Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 168 Twilight of Pahuakos

Whiskrim chose the third answer. It ignored its own weakening connection with reality and prepared to escape into the minds of other creatures.

The heartbreaking pain in his back reminded the big demon that he was poisoned.

These three poisonous needles were all a cover, and the most critical damage had quietly fallen on the demon while it was focusing on fighting against the obvious.

But it wears demon armor that covers its whole body!

The secret keeper suddenly remembered that there were gaps in the armor, invisible gaps.

How can this be?

The Keeper of Secrets recalled the legend of the mysterious hunter in the Chaos Demon Realm.

Countless powerful demons have discovered it, but have never truly captured it.

Either he escaped from it, or he was sent to the soul furnace by a poisonous needle shot from nowhere.

Fortunately, this poisonous needle is not directly fatal.

But the paralysis brought about by chronic death also prevented the great demon from evading.

It could only watch helplessly as the lizard man's slash struck it, and another powerful poisonous needle shot into its eye.

These two belated blows only hastened its exile.

Without even a chance to utter the last insult, the secret keeper wanted to bite the bullet, but God knows what kind of toxin the hunter added to it, which could actually affect the big demon so violently. Before it could show its anger, The world shook.

The concrete world has gone away, and the Keeper of Secrets has returned to where it came from.

Prince Nurgle was beating up the Dimensional Prophet, and the two great demons joined forces to fight off the attacks of the Eternal Dancer from time to time. When the Keeper of Secrets returned, except for those ignorant low-level demons who were still fighting against their opponents, they had the ability to think. All the demons were stunned for a moment.

Didn't it just go out?

Immediately afterwards, the big demons reacted and looked at the loser maliciously.

This incompetent guy wasted this opportunity. They should have entered that door instead. Now, it is time to punish the secret keeper.

For example, beat it back to the Soul Forge!

Lin Qi bumped into the big demon's body that was scattered into ashes all over the sky, and threw himself into the air.

Strangely enough, the demon was banished with almost no resistance.

Maybe Tigris had a will-level struggle with it and held it back?

Regardless, this is a good thing.

Lynch took the opportunity to change direction and rush towards the green-skinned general who was rushing towards him without knowing his life or death. The blazing arc of light instantly dissolved the green-skinned warrior who had lost his waagh.

He then pounced on the exposed Warlock Ratman without stopping, causing the Ratman to flee in fright.

During the pursuit, Lynch discovered a bone sword that had pierced the flat silver box in a pit on the ground next to a trampled body.

It was strangely not destroyed by the greenskin's spells.

The Pterodactyl Riders, who were keeping an eye on Lynch, noticed the Saurus Man's discovery, at first just a group of Pterodactyls making a long cry, then more Pterodactyl Riders noticed the relic.

Lin Qi's mind was spinning, and he decisively pulled out the bone sword and threw it high into the sky.

The swooping pterosaur riders accelerated one after another, like butterflies flying around a flower.

In the end, one of the most skilled sentry guards from Iqi fought for the bone sword.

All the pterosaurs screamed for this, because a Lord of the Sky was born.

Lin Qi didn't pay attention to the celebration in the sky. He quickly caught up with the Alchemist Eshin who was tossing and jumping in the shadows.

But before the light of the scepter could shine on the mouse in the shadow, it screamed and fell from the shadow, completely lifeless on the ground.

Lin Qi looked at the Gray Prophet not far away. The rat man actually ran away holding the statue.

After discovering that the companion who was blocking the knife was dead, the Gray Prophet decisively threw the gold at Lynch in an attempt to delay time.

If it were ordinary gold, Lynch wouldn't care, but this is the Ancient Saint Engine.

The Gray Prophet rolled on the spot without hesitation, hid in the rocks, pushed back the elves' invasion at the conscious level, tremblingly opened a portal, and escaped into the distance with the help of the power of the Chaos Realm.

The light of Kotago's scepter inspired the Zongqi engine that fell towards Lynch, and it disappeared instantly. Lynch only felt that there was a foreign object in his left eye, but it did not affect his vision.

Lin Qi's body froze, and he quickly attacked the Gray Prophet, but only cut off a piece of his tail that didn't have time to reach the other side of the portal.

The rat warlocks fled and died, but the rat warlords did not know where they were.

The rat tide also disintegrated, mingling with the fleeing greenskins and slowly being swallowed up by death falling from the sky.

The Sky Lord of Iqi's sentry sentry slowly fell in front of Lin Qi and performed a ceremony of allegiance to Lin Qi.

This meant that Lynch had created an extra scout army out of thin air, spreading throughout the rainforest.

Lynch took advantage of the opportunity to understand the areas in which the Lord of the Sky was good at.

It is a good player in reconnaissance, raids, and guerrilla warfare.

After arriving at Hesiota and unlocking the star map, he had to leave Lustria. Lynch needed another deputy to restrain the leader of the red-crowned skinks.

Due to the special nature of the cold-blooded species, it is easy to find a reliable deputy, but you must determine the character of the other person.

If the red-crowned skink were to take charge, it would definitely cause trouble everywhere and blood-sacrifice Sotek.

So Lynch chose the Lord of the Sky, who had more experience and was more cautious.

It will carry Lynch's order and emblem to the Gate of Huangqi, leaving the legion completely dormant in the rainforest until Lynch returns or is determined to have died overseas.

The sudden war ended, although the cold-blooded species only eliminated most of the rat people and greenskins.

Huge fires ignited the jungle and cleared away the ash.

In a few days, the same dense vegetation will grow, because Lustria's rainforest is a large-scale magic.

The pterodactyl riders dispersed, and Lynch found the dwarf who was crushed by the corpse, and the sword master who stood beside the mountain of corpses and laughed at the dwarf.

When Lynch pulled out the dwarf, Teclis also approached, covered in blood.

Magic cleansed the area, and the travelers made do with the night.

The next day, Lynch set out again.

After three days of uneventful trekking, Lynch saw the ruins of Pahuakos at dusk.

The endless ruins have weathered, obscuring the city's history etched on the ancient roads.

Occasionally, you can see skinks hunting for treasure, as well as warm-blooded treasure hunters who unexpectedly encounter cold-blooded ones.

Lynch assisted the local sentinels in eliminating the hot-blooded species. After talking with the skink priest stationed here, the lizard people learned about the previous anomaly.

Lin Qi suddenly realized all the strange things on the battlefield. It seemed that the invisible hunter had returned.

The resurgence of the chameleon population is a good thing. Gold diggers are in trouble, because all chameleons are masters of concealment and professional hunters.

The Returner returned to the mortal realm two hundred years earlier than in the history Lynch knew.

Lynch didn't know if this was a good sign and had no intention of looking for it.

If it doesn't show up, no one can find it.

Then, Lynch learned about Pahuakos' current predicament from the Skink Priest.

Hesiotar's legion has not yet returned from the south, and without the Scar Lord Ku'ga's sweep of the rainforest, they are struggling.

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