China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 500 A concert with a total of 2 million people

In April, Cao Xuan, who was embarrassed by winning an award for "Legend", received another trophy.

Similar to the Brit Awards in the UK, the highest honor in the Canadian pop music scene is the Juno Awards, known as the Canadian Grammys.

This year, [International Album of the Year] and [Popular Album of the Year] were awarded to Cao Xuan.

There are even rumors that the Juno Award was originally intended to give the [Best Singer] to Cao Xuan, but due to Cao Xuan not being present to receive the award and various reasons, it was canceled.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, other countries such as Australia, Japan, and South Korea, and many international associations or organizations also have awards of various sizes.

According to rough statistics, the album "Legend" has given Cao Xuan at least 30 more trophies, and there may be many more in the future.

These trophies also include prestigious awards such as Grammy, BRIT Awards, Juno Awards, American Music Awards, and Billboard Awards.

So much so that an American music magazine compiled a page full of dazzling pictures of all the trophies won by Cao Xuan for "Legend".

"Cao and "Legend" dominated the world pop music scene in 2006-2007!"

Of course, this sentence is a bit exaggerated, but many people agree that the performance of this album is really outstanding, and every time everyone thinks it is awesome enough, there will always be new surprises.

Cao Xuan's status as the world's top singer continues to be consolidated amidst these new surprises.

After Cao Xuan joined the cast of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff", Warner Bros. is also following up on the second phase of his "Strongest on Earth" concert.

To be honest, with Cao Xuan's popularity in Asia, it is no exaggeration to say how popular the concert is.

When he played three Tokyo Dome games in Japan, some people questioned him, and at the same time, some people thought it was too few. They thought Cao Xuan could sell out all the tickets for a week in a row.

The only unexpected thing about the entire Asia concert is that Dubai and Qatar also achieved brilliant success.

Although the two places cannot represent the Middle East and the Arab world, it also shows to a certain extent that Cao Xuan also has extensive influence in West Asia.

In the past, when people mentioned Cao Xuan as the number one superstar in the Asian music scene, they were more likely to refer to East Asia. Now it seems that West Asia cannot be included.

But no matter what, Asia can be regarded as Cao Xuan's "private territory". Outside of Asia, it is Cao Xuan's real test.

Considering album sales, there should be no big problem in English-speaking countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia, but whether Cao Xuan can gain a lot of recognition in non-English-speaking countries is still an open question.

Cao Xuan's second stage concerts are distributed in Europe, Australia and Africa, and there are probably about 20 concerts.

15 games in Europe, 2 games in London, England, 2 games in Manchester, 2 games in Paris, France, 2 games in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1 game in Rome, Italy, 1 game in Moscow, Russia, 1 game in Berlin, Germany, 1 game in Munich, 1 game each in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark .

There are 4 games in Australia, including 2 games in Sydney, Australia, 1 game in Melbourne, and 1 game in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.

1 game in Africa and 1 game in Johannesburg, the largest city in South Africa.

They are basically all big cities, and the minimum number of people attending a concert is 20,000+. The main reason is that these cities have mature stadiums, and most of them can host concerts.

For example, in Manchester, after contact, Manchester United is willing to rent the Old Trafford Stadium for Cao Xuan to hold a concert, of course it must be during the offseason.

As the home stadium of Manchester United, Old Trafford Stadium has actually hosted many concerts. Many well-known British singers or bands have held concerts here, and it has also hosted several European charity concerts.

Old Trafford can even host weddings, holiday parties and even large conferences.

It can be said that Manchester United is one of the most commercially developed football clubs in the world, otherwise they would not have the money to raise prices everywhere...

But even so, Old Trafford didn't just agree to hold a concert just by paying for it. After all, they are a European giant and they have to show off their reputation.

Fortunately, as a well-known Red Devils fan, Cao Xuan has this face, and Manchester United readily agreed.

But there are pros and cons. Manchester has a smooth road, but London has some obstacles.

Chelsea's Stamford Stadium and Arsenal's Emirates Stadium declined Cao Xuan's request to rent the stadium for a concert. On the contrary, Tottenham's White Hart Lane took the initiative to contact Warner and agreed to rent it.

In other countries, unless there are particularly suitable concert venues, they are basically held in stadiums, especially the home stadiums of football clubs.

This is also a little bit of Cao Xuan's personal selfishness. In this life, he has never been able to play at the home court of European clubs such as Old Trafford, but holding a concert can be regarded as a different kind of dream come true...

The 20 concerts, except for France, Germany, Italy and Russia, are basically all in English-speaking countries, and those countries are all big cities, and they mainly cater to die-hard fans and the Chinese and Asian markets.

Many Chinese singers and even Deyun Club hold concerts or commercial performances overseas, and they are basically Chinese.

Cao Xuan's fans are more complicated. Chinese are the main force, Asians are also the main force, and half of the local fans are mixed in.

Although these countries are not English-speaking countries, European and American fashion is still influential in Europe. Cao Xuan has also gained a lot of fans. Although the number is far less than that in Asia and English-speaking countries, it is still considerable.

In the first stage, there were 500,000 domestic visitors and about 350,000 visitors from other Asian countries. The latter were mainly Japan and South Korea. There were a total of 5 games in the two countries with almost 250,000 visitors.

The number of concerts in Europe, Australia and Africa in the second stage is similar to that in the first stage.

The UK alone is expected to attract 150,000 to 200,000 visitors during the four games. Other European countries also start at 30,000, and large cities such as Paris and Moscow are expected to reach 50,000.

There are relatively few in Australia, and the cumulative total is expected to be 150,000, while in Africa it is 30,000 to 50,000.

As long as it can meet the expectations, it will not be much worse than Asia. On the contrary, the Americas in the third stage, mainly the United States, may be the stage with the least number of concerts and the least number of people.

During Cao Xuan's filming stage, Warner finally determined the concert time after various preparations. It will be from the end of July to the end of August this year, with a total duration of one month.

It starts from Europe, then goes south to South Africa, and finally goes east to Australia, forming an L-shape spanning nearly half of the world.

After the time was officially determined, in May, Warner and local organizers began to sell tickets one after another.

The hesitation and nervousness before have all disappeared with the continuous sales...


Penguin Blog has an account called "The Most Powerful Concert Preparation Team on Earth". From time to time, it will post some official concert videos, behind-the-scenes footage, or good news about Cao Xuan's achievements in his concerts.

In fact, Fanxing's management team took care of it, and promoted Cao Tianwang on the side.

To put it bluntly, it’s just blowing!

For example, Cao Xuan's concert in a certain city was packed with people, and tens of thousands of people shed tears while singing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

Another example is that Cao Xuan caught two wanted criminals at a concert in a certain city and were taken to the police station by the police.

Another example is that in the audience of a certain concert, there are some big-name celebrities, public figures, business tycoons, etc., who are also fans of Cao Xuan if they say "xxx".

At first, this account was not very popular except for behind-the-scenes and official videos, but when Cao Xuan’s concert was held abroad.

What caused a sensation in Singapore, a Malaysian high-level executive’s whole family watching a concert, an interview with the King of Thailand, a group of Korean pop stars obediently calling Oppa backstage, three Tokyo Domes, Japan’s popular fan girl Nagasawa Masami, and the royal family of Dubai and Qatar chasing stars Barabara......

Let the audience feel Cao Xuan's influence abroad from another angle, which greatly satisfies everyone's vanity, and this account became a small hit.

After the Asian concert, this account was silent for nearly a month. Basically, it just used some tidbits to consolidate its popularity, and there was nothing new.

It was not until mid-May that tickets began to be sold in Europe, and the account instantly began to revive, and the presence was frequently increased.

On May 14, this account posted a picture on the blog, with the words "Good News" written in big letters below.

The content is also very simple. It is a screenshot of an English website. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it. There are notes and introductions next to it.

"After 89 hours, all the tickets for Cao Xuan's four UK concerts, a total of 200,000, were sold out, setting a new record for the most attended and fastest ticket sales by an Asian singer in the UK!

In fact, this good news is a bit watery. Strictly speaking, there are still thousands of pieces that have not been sold and are used for giving away, as gifts or as gifts.

For example, Manchester United has received hundreds of tickets. They can either send out invitations or give them away as employee benefits.

The government or relevant departments have provided help for the concert. If you happen to be interested in the concert, they will definitely give you tickets.

In addition, friends Cao Xuan knows in the UK, or friends who plan to go to the UK, will also be given tickets if they are willing to come to the concert.

For example, the Qatari tycoon Alhama, whom Cao Xuan met before, planned to follow Cao Xuan and attend more concerts, but it was difficult to get tickets.

Although for such a wealthy person, he can spend money on scalping tickets at any time, Cao Xuan knew that he could not let his friends spend more money, so he directly sent all the tickets for the 20 concerts in the second phase to which ones were available. Come.

But aside from these free tickets, the remaining 190,000-odd tickets were all sold.

The speed was so fast that the British website maintenance staff almost thought that the opening games of several giant Premier League clubs in the new season had been changed.

This is true for the British, let alone the country. Soon, there was a series of new comments under the blog.

[Cao Xuan is awesome! ! ! ! ! 】

[There are 200,000 visitors in the UK, which is not much worse than in China. Real World Superstar]

[I cried because I couldn’t get tickets in China during the winter vacation, and I couldn’t get tickets when I came to study in the UK]

[What’s so great, Zhang Tianwang also held a concert in London]

[My brother also drove it]

[Well, no disrespect to the two seniors, but the scale of these two concerts in the UK is really not strong, and they are mainly Chinese. It is more like a fan club than a concert]

[That’s right, Cao Xuan’s UK concerts averaged 50,000 people per concert, with a total of 200,000 people. Not everyone among the first-tier European and American singers can afford it]

[Old Trafford, Cao Cao is so beautiful in his heart]

[I guess it’s about the same. He has said in previous interviews where he most wants to hold a concert, and the third place is Old Trafford]

[What about first and second? 】

[The second is his hometown, the first is the Bird's Nest]

[Haha, I was there at the time. Cao Xuan’s first wish was the Grand Square, but later he changed his mind to the Bird’s Nest]

[The Bird's Nest is probably not a big problem. In the big square, if Cao Cao dies one day, there may be hope of playing one of his songs]

[Before, some netizens asked why they didn’t go to Liverpool because the music scene in Liverpool is better. Now I understand. If Cao Thief goes to Liverpool, he might not be able to find a place to hold a concert]

[Seriously, I can’t go to Anfield, so why can’t I go to the home ground of the Toffees?]

[I seem to know why Tottenham loaned their home court to Cao Xuan]


The 200,000 tickets sold out in the UK. Although everyone was surprised, they still had to hold on. After all, it is no secret that Cao Xuan is popular in the UK.

Two British Music Awards, multiple wins in the British charts, Manchester United being the most famous fan in Asia, and news from many other channels have given everyone sufficient psychological expectations for this result.

But the series of good news that followed still made everyone unable to help but feel shocked.

On May 15, a total of 100,000 tickets for the two shows in Paris were sold out.

On the same day, a total of 70,000 tickets were sold out in Rome and Berlin.

On May 17, 90,000 tickets were sold out in Amsterdam and Munich.

On May 18, a total of 50,000 tickets in Moscow were sold out.

On May 20, a total of 110,000 tickets were sold out in Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

There were 15 games across Europe, with a total of 620,000 visitors. Regardless of whether the crowd was uniform or not, the tickets were definitely sold out.

Three days later, tickets for Australia and Africa were almost settled, with 140,000 for Australia and 40,000 for South Africa.

The entire second phase of "The Strongest on the Surface" has exactly 800,000 visitors, which is slightly less than in Asia, but the number is still very impressive.

In the two stages, almost 1.65 million people attended the concerts. For the remaining third stage in America, even if the number of venues and fans is limited, 350,000 people should not be a problem.

In other words, Cao Xuan’s [Strongest on Earth] global concert tour has a high chance of exceeding 2 million viewers.

This data may not seem like much, but it is actually extremely exaggerated. There are more concerts in one year than many singers have in their lifetime.

What’s even more terrifying is that these 2 million people are spread all over the world.

I have traveled around the six continents of the world. If I want to surpass Cao Xuan in scope, I have to go to Antarctica to give a concert to penguins...

At first, the accounts themselves advocated it. Later, as more and more "good news" came in, they didn't need to talk nonsense at all. Netizens and the media threw all kinds of rainbow shit at Cao Xuan.

There are also various die-hard fans who browse through various major materials and compare Cao Xuan's concert with those world superstars.

If you win, you will be awesome. You are my god. This is the new generation of world pop king.

If you lose, it means you have to look at the problem dialectically and don't just be competitive. Fools compare, but wise people appreciate.

Old double standard...

That is to say, most of them entertain themselves on the Chinese Internet. Chinese netizens are protective and turn a blind eye, otherwise they will quarrel with other fans on the Internet, and some of them will argue.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Cao Xuan’s fans are rampant, his achievements are indeed too brilliant.

And even in the world, there are few who can firmly hold down Cao Xuan in various achievements. Most of them are winners and losers, and they are unique in the domestic and even Asian music circles.

That is to say, few fans can speak English proficiently and cannot quarrel with those foreigners, otherwise they would have gone out and started complaining.

If they can't be killed, they can only bully Xiao Zhou and his fans on the domestic Internet.

Cao Xuan's fans are many and loud, and the main character has good grades and a high status. They are naturally full of confidence and their temper is naturally quite arrogant.

This is still the premise that Fanxing and Cao Xuan usually comfort and guide them many times. They are a little crazy and have some double standards, but they are basically enjoying themselves.

Unless they are competing with other fans, most fans usually have a peaceful attitude, far from being like those black and white diodes.

Even if they complain about Cao Xuan being a scumbag or not releasing an album or something, they will still boo him.

Compared with some of the later generations of fans, Cao Xuan's fans are already very restrained. If those fans had such an awesome leader as Cao Xuan, they would dare to scream about World War III...

Cao Xuan has always felt that he is quite lucky. His fans are not so troubled and their requirements for him are not harsh.

In comparison, many other fans are a bit extreme, and even made social news this year.

Yang Lijuan, a fan of Liu Tianwang, dropped out of school to escape the world in order to chase stars. In order to meet his idol Liu Tianwang, his father even sold his kidney to raise money for travel. Later, because he was dissatisfied with Liu Tianwang for not giving his daughter a chance to meet alone, he jumped into the sea and committed suicide, which caused a stir in the country. There was an uproar.

To be honest, I really don’t blame Liu Tianwang for this. It can be seen from various interviews that the Yang family father and daughter are a bit nervous.

He often speaks with inconsistent words, and his thinking logic is different from that of normal people. Who dares to be alone with such a stranger?

There are many cases of extreme fans shooting and assassinating idols in Europe and the United States...

Even if there is no safety concern, a man and a woman living together in the same room do not need much time. After a few minutes, someone will contact the media and write a short essay. Liu Tianwang has 100 mouths all over his body.

Because of this incident, Liu Tianwang was forced into a public controversy. Although he did not receive much negative criticism, he suffered for nothing. More importantly, he was stimulated. I heard that he had already hired a psychiatrist.

Comparing his feelings, Cao Xuan particularly understood and even sympathized with Liu Tianwang. If he encountered such an extreme fan, it would probably be a headache.

Looking at it this way, although his fans call him a thief and call him a mother; they think he is lazy and don't hold concerts or release albums; they also complain about being a scumbag from time to time, etc., at least they don't cause any trouble for him.

I can't say it's cute, but I can say it's honest.

If fans of Xie Feng, Ren Xianqi, Naying, Xiao Zhou and others knew what Cao Xuan was thinking, they would spit on his face.


It is the greatest insult to these four words to associate it with those animals that plowed all over the Chinese music industry, rubbed them countless times, and sprayed them until they lost their temper.

However, Cao Xuan no longer had time to care about these people's thoughts. In April and May, he stayed on the set of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" to film.

Until the end of May, when he was borrowing arrows from Zhuge Liang's straw boat, he suddenly received a phone call. He didn't care about anything, didn't change his clothes, and asked for leave to rush to the capital at night.

Empress Nishinomiya is giving birth!


ps: I had a parent-teacher meeting, and I was busy "talking" with my sister, so I lost some time. I will make up for it tomorrow...

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