good news

〈Hunminjeongeum, free download from Earth Channel〉

〈Earth Channel introduces Korean word processors to the world〉

〈Hunminjeongeum Spreading to the World〉

〈Kim Shin of Earth Resources, a sign of investment in the Korean software industry?〉

The aftermath of the free public release of Hunminjeongeum was huge in Korea.

No matter the broadcasting station or newspaper, it is a big hit in every press.

〈Domestic IT industry, large-scale uptrend in Shin Kim’s investment〉

<Abnormality! KOSDAQ, where only Hangul Hangul has fallen to the lower limit>

<Arae Ah Hangul, what will happen to 30 billion treasury shares?>

〈A fund manager at a securities company, “Arae Ah Hangul’s treasury stock purchase? meaningless The meaning of the market capitalization itself will disappear.”>

〈Investors start dumping Haneul Hangeul>

The stock bulletin board was burning hot.

―It’s a stock I’ve been holding for a year, but I sold it after seeing Kim Shin-hyung’s cancellation of the takeover. I’m glad I’m sweeping my chest.

―I went in as a single hit and lost 20%. But it feels like I earned 80%;

―This is how I see stocks going up 10 times going down.

―A proverb that hungry people should heed. In Korea, don’t go against Kim Shin-hyung.

―You sold your stake in the company to Kim Shin-hyung ㅠㅠ Why did you do that? Seriously.

―Are all the people here sane? Shin Kim killed a software company representing Korea. Do you defend this?

-yes. The Korean word processor is now Hunminjeongeum.

– I’m going to change right away.

―Betrayal is so much fun, right?

The next day, the stock market opened, and investors and the press took an interest in the stock price of Haneul Hangeul.

The lower limit was certain. However, it was a question of how much quantity was pouring out.

I was able to predict the future stock price depending on how many people were trying to sell stocks.

9 am.

As soon as the stock market opened, Haneul Hangul plummeted to the lower price.

〈Aeraeah Hangul, 8.8 million shares sold at the lower limit〉

〈Institutional investors and individual investors throw down Hangul at once〉

〈Aeraeah Hangul, despite the record-breaking sales volume, the trading volume is less than 20,000 shares. Missing buy tax>

〈KH Research Center, “Attempting to buy Haneul at a low price is a reckless act.”>

A shocking situation occurred in which most of Hangeul’s treasury shares and Son Joo-seung’s shares were released at the lower limit.

Even earthworms wriggle when stepped on, but CEO Son Joo-seung did not stay still.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Voluntarily held press conferences for domestic broadcasting stations and newspapers.

The press conference was attended by reporters from terrestrial, cable and major newspapers.

“Kim Shin is not a good person as the world knows. I tried to take over the company after seeing the excellence of Haneul, but when things went wrong, I joined the Lee Sung Group… … .”

The reporters at the press conference put their notebooks back in their pockets.

“Isn’t that a repetition of what you said before?”

“Any new stories?”

“There must have been a scene that would be aired on air if the company said it would go bankrupt and even shed tears.”

And the culmination of the press conference came out.

“This concludes the presentation above. I will not take any questions.”

“… … ?”

While the reporters were in a daze, Son Ju-seung hurriedly left the press conference.

“What is that?”

“Did you call me just to say something?”

That evening, Son Ju-seung hoped that the news would create sympathy for Haneul.

If the fact that it is a native software company is eaten by the public, there was hope that it could be revived with support from the government or the private sector.

The news started and the presenter came out.

“Earth Channel decided to release Hunminjeongeum, and overseas reactions are hot?”

“yes. Subscribers to Earth Channel in the US are praising it as an excellent word processor comparable to MS.”

“There is already an article that downloads have exceeded 10 million, is that true?”

“It was counted until around lunchtime. It is now known to have exceeded 20 million cases. We currently support Korean, English, Japanese, Spanish, and French, and when Chinese is officially installed by next week, the number of users is expected to increase significantly.”

It was not the news Son Joo-seung was expecting, but the explanation that Hunminjeongeum was actively circulating through the Earth channel.

“Next news. Hallyu contents are flying high through Earth Channel.”

“yes. This is the news that the filming of movies and dramas whose production was delayed due to Corona 19 continues.”

“There was a saying that CEO Kim Shin especially cherished K-contents.”

“Not only does it make a large investment, but it is said that it is watched directly through the Earth channel.”

TV news is actively broadcasting news about Kim Shin, just like the way they talked about the president’s trends in the past.

As a Korean, he succeeded in investing in a business that surprised the United States within a year, and at the same time became the top-ranked asset in the world’s wealthy rankings.

This is a phenomenon that happens because it helps viewer ratings to tell the news of Kim Shin, not to notice the power like in the past.

“Why is there no story about me?”

There was no news about the press conference that Son Joo-seung held with great ambition.

I searched for an article on the Internet using my mobile phone, but it was not the article I was looking for.

〈CEO Son Joo-seung of Haneul Hangul avoids responsibility for the stock price decline at a press conference〉

〈CEO Son Joo-seung, the wrong judgment that led to the downfall of the company〉

“… … .”

The world was ignoring him.

* * *

Even after surpassing 500 million subscribers, the growth of the Earth channel did not stop.

〈French people, “Earth Channel, have only Americans seen this fun?”>

〈Hunminjeongeum recorded 50 million downloads. Highly praised by users around the world

〈Earth Channel subscribers continue to increase. Estimated at over 6.5 million daily subscribers>

I was doing corporate activities, and the media constantly advertised and aired them.

The feeling of running on the road to success.

“Yesterday there were more than 7 million subscribers.”

“Isn’t it time to shrink?”

“I don’t know. it keeps growing The effect of content and media will definitely be great.”

I felt that there are so many people living on Earth.

European countries joined with fire belatedly, and it became popular in Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Argentina.

As a reason, the income of streamers could not be ignored.

In countries with low national incomes and large populations, the streamer job has become very popular since YouTube.

As streamers work hard, they are promoted in their countries.

Myungwoo Oh and I were not blindly optimistic people.

“I am successful now, but one day I will fail. Let’s not be overjoyed. Always be ready for a crisis.”

“great. Let’s think about the future of Earth Channel while eating pizza.”


And the next day, bad news came from the company.

〈Google, earth channel scheduled to be deleted due to in-app payment violations〉

〈Google App Market Manager, “Earth Channel is not paying a legitimate 30% fee.”]

〈Earth Channel to be withdrawn from Google〉

As soon as the breaking news broke, the entire company was in an uproar.

The secretary, Rosina, approached with a tearful face.

“CEO, did you see the article? Google says they can no longer support our app. I inquired with the person in charge, but they said that Earth Channel did not pay the fee and would delete it.”


“Aren’t you surprised?”

“Should I be surprised?”

“Wow, Mr. You look cool.”

I knew this day would come.

It overlapped too much with Google in the field of business.

At first, it started with OTT, so it didn’t pay 30% commission like Netflix.

Since then, Channel 7 has been opened, and expansion into video services, game platforms, and various sponsorships are applied internally.

All payments were made within the Earth channel, and no fees were paid separately.

Usually, Google deletes these apps or does not support further updates.

Myungwoo Oh said.

“Google can’t think of frogs as tadpoles.”

Rosina’s blue eyes shone.

“You mean you forgot the memories of your tadpole days? Become a frog and tyrannize those in need!”

As a graduate of a prestigious university, she understands Korean proverbs right away.

However, Oh Myung-woo did not mean it that way.

“no. They are conceited, forgetting their days as tadpoles.”


I met eyes with Oh Myung-woo.

“Although Google was conceited.”

“cancer. Now, when I see them moving, they have become dull dinosaurs.”

When I met people in San Francisco these days, they gave a huge overestimation of me and Oh Myung-woo.

I think I had a great ability from the beginning, or I thought I waited for the right moment in times of economic difficulties.

‘Wait for the right time to do something. If I had better abilities than others, I would have been successful and lived comfortably.’

The reason I don’t know other people well is because I have no choice but to judge them based on their current appearance.

Oh Myung-woo and I lived with a similar past.

In my teens, I couldn’t straighten my shoulders at school due to the burden of poverty, and even in my 20s, I was struggling in the semi-basement.

Thanks to being skilled idiots, I was worried about Google even before launching the earth channel.

“What if Google asks us for a fee?”

“Well. Since it’s OTT, you should try not to release it. Let’s hold out as long as we can.”

“You’re going to do a mobile service. You should go to the App Store.”

“Once you go in and ask for a fee, you should think about it.”

Even when the earth channel that started like that started gaining popularity like a storm and surpassed 100 million subscribers, Oh Myung-woo talked about it.

“It must be a lot of money to pay fees to Google.”

“I can’t give it away. Most people watch the Earth channel on the Internet or on television, but if you pay 30% of sales just because you received a mobile app, your net profit will decrease too much.”

He acknowledged that Google was credited with creating the app market. However, it was not 30% of the profit, but 30% of the sales was too big an expense.

With that money, I could make a huge number of movies, dramas, and games.

And time passed.

“Channel 7 overlaps too much with YouTube, so they will ask you to pay a fee, right?”


“If the game service is activated, we will distribute the app.”

“That’s what the real Google can’t stand.”

It was so terrifying that the number of subscribers exceeded 500 million.

Now, the news that Google has moved makes me feel their generosity and pride.

I said to Rosina, who had a worried expression on her face.

“Rosina, do you know it’s a good thing?”

“Good news?”

“It’s a phrase often used on coin bulletin boards in Korea, and even if something bad happens, it’s taken as positive news.”

As the representative of Earth Resources, I had work to do.

It was fortunate that I was able to show my employees how to do something properly.




When the cell phone rings, I see Jo Soo-ah and Seon Jae-yong, vice chairman of Lee Sung Group.

Although Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong is an important person, he confirmed Jo Soo-ah’s KakaoTalk first.

―Joshua: Are you okay? I saw the news.

―Jo Soo-ah: Brother. Don’t worry too much. You’re doing great.

I could feel the warmth in Jo Soo-ah’s conversation.

While in a long-distance relationship, I made a lot of contact via KakaoTalk or phone.

Movies, dramas, novels, companies, etc.

I found out through Jo Soo-ah that having miscellaneous conversations with women is fun.

-Kim Shin: Yes. You do not have to worry. everything is prepared

―Joshua: It’s a relief.

And Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong’s KakaoTalk.

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: I heard that the Earth channel will be deleted from Google.

-Kim Shin: That’s how it happened.

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: I think you were expecting it.

-Kim Shin: Yes. Google is a competitor.

Lee Sung Electronics is a major partner of Google.

It’s not like they’re going to release an Earth phone and then back off.

―Vice President Seon Jae-yong: Last time I took Hunminjeongeum and the sea, I thought a lot.

―Vice Chairman Seon Jae-yong: About the future CEO Kim Shin is preparing.

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