China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 702: Outperforming others and

Beijing, Caojia Hutong

After leaving Beijing in March, by the time Cao Xuan temporarily settled down at home, it was already June, and the thick clothes on his body had turned into summer clothes.

He was really busy this year. After the European concert, he had to promote "Avengers 2" non-stop. After working for more than half a month, he finally finished the promotion work and was able to go home for a break.

It was said to be a temporary break, but in fact, in a few days, he would have to rush to the United States again for the next stage of his American concert.

The reason why he stopped, but he wanted to take a break, was mainly because the Tianlai Award was coming soon, and Cao Xuan, the founder, had to show up and piece together things to get a few days off.

"If I don't listen to you, the Qing Dynasty will fall?"

"Hard to say."

The famous scene from "Yongzheng Dynasty" was shown on the TV. Cao Xuan watched it with a pinched neck and was really happy with the fourteenth prince who was challenging Kangxi.

He almost played the role of Fourteenth in the beginning. If it hadn't been for a mistake, he would have been the one who was tricked in the future.

Recently, Cao Xuan suddenly became obsessed with Machiavellian historical dramas. Since the concert, he has watched classic dramas such as "The Ming Dynasty 1566", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" and "The Reign of Zhenguan", and now he has started watching the "Yongzheng Dynasty" dynasty".

Regardless of the era, Cao Xuan quite likes this TV series, and it can be regarded as the Qing Dynasty TV series that he has rewatched the most.

He doesn't like to watch "Kangxi Dynasty", which has a deep connection with it. Putting aside "Yongzheng Dynasty", the Qing Dynasty dramas that he watches more are "Iron Teeth, Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan" and "Li Wei Becomes an Official".

The former is a comedy to relieve boredom and amuse, while the latter is mainly because the Empress of the West Palace stars in it. Relatives and children at home like to watch it, and Cao Xuan also "watches and learns" from time to time.

There is also "The Granary of the World", which he also thinks is of good quality, but the writing is too miserable. Cao Xuan doesn't like to read it except in certain periods.

Speaking of which, Fanxing has rarely filmed scripts about the Qing Dynasty. Of course, some dramas have certain elements of the Qing Dynasty, which is inevitable.

The Ming Dynasty actually produced several films, the most famous of which are "Zhu Yuanzhang" starring Hu Jun, and "Love Through Time and Space", which Hu Jing became famous for.

Dramas such as "The Ming Dynasty 1566", "Zheng He's Voyages to the West", and "The Romance" all have investments from Fanxing or Guolan.

Cao Xuan also thought about going back and finishing "The Elegance of the Ming Dynasty".

There is no need for the heroine, she is completely useless, there is nothing interesting at all, and she is forced to add drama.

He actually likes this drama, but what he can't stand the most is that the Sun family has a history that is not positive, and can even be said to be a "sinner", and suddenly became the C position of the Ming Dynasty.

Empress Taizu Ma, Empress Yongle Xu, Empress Renzong Zhang, these empresses in the early Ming Dynasty, any one of them can beat her up at random. I don't understand why she should be the protagonist.

She gave birth to the Ming God of War?

Therefore, it is better to film the story of the old Zhu family directly, taking the various events of the Yongle Dynasty and the undercurrent between the prince and the King of Han in the later period as the main line, and ending with the great rule of Renxuan and the death of Zhu Zhanji.

If the TV series performs well, it can be a sequel, mainly focusing on Yu Qian and Zhu Jianshen.

To be honest, if Yu Qian's story were to be filmed, I'm afraid Ming Dynasty fans would be scared. Fortunately, Zhu Jianshen was considered the master of ZTE, and his achievements and abilities were at the forefront of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

It's a pity that he has an unlucky father (Zhu Qizhen, the God of War of the Ming Dynasty), his son has a good reputation (Zhu Youtang, the Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty who was most respected by civil servants in the Ming Dynasty), his own wife is not worried (Concubine Wan Guifei), and he also has Wang Zhi (Director of the West Factory, prototype of Yuhuatian).

Surrounded by many top figures from the Ming Dynasty, his sense of existence was extremely low, and he was even often smeared.

If he were to be the protagonist, he had his biological father and Yu Qian in his life, Wang Zhi and Zhu Youtang later in his life, there was a "Yuhuan's favored Emperor Ming" in the harem, plus a bunch of unique pavilion elders, I would like to film it Still very interesting.

There was no shortage of TV dramas in the early and late Ming Dynasties. In the middle period, they mainly focused on Zhu Houzhao, the controversial emperor. It would be good to rectify the name of Ming Xianzong, the low-key leader of ZTE.

The filming can be left to Zhang Yongxin and Zhang Ting, who are also the original directors of "Military Alliance" and "The Ming Dynasty".

The current era is no longer the same as before. Historical dramas cannot only be serious and solemn, but must add some humor and characteristics, and even make historical figures "act cute", so that audiences will love to watch them.

Cao Xuan supports this adaptation.

It is entertaining as well as educational. Historical dramas have a small audience. The remake of "Bitterness and Enmity" really doesn't have many viewers. As long as the adaptation is not too outrageous, it can be accepted.

Judging from the works of the two people from Yuan Shikong, they are quite suitable for this style.

With something in mind, two figures rushed in outside the door. It was Cao Li and Cao Yang who were returning home from school.

Cao Li, who just celebrated her 8th birthday, is nearly 1.4 meters tall and is said to be one of the tallest students in her class.

Although her face still has a childish look, it already shows the good foundation left by her parents, and she looks like a little beauty. She is only in the second grade, and someone has already secretly stuffed her with small notes.

Cao Xuan, the old father, was furious and wanted to go to school and beat up that brat.

But speaking of it, seven or eight-year-old children really don't know much. They just instinctively show attentiveness to good-looking girls, and Cao Li doesn't take it seriously at all.

One is that the child is not enlightened yet, and even if he is enlightened, it is impossible for Cao Li to like a little kid whose love letters are mixed with pinyin.

Cao Yang is not yet 6 years old. In addition, the boy's development is late and he has not started to grow in height. He is still a fat little boy.

The family has decided that Cao Yang will go to elementary school half a year in advance after this summer vacation, and he will go to the same school as his sister.

"Dad, we want to play on the computer."

"Dad, please, open it for us."

Except for the fact that Cao Xuan came back yesterday and was bored for a while, the two children didn't pay attention to their father at all. They yelled and played on the computer when they got home.

Empress Nishinomiya pays close attention to her children. Although she does not restrict her children from playing computer games, they must finish their homework first.

Today is Friday, which is a holiday. There is no rush to do homework. The two children can finally play happily.

There is a dedicated computer room at home, which can also be said to be an e-sports room. There are several computers in it, all of which have the most advanced configurations. If you take them outside, you can definitely play countless games and scream.

However, since its establishment, this computer room has been gathering dust most of the time at home.

Cao Xuan himself is not keen on games. He usually just likes to relax. His favorite game is "Pro Evolution Soccer". He built a game room for himself and plays a few games from time to time. He doesn't play many computer games.

The girl from the East and West Second Palace is even less interested. In addition, there are computers in other places, which can meet most of the functions, and there is no need to go to the computer specifically.

After I learned that my two older children started to like computer games in addition to cartoons, this computer room that had been neglected for a long time finally came into use.

Cao Xuan understood that the key to the computer room was hidden in the West Palace bedroom, which was why the two children came to him first when they got home.

"Set the alarm clock and play, and you must come out every 45 minutes to an hour to relax your eyes."

Cao Xuan does not restrict children from playing games, but they must pay attention to their bodies, especially their eyes, to prevent them from getting damaged.


The two children agreed readily. Cao Xuan found the key and opened the door for them. Each of them immediately occupied a seat and skillfully turned on the phone and logged in.

The two children play different games!

Cao Yang is not very old, but he is a boy. He prefers more violent games. When he opens "Cross Fire", he will have a blast.

The game Cao Li played was "Penguin Speed", and he played it very smoothly. Cao Xuan was dazzled by various drift accelerations.

Cao Xuan, who has always been into parent-child games, also turned on a computer and couldn't help but play sparring with his daughter.

It's a pity that Cao Xuan, who is half a handicapped person, is not the opponent of his daughter who has been immersed in him for more than half a year, and is directly surpassed by half a circle.

At the end of the game, Cao Xuan was silent for half a minute, and could only console himself that a young man is better than a good man.

Moreover, the BGM of the game happens to be his song "Numb". Rounding it off, it can be regarded as him and his daughter fighting side by side.

There is no shame in losing to the teamwork of myself and my daughter!

So, he let Cao Li play by himself and found his son Cao Yang, regaining his father's confidence.

A specially built room was set up for a one-on-one duel, and Cao Xuan won with an absolute advantage of 24:6.

In fact, his skills are still not very good, and he is even on par with the kid Cao Yang, but he can't stand up to his cunning.

There was nothing he could do about the car race. Cao Li ran so fast that he couldn't even catch up, and he couldn't use any tricks, but there were many tricks in the gun battle game.

Cao Xuan gave full play to the characteristics of an old yin, using cold shots and mentality. He was very easy to bully a child under 6 years old. If he was not very proficient in the game, it would not be difficult to shave Cao Yang's head.

Cao Xuan was in a great mood after winning the game. It's not often that a young man outshines his old master. In most cases, the old man is still the hot one.

After pinching the cheeks of his mournful son, Cao Xuan swaggered back to watch TV.


Zeng Li came back a little late today, mainly because he was invited to attend a treat given by his colleagues.

She usually ignored these social events, but the other party was getting married tomorrow and invited colleagues to get together today. This kind of invitation was not easy to promote, so it was rare for her to go home late.

Cao Xuan didn't know much about Zeng Li's colleagues, so he chatted for a few words, remembered the previous "The Ming Dynasty" and asked.

"I remember there was a teacher named Su Ke in your school?"

"Yes, Teacher Su Ke, a 93rd-level senior brother, took charge of Deng Chao before. Why do you remember him?"

Zeng Li was a little curious. Although Su Ke was a Chinese opera teacher and had filmed a lot of movies, her reputation was just that. She had not had much contact with him, and she had never mentioned it at home. She didn't know how she knew Cao Xuan. of.

"I watched his performance two days ago and was quite impressed by him."

Cao Xuan made an excuse, this Su Ke was Yu Qian from "The Ming Dynasty", and he could be considered a late blooming actor.

He acted in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when he was a teenager, and was CCTV's version of the young Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. He barely showed up after he was 40 years old, and he became popular only when he was nearly 50 years old.

Cao Xuan quite likes this performance style, and he can help him if he gets the chance later.

This kind of powerful actor is not bad at ability and is willing to work hard in filming. What he lacks is an opportunity. With more support, it will be much better than the traffic of fresh meat.

After listening to Cao Xuan's words, Zeng Li was not suspicious. Cao Xuan had many similar situations.

Several actors can be regarded as Chollima that he discovered through watching TV series and movies. The most famous one is Huang Bo. Yan Bingyan, who played "Dear" before, also caught Cao Xuan's attention with her outstanding performance in "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart". .

With excellent acting skills and good moral integrity, there is a chance that he will be praised by Cao Xuan. There are rumors in the industry.

It's just that this situation relies too much on luck and the number is small. Not many people regard this as their way to advance.

However, if you encounter it, you will not say that it will skyrocket immediately, but if you seize it, it will indeed be an opportunity to turn around.

Zeng Li was quite happy for Su Ke. She knew this colleague. His professional skills were good and he was a good person. However, he didn't come forward due to various reasons. Now that Cao Xuan remembered him, he thought he would be lucky.

Cao Xuan now has this confidence, and one sentence can turn a person's life upside down.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you yesterday that your company is going to create a variety show with our school and you want me to participate. Do you think I can go?"

"What variety show?"

""First Grade" is to have a group of amateurs come to our school as auditors and film the study and life of art students. It is also a good publicity opportunity for our school, and the school leaders attach great importance to it."

Since reality shows such as "Where Are We Going, Dad" became popular, variety shows from various TV stations, companies and even online platforms have begun to involute.

All kinds of novel, interesting and bizarre planned variety shows emerge in endlessly.

"First Grade" was jointly thought out by Fanxing and Hunan Province. To be more precise, it was the latter's plan. They planned to learn from Fanxing's cooperation and set their sights on Zeng Li.

The former is easy to say. As the current leader in variety shows, Fanxing has mature technology, a tacit understanding of the team, and is very knowledgeable about reality shows. Even Hunan TV station is trying to learn from it.

It just so happened that the show "First Grade" was not the best variety show in their plan, so it was just a good place to test the waters and learn.

As for targeting Zeng Li, it is very simple. Regardless of her relationship with Cao Xuan, she is indeed the most popular and famous star teacher at present. Huang Sanshi and heartthrobs have to take a back seat.

If "Grade One" can invite Zeng Li to take charge, the gimmick will be there immediately. If we invite a few "senior brothers and sisters" to come over, there will be no shortage of publicity points.

Zeng Li didn't care whether she would participate in the show or not, but the school leaders wanted her to come forward. She couldn't make up her mind, so she came to ask Cao Xuan.

"It's up to you. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, just refuse. Who can force you to do it?"

Cao Xuan was very domineering, and Zeng Li sighed: "It's easy for you to say. The principal and director discussed it with me in a nice voice. It's not easy for me to argue with others, and it can indeed bring benefits to the school. The difficulty lies in me." I don’t know how to do a reality show.”

Upon hearing this, Cao Xuan understood that Zeng Li still wanted to go.

The school leader didn't care, and she didn't rely on the leader's wink to make a living. At most, she was a bit embarrassed. If she really didn't want to go, she could just say no.

But Zeng Li has a deep affection for China Drama. If this program really promotes and helps China Drama, she will still be willing to contribute to the school.

I also heard that this show is going to abandon a bunch of amateurs and plan to select a few freshmen, plus some seniors at school, who can also be used as NPCs.

If Zeng Li participates, it will definitely be with China Theater. On the contrary, the program team may switch to Nortel or Shanghai Theater.

This is really a good grasp of Teacher Zeng’s seven inches.

In order to fight for this opportunity for the school and the students, Zeng Li would give up some of his worries and take action.

"The program team hired an expert."

Cao Xuan felt that the program team must have asked someone, otherwise it would be impossible to recruit the "vital points" of Empress Zhongxi Gong. Cao Xuan didn't care about this, and it was good for Zeng Li to go out and have some fun.

He was not worried at all that the program crew would discredit and bully Zeng Li.

Not to mention that the show itself has Fanxing's participation, even if it is on other platforms, if you still want to hang out in the circle, you will not make such a big mistake.

"The program will be whatever it is in normal times. The worst thing is that you can watch the film first after it is released, and if it is not suitable, it will be edited."

Cao Xuan has great confidence in his daughter-in-law. Zeng Li has a really good personality, is kind to others, and considerate. Even though she is a strict teacher and strict mother, she still has a gentle and caring attitude that makes it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

Cao Yuan felt that even if he appeared on a reality show, there might be some black spots, but he never worried about Zeng Li.

Besides, as he said, it doesn't matter even if there are controversial points, just say hello and cut it off. Zeng Li is here to be a signboard, not to work for the program team...

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