Two screams appeared one after another, and Lynch was stunned for a moment before he realized that Bilak had arrived in this area at some point, and he roared in grief when the big demon was exiled.

The remaining demons realized that their defeat was irreversible and fled the battlefield.

The Grand Unifier looked at the mortals with resentment. No knight wanted to discuss faith and future with it. Dozens of magic weapons pierced its void and huge soul body. Although it would not die, the pain was inevitable. .

Lynch's scepter made it ignite the fire of the sun. Bilak endured the pain and firmly looked at the rebellious people present.

It swore that after regaining its power, it would ruthlessly retaliate against the mortals who had brought humiliation to it today.

The demon's shadow disappeared, and the curse echoed in the ears of the warriors.

Lin Qi gave a slight nod to the human being, then turned around and returned along the original path, looking for his companions.

The Great Chanter wanted to confirm whether the Lizardmen were a scaly species after the chaos mutation. Nok. The Imperial Blade stopped his comrade's unwise approach in time. The Battle Priest was about to ask politely, but the Lizardmen had already No trace.

The whizzing sonic boom shattered the cautious doubts of humans. Lynch did not pay attention to the weak call behind him. The Imperial people did not regard him as a special beastman. It was already a good first meeting.

In the southwest forest of Obien, the exhausted gasps of the soldiers sounded the horn for the devil to launch a general attack.

More than two hundred demons swarmed forward, and the Slaanesh banshees mixed in the shadows were preparing to cooperate with the vampires to attack mortals from both inside and outside, when they were frightened back into the shadows by the roaring sonic boom.

When he saw a ball of sunlight coming like a shooting star, the clever demon fled the battlefield directly.

There is endless fun for them to enjoy in the mortal world, and there is no need to fight to the death in Albien.

The Khorne army leader only had time to swing the Hell Blade at the flying sunlight, and was turned into scorched earth by the scepter the next moment.

The tireless warriors rampaged among the demons, and no demon could stop Lynch's charge. Lynch killed the vampire in less than a minute.

If they were willing to stand closer together, the speed would only be faster.

Lin Qi greeted his stunned companions and walked towards the Oganwen Stonehenge.

A huge gap has appeared between him and his comrades at sea. No matter how brave the prince of the white lion is, it is impossible to compete with Lynch for the glory of battle.

Today is different from the past. It is difficult for Lynch to determine whether he should still be classified as a living thing. Cutting off his head will not make him die, and cutting off his limbs will only cause minor injuries.

Only by completely crushing his body in a short period of time can he die.

Low-level demons and mortals no longer pose a threat to him, and skills are worthless in the face of overwhelming power.

The armies of Chaos can always fight to the end, but they have a fatal weakness.

It takes a long time to kill tens of thousands of warriors, but all it takes to kill their leader is a duel of champions.

A Chaos force without a leader is just a ball of loose sand.

If it were a mortal army, Lynch was confident that he could completely defeat it in a few charges.

Man will be afraid. He does not need to kill all the warriors, but can win by causing the enemy to lose order.

Mortal magical weapons can be used against demons, but not against lizards.

Only ancient artifacts and extraordinary power can resist Lynch.

How many mortals are there who can wrestle with behemoths?

The Black Guard of Nagarond is an opponent worthy of attention, and the Phoenix Guard of Asuryan Temple cannot be underestimated. If the Iron Breaker Warriors of the Mountain Kingdom form an organized legion, they can also make Lynch look high. One glance.

The Chosen Ones of the Chaos Gods are certainly terrifying, but if they cannot appear on a large scale, a single straggler will be nothing more than an appetizer to Lynch.

Although vampires have extraordinary physiques, the many inherent weaknesses of dark magic creatures are destined to prevent them from facing Lynch's scepter.

Even the most skilled blood dragon knights charging in groups must rein in their horses and turn around when faced with Kotago's wrath.

The Chaos Knights are a nightmare in the world, but only with the emergence of a group of the bravest champions among them can it be possible to stop the charging cold-blooded champions.

It would be a collision to the death.

The holiness of the Holy Grail Knights cannot restrain the lizards, and the number of knights in the inner ring of the empire's knights is too rare.

Perhaps only the Wild Hunt launched by the incarnation of the Hunter God in the Athel Loren forest in the old world could repel Lynch.

But that is the power of the gods.

Poseidon Manavi fought against the Chaos Sea between the North Pole and the Norsca Peninsula, Northern God Ulric fought to the death with Chaos in the cold wind, and Wild God Tal was led by Nurgle's divine power. Towards decay, Rhea, the goddess of fertility in the wilderness, also went to wither.

Maul, the God of the Dead, is tired of competing with the Chaos Gods for the souls of the dead, and Verena, the Goddess of Knowledge and Justice, cannot escape the shadow of the God of Change.

Bear God Ersun hibernates in the wasteland, Fire God Daha's light cannot penetrate the polar night, and Thunder God Thor's lightning disappears in the polar night.

The ancient gods once worked with the ancient saints to create a splendid mortal civilization. The gods would not be so short-sighted as to specifically send down their divine power to target their comrades from eight thousand years ago. Except for the elven gods who fell into the mortal realm from the Supreme Heaven, they are still fighting. The gods of order have no time to take care of themselves.

Empire Guardian God Sigma is trapped in the wind of heaven, War Goddess Mermitia is defeated by the Blood God's high-level demon army, and Mercy Goddess Sharya has never been famous for fighting, although she does not lack confrontation Dark bravery.

As for Ranold, the god of wealth and illusion? He is nothing but a thief.

The new gods have been on the battlefield with the dark gods since their birth. The endless war has lasted for nearly ten thousand years. The entire mortal realm has been a battlefield of bloody battles. If the end has not come, the war between gods will continue forever. In exchange for the survival of mortals.

Lynch is in the middle of this war. He was once just an insignificant pawn, but now he is enough to interfere with the war situation outside of Lustria.

But he can't rush to the next battlefield yet, Obien needs to handle it properly.

After the war, Albion was completely desolate, and the two remaining Truth Speakers were unable to guard the Ogwen Stone.

On their way to Stonehenge, the Truespeakers desperately asked for aid from Ulthuan, willing to share all their knowledge of Ogwen Stonehenge.

Prince Varin could only send aid in his own name, and Teclis sent a letter to Ulthuan, begging the mentor of the White Tower and the brother of Lothern to lend a helping hand.

The world is one, and once an important node partially falls, it means that the death of mortals is one step closer.

It is a pity that the short-sighted rulers find it difficult to understand this truth and regard the intermission of less than a hundred years of war as a time of peace and prosperity. They are even willing to forget the spreading shadow of chaos and the gods lost in history.

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