while the latter is cheerful and generous, and can play well in the show.

Cao Xuan ticked Xue Zhiqian's back, while Qi Wei left it undecided.

He had forgotten about Xue Zhiqian before. Bei Zhang Nan Xue's nickname was no joke. He was a variety show expert and was indeed very suitable for "Run", not to mention that he was an artist of Fanxing Company.

As for Qi Wei...

Cao Xuan plans to have five men and two women in "Run", but he does not rule out having four men and three women.

But no matter which mode they are in, the selling point of Liu Yan and Qi Wei is that they are cheerful and generous women. The two people have overlapping roles, which is not the best choice.

The rest of the female residents will either find someone funny, or they will find a gentle goddess and a regular male resident to stir up CP, so as to differentiate themselves from Liu Yan.

Cao Xuan preferred the former. After thinking about it, he wrote down the words [Jia Ling].

There are only a few female celebrities who can disregard their image, are even willing to be ugly and funny, and have enough sense of variety.

At present, the most famous one should be Xie Na, but Cao Xuan doesn't like her. Instead, he prefers the unknown Jia Ling.

At this time, Jia Ling was still a female crosstalk actor, and she was still a female crosstalk actor who had not found the trick. She was struggling tepidly. It was actually a bit risky to use her. Cao Xuan planned to go back and let the program team investigate.

After Jia Ling, Cao Xuan's inspiration became stronger and stronger. Following Xie Na just now, he thought of He Dan again.

In the original time and space, whether it was South Korea or China, the running men's team had a captain who dominated the field. Liu Yan was more than ruthless, but not domineering enough, so she was still not the captain.

He Dan, who has rich hosting experience, good popularity, high emotional intelligence and strong field control ability, is definitely a more suitable candidate for captain.

In fact, Cao Xuan prefers Sa Beining, but the latter is not very famous now and cannot hold the spotlight, and CCTV may not necessarily let him go.

He Dan, Liu Yan, Jia Ling, Xue Zhiqian.

There is a field control captain.

There is a funny way to throw away the burden.

A sexy tomboy and a funny girlfriend are here.

There is still a lack of a capable person and a bullied unlucky guy. The former Cao Xuan has not thought about it for the time being, and the latter's first impression is Sha Yi.

[Golden bell, iron shirt] made him the most successful flying guest in the history of "Extreme Challenge". Later he officially joined "Running Man" and became the biggest attraction of the show without any doubt.

Moreover, Sha Yi, intentionally or unintentionally, always has the attribute of being a bit of an unlucky doormat, making it easy for him to excel.

The only drawback is that Sha Yi is still a bit handsome at this time. If he is willing to sacrifice, it would be better to be a little fatter.

The same goes for Jia Ling. At this time, Jia Ling's appearance is still relatively upright. If you are willing to change it like the original time and space, the effect will be better.

Cao Xuan tentatively selected 5 people. After asking to find an ability user, Jiang Yue directly said that he could let Zhang Zijian give it a try.

Although he is not a martial artist, Zhang Zijian has been filming fighting scenes since his debut. He is considered an action star, and his physical strength and "combat ability" are beyond ordinary people.

Moreover, Zhang Zijian has a lot of jokes, and he is already nicknamed "The King of Forces" on the Internet.

When thinking about tearing off my name tag, Zhang Zijian said a few words like "I bet you can't tear off my name tag" + "I've given you a chance, but you don't cherish it, maybe you are too stupid" and other embarrassing quotes, the effect of the show It must be good.

If the obsessive king fails to show off and is punished instead, the program may be more effective...

In fact, the persona of "Run" with abilities is not suitable. The big black bull in the original time and space has become a strong-willed guy. If the character is too strong, it will become "bullying" in the show.

Therefore, Cao Xuan feels that there is no need for people with abilities to imitate the Korean version, as long as they have certain advantages. It might be more interesting to change to Zhang Zijian, who has more jokes.

In addition, although Zhang Zijian is an actor, his image has been finalized through several TV series.

The same is true for Sha Yi. For half of his life, he never got out of Bai Zhantang's shadow.

So these two don't have to worry about the so-called over-entertainment leading to drama, because they have this problem to begin with, and switching to variety shows may not be a bad thing for them.

Zhang Zijian may not be the most suitable candidate, but he has the advantage of being a star artist and Cao Xuan is willing to give him a chance.

If all 6 of them are taken down, they will basically perform their own duties, and the remaining one will not be particularly important.

If Huang Bo is willing, then Huang Bo will be hired. If Huang Bo can't be hired, then a new recruit will be promoted, and the company's newly signed Wei Chen or Ma Tianyu will be hired.

You can not only sell your face, but also be young, strong and fast, and wear a little cheetah character. If there is a topic, you can also speculate with Liu Yan for CP...

Of course, it's hard to say whether this lineup can be assembled now. Jia Ling and Sha Yi are probably fine. It can also be said within Fanxing Company that the biggest change is actually He Dan. If he doesn't come, it will be a new problem to find who to be the captain.

But in any case, most of the members have basically solved the problem, and Cao Xuan has put this matter aside for the time being and is preparing to join the group "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff".

The crew started shooting in late February. Although it is not too late for Cao Xuan to postpone joining the crew for a month, it cannot be delayed any longer. He has to take leave to hold a concert in the meantime.


At the end of March, Cao Xuan officially joined the cast of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff"

"Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" has two parts, one and two, spanning the entire Battle of Red Cliff. There are still many shooting locations.

Fanxing Film and Television City is the most important scene among them. The crew of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" spent tens of millions of dollars to build and renovate the scenes of Fanxing Film and Television City.

In addition, there are many scenes on the water, which were filmed in Baiyangdian and Miyun Reservoirs. No fewer than dozens of actual/model buildings and warships were ordered and rented for reconstruction, and more than half of them will be burned for filming later.

Considering the reputation of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff", many places actually charge no fee for the rental fee, and are even willing to pay to invite it to film and advertise.

But in order to ensure it, a lot of things had to be modified, and the crew had to pay for this, which was a huge expense in terms of filming costs.

"Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" has an investment of several hundred million, and the cost of actors is limited. Except for Cao Xuan, the rest of the actors add up to a small eight-digit figure. There may not necessarily be a few directors, screenwriters and the big guys behind the scenes who have high fees. .

The money saved by the actors was invested in filming, striving for perfection and making the scenes even more magnificent.

When Cao Xuan arrived at the crew, the crew of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" was filming.

Divided into two large groups, the literary and drama team filmed Jiangdong's ministers persuading Sun Quan in Fanxing Film and Television City, while the martial arts team filmed Zhao Zilong's seven entrances and seven exits in an open valley next to the film and television city.

Cao Xuan didn't stop, and drove directly to the martial arts group with others. Then he saw Nie Yuan, who was wearing a silver helmet and a white horse, rushing to the left and killing him under the siege of Cao's army in black hoods.

Regarding the costumes of the Three Kingdoms, various studies have different opinions.

The reason is that it was the Eastern Han Dynasty at the end of the Han Dynasty, and then it was divided into the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. Clothing and customs changed a lot. They may be different among different countries and even among the princes. It is very difficult to strictly abide by them.

The 1994 version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has a good reputation, but the costumes are really not that sophisticated.

On the contrary, "Red Cliff" by Wu Baige, although there are some mistakes, overall the costumes and armors among the Three Kingdoms themes are the most relevant to the times.

Of course, if we strictly follow reality, several forces are not rich enough to allow ordinary soldiers to wear armor. Except for elite direct troops, ordinary soldiers still have to be discounted.

The clothing and armor in "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" basically follow the regulations and characteristics of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. I can't say that it is a 1:1 restoration, but there is generally no problem.

But after all, it is a film and television work, so some distinctions must be made.

For example, the 1994 version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" uses colors to distinguish the Shu, Wei, black and Wu green. In Gao Xixi's New Three Kingdoms, the Wei army has black armor, the Wu army wears white clothes or white cherry blossoms, and the Shu army looks a bit like rattan armor.

The reason for doing this is to separate ourselves from the enemy, otherwise a large group of people will fight together and the audience will not be able to tell who is who.

Even applying reality, when two armies are fighting, their uniforms are the same, and they have to wear a turban on their head or arms to distinguish them, otherwise no one knows whether they are friends or foes.

The same is true for "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff". Since the regulations and characteristics of clothing and armor are not very different, they can be distinguished by color.

Cao Wei wore black clothes and armor, his soldiers had black hats, and most of the generals wore black tassels on their helmets.

Liu Bei's troops wore red robes and armor, the soldiers wore tawny leather caps, and most of the generals wore red tassels on their helmets.

Soochow people wore green clothes and armor, the soldiers had green and black hats, and the generals wore white tassels.

Of course, we are talking about most ordinary generals and soldiers here. In fact, the armors and costumes of several protagonists are quite distinctive.

For example, Nie Yuan's Zhao Yun's armor is more silver-white. This is also to highlight the character. If Zhao Yun is really made to wear red clothes and red armor, the audience will find it awkward.

Cao Xuan attaches great importance to serving the Tao, but he will not blindly pursue it too much.

The most correct explanation should be that high-quality clothing improves the quality of the work itself, but if the work itself is shoddy, even wearing antiques from the Han Dynasty will not work.

Zhao Yun charged and killed at the foot of the mountain. On the valley not far away was Prime Minister Cao's Chinese army's guard of honor.

Don't look at it. It may only last ten minutes in the movie, but it is still very troublesome to shoot in reality.

For example, Nie Yuan and his stand-in have been fighting in the previous villages and valleys for almost a week, and the "Adou" on their chests has been squeezed to pieces.

It’s not until today that I managed to finish shooting the medium and close shots. In conjunction with the honor guard of Cao Cao’s army on the mountain, I took some long shots and famous scenes——

Seeing Zhao Yun killing wildly at the foot of the mountain, showing great bravery, Prime Minister Cao was astonished and asked around.

"I thought Lu Bu was already invincible, but I didn't expect this man to be even braver than him. Whose general is this?"

Unbeknownst to the generals, Cao Hong flew down the mountain and shouted, "Can the generals in the army leave their names?"

Zhao Yun rushed out and responded loudly: "I am Changshan Zhao Zilong!"

Cao Xuan didn't know if this episode would be teased by Bilibili and short videos in the future, but he was still quite envious when he saw Nie Yuan's heroic appearance in the military formation.

"Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" is not like Wu Baige's version, Zhou Yu himself goes up to kill people with a sword.

Cao Xuan, the coach, is basically a dramatist. Even in the final decisive battle, he only directs the battle, and the fighting and killing are all performed by those generals.

Cao Xuan, who had a fist fight in "Hurricane Rescue", felt a little itchy in his heart.

Ignoring Nie Yuan who was still filming, Cao Xuan drove directly to Cao Jun's side above the valley. It wasn't their turn to film on the mountain yet, and everyone was waiting to rest.

The actors were idle and bored, the extras were scattered around chatting and sleeping, and a few leading actors gathered in the tent.

Cao Cao was taking several civil servants, Jia Xu and Cheng Yu, to smoke with their legs crossed. Cao Hong and Xia Houjie were playing poker nearby. Hu Jun, who played Zhang Liao, even took out a telescope to watch Nie Yuan filming in the valley below.

A group of "stragglers", if Zhao Yun kills them on the mountain, he might just take the blame.

As soon as Cao Xuan arrived, the big bosses of Cao Ying who were trying to fish got up one after another.

They don't have to give face to the first male lead, but no one from the boss + producer dares to ignore him.

"Teacher Bao, Teacher Jin, Teacher Zhang... Brother Jun, thank you for your hard work."

Cao Xuan didn't take rest seriously and was very polite. These actors may not be as famous as him in terms of fame and status, but given their age and seniority, Cao Xuan must respect them.

When he first arrived, Cao Xuan didn't chat much on the show. He just asked everyone if they had any inconveniences, and he helped solve them. After all, as the boss, his words were much more effective than these actors.

This move immediately won everyone's favor. Several actors actually responded to the problem. Cao Xuan took note of them all and informed the production and logistics later.

Before parting, he even took a group photo with all the Cao Ying bosses.

When I posted it back to my blog, it attracted a lot of discussion. The number one comment was -

Chapter 20 of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Zhou Gongjin enters Cao's camp alone, Meng Degong leads the crowd to meet the king

After attending the meeting alone and having a friendly and cordial exchange with the big guys at Cao Camp, Cao Xuan also had a chat with director Huang Jianxin and action director Chen Xiaodong who were filming here.

The crew of "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" has a clear division of labor. Chen Kexin is mainly responsible for the literary drama, while the martial arts drama is handled by Chen Xiaodong and other behind-the-scenes teams. Huang Jianxin runs both sides, focusing more on the martial arts.

Except for a few battle scenes, Cao Xuan basically stayed in the cultural drama group, and he belonged to two armies, and he had almost no interaction with the actors in Cao Ying.

Everyone said they were a crew, but they didn't film in the same place, and they didn't have any co-stars. They came in and out at different times. We were unlucky, so it was hard to get a chance to meet in person.

This is why, as soon as Cao Xuan came to the crew, he came over to say hello first. He would not have time to come over later when he was waiting for the official filming.

Cao Xuan stayed with the martial arts crew until evening before returning to Fanxing Film and Television City to prepare for the filming of Zhou Yu's scene.

The play "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" begins with Liu Cong surrendering, Cao Cao taking Jingzhou, and Liu Bei being forced to retreat from Xinye and retreat with his people.

After a pursuit battle, Zilong's savior, Zhang Fei, cut off the Dangyang Bridge, and the situation finally stabilized.

However, Cao Cao, who had already won most of the world, was not yet secure. He immediately mobilized his troops and prepared to capture Jiangdong and completely dominate the world.

The situation in Jiangdong, which was originally relatively stable, suddenly became critical. It was divided into surrender faction and main war faction, and the lord Sun Quan was in a dilemma.

At this time, Liu Bei, who had just established a foothold in Jiangxia, also decided to join forces with Sun Yat-sen to fight Cao Cao. He sent military advisor Zhuge Liang as an envoy to Soochow, preparing to persuade Soochow to form an alliance.

He connected with Lu Su of the main war faction, came to Soochow, and fought with the Confucian scholars, suppressing the arrogance of the capitulation faction within Soochow. All that was left was to convince one person in Soochow - the governor Zhou Yu.

In the book, Zhou Yu appears at this time, but the movie definitely cannot be shot like this.

As the biggest selling point of the movie, if he doesn't appear for more than half an hour, the audience will not be upset.

So Zhou Yu had to appear, and he had to appear just after Jingzhou was captured by Cao Cao, which means he had to appear not long after the movie opened.

After Cao Xuan joined the team, it was also the first scene in which Zhou Yu appeared.

Poyang Navy Camp

Cao Xuan, who has a bun on his head and a white robe and regular clothes, is handsome and handsome. He is sitting on the main seat, playing the piano contentedly.

At this time, Lu Su, played by Hou Yong, came in a hurry, holding a silk cloth in his hand: "Gong Jin, Jingzhou has surrendered."

The sound of the piano was chaotic. Zhou Yu pressed the strings and took the silk cloth from Lu Su's hand. After browsing it, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Liu Jingsheng (Liu Biao) handed over half of his life's foundation to others. I don't know what he thinks about it."

Sun Jian, the first generation general in Jiangdong, died at the hands of Liu Biao. Both the second generation generation and the third generation generation fought with Jingzhou and had deep grievances. When Zhou Yu saw this situation, he naturally felt ridiculed rather than regretful.

Lu Su also had similar thoughts, but at this time it was more of a different emotion.

"Gong Jin, since Jingzhou falls into the hands of Cao Cao, Jiangdong will be in danger. Where my lord and I go depends on your thoughts."

Zhou Yu laughed loudly: "Zijing, there is no need to test. Jiangdong is entrusted to me by Bo Fu, and Cao Mengde has millions of soldiers. I, the warrior of Jiangdong, will never surrender without a fight."

"With these words from the Governor, Jiangdong will have no worries."

Lu Su stood up and saluted, and Zhou Yu also said that Cao's army was powerful, and it was only in Jiangdong. After all, it was difficult to make a sound, so he should find a strong ally to join forces to resist Cao.

Liu Bei of Jiangxia was a hero of the time. He had several powerful generals related to Zhang and Zhao, and the military advisor Zhuge Liang was resourceful and could send envoys to contact him.

With Liu Bei in the Jiangxia area, he could at least contain some of Cao's main forces in the counties of Jingzhou and share some of the pressure on Jiangdong.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Lu Su advised Sun Quan and then contacted Liu Bei. In the movie, the credit was naturally given to Zhou Yu. As the actual military commander of Soochow, it was indeed Zhou Yu's normal thinking logic to find strong allies to join forces to fight Cao Cao.

It should be noted here that in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in order to highlight Zhuge Liang, Luo Guanzhong not only discredited Zhou Yu, but also discredited Liu Bei and others.

If you don't read the original work carefully, many people think that the entire Battle of Chibi is the decisive battle between Soochow and Cao Cao. Except for Zhuge Liang, everyone else in Liu Bei's group is a cheerleader. After the battle, they go to grab heads and territory, which is particularly unscrupulous.

But in fact, although Liu Bei's group was not the main force in the Battle of Chibi, it was also an important part of the Sun and Liu coalition forces.

They contained a large number of the main forces of Cao's army in Jingzhou and fought many battles. They were not just cheerleaders.

Luo Guanzhong patronized Zhuge Liang and blackened everyone else, which was full of explosive points.

It is also worth mentioning that the Battle of Chibi in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is based on the Battle of Poyang Lake between Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

Kang Maocai pretended to surrender.

Chen Youliang, who had a great advantage, was killed by the fire attack.

The bitter meat plan, the serial story, the fire plan...

A bad coder made the two major battles true and false, and many people still can't tell the details.

In actual history, there are not many real historical records of the Battle of Chibi. In a strict sense, what is really certain is that the coalition forces did win by fire attack.

And even this, Cao Cao may not necessarily admit it.

In "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms: Biography of Zhou Yu", Prime Minister Cao said: "In the battle of Chibi, there was an illness, and the ship burned alone and retreated. It made Zhou Yu gain this name in vain."

Major scholars in history also believed that Cao's army retreated due to many reasons. A large part of it was due to the epidemic in the army, there were not many combatable troops, and the morale of the army was disorganized.

The so-called "burning the ship and retreating" is not just Prime Minister Cao's forced reverence.

Considering that Huang Gai was surrendering, he had limited ships around him, and he was hit by an arrow very quickly and fell into the water, so he was unable to command from behind. Even with the help of kerosene and wind, it was impossible to burn all Cao Jun's ships in one go.

Therefore, it is very possible that Cao Cao's army fell into the trap and was defeated by burning ships, but it is impossible that all the ships were burned. The remaining part may have been burned by Cao Cao himself in order to prevent pursuit.

To put it bluntly, Cao Cao was forced to burn the boat and run away. In the end, he said that he left calmly because he didn't want to be beaten, which was really a bit of an insult.

In addition, the details of the Battle of Red Cliff are pitiful, and even the so-called iron chain chain may not be true because of the legends from various parties.

The record in "Three Kingdoms" is "maneuvering warships, end to end". Whether this refers to the iron cables connecting the ships, or a simple battle formation, history has not yet been completely determined.

Some scholars have questioned whether Huang Gai faked his surrender, thinking that it was probably because of the influence of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that later generations changed the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and then skewed the original version.

This chance is not small. History books have been passed down to this day, and it is common for each version to have deletions and changes.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can turn the Battle of Poyang Lake into the Battle of Chibi, confusing everyone, and "tampering with history" is not impossible.

For example, Deng Ai had never been to Motianling in history. Because Luo Guanzhong transferred Fu Youde's experience of smuggling to Yinping to him, Baidu Encyclopedia and even many so-called official history books recorded this incident in Deng Ai's life.

Fu Youde and his father were killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, but they were not so unjust...

Therefore, Cao Xuan and his team's movie itself is carved on the framework of the historical ending. As the first C position, Zhou Yu will definitely have more shining points.

In the plot of the movie, Zhou Yu secretly promoted the alliance with Liu Bei, and Zhou Yu's shadow was also behind Zhuge Liang's verbal battle with the Confucian scholars.

Even the most critical thing about Sun Quan was Zhou Yu who took advantage of Lu Su and persuaded him personally.

"Anyone in the east of the Yangtze River can submit to the Cao Cao, but the Lord cannot. We surrender to the Cao Cao, and we still have the official carriages. Even if we resign, we will still be rich and idle. If the Lord surrenders to the Cao Cao, we will become a caged bird, just like Liu Cong before. The Han Emperor of Xuchang......"

If it wasn't really unjustifiable, I'm afraid Zhuge Liang might have been robbed by Zhou Yu in his verbal battle with the Confucian scholars.

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