According to the plan, the Chaos Lord of Khorne should have gone to Kislev by this time. Although thousands of Chaos Warriors can threaten the survival of Kislev, mortals have the ability to solve the invasion and even reunite due to the invasion. .

The Mirror God has already arranged a hero. After the deadly battle between the vampire and the Chaos army, its believers will reveal the true identity of the bloody Katrin in an absolutely positive image. After assassinating Katrin, they will obey the ignorant cries of mortals. Sit on the throne.

By then, its order would have taken over an entire kingdom.

But now, the passing hurricane that the demon was still able to control has evolved into an uncontrollable storm of destruction.

They are coming! Run! Ivan! Run! Tell Leviticoye! Invasion from the North!

On the ice field, two Ugor riders wearing thick woolen coats staggered and separated. The older Ugor kept urging the careless young rider, driving Ivan's horse towards the road leading to Zoshenk. South of the fortress.

He himself rode his horse in a half circle around the south and slowly headed northeast. Legend has it that there are secluded dwarves living in the north of the troll country. He now has the opportunity to verify this conjecture. If he can reach Nouo alive. The words of the Ska Mountains.

The experienced rider looked back from time to time and deliberately circled the snowfield again. His provocative move successfully attracted the attention of the wolves.

The heavy snow of goose feathers blocks the gap between the hunter and the prey, and three or five wolf howls that echo each other allow the Ugor people to determine the location of the wolf pack.

The lingering rider was obviously a better target for hunting. The howling wolves gradually approached, and at a certain moment, the ice field fell into an eerie silence.

The horse under Peter neighed uneasily, reminding him of his old companion.

Peter gently patted Maria, the prairie horse who grew up with him. Maria understood the purpose of humans and moved away from the wolves at an unprecedented speed.

Peter must lure away the snow wolf that is chasing after him, otherwise no one will survive the pursuit of the Chaos War Mastiff.

When the Chaos War Mastiff, as strong as a winter bear, appeared in Mrs. Kislev's sight, Peter almost lost his courage. He was going to die, just like the other ten Ugor riders who were traveling with him.

Regret filled Peter's heart, and maybe he should have tricked the inexperienced Ivan into using him as bait.

But Ivan's horse was not overworked, and he was the rider most likely to escape.

The matter has come to this, and it is too late to regret. While controlling the horse, the Ugor rider cursed loudly at the chaotic beast behind him, using foul words to encourage the little courage in his heart.

The long howl of the wolf made the early morning light even more chilly, as if the hot Daha couldn't bear to watch another rider about to be killed by the wolf.

The curses of his companions were carried away by the cold wind. Ivan did not dare to look back and kept urging his close friends to rush to the settlement of the Ugor people in the kingdom of trolls.

The howling cold wind was sharper than a dagger. Ivan had to wrap up his thick fur tightly and pray to the ground under the horse's feet in fear.

Kislev is here.

Kislev is the motherland

Kislev is Esun

Mrs. Kislev must defend the motherland and protect Esun! for Motherland!

The humble murmurs turned into shouts in fear, the human roars were blown away by the cold wind, and the wolf howls finally faded away.

Ivan couldn't help but miss the old hunter Peter, and the rich and wealthy Erengrad that Peter said.

There should be no winter wolves in the city. The Kislev ladies in the city can sit by the warm fire and drink strong wine without having to flee for their lives in the northern ice field.

But Kislev has only three great cities, and most Kislevites have to face threats in the wilderness.

As a Ugor tribesman who grew up in the wilderness, Ivan has never been to that great city. In fact, he has never even been to Prague. It was destroyed during the Holy War and is still being rebuilt.

The old riders who came back from Prague were silent about it. Ivan could only vaguely guess that Prague was no longer suitable for living people to live in, just like the cracked glacier he just passed by. There seemed to be other living people in it. Thing, it's definitely not human.

Could it be that Grandma Ostankia in the Doukris Forest noticed Ivan who was tired of running for his life?

Ivan prayed in a low voice to the Bear God Esun, asking the motherland to protect him when he arrived in the village. He must spread the news to the ears of the lords.

Humans and horses rushed into the shadow of the forest. The white snow forest blocked the ice field behind Ivan. The tall cold pines seemed to stand like the Esun in the north. This was the ultimate majesty of Ivan's poor imagination.

The most magnificent building he had ever seen was the Temple of Esun in the village, which was as tall as an ancient pine tree and taller than the cypress tree Ivan had just crossed.

In numb fantasy, the Ugor people were far away from danger. At noon, the Esun Temple, which was as tall as a big tree, had appeared at the end of Ivan's sight.

Kazaka Invasion!

Ivan almost didn't recognize his own voice. It was hoarse and unlike any human voice.

Ivan continued running south along the snow path between the low wooden houses without stopping in the village.

According to tradition, after discovering the Chaos invasion, the Ugor scouts must report all the way south until they are exhausted and unable to make even the faintest cry.

Ivan shouted ten times before running out of the village. He saw the village riders hurriedly getting on their horses. Every Ugor rider has the obligation to continue the tradition, which is the root of the motherland's standing.

The baby's cry and people's anxious conversations gradually faded away. The Ugor people broke into the wilderness again. Ivan took out a water bag to moisten his throat slightly and continued his mission.

One village after another was passed by Ivan, and the invasion notifications disturbed the tranquility of the Western State. More and more Ugor riders scattered south, conveying the terrible facts to the Boyes.

Chaos is coming!

Ivan rushed into the steppe. The winter snowstorm obscured the fertility of the earth. This was once the warmest pasture in Kislev.

At Ivan's cry, alarm bells rang in settlements one after another, and hunters and woodcutters took up arms one by one.

The man of Kislev is a soldier, if he can bear arms.

The Mirkavala settlement appeared in front of Ivan, which is the current residence of the Daha sect and has always been the holy place of the Sun God sect.

There is a real eternal flame in the temple of Daha, which is said to have been extinguished during the Great Holy War.

Of course, the Chaos army failed to get hold of Mirkavala in the end.

The priests of Daha were not recognized by Boye, and Ivan did not know about the ambiguity between the lords, so he reported them equally.

Mirkavala's winged cavalry passed by Ivan. The knights opened the road and did not leave after Ivan left the settlement. They escorted the lonely riders towards each settlement.

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