The god-like power caused the giant sword to spark sparks in the air.

A blow more brilliant than the sun and more violent than a landslide, directed at the tiny lizard man.

As if avoiding a fly from a fly swatter, Lynch tried his best to swim away, but could only watch helplessly as it landed accurately.

It's not that he's not fast enough, it's just that the opponent is too majestic.

The strong wind pressed Lynch to the ground. He desperately raised the scepter, and the pure light wavered unyieldingly in the darkness.

The demon's arrogant thoughts made Lin Qi angry, but this anger was like a candle in the wind under the power of the demon that was greater than the might of heaven.

It was impossible for him to see the evil god, he would rather die completely.

If we get to the Chaos Demonic Realm, everything will be out of Lin Qi's hands.

The struggle of the ant is insignificant to the giant.

The giant sword fell hard, like a falling meteorite.

The earth collapsed in response, and the rolling air waves shattered plants and rocks.

In the roar, the ground shook again and again, and the weak bright fire in the distance was directly compressed into sparks by the invisible force.

Sunlight cuts, but it also fuses the Plague Sword.

The mighty force brought the strong wind and threw the small figure into the abyss together with the ruins of Kara Temple.

The severe pain that shattered his body disappeared in a flash, and Lynch couldn't feel the pain anymore.

His consciousness fell into darkness, and his shattered body fell into the cracks in the earth.

The big devil's laughter stopped, and his scarlet eyes flickered several times in confusion.

The majestic mountain of flesh gradually faded away, disappearing from reality with lingering self-doubt.

Only the boils all over the earth were left, and the extremely weak fire of light in the rain forest.

After a long time, Asul's urgent cry broke the silence of the rain forest.

Teclis was miserable. He was covered in blood because he failed to completely absorb the impact, which almost turned him into a pulp.

The weakening wind of life and the wind of light are gradually unable to maintain the high magic of the archmage.

The Archmage failed to preserve his followers, and might even die in a foreign country. He could no longer hold on, and he was only a mortal.

Lilith's moon staff shines brightly, and the goddess's brightness cannot drive away the raging plague.

Asul wanted to check the situation on the battlefield in the distance, but it was extremely difficult for them to even move around.

The armor has been deformed, the enchantment symbols are always bright, and the magic patterns are dimming. Even from a long distance, the remaining plague can easily kill them.

When dawn came, Teclis saw the power of life and light gathering from all directions, so powerful that it made the morning light shine brightly.

The inexplicably rising magical wind saved Asul's life.

The plants grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Assur prayed to the Mother Goddess Isha to praise the arrival of new life.

The ulcers and blood on their bodies were like graffiti wiped away with a rag, and their smooth and clean skin could be seen through the tattered armor.

The Archmage maintained his spell and led the two Hoth Sword Masters towards the original site of the Kara Temple.

The ruins of that temple have been replaced by voids.

Asul keenly heard the sound of running water, and it seemed that there was an underground sea below.

The elf went down the steep cliff, only to find that there was sea water below.

The remaining virus caused the entire underground sea to be filled with fish carcasses, which were carried to distant places by the current.

The sea will clean itself, but it will take a long time to completely remove the pollution.

Suddenly, Teclis noticed that Guilun's strength suddenly doubled.

It seems that the originator of the vision was dissatisfied with the stubbornness of the plague, and used his invisible big hand to push the free wind of life to this place.

The wind of light also surged in, and the extremely powerful and vast compound magic completely eliminated the remnants of the plague.

The filthy underground sea has regained its clarity, and the newly flowing sea water is no longer tainted by the plague.

Teclis gathered the winds of heaven and divined the location of the cold-blooded champion.

Magic proves he's down there.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 95]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance, magic resistance, swift as wind, resistance to impact, killing rage, Aquatic clan, hunting perception, swift attack, psychic immunity]

Koteg's scepter was bound to Lynch by a silver chain, and there was no more light in the spar.

Being in an excited state for a long time consumes its energy.

Lynch had to thank Taibok's spine. It was intact and preserved Lynch's spine that was shattered into powder, thus fixing his most basic body shape.

Lynch calls to the torso, trying to get them to respond to the brain's commands.

Unfortunately, the bones haven't grown back yet and he has to lie down in the seaweed for a while.

Of course, it would be nice if there weren't a bunch of dark water sharks here.

They had just swum here, and when they discovered Lynch as his constant food provider, they savagely bit off Lynch's new flesh and blood, greedily refusing to leave.

Lynch could only hope that the energy in his soul would not be exhausted before the bones grew back.

Regeneration is not lossless, and the energy he has accumulated is not much.

The torture of darkness and powerlessness made Lynch's days seem like years, and he lost his intuitive perception of time.

I don't know how long it took before Lynch's arms regained consciousness.

The first thing he did was to take advantage of the shark swarm to gather again, suddenly burst out, triggering a rapid attack and killing rage, and withstand the heavy water pressure, he crushed it to death with his bony hands that were only connected to some muscles. Three sharks scared away the remaining two predators.

This shattered the bones in his hand again, but his goal was accomplished.

Lynch tried his best to keep the corpse by his side, and Lynch greedily gnawed on the raw meat to replenish nutrients for his weak body.

The broken intestines and stomach work crazily, turning inferior meat into more complex organic energy molecules, as well as special energy sources outside the entity.

The gluttonous feast lasted for a long time. When only half of the shark was left, a bright light dispelled the darkness and eliminated fear, shining on Lynch.

The light of order is bright and sacred, and Hexi represents purity and enlightenment.

This made Lin Qi understand that the person coming was a friend, not an enemy.

Sure enough, Teclis' figure condensed into a phantom in the pure light.

He looked extremely embarrassed. The mage's magic swordsman armor seemed to have been cast again, and the scars between the old and new could be vaguely seen.

The mage smiled tiredly, and Lynch just signaled him with his eyes... think of a way to rescue the unlucky lizard man.

Lynch has had enough of being soaked in sea water!

The Supreme Mage rarely disappoints, and Lynch felt a slight sway on the bottom of the sea.

The schools of fish that fell under Lynch's sight from time to time made him understand... The Archmage was lifting him and a piece of the seabed upwards.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lin Qi felt more and more relaxed.

The pressure of the water on him finally disappeared, and he came into contact with the air again.

Asul led the two Hoth sword masters through the shadows and landed on the floating island.

The ooze swallowed up their boots, and the exhausted elves paid no attention.

Teclis continued to raise the ground that held the Old Ones, and finally returned to the earth.

The staff of the moon keeps shining brightly, as if it is reminding something, and it also seems to be a resonance caused by the environment.

The rainforest around the Kala Temple has grown again, and there is no trace of the previous demonic ravages.

The journey was forced to be postponed. The mage found an open space next to the pit, set up a simple dome, and turned the soil into rock.

This simple stone house will serve as their next camp.

Lynch had to rest for a few days to let his flesh and blood regrow.

The lizard man tried hard to observe the rainforest, but he could not find any trace of Stink. It seemed that they all died in the impact caused by the big demon.

There are very few long-lived cold-blooded species, and even short-lived skink lizards would find it difficult to survive nearly three hundred years safely.

Those who can survive the test of a long time are the best among the best, and are the unknown legends in the rainforest.

After all, this is the land of eternal war.

Having been through several wars, one could be considered a veteran, and Lustria was at war every day.

The cold-blooded species that are constantly hatched ensure the number of existing elites. Each veteran represents countless companions who have disappeared.

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