The mage turned the soil under Lin Qi into a stone bed. Lin Qi lay boringly on the stone bed. The strong wind of life was better than nothing to him.

He had never been so lonely.

Lin Qi once thought he liked peace and quiet, but when he lay down weakly, he could not help but miss the chirping skinks at Huangqi Gate.

The excitement will dilute the powerless loneliness.

Lynch accidentally turned over and successfully broke several newly grown cartilage.

In desperation, Teclis used alchemical magic to create chains and bound the lizard man to the bed.

I hope this resistance, which is so fragile for a cold-blooded species, will allow him to remember his own condition when he turns over.

Lynch hated the feeling of powerlessness and weakness. Now he desperately wanted Asul to say something and pass the time with interesting anecdotes about foreign countries.

As if he heard Lynch's call, the magical message from the south was received by Tigris.

The Archmage unlocked the secret lock and opened the letters sent to all Assurs from the Twilight Fortress. When he discovered that the contents were not confidential, he read them to Lynch.

This is a message that both warns and asks for help.

Druchi's infamous Black Ark and the Tower of God Bless the Villains broke through the siege of the Twilight Fortress and the Star Tower's maritime fleet.

Nearly a hundred eagle ships were sunk, and dozens of dragon ships were shattered by enemy-level magic before they even got close to the Black Ark.

Druchi spies lurking in the colony took the opportunity to cause unrest, and thousands of Assur disappeared.

Most of them are residents of Star Tower.

The Star Tower is located on the volcanic islands east of Lustria, and further north is the infamous Vampire Coast.

There are only two main islands in the Volcanic Islands. Star Tower is located on the small island in the south. Lynch is more familiar with the larger island in the north.

There is a rebuilt temple city there.

The City of the Dead was destroyed by demons during the Cataclysm, and was later colonized by elves.

When the stars told Slann that it was time to restore the city, they awakened the volcano and destroyed the once glorious elven colony.

Assur learned his lesson, no longer approached the temple ruins, and re-established overseas settlements far away from the City of the Dead.

Elven miners are careful not to come into contact with active Skinks, concentrating on mining gems and rare metals around the City of the Dead.

This is one of the few important resource locations for Asul overseas.

On the small island in the south, there is an ancient ruins containing powerful magical power. It is the Star Tower.

Spellcasters from the Kingdom of Savri come regularly to perform secret rituals. At this time, the island's defense force is strongest.

Lord Kraken and his pirate crew visited the Volcanic Islands at this time.

Druchi first issued a time-limited letter of challenge to Twilight Fortress and Star Tower, and quietly waited for the Assur fleet to attack in the waters of the Volcanic Islands.

The Assur fleet, known as the master of the sea, set up a tight siege, but was easily defeated. Lord Kraken personally led his army to sack the Assur colony.

Under the cooperation of spies, the colony that had gone through a long period of time was completely destroyed.

Fortunately, Mage Saffrey, who was holding a ceremony in the Star Tower, used the power of ancient ruins to repel the Druzi slave-catching team.

But those Asul who were kidnapped in the chaos have lost hope of being rescued.

In the south, the Sword Master Hoth sent by Teclis to the Twilight Fortress discovered clues about Druzi's activities in the fortress.

This resulted in the Assur being prepared and not being caught off guard like their counterparts in the north.

Even so, Twilight Fortress also suffered heavy losses in Druchi's raid.

They spent a long time quelling the civil unrest, and until today, the tail end of the turmoil has slowly dissipated.

Lynch could guess that most of the admirals of the Tower of Divine Bless the Villain were holding a carnival to celebrate the fruitful plundering results.

At noon, in the vast ocean, on the legendary Black Ark.

Loxia Corrupt Heart broke away from the celebrating Druzi and walked to the edge of the moving island.

Under the cold gaze of Lord Kraken, a rotting Leviathan surfaced.

The eyeballs the size of Leviathan's boats are nothing but lifeless. Under the rotten skin are plastic tubes like blood vessels and warpstone machinery of unknown purpose.

The back of the big whale has lost its skin and flesh. Between the intertwined whale bones, a funny red flag sticks out, swaying feebly in the sea breeze.

Through the whale bones, you can see the strange-looking deck and warpstone power pump in the whale's belly.

Densely packed undead ratmen were busy among them, and the admiral of the strange ship, Half-Dead Rat Skokochi, whipped the slaves and made them rise up from the platform where they were.

It didn't take long for Skokochi to see the tall figure of Lord Kraken.

The Druchi maritime overlords watch silently as the Scarabrus, a living monster ship, a monstrous creation of necromancy.

He does not welcome you, servant of the vampire.

Scokochi is not! Not the Count's slave, we are collaborators, yes, yes.

This monster submarine, which has been carefully modified by the Skaven using dimensional devices, is worthy of Lord Kraken's high regard, but that's all.

Say why you are here, or he will chop off your head!

The sorcerer tower on the Black Ark noticed the uninvited guests. When they found that their master was confronting the visitor, the sorceress mobilized the power of Dal and let the brilliant colors of destruction float in the air to enhance the admiral's power.

The half-dead rat flinched, knowing the bad reputation of this druchi.

Skokchi was once the scourge of Tilia's coastline.

And Lord Kraken is a nightmare for all coastal areas.

The Tower of Divine Bless the Villain began its legendary second half of life after it took its young owner out to sea for the first time.

The count wants to cooperate with you! Cooperate! There are treasures in the ocean, many, many things surrounding the storm.

Skokchi looked at the ferocious siren mask, and his gaze paused for a moment. The mask looked like a living thing... its tentacles seemed to be dancing fiercely.

The half-dead rat felt inexplicably frightened and added in a shrill voice with a trembling tail.

The Dread Fleet can give you a lot of gold! Gold and slaves.

Lord Kraken became interested. He had heard that the Supreme Sorceress was chasing the storm and wanted to obtain the treasure in the storm.

Unfortunately, the powerful witch has cast a shadow on the treasure like a black dragon, and Loxia does not want to anger the Witch King's mother.

But he can take advantage of this opportunity!

If they can help the Supreme Sorceress obtain the treasure, the status of the Fallen Heart Family will surely rise step by step.

It would be better to take this opportunity and get the favor of the vampire fleet and the supreme sorceress at the same time.

He's listening.

Druchi looked down at the half-dead rat greedily, preparing to gain greater benefits.

Skokchi smiled cunningly. It was also greedy, otherwise it would not have been sent by the count to contact the Siren Lord.

The count's will echoed in its mind, and the half-dead rat rolled its eyes and began to negotiate with Druchi on the coexistence of threats and inducements.

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