Kislev, in the royal court, the vampire puppet ministers gave the Tsaress her voice.

The miracles of Thor and Daha have been lost for four hundred years, and we should outlaw belief in them.

The Daha sect is openly rebellious and they are taking advantage of the piety of the people of Kislev!

Your Majesty, please mobilize the soldiers of the Griffin Legion. Kislev must clean up the heretical theology as soon as possible!

The boyars who still retained real power did not dare to openly show their anger and refute the incitement of the sycophants. The last lord who did so died unexpectedly when returning to the territory. The boyah, who was newly promoted by the female tsar, took over the land and people.

The northern boyars did not participate in this gathering, as the Tsarina summoned only the southern lords.

The Three Gods' sect was suppressed to the north, and Boyer from the north was replaced from time to time, and the charge was unwarranted collaboration with the enemy.

The boyars who guard the frontier are likely to be liquidated.

This woman who murdered her husband will only do more cruelty than the boys expected.

It’s not that there aren’t warriors who dare to resist. Just yesterday, the Tsar’s secret police caught Boyer at a private gathering and massacred all the lords who plotted to assassinate the Queen.

Nearly a hundred well-equipped warriors failed to make any waves. If the Tsar hadn't hung their corpses on the city wall, the Boyes wouldn't even know that their companions had resisted first and were strangled in the cradle.

No one knows how Katrin found a group of warriors who could equal one to a hundred to maintain her rule.

The secret police detective, who is highly skilled in martial arts and disappears without a trace, has plunged the entire kingdom into panic and everyone is in danger.

The next day, the Truespeaker succeeded in convincing the Imperials and Bretonnians.

Northern Albion has been completely devastated by the plague, and the once fertile land can no longer support living creatures.

This treasure island has lost its colonial value. Fortunately, the high elves and the empire can send necessary assistance.

It's just that the great chanter needs to return to Altdorf to listen to the emperor's opinion.

The White Lion Warriors established a simple outpost next to the Ogwen Stone. The humans hurriedly left Obien and reported the disaster in Obion to their rulers.

Teclis stirred up the ocean currents leading to Bretonnia. Before leaving, Lynch handed John's armor and sword to Henry the Magnificent.

The Lizard Man recounted the bravery of the Holy Grail Knight before his death, and entrusted Henry to deliver the relic to John's possible relatives.

Henry decisively accepted the mission of great significance. He swore on his own honor that he would bring all the belongings of those who died in the war to his relatives without missing a beat.

The knights of Bretonnia are always old-fashioned and stubborn. The knight's dogma limits them, which makes them unreliable at certain times, but they are trustworthy comrades in certain situations.

He saved Lynch from having to make another trip.

Thirty-five percent of the star map had been lit up, and the next destination was supposed to be Middenheim, but when heading to Lead Castle to purify Chaos Corruption, the Archmage brought a bad omen.

In the previous battle, he saw the Chaos army gathering in the northern ice field when he was casting a spell.

If it were an ordinary invasion, Lynch wouldn't pay much attention to it. Human beings have the ability to resist regular invasions.

But the assembled Chaos Army has boundless Chaos Warriors, which means that the number of Chaos Warriors is at least close to ten thousand. Only tens of thousands of people can create a boundless visual effect.

There are nearly ten thousand Chaos Warriors, and there are very few Norscans who have not been upgraded. They are all demon warriors of the Blood God. There must be serious changes in the north.

Each Chaos Warrior is capable of defeating several mortal veterans. The Norscans are already tall, and the Chaos Warriors are a head taller than ordinary Norscans, and their physique can even be as tall as a Saurian.

Their whole bodies were covered with heavy armor, and ordinary war horses could not charge against the Chaos Warriors who were standing firmly.

The creatures in the demon armor are no longer mortals. They do not need to eat or drink. They can meet the needs of life by just killing.

To make matters worse, the Blood God's Chaos Warriors are not afraid of magic, and the Blood God warriors who appear in groups are the mage's nemesis.

Once the number of demon warriors reaches a threshold, most mages with poor skills will lose the ability to control magic at will. Even great mages who graduate from the White Tower and can construct advanced magic will have to spend more energy to ensure the stability of magic.

Without the help of magic, mortals can only rely on gunpowder, steel, and tenacious faith to fight against the tide of chaos.

When the gods don't send help, it's like hitting an egg against a stone.

Several spellcasters conducted divination for the Norsca Peninsula, but the energy of chaos obscured the ancestral eyes of the Truth Speakers and Oracles, and the winds of heaven lost their former patterns.

Nearly ten thousand Chaos Warriors are powerful enough to threaten the spiritual nodes of Lustria. Even cold-blooded species must send an army of tens of thousands of Thoros, led by a powerful champion to defeat the enemy.

Unlike the Norscan Raiders who were temporarily upgraded during sea battles, ordinary Chaos warbands must go through hundreds of non-stop battles if they want to gather such a large number.

In the end, less than 10,000 of the hundreds of thousands of warriors were left, and all the Chaos Lords who were not strong enough were killed in battle, leaving only a champion strong enough for the Chaos Power to bestow divine favor, and it might even have been promoted to a Demon Prince.

Such a large number of Chaos Warriors only means that there are more terrifying creatures of Chaos.

Dragon Demons, Chaos Giants, Chaos Flying Dragons, Ancient Chaos Mammoths. Large-scale chaos clusters will attract the participation of ancient evil beasts.

In the worst-case scenario, more than one Archfiend may join the ranks, turning the Chaos Mortal invasion into a devastating Daemon invasion.

If it weren't for the enlightenment of celestial phenomena, Lynch would even think that another Eternal Chosen One was born.

Whether it is the dwarf cities or the elven kingdom, this number of Chaos warriors is a fatal threat, and elite legions must be dispatched to resist the Chaos invasion.

The Blood God's legion will suffer from internal friction, and it's not just internal friction. The winner in the end will also be eligible for promotion. In the end, there may even be thousands of chosen ones.

The human countries have just experienced chaotic wars, and just a dozen years are not enough for them to recuperate.

Maybe they have enough elites, but that is the final inheritance core. Once they are all killed in battle, it means that all human countries have completely lost their inheritance and no longer have the ability to stick to the old world.

After most of the nodes in the old world fall, the power of Chaos in the mortal world will become even more rampant.

The high elves and the mountain kingdoms have become the last line of defense, and no country can stay away!

Sea of ​​Claws, Invisible Island.

The God of Mirrors struggled to modify the contents of the Book of Destiny and engaged in an invisible tug-of-war with another ever-changing demon king.

The situation is out of control.

The Norsca tribe, which was supposed to join the Chaos Lord's army immediately, rebelled. Countless northern Chaos tribes were destroyed in the battle. In contrast, more and more Ascendants appeared on the battlefield. The battle even attracted the Blood God's look.

More and more warriors left the northern wastes and arrived on the Norsca Peninsula.

Thank you for your support. I would like to ask for your opinions.

I originally wanted to use dialogue to provide clues to the enemy.

But I found that that would turn one chapter into several chapters.

I don't know if you prefer short narration or more lengthy dialogue.

If you want to see more dialogue, psychological descriptions, and facial expressions, I won’t skip this kind of content in the future without narration.

I really need some advice on this.

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