Seeing Professor Snape put the constant-temperature medical medicine cabinet back in the corner, Zhang Xiao even felt that his "Book of Embarrassment", which was covered with seals, slowly added another page.

The professor called himself the Half-Blood Prince when he was young and frivolous. He also used electrical appliances at home, so of course he knew the plugs.

He left the underground classroom almost as if he was running away. There must be no more tricks this Christmas, and the favor of teaching memory magic must be returned.

On the way back to the dormitory, Zhang Xiao's thoughts slowly began to wander.

Being cognitively blocked obviously greatly weakens one's own strength. Of course, it is also very simple to unlock the cognitive blockage.

So when you encounter danger and the current situation cannot be dealt with, you have to lift the blockade?

Zhang Xiao suddenly became interested. Isn't this just some of the transformations that are common in anime and games?

If the current me becomes a normal state, liberating cognition will greatly improve my strength, so why call this state ‘cognition-understanding’?

What is the next level up from the second form of "cognitive solution"?

Inspire the golden light spell, gain physical fitness far beyond normal, and even resist one or two spells. This state is called "Golden Light Cognition Solution?"

Zhang Xiao pinched his chin and laughed, it seemed quite interesting.

What about full strength?

Empty mirror? Zhang Xiao couldn't help but take a breath. The golden light spell seems to be quite strong when it is added to Kongmingjing. This should be my full strength state, right? Called "Total Liberation?"

But the strong will return strong. This consumes physical strength and energy. I don't know how long I can last.

Moreover, Kong Mingjing himself couldn't control it very well, and he couldn't turn it on and off at will. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao punched his right fist into the palm of his left hand and decided!

The goal of the next stage is to lay a solid foundation, combine work and rest, and try to control the Sky Mirror!

"Hermione, do you still have your first year notes?"

After another Charms Club gathering, Zhang Xiao suddenly thought that if he wanted to regulate things, it would be right to ask Hermione for notes, and the little witch would definitely keep the notes well.

Sure enough, Hermione answered in the affirmative: "Yes, but Zhang, what do you need notes for? They are very basic things."

"Nothing, just preparing to review."

"Really?" Hermione looked at him suspiciously: "Zhang, you seem to be acting strangely recently. During the Duel Club two days ago, I clearly felt that the power of your spell had decreased.

Moreover, you had never cared about spell-casting gestures before, and you actually corrected Davis' poor flicking movements. Ron was even corrected several times by you for his poor pronunciation of spells. "

Well, Hermione's attention span was a little too sharp.

Zhang Xiao had no choice but to use Professor Flitwick's suggestion to deal with it. When Hermione heard that it was the professor's opinion, Hermione immediately agreed to send the notes and strongly agreed with Zhang Xiao's behavior of attaching importance to the professor's opinion.


Zhang Xiao sat at the long table, taking the attitude of rushing before the exam in his previous life, and carefully flipped through the most basic theory books.

There is a mind map drawn on the unfolded parchment, which breaks down the spell into small squares such as spell-casting actions, spells, gestures, understanding of the spell, emotional mobilization and brewing...magic theoretical levels.

These blocks continue into more detailed aspects.

Maybe he was tired from writing, so he stretched out his right hand, waited for a while, and suddenly froze, what am I doing?

Waiting for the cup to come by itself?

Zhang Xiao frowned and looked thoughtfully at the water glass not far away. Why would I do this?

Can I do whatever I want in a small area before blocking my cognition?

He thought about how he often made some inexplicable and strange movements in the past few days, such as sitting straight back even though there was no stool behind him, as if the stool would come to catch him on its own.

I also stayed in bed not wanting to get up, and kept waving at the clothes hanging on the hangers.

So what cognition have I blocked? Could it be that my understanding of magic has reached an extremely advanced level?

But I'm only in my second year, and the first semester has only been about two months. How did I have such a high level of magic?

I am so powerful! Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and waved to the cup again.

Mrs. Pingsi was watching eagerly from the side. She had been staring at Zhang Xiao for more than an hour.

The librarian at Hogwarts is a thin, elderly woman who looks like the long duster she often uses to clean her bookcases.

But all little wizards have to admit that Mrs. Pince is very suitable for the job of librarian.

Because she loves books and has a keen sense of smell, if you violate discipline in the library, then wait for the punishment from the Library Queen!

What is this little wizard doing? Mrs. Pince was a little hesitant because he seemed to be studying seriously, but he always made some strange movements.

For example, if he writes well, he suddenly stretches out his hand and waits, or lowers his head but keeps waving at the book. What's even more bizarre is that he keeps tapping the parchment and feathers.

As if this would allow them to fly and write on their own!

And a tall pile of books was piled up next to him, almost 3 feet high!

Can you finish watching it?

But apart from this, this strange little wizard didn't do anything else. This kind of behavior that was stuck on the dividing line between illegal and non-violative made Mrs. Pince very uncomfortable.

What makes Mrs. Pince even more uncomfortable than this is that this boy comes almost every day!

Zhang Xiaoke didn't know Mrs. Pingsi's inner struggle. He put down the parchment and copied the content into his mind as taught by Professor Snape. It can only be said that it is easy to use, but it consumes a lot of brain power. Big.

No wonder few people print everything they see. This is simply asking for trouble!

She shook her head and picked out a book called "Applications of Wand Gestures" to borrow, but there was something wrong with Mrs. Pince's attitude.

I was just reading a book and didn't do anything weird, right?

Zhang Xiao was confused and left with the book in Mrs. Pingsi's disgusted eyes.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang Xiao felt that his progress could only be described as a thousand miles, according to his own classification of magic spells - although he couldn't remember why he wanted to do this. Spell grading method.

The power of spells has quickly approached from normal (level 3) to strong (level 4). When the spell club gathers, it is no longer like it was at the beginning where I couldn't understand anything, but I can understand some little wizards vaguely. ideas.

During this period, my father contacted Zhang Xiao in a hurry, and after understanding his handling method, he hung up the call with confidence. The process over there had reached a critical stage, and some people around him could no longer bear it. They did not dare to come in by themselves, but He used money to seduce many people and put down many things in some key positions.

Zhang Chengdao said that when he gets his hands on it, he will definitely let them know why Huaxia can be their father for a thousand or two thousand years.

Because of the nearly month-long peace, the young wizards once again roughly forgot about the attack. Dumbledore seemed to indulge intentionally or unintentionally, and the school returned to the comfortable and peaceful atmosphere before.

Not long after, a piece of breaking news once again disturbed the peace of the school.

Zhang Xiao was sitting at the dining table, holding Hagrid's letter in his hand. The letter invited him to the hut in an urgent tone and wanted to ask him something.

Compared with this, he was more concerned about what Malfoy just said enthusiastically:

"Draco, you mean Professor Kettleburn -" Zhang Xiao widened his eyes and said slowly in a very confused tone:

"Drank some wine made from a part of a troll and was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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