China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 38 The winner behind the scenes

On the third day after its release, the album ranked sixth in Baodao's local popular record sales rankings for the week, accounting for 6.76% of its sales;

On June 18, less than two weeks after the album’s debut, the sales volume of Volkswagen Records soared to 15.16%.

The sales volume surpassed that of Wang Leehom, Zhang Yu, Cai Qin, Zhang Xinzhe, Mok Wenwei, Xin Xiaoqi and other big-name singers, and it topped the list!

This is the report card Sun Yanzi handed over as a newcomer.

This result can be said to be beyond the expectations of everyone in Warner except Zhou Yi.

Warner went all out to promote Sun Yanzi, and its initial expectations were only about 20,000 copies in the first week. But the reality of not following the routine is that Sun Yanzi doubled his score in the first week——

And now, in less than two weeks, the momentum has gone straight to 100,000.

This can no longer be said to be a fire, but a big fire.

Some people won four consecutive championships, but the final album sales were only more than 80,000. However, Sun Yanzi, who came out of nowhere, surpassed it in less than two weeks.

This is a terrible fact.

The last young female singer who performed so well in the record market was named Elva Hsiao.

Coincidentally, Elva Hsiao has recently become very close to a newcomer from Warner Bros.

"Yes, that's right, I have known Yanzi before. She is a very good singer."

When attending the event, faced with questions from the media, the popular fried chicken Elva Hsiao nodded without any discomfort: "And the quality of her album is so high, it is not surprising that the sales will be good."

One of the fastest reporters directly asked: "Then do you know Sun Yanzi because of your rumored boyfriend Zhou Yi?"

"First of all, I need to correct something. Zhou Yi and I are just good friends, and we don't have any of those messy relationships written in outside newspapers.

"We have a very pure friendship between a man and a woman."

Facing the reporters' scornful remarks, the young diva refuted the rumors in a serious manner, and also promoted Zhou Yi: "And you may not know that Zhou Yi is also a talented singer. I only pay attention to him. Just for appreciation of music.

“When his album is released, I think you will know that what I said is true.

"If I remember correctly, his album will be released on July 1st. If you don't believe it, you can buy it and listen to it then."

? ? ? ?

The reporters who never expected that Elva Hsiao would take this opportunity to advertise for Zhou Yi were even more anxious now.

Grandma Li, on this occasion, you, a member of Viking Music, are openly advertising for a rival company. If you say that you are innocent, who will believe you? !

Someone even went to ask Sun Yanzi, who suddenly became angry, as if he wanted to pry some secrets out of her mouth.

However, this person's mouth... seems to be a bit strict?

"Zhou Yi? Zhou Yi and Elva are indeed just friends. The reports by reporters outside are just random writings."

When Sun Yanzi heard the reporter mention Zhou Yi's name during the promotion period, he immediately refuted the rumor with a smile on his face: "Zhou Yi is basically recording songs and shooting MVs with me and Elva in Taipei these days. Where can I find it written in the newspaper? So free.

"Oh, by the way. Speaking of which, Zhouyi's new album to be released on July 1st has two song MVs where the heroines are me and Elva.

"Interested friends can buy a copy and listen to it on July 1st. The songs are absolutely great. Zhou Yi is indeed a talented musician."


The reporters who had been frustrated by Elva Hsiao saw Sun Yanzi promoting Zhou Yi's new album in front of them like he was doing the same thing, and their eyes suddenly stared like bells.

Did you two discuss this?

Why are the words so similar?

A reporter who has been chasing hot topics carefully reviewed the review, and then saw on the sales rankings. Elva Hsiao’s debut album released at the end of last year actually bucked the trend and increased by several points during this period as its exposure increased. percentage point……

A few days later, Virgin Music officially announced the release date of its singer Elva Hsiao’s second album: August 15th.


Damn it, we journalists, as the uncrowned kings, seem to be being toyed with by applause!

They instinctively wanted to curse, but under the impact of the Sun Yanzi storm that swept the entire treasure island, they had to hold their noses and pursue this hot spot——

As a result, Sun Yanzi was like a repeater, turning the topic to Zhou Yi's new album from time to time on July 1st.

Elva Hsiao, on the other hand, will share some interesting things that happened between herself and Sun Yanzi after they met through Zhouyi, especially the interesting things while filming the MV.

She even took out a photo of herself and Sun Yanzi at the MV shooting scene. According to her, the photographer was Zhou Yi, and then she said, "July 1st is the release date of Zhou Yi's new album..."

How can the audience of this era stand this kind of subtle advertising and marketing?

After a series of combinations, the information "July 1st is the release date of Zhou Yi's new album" was directly brainwashed into the hearts of many viewers along with the interview drafts of these two most popular and exposed female artists in Baodao.

It has truly been achieved that "Although Zhouyi is not on Treasure Island, there is a legend of Zhouyi on Treasure Island."

This time it was the turn of record companies such as Rolling Stone and PolyGram to sit still.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a marketing, a marketing that Warner and Virgin got together at some point, but this novel marketing method is really effective.

Damn it, Warner just released Sun Yanzi. What are you trying to do? Do you need to think too much?

People from the marketing departments of various record companies worked overtime all night long to analyze and see if they could replicate it, but the final conclusion they came to was surprising -

Yes, but the premise is that there must be two artists of the same age who are currently popular, who are willing to cooperate, who are willing to market in this almost fixed way on other occasions, and who are willing to transfer their high popularity to an artist who is obviously not as good as themselves. Or a constant diversion.

The previous ones are easy to say, but as for the last one, "persistent diversion", no one in the entire entertainment industry can copy it.

Even if they know the entire marketing process of Warner and Virgin Music, even if they can replicate the entire marketing strategy one-to-one, no one in the entire entertainment industry dares to copy it in full.

In the entertainment industry, popularity is life.

Zhou Yi's configuration here is the popular Elva Hsiao and Sun Yanzi, who made a big hit without any warning. They started with a scandal, then superimposed the "mainlander" gimmick for publicity, and finally showed the so-called "paparazzi secretly photographed her face" According to"--

After that, there are various "July 1st album release date" rumors that are better off than refuted rumors and the sisterly love between Sun Yanzi and Elva Hsiao.

Fortunately for Sun Yanzi, she is from Warner, so it is not incomprehensible for her to be "required by the company" to make her junior disciple Zhou Yi after she suddenly became popular.

But the problem lies with Elva Hsiao.

What is she planning?

Isn't Zhou Yi a little taller and more handsome this week? There are so many handsome guys in the world, why would they give up their popularity to Zhou Yi regardless of the cost?

What benefits can she get from Zhou Yi?

The heads of major record companies were really confused, and in the end they could only blame it on love brain.

If you can’t learn it, you can’t learn it. You really can’t learn this.

Judging from the information obtained from various channels, Warner did not have any additional transactions with Virgin Music, and Virgin Music even tried to prevent Elva Hsiao from approaching Zhou Yi at the beginning.

And just when the Baodao entertainment circle and the mainland entertainment circle were having different chemical reactions because of the name "Zhou Yi", Zhou Yi, who had directed all of this, was lying on the lawn of the school playground, playing with the five fingers of his left hand. One coin——

The summer sunshine hit his face mottled through the gaps between the lush leaves, and the breeze blew in his face, bringing bursts of fragrance.

"Have you changed your perfume again?" Zhou Yi, who knew who was coming without looking back, said with a smile on his lips.

Cheng Hao, who was wearing an off-white floral dress, tied up the skirt with her hands, sat down next to the man in a familiar manner, tilted her head and looked at him with her chin on her face, her eyebrows bright: "You still have the heart to lie here to enjoy the coolness, I see. You are everywhere in the entertainment newspapers on Baodao."

"Where is this?"

Unsurprisingly, Zhou Yi flicked his thumb and the coins in his palm flew into the air: "It's just a very simple marketing routine.

"Essentially, it's a cycle of brainwashing, but it's subtle."

The moment the coin rose to the highest altitude, the sunlight reflected on it reflected a flash of light——

“It’s just that it’s different from those who need to pay for something after watching brainwashing ads.

"As the beneficiary of Elva Hsiao and Stefanie Sun's popularity split, as long as I can become famous from now on, it will turn red and purple, which in turn will also boost their popularity——

“Even those reporters and paparazzi who are crazy about chasing these hot spots will jump in willingly even if they know it is a trap and continue to report relevant news according to my expectations in order to get a raise in salary and commission.

"And I just need to get stuck in a peak period and officially release the album when this hot spot is not yet tired of the public."

The man raised his hand to hold the falling coin and said firmly: "Win four."

Under the dappled sunshine beyond the dense leaves, Zhou Yi's high-spirited and confident look was clearly reflected in Cheng Hao's eyes, which made him think of something, and a slight smile appeared between his delicate eyebrows.

ps: The reason for the scandal is about the new guy from the opposite side of the millennium. He has a policy that prohibits mainland artists from performing in public in the past.

You should also be able to tell that I buried the performance line on Baodao from the beginning. As a result, after I finished writing the two chapters yesterday, I was put into a small dark room and couldn't even release them.

We can only cut some of the scenes in this line now, so try to avoid them as much as possible...

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