There is also a distinction between superior and inferior demons.

If the dimensional prophet is the moon, then the three in the melee are the planets.

If it were an ordinary demon, Lord Calamity would be confident that he could easily defeat it, but the people present were all demons of gods.

It hurriedly cooperated with the gray prophet in the mortal world, opened a gap, and prepared to escape to the mortal realm.

But the Prince of Nurgle and the Great Demon of Slaanesh were fighting for this opportunity.

They stopped fighting in unison and rushed towards the frightened Disaster Lord.

Prince Nurgle was possessed by the chief dancer of Slaanesh, and was forced to perform comical dances.

The Eternal Dancer infected three high-level demons at the same time. The door to the mortal realm was right in front of them, and the fragile cooperation was easily torn apart.

But the Keeper of Secrets, who also stood at the top of the daemon pyramid of Slaanesh, was less affected than the other daemons.

The Great Keeper disturbed the shadows, once again forcing out the haunting memories of Prince Nurgle, and at the same time affected the magic of the Scourge Lord and the charm of the Eternal Dancer.

It happily knocked away the dimensional prophet blocking the way and rushed into the torn gap.

No demon noticed, and all the millions of demons present remained oblivious.

A small, transparent guy secretly got on the bus leading to the mortal realm.

In the mortal world, a batch of chameleons were hatched at the same time in the hatching ponds of Lustria and Southland.

Skink species thought to be on the verge of extinction are once again thriving.

The Skink Priests in the major temples were alerted, and this anomaly even affected Slan in the Spiritual Vein Network.

In the Isthmus of Lustria, the battlefield was in full swing.

Osyotan narrowed his eyes and instinctively adjusted the type of mimicry.

Soon, it breathed the air of the mortal realm again.

The familiar rainforest made the chameleon who had been exiled to the Chaos Demon Realm confused for a moment.

It was here seven thousand years ago.

It led its brothers to ambush the demon army trying to invade Pahuakos.

They failed, even though each chameleon achieved unimaginable results.

Because dozens of big demons are targeting them, who can resist the pursuit of a group of big demons?

In a daze, Osiotan remembered the hopeless war again.

They have exhausted their poisonous arrows and tried all methods. They have tried their best to complete many impossible ambushes and counterattacks.

The fleeing greenskins and ratmen not far away reminded Osyotan that they were defeated, completely defeated.

That's all that's left.

There are many cold-blooded species missing from the familiar rainforest. The world is not what it remembers. Lower races are spreading everywhere like a plague. Their old enemies, demons, are still in the rainforest.

The deserted rainforest feels strange to Chameleon. All the glory built by the ancient saints has disappeared, leaving only devastation.

This shouldn't be like this. This is the Pahualasha Rainforest, and the road leading to the holy city of Pahuakos is here. There should be many busy skink workers here, and many patrolling Thoros.

Osyotan looked around blankly and saw only the pterosaur riders fighting low-level creatures, and the lizard-men with the grace of Koteg and Tebok.

Times have changed.

The body twisted by the power of chaos skillfully filled the golden blowgun given by the ancient saint with deadly poisonous needles.

It had seen the Lost City of the Ancient Saint in the Demon Realm of Chaos. In order to avoid the demons that were chasing it, it passed through the Silent Hall. The Kingdom of the Ancient Saint was only in ruins.

Osiotan knew the world's tragic fate, but it could not warn Slann.

Slann would never consider its return to be a good omen, as it had been transformed by Chaos.

But Chaos cannot conquer its soul, it only has an unforgettable hatred for Chaos.

All its compatriots died in the battle, and it witnessed the fall of its birthplace. It saw in the Demon Realm that the body of the respected ruler of Pahuakos, Lord Bocus Aylan, was eaten by the great demons. .

Osiotan had no hope for the fate of the world.

Perhaps it was the only one who understood that after the Ancient Saints mysteriously disappeared that night, they would never appear again.

Looking at the God Lord and Demon standing in the shadows with great pride as he tore apart reality.

The most outstanding hunter ever held the old friend who had been with him for a long time against his lips.

Carefully measuring the changes in the wind and feeling the disturbance in the environment, Invisible Hunter Osio calmed down and waited for the opportunity.

It forgot how many times this was, they had cooperated countless times and succeeded every time.

The summoning magic of the Gray Seer tore the battlefield apart, and all the shadows in the night cheered.

Winds of magic gathered from all directions and shaped the form of the Great Keeper of Secrets, Whiskrim.

The secret keeper looked at the lizard man not far away with hatred, and it came back again.

This time, it won't make the same mistake again!

The big devil smiled ferociously, and manipulated the shadows with the help of the magical wind that had not yet dissipated.

A series of sharp blades emerged from the shadows, slitting the throats of the Skaven and Greenskins.

The densely packed dead souls were gathered by the demon, strengthening its connection with reality.

It had to admit, the lizard man's weapons were a bit tricky, and his ridiculous armor was a bit interesting.

But it had real power, and this time it was going to cut the lizard man into six thousand pieces, never giving him a chance to recover.

The demon glanced at the caster hiding in the dark with disdain, successfully gaining the other's fear.

When they discovered that the elf mage from before was also there, the secret keeper became cautious. It would be difficult to fight against two beings who had the ability to banish it at once.

Elves and lizardmen are not green-skinned, disorganized people who don't know how to cooperate.

It doesn't understand why an elf should follow a lizard man like a follower!

Can't he just stay on Ulthuan and wait for the invasion of the Slaanesh army?

The green tide has broken, and the waagh can no longer add unparalleled power to the greenskin warlord.

The lizard man kicked away the orc warrior who rushed towards him, and the green-skinned man lost his strength and rolled several meters away like a rubber ball.

Lynch raised his scepter and rushed towards the big devil without hesitation.

The secret keeper must be held back immediately, otherwise the lone mage will die, and then the demon will be even more wanton.

The big demon was fully alert to the approaching lizard man. It would not be careless again. Last time, it underestimated the lizard man too much, and the son of destiny took the opportunity to tease him.

This time it wants to wash away the shame of being killed by a weakling, and then plucks the feathers of the big bird.

The lizard's roar covered up three small sounds.

The demon suddenly became aware of the crisis. It distractedly observed its surroundings and found the source of the crisis.

There is a poisonous needle shooting from its back!

The big devil blocked the poisonous needle casually, and his excellent senses allowed him to discover that there was more than one poisonous needle!

Another poisonous needle hit the lizard man's scepter that was swinging towards the big demon, and was deflected strangely towards the big demon.

The big demon turned around in a hurry, dodging the lizard man's slashes and the incredibly threatening poisonous needles.

When he turned around, the demon clearly saw another poisonous needle right in front of him.

The blazing heat on the left reminds the great demon that he must either face the sword of the ancient saint or face the deadly venom.

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