The lizard man had no time to pay attention to his teammates. He could only choose to believe in their tenacity.

There was clearly only one vampire, but it managed to summon an army that could only be summoned by dozens of vampires.

Lynch locked his eyes on the vampire in front of the abandoned temple deep in the cemetery, slowly broke through the obstruction of the undead, and killed the undead archmage holding the human skin book.

The remaining light of the setting sun was swallowed up by darkness, and night fell completely.

Both the white moon and the evil moon hang in their most perfect postures in the night.

This is what the Empire calls a mysterious night.

The Seven Stars of Heth hang high in the sky, but they can only ensure that the Archmage will not fall into a disadvantage in the battle of wits.

This is a land of the dead, and the power of the dead is as strong as the evil moon hanging high in the sky.

The dark green color of the evil moon was fuller than ever before, and the evil light swallowed up the insignificant brilliance of the white moon.

The witch hunter stopped struggling and stared blankly into the darkness.

This was his twentieth mysterious night after losing his parents.

His mother's call echoed in his ears, and his penetrating gaze made him give up his resistance.

The Holy Emblem of Sigmar fell to the ground, and the rusty scrap iron and rocks collided with each other with an ear-splitting sound, but it failed to awaken the witch hunter to resist.

The legend comes true!

He should have died long ago, but he was cruelly given twenty spring and autumn years, and he was the monster.

Glenn Wendel~

In the blink of an eye, Glenn was back twenty years ago.

His parents prepared hot milk for him, and after praying to Sigmar, his worried mother sent him to the cellar.

What happened next?

All Glenn remembers is a loud bang.

The familiar loud noise shattered the witch hunter's eardrums, and the mother's whisper appeared again. The witch hunter became a bystander of the body again. This time he saw clearly that the resentful spirit emerged from his body.

His parents have never left. There are no evil spirits in the darkness. The evil spirits are always in his soul. He is his parents.

The witch hunter stood up. He tried his best to resist another thought in his body, trying to prevent her from taking out the crossbow.

The dwarf was rejoicing that his companion had stood up, but Glenn did not respond to the dwarf's invitation to fight together.

The crossbow moved unsteadily towards the Archmage, but with a sudden force, Glenn aimed at him.

Before Glenn could pull the trigger, the accident happened.

In the cemetery deep in the ruins, the vampire behind the shadows suddenly threw the human skin book in his hand into the temple behind him.

The vampire's shrill cry caused all the undead to stop moving, and also frightened Glenn, who was trying his best to die.

No! Impossible! You are already dead!

The undead around the vampire were driven to the temple, and were annihilated by invisible forces before they even entered the temple.

But the human leather book was floating in the temple unscathed, unaffected by the remaining magic in the temple.

The vampire roared hysterically, and the swollen flesh tore off his disguise, turning Nikolaich, who originally looked like an ordinary person, into a tall, thin monster with a green face and fangs.

It no longer even paid attention to the sunlight that was slowly approaching it. The number of undead that the vampire aroused was significantly less than when it was holding the human skin book, and the densely packed undead were rushed to the temple.

The crumbling temple was knocked down, and the vampire seemed to want to completely bury the human skin book in the temple.

Invisible power overflowed from the temple and turned into black mist.

The black mist engulfed everything in the ruins, and every thinking being was peeped with fear.

The fear was solidified by the magic power of the dead, turning into a lifelike illusion.

An attic appeared out of thin air in front of Teclis. On the second floor of the attic, the thin and dying Teclis looked at the current Archmage alone.

There was a corpse in front of Luding, and black blood flowed from the wound in her throat. She looked at the sword master in pain, as if questioning why he neglected his duty and failed to protect the mage he swore to protect.

There were many dwarves wearing heavy meteorite armor around Sorian. Unlike other illusions that were real like yesterday, these dwarves were obviously phantoms.

The Sons of Genar stood on the snow-capped mountains, with endless greenskins in front of them. The greenskin generals leading them wore scarlet armor and held huge demonic battle axes.

The son of Gena shouted the name of his ancestors and bravely stood in front of the green wave hundreds of times his body.

This is tantamount to using a mantis' arm as a chariot.

The stubborn roar of the dwarves was drowned out by the loud waagh. The orc warrior general led by him easily broke through the hard-tempered heavy armor of the dwarves and hacked to death the long-bearded veteran like a child.

Thorion roared and charged into the illusion to face an invincible enemy together with his compatriots.

But this was just an illusion, and he had missed the war forever.

There are no backsliders, the sons of Gurnar are the descendants of Grimnir, the god of war, a glorious warrior clan.

Three hundred dwarves fought against the black orcs hopelessly and in vain, and turned into cold corpses amidst the laughter of the black orcs.

The battle between the trapped beasts could not save anything. The dwarves' desperate resistance was nothing more than a joke to the orc warriors who were intoxicated with slaughter. Three hundred chickens were not enough to warm them up.

The long glory of the clan ended in the devastating charge of the orc war general. Thorian clearly saw the unwillingness and unshakable hatred of the last son of Gurnar.

Thorion looked hundreds of years older in an instant. He swung the battle ax feebly, but the ax penetrated the illusion.

The legendary wandering came to an end, leaving him alone, an incompetent old dwarf who could never take revenge.

Glenn saw his parents, who were grabbing him by the throat, trying to strangle their child completely.

The witch hunter tried to get closer to the dwarf, trying to hit the dwarf's battle ax, but was pulled away by his parents with a grin.

The black mist became thicker and thicker, and Lin Qi felt extremely weak again.

Tall demons emerged from the black mist one after another, and the ruins on the ground turned into the ruins of Itaza.

Lin Qi clearly understood that everything was just an illusion.

The evil moon in the sky disappeared, replaced by countless broken, continent-like dimensional stone fragments.

A pyramid appeared in front of Lynch, and the lizard man knew that it was the Ichi Pyramid of Itaza.

The ancient city is filled with plague, and the explosions of warpstone devices and rat-men fill the rainforest.

Disaster lords came to the mortal realm one after another, and one after another the cold-blooded legions were overwhelmed by the tide of rats and the swarming demons.

In the stargazing room at the top of the pyramid, a demon toad was bleeding from its seven orifices, looking up at the falling fragments of the evil moon from the sky.

It was it that shattered the evil moon that fell towards the planet, but it was also exhausted and could no longer fight against the waning moon in the sky.

It strives to climb up, trying to climb to the top of the tower and breathe its last breath of fresh air before dying.

The demon toad finally fell alone on the steps.

This is the end of the future. Lynch himself doesn't know that he is actually afraid of this future.

Suddenly, more undead replaced the demons, and the end of the rainforest was replaced by the end of the kingdom.

The undead dragon covered the sky with its wings, swarms of vampires flew under the night, and giants and trolls were infected with the terror of death.

The mighty army of the dead filled the world. Deep in the army of the dead, on the throne of bones, a necromancer wearing a gray robe looked down at everything in the world.

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