Take us out of Lustria, and the Archon of Verezzo will reward you generously.

In the evening, on the northern coast of Lustria, a group of bloated humans stood on the coast, shouting loudly to the strange tentacled submarine that surfaced not far away.

In the control room of the Black Kraken, the half-demon dwarf hesitated.

The infected half of the dwarf's soul urged him to bring these unusual guests.

Hackhart had been one of Barak Hymen's most gifted young engineers.

He has two competitors.

Red Hair Brock Gunnerson is better in basic skills and creativity, while Grim Yanmei is only better in his unbridled imagination.

Hackhart is a proud genius who covets the title of Chief Engineer.

Unfortunately, although Grimm eventually changed careers and became an apprentice to the naval commander.

But the only remaining red hair won the honor of project leader.

Hackhart is the best designer!

In just a few years, the torn self-esteem quickly rotted away. Out of extreme jealousy, Hackhart attacked Red Hair with a steam-powered rivet gun.

He failed to kill Bullock and was expelled for it.

In order to escape humiliation, Hackhart broke away from the guards and hid in the best submarine he had designed himself during the struggle.

The Black Kraken was his creation after experiencing many nightmares during a fever.

Hackhart went all the way north, and finally sailed into the chaotic sea, and did not return until today.

The devil used both soft and hard tactics to ask Harkhart to bring seven swollen humans. Harkhart trembled all over and finally agreed to the devil's request.

Hunter Aiden pinched his beard tightly and accidentally pulled it out by the roots, splashing pus all over the floor.

The powerful warrior stared intently at the approaching ship as if unaware.

He had to leave Lustria and return to Tilia.

The jungle was too dangerous. The lizard destroyed his legion and only he and five of his guards escaped.

Aiden wanted to recall the original battle, but no matter how hard he frowned, he could never remember the details of the battle at Kara Temple.

He only remembered that he secretly commanded the entire army in the western camp, and his adjutants set up a tight siege in the central fort to wait for the lizards to enter.

Aiden couldn't think of anything more, and he looked at the soldiers who escaped with him with lingering doubts.

They looked terrified.

Aiden vaguely remembered that he was frightened and fled to the west in a panic.

The big mouth on his belly opened slightly, Aiden sighed, and the acid wafted out with the stench dripped onto the shrubs, causing the plants to wither instantly.

Aiden admitted that he had failed. The natives of Lustria had merit. They had incredibly powerful warriors.

He closed the three eyes on his head and scratched his shoulders with the hand behind him.

Aiden missed the warm cabin in Verezzo. His wife should have prepared dinner at this time and was dining with his strong son.

He was a stupid kid, but big enough that Aiden didn't want him to go down his own path.

With the help of the complex network of relationships accumulated over the years, Aiden found a knight's identity for his son.

When Aiden returns to China, and when the boy reaches adulthood, Aiden will hand over the Red Finger to him.

When the time comes, that boy can become a border prince, use the armed force of the mercenary group to occupy a village, marry a wise wife, and eventually develop the village into a city-state.

The giant face behind Aiden smiled, this failure making him tired of taking risks.

It was time to end it, to spend the rest of his life in Verezzo, to spend more time with his wife, to whom he owed so much over the years.

The ship on the sea was approaching, and Aiden turned sideways to look at the six people beside him. These loyal soldiers seemed to be calmer.

six people? Aiden frowned and thought, but forgot what he was questioning.

everything is normal.

Aiden patted the cyst on the back of the guard's head. As if he couldn't see the distortion, he softly said softly:

Relax, we're going home.

We can't go back.

Lynch looked at Tigris in confusion. He didn't understand why the archmage said this.

The archmage smiled teasingly, successfully diverting the lizard man's attention away from his limp body.

Because we are already on the road to greatness.

You fail to understand the mission you are shouldering, but you can already touch its sublimity. There was a smile in Lynch's eyes, and the smile flashed away.

Lynch could see the Archmage's anxiety. The mournful report from the south touched his heartstrings, and the Master was a little restless all day long.

After a slight pause, Lynch spoke again.

When you finish walking the path marked by the Ancient Saint, I will help you deal with those corrupted people of your kind.

The cold-blooded person's calm tone has a persuasive determination.

Teclis's smile paused slightly, then blossomed more intensely.

I'm looking forward to this adventure, which promises to be as great as Aenario's trip around the world.

Our battlefield is so vast, why do we care about the so-called Siren Lord? Lynch looked at the Archmage meaningfully. He was not good at comforting him, but at this time Asul needed encouragement.

Lynch knew about Lord Kraken. He had read the story of Loxia countless times in his previous life.

This is an evil thief, a powerful pirate possessed by the strange power of the deep sea.

But he is only human.

Even the weakest demon is far beyond his reach.

Sword Master Hess was roasting a jungle python outside the house. Lin Qi smelled the unpleasant fishy smell and felt a little nauseous.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the fresh fragrance to replace the fishy smell.

The Archmage sat beside the stone bed, carving runes on the newly forged armor.

He continued what Lynch said without looking up.

A powerful pirate is not scary. What is scary is the interests he represents and the hyenas united by the interests.

A black ark means a prosperous Druzi family, as well as countless soldiers who are dependent on the family, and other nobles with entangled interests.

Druchi's slave trade is not limited to internal affairs. They can buy slaves wherever live animals are needed.

Of course Lynch knew this, he knew more than the Archmage imagined.

Take Arabi, for example, where the sultan and emir cannot do without the service of slaves.

That peninsula was prosperous and decadent.

The belief in strange gods is mixed with a secret submission to demons.

Some Arabis believe in the kings and gods of the desert, while others openly revere the demons in disguise.

This is a land that needs to be cleared. Lynch has already thought of a battle plan, but he doesn't have enough soldiers.

They were a force that Drucci could easily provoke.

Slaves and money can drive most hotbloods, although they are actually worthless and only allow the forces of Chaos to find opportunities to exploit them.

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