In the city of Kislev, Alexey Mikhail, the commander of the Erengrad Shooting Army, was sitting in a warm tavern booth, waiting for a message from Sergei, the former foreign minister who was suppressed by the tsar.

This meeting required Alexei to exert great courage, even though he knew that the secret police did not pay attention to the two of them.

The black wooden door was knocked regularly and pushed open roughly. The owner of the tavern exchanged a look with Alexei, and the legion commander followed the owner to the entrance of the cellar with understanding.

Only a few trusted nobles know that this remote hotel is the headquarters of the resistance army Esun Brotherhood.

Alexei is a nobleman worthy of the resistance, while Sergei is a brave and unyielding veteran of the former dynasty.

The shopkeeper Lev will not betray Alexei and Sergei. They are brothers with a deeper connection than blood and loyal guardians of Kislev.

Going down the stairs, when he was about to arrive at the secret meeting place, Lev whispered a reminder.

Ersun is roaring, it will be safe tonight.

Alexey's heart suddenly tightened, and he subconsciously put his left hand into the pocket of his fur coat.

This was an agreed warning, which meant that a brother had discovered the secret police nearby.

God did not remind Alexey, and it seems that there will be no accidents in the near future.

The talks will continue. Sergei, who is also loyal to the motherland, is a compatriot worth fighting for. Almost all Boyes praised Sergei for his aboveboardness. Even if this holy fool cursed Katrin outside the royal court, the tsarina could only Dare to deprive him of his last position of power.

But real power has never been the throne and the scepter, it lies in the hearts of the people.

In Alexey's view, Sergei, who has no real power, is the second most powerful person in the kingdom. If he wants to resist the tsar, he cannot do without Sergei's support.

When Lev turned around and left, he closed the wooden doors along the way. Alexei put his right hand into his pocket and tightened his grip on the dagger. This would be a necessary precaution.

Under the dim light, old Sergei, like a dying lion, sat quietly behind a wooden table covered with grease and milk stains.

Good day, Eagle of Erengrad, it seems that you have inherited the bravery of Andrei Mikhail. I will not forget your father. His sacrifice in the Patriotic War was Kisli. Husband’s irreparable regret.”

His Majesty Alix protects us, and the Mikhail family will always be loyal to Kislev.

This was an ambiguous signal. Alexey mentioned the murdered previous tsar and tactfully stated his position in front of respected veterans.

Alexei picked up the wine glass on the table, bit open the antidote pouch hidden in his mouth, and drank the strong drink seemingly without any precautions.

Sergey also raised his glass in return and responded to Alexey with words full of his own meaning.

I am equally loyal to Kislev, not to a certain crown.

This was the answer Alexei wanted. The conversation between them was already explicit enough, and if it went any further, they would have to be wary of the possibility that the wall might have ears.

Bad news has come from the Ugor tribe in the north. Tomorrow I will ask the Tsar to send troops to the north. Old Sergei looked at Alexei with his cloudy eyes.

Alexey was not surprised by Sergey's shocking words. Although Sergey had no real power, even if he broke into the parliament hall, no guard dared to stop him.

The old Sergei had asked the Tsar for orders several times, but received few answers.

This may be the last time he risks his life to ask for help. Bloody Katrin has never been known for her tolerance.

Alexei also received notification of the invasion, which was unexpected. According to his private channels, the invasion should be in a month's time, not now.

The commander of the legion just raised his glass again and said that if he could persuade the tsar to send troops, it would be better sooner or later.

In the Royal Court of Kislev, Sergei prostrated under the throne of the tsarina, and reported without reservation what he had seen during the meeting, as well as the reaction of the commander of the shooting army.

Alexei is not as neutral as he seems. He may have secretly colluded with the Daha sect and Thor sect in the north. If the shooting army is allowed to go north, the kingdom's army will definitely turn its guns after solving the Norscan tribe.

Katrin raised the wine glass and gently tasted the baby's blood in the glass, without showing her happiness or anger to the mortals.

You will be assassinated the day after tomorrow. According to the clues at the scene, my secret police raided your residence, but were stopped by the high-ranking priests of the Esun sect.

Yes, Your Majesty, your will is my mission.

Sergei glanced at the Tsar with his peripheral vision in awe, eternal, what a powerful word, it should only appear in gods.

Not even Esun could grant such a blessing, but Katrin could.

It seems that the Tsar is going to take action against the Esun sect. All the opposition forces in the kingdom are under the control of Catherine. Even the former state religion cannot make any trouble.

After all, it has been three hundred years since the Grand Patriarch of Esun was born. Without the royal power, the Esun sect is just a piece of scattered sand.

The Kingdom of Kislev is not in disarray. My great master, although the upper levels have become corrupt, the lower levels still have the determination to fight to the end. This will be my chance.

In a certain basement, Alexei humbly reported the latest progress to the gods in the crystal mirror.

Human beings remembered the invasion warning from the north and couldn't help asking questions to the omniscient gods.

My all-knowing Lord of Fate, the northern invasion should be in a month, but just today, the Ugor people discovered traces of the Norscan tribe heading south.

According to the practice of previous years, the Norscan tribes would fight each other as they went south, and finally slowly march to the border, only to unite when facing the Kislevites.

From the time the traces were discovered to the time the invaders broke into Kislev, it only took the Norscans a week at most, and it was absolutely impossible for them to stay at the border of the kingdom for a month.

The gods make no mistakes, but the Ugor people's emergency warnings are never missed either.

The old man in the mirror looked down jokingly at the mortals outside the mirror. There were only a few thousand Norscan raiders. To them, it was indeed a big invasion.

The wave before the storm can also be a tsunami.

Mirror God coldly threw away the last revelation and stopped looking at Kislev. He must delay the Chaos Legion's march south as much as possible.

The few mortal tribes that escaped from the Norsca Peninsula did not deserve the attention of the Mirror God, and the losers were not taken seriously anywhere.

It needs to pay attention to the Khorne Chaos Warriors Legion, which has defeated nearly a hundred Norscan tribes in a row. It is suspected that several demons are paying attention to this wave of chaos.

Strategy is the sharpest sword, and the intricate relationship between the big demons will become the invincible weapon of the God of Mirrors. It will use the invisible sword to divide this turmoil.

There is no doubt that it is inefficient to expect to use wisdom to solve the enemy. Only the weak will devote themselves to adversity.

Lynch took the team to fly to the Norsca Peninsula in a hover engine. He had no time to waste on uniting the countries.

The most powerful mage in the world is beside Lynch, and he is also an invincible champion.

At this time, all you need to do is charge into the ice field and defeat the enemy among thousands of troops.

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