But what is regrettable is that the jumping corpses fled into the depths of darkness one after another, and did not choose to confront the adventure team head-on.

In just a few blinks, all the headless and boneless corpses disappeared.

The Archmage used the wind of heaven to clear away the fog.

The bodies were fleeing north.

This coincided with Lynch's route, so he chose to pursue it without hesitation.

The jungle gradually became restless, like wild animals waiting for the dawn to come.

These corpses are faster than rat men. If it weren't for the magic of the mage, Lynch would have lost track of his target.

From time to time, some gold diggers would encounter the team unexpectedly and die in Lynch's casual killings.

When the first ray of dawn came, the fear in the witch hunter dissipated a little, but he still looked a little dull.

Maybe the witch hunter was really influenced by the vampire. The vampire used a similar trick on Lynch, using a human skin book.

Lynch once thought that those were the nine volumes of Nagash.

The master of the Dread Fleet searched for the pages and found them in the rainforest, and this Nikolachi also wandered in the rainforest, carrying a human skin book with him.

It’s hard not to relate to this.

The witch hunter was still looking around nervously, but the archmage didn't notice the mystery that the witch hunter was enduring. This only meant that the spell had already been triggered and had been secretly taking effect.

If something really happened to human beings, it must be a force similar to a curse.

Several rays of magic lit up on the human body, but it only made the human being more painful. Teclis cautiously stopped trying.

During the boring pursuit, the sun rose completely, dispersing most of the darkness in the rainforest, but there were always shadows in the dense woods.

When Lynch passed by the shade of a tree, a violent attack alerted the hunting tree snake.

The huge blow hit Lynch on the back, only for Lynch to be pushed away by surprise.

A headless corpse floated in the air and was about to escape, but was impaled by Lynch with a scepter.

The blasphemous flesh and blood burned on the scepter, and even the hot-blooded species felt unnatural fear.

This fear is not brought by the corpse, but from the depths of the jungle.

They seemed to have stepped into ancient ruins.

In the vast ocean, on an amorphous island mixed with broken mirrors.

The book in the old man's hand is almost half rotten, but there are still half of the pages that can be written on.

His pen kept writing on the book. During the breaks in writing, the old man looked up from time to time to observe the broken mirror reflecting the Isthmus of Lustria.

It seems that Tzeentch promised this change. From the moment he contacted the Keeper of Secrets until now, things have been going smoothly.

The old man used his will from time to time to observe the cold-blooded species with the help of humans far away in the Isthmus of Lustria, and then quickly and cautiously took it back.

It went so well. Except for the mage and the target itself, the thinking of other creatures was completely unable to prevent the arrival of the Changing One.

The old man concentrated again and wrote a name on the book with bulging veins.


In an instant, the pages died like a living person, igniting spontaneously and turning into ashes.

The old man's story was fulfilled, even if it was only for a second, it was enough for the Necromancer to borrow.

The blue flames in the old man's eyes burned brightly, as if he was happy about this.

That damn reptile will definitely die in the hands of the great necromancer. After all, the rebellious necromancer has the ability to make gods die, let alone a mere mortal.

In the vast ocean, in the deep trench.

The sleeping giant beast opened its giant yellow eyes again.

The voice calling for it grew louder in the storm.

How long has it been since it heard that kind call?

Thousands of years? Ten thousand years? Or longer?

Capeu has lost track of time and has been sleeping since its owner disappeared, only to wake up in recent years.

It must stay at the bottom of the sea. This is the final command left by the Supreme Lord.

But the master's legacy was triggered, and the sacred object was calling Capeu.

The island-like monster wrapped in irregular scales slowly sinks, resisting the sound that dominates it.

But it's no use. Water is His medium and also His power.

No matter how deep into the trench Kapeu dives, his call cannot be stopped.

Capeau cannot disobey orders, it must lie dormant, dormant forever.

This is to avoid affecting the reproduction of its master's new creation on the earth.

The call from the distance became clearer and clearer. Kapeu subconsciously swam to the northeast, then struggled to swim to the southwest.

The sea water was stirred by giant objects, and there was no wind on the sea surface. There were big waves that could destroy the fleet.

The increasingly grander call defeated Capeu's last hesitation.

In the abyss, city-sized monsters like clawed black fish no longer resist the call.

Perhaps, its owner has returned, and that call is the latest order.

It must destroy everything next to the holy object and close the supreme eye!

In the Isthmus of Lustria, the setting sun cannot dispel the chill on the hot-blooded body.

Lin Qi gradually approached a continuous mountainous area. In his perception, the mountain forest ahead was nothingness.

Lynch just took a step forward, but seemed to have crossed an invisible dividing line.

The lush rainforest disappeared and turned into a gloomy temple ruins. Deep in the ruins, the temple square was transformed into a cemetery.

Lin Qi backed away unbelievingly, but took a step back and saw the dense jungle again.

Maybe it's some kind of illusion.

Lynch was the first to rush into the abnormal place. At a certain moment, he noticed an evil peek.

He thought it was the owner of the ruins peeping, but the direction of the peeping was clearly from his teammates.

Fleetingly, the glimpse disappeared again like an illusion.

Hot-blooded species entered the ruins one after another. It was daytime, but it was always night in the ruins.

The Archmage suddenly struck the ground with his staff, adding the Shield of Savri to the hot-blooded species.

A dozen headless corpses emerged from the shadows, and Lynch was the first to bear the brunt of the stormy attack.

The lizard men responded with a sudden counterattack, and a face-to-face confrontation purified all the undead that came towards them.

The sudden attack knocked down the hot-blooded ones. Fortunately, the headless corpse's attack was not enough to break through the magic shield.

Before the hot-blooded creature could get up, Lynch had already knocked down the other attackers.

Hoarse spells sounded in the depths of the ruins, and more and more headless corpses emerged from the shadows, preventing the soldiers from going deep into the ruins.

What's even worse is that the witch hunter seemed to have suddenly encountered a nightmare and collapsed weakly on the ground. If it weren't for Sorian's rescue, he would have died in a foreign country.

The elusive raids seriously hindered Lynch's pace, and the mage was unable to gather strategic magic in the frequent attacks.

New undead are constantly being awakened, working with headless corpses to intercept intruders.

Lynch broke through the sea of ​​undead, but this seemed to make the undead go crazy.

A physical mountain of corpses piled up in front of Lynch, eventually surrounding him and pressing the lizard man under the mountain of flesh.

Countless undead piled up into a ball, using their own weight to delay the advance of the cold-blooded species.

Lynch slowly but firmly waved the scepter, burning the undead surrounding him and crushing the dead bodies in front of him.

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