Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 162 Don’t give it away next time

The "Crunch" thinking house faithfully reproduces the details in memory, and the door still makes a small abnormal sound.

The light from the bedroom poured out from the open door, leaving a long, narrow shadow and a lonely shadow behind Zhang Xiao.

"What am I expecting?" Zhang Xiao smiled bitterly and shook his head. The curtains were fluttering slightly. Just as in his memory, there were familiar furniture and familiar furnishings in the bedroom, but there were no familiar people.

Walking in with mixed emotions, there was a photo on the bedside table. Zhang Xiao picked up the photo frame and gently wiped the non-existent dust on it.

Looking at the girl smiling above her with gaping teeth, Zhang Xiao felt extremely sour in her heart.

When I jumped in front of the child, a large part of it was because the little girl looked so much like my daughter.

Putting the photo frame upside down on the cabinet, Zhang Xiao stood at the door of the bedroom, looking at the ordinary life that he could never return to with infinite nostalgia. The tenderness in his eyes was finally replaced by determination, and he turned around and left the bedroom.

Beige walls, gray fabric sofas, log-colored coffee tables, and ugly folding tables. Zhang Xiao silently watched as everything familiar around him was rapidly darkening and aging, like a color photo that had all faded away. of colors, and finally only black and white.

Irregular cracks emerged one after another, turning into torrents of color swirling around. He stretched out his hand, and the torrents of color immediately seemed to be attracted by something, forming a funnel-shaped vortex and quickly gathering towards his palm. , forming a thick book.

Zhang Xiao stroked the word 'home' on the spine of the book, walked towards the remaining room, which was his study.

This place is a little different from before. The original rooms with less than 10 bungalows have been expanded to more than 20 square meters.

After placing "Home" solemnly on the table, he began to look at the entire room.

There are rows of tall bookshelves around, with books densely packed and neatly arranged.

These are my memories and perceptions?

Zhang Xiao had never experienced thinking from this perspective. He curiously pulled out a book that shone like a marquee.

This book has such different reactions, as dazzling as fireflies in the dark night. It must be recording my glorious moments, right?

With this thought in mind, Zhang Xiao casually turned to a page and saw that it read, "Today, I am going to confess to the girl I like, and I am going to use the wall-dong action in the TV series."

"Bang!" Zhang Xiao closed the book with lightning speed and stuffed it into the bookshelf. It was not over yet. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen seals appeared out of nowhere and stuffed the book into the bookshelf. The book is posted tightly.

What's wrong with your record? You have to record my embarrassing moments, and there are so many of my embarrassing moments that they can form a book? ? ?

After a failed browsing experience, Zhang Xiao gave up the idea of ​​continuing to browse, and instead glanced at the entire bookshelf like a quick glance.

Some have words on the spine, such as "school", "eating" and "games"; others have nothing on them, probably just trivial fragments of life.

On a bookshelf, Zhang Xiao also found many books that he had read. There were too many, but most of the contents were intermittent. Is this because of forgetting?

According to Professor Snape, after building the Thought Palace, you can try to imprint the contents of the book in your mind. This is very energy-consuming, but it can be completely recorded, making it easier to browse through memories in the Thought Palace.

After thinking about it, several huge bookshelves appeared again in the open space. The next goal is to fill these bookshelves with rubbing books!

Next, is the purpose of coming here.

Zhang Xiao cast his gaze to the other side of the bookcase, where some twisted scenes were slowly escaping from a book. The twisted power it exuded seemed to be like the beauty of a mobile phone. The surrounding books Under its influence, it also twisted, bending and stretching into weird shapes.

It can only be said that the Palace of Thought is indeed very powerful. Maybe it cannot provide power, but it can intuitively reveal many abstract things.

By the way, what about my memory that was sealed off by my id?

Zhang Xiao immediately searched carefully on the bookshelf, and finally found a very unique book behind a bookshelf. It was very thin, but it was shrouded in a layer of clouds, and nothing could be seen.

He tried to reach out for it, but the clouds and mist immediately rolled up and turned into the color of dark clouds. There was still a faint light of lightning and dull thunder inside.

Zhang Xiao could even feel waves of numbness on his arms, and the tiny hairs stood on end.

Withdrawing his hand, the strange feeling immediately dissipated.

So what did I do to have such dangerous memories? Zhang Xiao pinched the bridge of his nose.

According to Professor Snape, if you want to block cognition, just take out the things you want to seal off separately and lock them with something full of symbolic meaning.

Zhang Xiao thought for a while, then raised his fingers towards the book that exuded twisted power. The book slowly floated over and floated on his shoulder.

Next comes the symbolic stuff.

On one side of the room, a simple cabinet slowly appeared. The cabinet door opened, revealing the empty partitions inside. After the books floated in, the cabinet door was immediately closed tightly.

Thick chains grew out of thin air like pythons, locking the cabinet tightly.

Zhang Xiao frowned slightly, and his spiritual sense immediately told him that he had forgotten something, but apart from the fact that he had sealed off his knowledge of the curse system, he couldn't remember what he had sealed off.

The debates about the origin of magic that I had seen in my previous life, Ron's wrong spells, and the doubts about magic in life all disappeared from my memory.

At the same time, he immediately felt a lot lighter. The tight feeling before, as if he was walking with a heavy load, dissipated, and his whole body felt relaxed as never before.

At this moment, Snape's cold voice sounded in the room:

"Zhang, it's almost time."

The room was like a broken mirror, turning into tiny pieces and disappearing in the wind. Zhang Xiao felt his eyesight go dark. When he regained his vision again, he found that he had returned to the underground office.

Professor Snape stood not far away, with his arms folded across his chest. Most of his body was hidden in the shadows, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"When you are not yet proficient in this magic, it is not suitable to stay in the palace of thinking for too long. Remember?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, and sure enough, his head felt dizzy. This was different from the "Golden Book and Jade Book". It was originally a treasure, just borrowing his own knowledge.

But the thinking palace is completely constructed by oneself, and the consumption is naturally different.

Snape snorted lowly and threw a small bottle over.

"Sobering potion?" Zhang Xiao pulled out the cork of the bottle, put it under his nose and took a sniff. A spicy smell hit his forehead, and he woke up a lot.

As expected, it had to be his dean. After thanking him and preparing to leave, he heard Professor Snape suddenly say:

"Wait a moment."

Zhang Xiao watched curiously as Snape used his wand to drag out a cabinet in the corner, pointed at the plug and said in an incomprehensible tone:

"Next time don't give me a gift with a plug."


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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