Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 166 Scrambling to be the first

The snoring sounds came and went and stayed in the north.

Even the surging power brought by the waaaaaagh that resounded through the sky in the south could not wake up the fallen sleeper.

Maybe they were lucky because it allowed them to escape the enemies the Green Wave was facing.

On the east side of the battlefield, the green skins in the green tide tore at the corpse of the rat man, looking at the clouds floating in the east while chewing.

The clouds seem a bit small and there are a lot of them.

Are they floating a little too fast?

Soon, the ferocious flying beast was exposed to the sight of the greenskins.

The greenskins looked dullly at the group of pterosaurs flying in the sky, as well as the humans and demons who were dragged up into the sky by the pterosaurs from time to time, and gradually came to their senses.

At first it was just a waagh, then thousands of waaghs breathed new life into the Green Wave.

All the greenskins realized that a tough fight was coming!

No matter how timid the greenskins are, their instinctive fighting spirit will be awakened by the fanaticism of the group. They are also a race born for war. Before the waagh is defeated, most greenskins will risk their lives.

The chirping of the pterosaurs was like a war drum, igniting the fighting spirit of all the greenskins on the east side of the green tide.

The greenskins further away, due to lack of vision, could only follow and bark incomprehensibly.

The green tide diverted again, but this time the enemy was not something that could be defeated by numbers and strength.

With the last of the fleeing demons slain, the Sentinels of the Herald of Ichi noticed other filth on the ground.

The symbol of the Sky Lord has still not been recovered, which means that the Sentinels still cannot return to their posts.

They must recover the Sword of Ichi, a relic of the first Skink warrior to conquer the skies.

The long years and the blessings of generations of Skink Priests have dyed the bone sword with sanctity. It is the Sword of Dawn, a sword specially designed to deal with Chaos!

Although it is not an artifact left behind by the ancient saint, it is still something that cannot be lost to the sentries of the Iqi Herald.

The Sword of Iqi is the battle flag of the Sentinel of Iqi's Order.

The clues to the artifact were temporarily interrupted, but Ichi's Sky Knights could feel the call of Ichi's Sword, and it was here.

The pterosaur riders drew beautiful and deadly parabolas in the air, swooping down to the enemies on the ground that the ancient saint had marked.

Only the bravest Skinks will lead their pterosaur companions directly into the ground to fight in close quarters.

Only one rider in ten could survive such a battle.

Iqi's Envoy Sentinel is one of these ten!

Like cannonballs falling into the green tide, the greenskins didn't think of fear and regret until the strong wind from the flapping wings of the pterosaurs hit their faces.

Each dexterous rider pulled up his chosen target like a dragonfly on water. In the first round of diving and climbing, not a single pterosaur rider was left on the ground by the green skin.

The greenskins struggled under the pterosaur's claws, using their teeth and nails to damage the pterosaur's tough claws, but in vain.

The gods of death fell from the sky, and finally mercifully allowed the green skins to have the opportunity to touch the earth again.

Tens of thousands of greenskins fell screaming, like screaming raindrops, hitting the ground hard.

The greenskin who was unfortunately hit by the cannonball on the ground didn't even have time to moan, and instantly lost consciousness.

The greenskins who were shouting and fighting suddenly fell silent. The timid greenskins were the first to flee. The brave greenskins died in another round of death from the sky without any resistance.

Fear is spreading, and more and more greenskins no longer rush towards the enemy, but choose to stay away from them.

The power of the Green Tide was shattered.

The Iqi sentries, hovering here like a tornado, keenly noticed that a pure light that shot straight into the sky lit up on the west side.

The silver holy emblem hanging on Lynch's right wrist no longer hides his extraordinaryness.

Ahead, the Nurgle warlocks who were performing a ceremony were engulfed by the pure light and burned to ashes in an instant.

The mighty brilliance is like the sun rising from the ground, swallowing up war and death.

In a daze, Lin Qi saw the silver light streaking across the sky again.

In the sight of Sentinel Iqi, Lynch's inconspicuous figure was magnified by the pure light, making him look like a giant like a hill, but he was still insignificant in the subsequent illusion.

Brilliant silver light followed one after another, and a hazy shadow quickly emerged from it.

The silver fluid streaked across the battlefield like a meteor about to hit the ground.

All cold-blooded species were inspired to be wild, and they all recalled their original mission.

The pure light flashed away, and the vision disappeared, but the filth on the ground was also much less.

The excited pterosaur riders fanatically slaughtered the greenskins and ratmen on the ground, offering sacrifices to the miraculous vision.

Maybe the lizard people don't think much and just follow the call of the power itself, but the skink is better at blaming everything on the ancient saint.

The killing bathed the sky with blood, and rain of blood and corpses fell one after another, completely frightening the nerves of the rat warlocks.

Chuanquluo pointed at the sky fiercely, and at the same time made a demanding gesture to the Dimension Twins and Alchemist Essien.

It's the only thing that can turn the tide of the battle now!

If these three warlocks still don't hand over all the warpstones, all the ratmen will die!

What finally convinced the warlocks was not the authority of foreign enemies or Chuanquillo himself, but a voice from behind the curtain.

All sorcerers saw its projection.

It is as big as a giant, and the huge horns on its head make warlocks sincerely jealous. Its words seem to contain infinite magic.

Even across the barriers between the mortal world and the demonic realm, the warlocks felt the uncontrollable magic formed in the Disaster Lord's words.

The divination crystal ball in the hand of the Lord of Disaster confirms its identity.

This is a dimensional prophet! The most mysterious and powerful Disaster Lord!

The warlocks made concessions, and Chuanquillo got what he wished for, and obtained the dimension stone that could feed him.

Only it has the ability to complete the magic of summoning the big demon as easily as child's play.

Under the Gray Prophet's high-spirited orders, Chuanquillo, who was so excited that his tail was wagging, watched the Storm Rats arrange the summoning ceremony.

The three warlocks tried their best to fight against the wizard's magician, buying crucial time for Chuanquluo.

The Disaster Lord's laughter made the white hair on the Gray Prophet's neck stand up. He mustered up his courage and secretly took a second look at the Disaster Lord behind the curtain.

Quick! My little prophet, the Horned Rat has already pointed us in the direction!

The demon's roar made Chuanquluo tremble suddenly, and there were some mistakes in the magic that was about to be completed.

In another world, the Disaster Lord suddenly arrived at the other side of the Chaos Demon Realm.

Boundless demons of Nurgle and countless demons of Slaanesh mixed together, and the roars and screams of countless demons made their battlefield almost come alive.

Tentacles rose from the ground, biting the warring demons with their teeth.

The earth grew ferocious mouthparts, but the abnormality of the earth itself was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Disaster Lord.

Among the demons fighting in the melee, three big demons with monstrous flames frightened the Disaster Lord with their terrifying nature.

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