
A year has passed since I founded Earth Resources.

There were many things I didn’t know about corporate management, so I set up a minimum principle.

‘Let’s not just try to make money. We need to make it a wonderful place for people… … .’

It was thanks to the fact that I was full from making a lot of money through investment, but I wanted to provide great service while running the company.

“How much will Hunminjeongeum be distributed?”

“Hmm. It is a difficult problem.”


“Grenade ahead!”

“Run for cover!”

A meeting at home while playing Last Survivor with Oh Myung-woo.

Lee Jong-yeop looked from the side as if he was pathetic, but originally, this was our reality.

At work, I worked hard to pretend to be cool, but at home, it was comfortable to walk around in a T-shirt and boxer shorts.

Oh Myung-woo said while manipulating the keyboard and mouse.

“But a word processor. Actually, it came out in the 80s when computers were just becoming popular. Security features and formatting features have been added, but not many people use it.”

“It is.”

As time passed, business functions were continuously added.

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Various fonts are supported, and editing and various tools have been created. However, as with graphic tools such as Photoshop, the performance is slightly added compared to the past.

Oh Myung-woo suggested it.

“Can’t we just solve Hunminjeongeum for free?”

“The software is worth it, let’s distribute it for free?”

“Even Google Office is free. Although there is a feature that runs on the web. Computer hardware prices have come down a lot over the years. Software prices should also come down.”

I didn’t take Oh Myung-woo’s words lightly.

If you distribute Hunminjeongeum on Earth Channel, you will be able to make some money.

‘In the first place, I was going to get about two dollars as a package.’

Google provides various offices for free, and graphic tools made by Figma are also free for individual customers.

Individual and corporate customers have spent money using familiar, well-known software.

“It is a matter of timing. If Office is being distributed for free elsewhere, that trend will continue.”

“Hmm. It doesn’t.”

It was a good thing for customers, and it seemed like it would be a good event to revitalize Earth Channel’s app store.

“okay. Let’s do it for free.”

“He is also my friend.”

“It is not only usable by accessing the web, but the software itself is completely open. Let’s use this as an opportunity to publicize Korea’s word processor so that the real Hunminjeongeum can be used all over the world.”

It was decided to start translating and improving Hunminjeongeum so that it could be used in all countries.

With 500 million subscribers, millions of new subscribers were added every day.

Since it was forming a huge market on its own, research and development and investment costs were not wasted at all.

The only thing I’m worried about is… … .

“I’m sorry for the Hangul below. Wouldn’t it be my responsibility if a perfectly fine company goes bankrupt?”

While running the company, I felt the responsibility of the CEO.

Even if the Earth channel fails, customers will enjoy content elsewhere. But thousands of employees lose their jobs.

At that time, Oh Myung-woo made a remark that hit the bones.

“The world is changing, but you’ve been drinking a lot of honey. If you don’t properly build other businesses to make a living while earning tens of billions of dollars every year, it’s cheap to fail.”

“is it?”

It’s like a reprimand for Hangeul below, but maybe it felt like a warning to me.

The Earth channel was doing well right now, but competition is non-stop.

How many people thought that Yahoo, the search engine that once dominated the world, would be destroyed by Google?

‘Because I didn’t know that even in Korea, Daum or Cyworld would be so powerless and weak.’

If the earth channel collapses, a new and more enjoyable service will come out.

It’s not that I’m scared, but I didn’t want to be left behind without making a better place.

“Myungwoo. Let’s make a really cool company.”


“Two in the warehouse.”

“I think one went up to the roof.”

Oh Myung-woo said as he threw a grenade from Last Survivor to the rooftop.

“okay. The Earth Channel still has a long way to go.”

one, two. shrinking competitors.

Finally, the characters of Kim Shin and Oh Myung-woo succeeded in surviving.

* * *

Google’s headquarters are in California.

Indian CEO Sundar Pichai.

He had been hearing the company name Earth Resources since last year.

“Source Coin? It appears to be a crude ploy to make money using the Internet.”

At first, I thought it was nothing.

In San Francisco, countless companies were born and declared dead.

“Advancing into the cloud market based on the popularity of Source Coin? haha. They seem to think business is easy.”

It seems like a company that somehow made money, but I didn’t think that Google should care about entering the cloud market.

Because their competitors were Amazon and Microsoft.

“The cloud of the company that created Source Coin is doing well? Tremendous growth?”

When two months passed, I heard the name again and learned more about the representative Kim Shin.

A man who wrote a legend as a put option on Wall Street and made a lot of money with coins before that.

“Did this person even develop the K-Vaccine?”

Sundar Pichai learned computer science while studying metallurgy and metallurgy at a university in India.

Graduated from Stanford Graduate School and Wharton School MBA.

After working for McKinsey, a consulting firm, he moved to Google.

Promoted to senior vice president after 12 years, he considered himself a brilliant genius.

I don’t usually acknowledge others, but I knew that there are many really outstanding geniuses in the world.

‘The talent of investment, the ability of business and management. If he even made a K-vaccine, he would be a formidable genius, right?’

Even the name of the company called Earth Resources was firmly remembered.

“Over $100 billion in revenue from Wall Street?”

Soon after, I heard the news that Kim Shin had made a fortune with his investment.

Google’s revenue last year was $182.5 billion, and its net profit was $40.2 billion.

It is a company that dominates the global search market, and because of its growth, it has achieved a dream market cap of $1 trillion.

“It’s amazing that you can earn more than two years of Google’s net profit with your investment.”

And soon another news came.

After opening the earth channel, the number of subscribers exceeded 100 million within a week, and channel 7 was opened to create a rival to YouTube.

From then on, I felt a sense of crisis in the growth of Earth Resources.

“Kim Shin. What kind of person are you?”

Google has more than 130,000 employees.

Someone who cares while leading a huge company.

I thought that I might become a competitor, and my hunch came true.

“Earth Resource’s cloud business is expanding noticeably.”

“It looks like we are investing more than $25 billion in data centers this year.”

“It’s more investment than our company, and more than Amazon, the number one cloud company.”

“The Earth channel is generating a lot of traffic. Companies are signing contracts for advertising, and it seems that there is a lot of cooperation in the cloud field as well.”

The business fields of Google and Earth Resources overlapped in the cloud and video markets.

Sundar Pichai thought Google’s dominance might be shaken in the future.

‘The public likes to be cool. The Earth Channel has an advantage that Google doesn’t.’

YouTube’s direct competitor is Channel 7.

However, the combination with broadcasting and movie content was good.

Securing popular Korean contents and unreleased films in the US.

Consistently producing video content were professional streamers spread around the world.

A popular video may be made by chance, but it requires constant planning, effort, reputation, and investment.

‘Give streamers 10% of advertising costs in source coins. This is a really attractive condition.’

Not only is it superior in terms of business, but it also has an advantage over Google in market expansion.

While Google does not become a service in China, which is a huge market, Earth Channel broke through with a trick.

If giant Google misses the market and moves leisurely, Earth Channel is cleverly looking for an opening.

The popularity and reputation of Shin Kim, the representative, gave Earth Resources strong trust.

Google also had various business ideas.

“What if we create Google Coin?”

“It must be very powerful. It’s an opportunity to make a lot of money. However, the coin market is difficult for Google to enter.”

A world where speculation is rampant.

As soon as Google Coin is created, wouldn’t it skyrocket 100 times?

“Can’t Google actively adjust the price increase?”

“Regardless of our efforts or abilities, the government will not allow it.”

The year before last, Facebook tried to launch a stablecoin, Libra, along with PayPal, eBay, Visa, MasterCard, Uber, and others.

A grand plan to provide payments and financial services by tying the dollar, euro and yen together.

The U.S. Congress took it as a challenge to the legal currency, the dollar, and destroyed it through hearings and regulations.

“If Google says it will create a coin, the government will actively regulate it.”

“What about Earth Resources?”

“They started as a small company. It’s hard to get rid of what has already started.”

It made things happen before the financial authorities were vigilant, and even cleverly, they are ostensibly confronting China.

‘The US government wants to block China steadily. At a time like this, you can’t keep the Earth Channel in check with its cultural penetration.’

The US government will encourage the Earth Channel to grow as long as it does not pose a direct threat to the dollar.

What will happen when more than 200 billion source coins are released in the future?

It will cause a backlash from numerous investors and coin holders, so in the political world, which is sensitive to votes, it is difficult to regulate due to the pressure.

‘As expected, Kim Shin is a genius who can consider political factors as well. The Earth Channel bought time by creating powerful allies from huge enemies.’

Even Google should feel threatened by the numbers of a company called Earth Resources.

That’s why I was observing even the smallest movement of earth resources.

〈Earth Resource, Korean word processor decision to open free of charge〉

〈What is Hunminjeongeum, a Korean office program?〉

This time, I saw an article about distributing office programs for free through the Earth channel.

Sundar Pichai immediately grasped the intent.

Just one more step forward and you’re there.

“You’re trying to get into the overall app store market, not just games.”

It means that Earth Resources will squeeze into the app store market dominated by Google.

An immediate management meeting was held.

“Hun-Min-Jeong-Eum. It is known to have been developed by a heterosexual group.”

“It is a fairly powerful office program. Word-related programs in Korea are globally competitive.”

“Isn’t the opposite sex group the background of earth resources?”

“It doesn’t look like that. CEO Shin Kim has a lot more money than the CEO of Isung Group.”

“ah. okay.”

“Hunminjeongeum starts out free, but eventually we will sell paid software.”

“If you do it the way Channel 7 does, it’s very intimidating. With low prices and distribution fees.”

“The real threat to the Earth channel is that subscribers are growing at a breakneck pace.”

“Why don’t we just delete the application altogether so that Earth Channel doesn’t spread further in the App Store?”

“Is it possible to delete the application?”

“They support a subscription service, and can even sponsor videos or streamers. These services do not go through Google’s payment system.”

CEO Sundar Pichai didn’t have many options. I had to use my hands somehow to protect the pie I had now.

“We can’t grow competitors in our field. Let’s delete the Earth Channel application.”

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