Kislev will not ask for help from the Empire until the last moment.

Even if they asked for help, they would have to go to the emperor, not the elector.

Vladimir really needs to take action against the Tsar, tomorrow everyone in Kislev will learn that the Tsar is a vampire.

The lack of evidence makes this truth nothing more than a rumor, but it is better than not having any real meaning at all.

The support of Grandma Ostankia prevents the Griffin Legion from being easily defeated. Although vampires are terrifying, they fear divine power and are fragile in the sun. They will also be weak when exposed to water.

They cannot deal with certain plants, and silverware is the nemesis of vampires.

Each vampire will randomly acquire one or several weaknesses, or even create new weaknesses. The more powerful the vampire, the more capable he is of dealing with weaknesses. However, even the original vampire kings cannot stand in the sun without any cover. .

According to ancient legends, these weaknesses come from the curse of Nagash, the Lord of the Dead.

Rumor has it that the vampires are doomed to defeat the spawn of Sigmar, the final curse of Nagash.

In the mythology of the empire, during the battle between Human Emperor Sigmar and Nagash, the vampires were afraid of Sigmar's power and did not dare to step forward. Nagash cursed these cowards after his defeat.

The Hagar witches will find the weaknesses of the Tsar and his colleagues. After that, even inexperienced recruits will have a chance to kill the powerful bloodspawn as long as they don't lose their courage.

The only thing Vladimir is worried about is not being able to defeat the Tsar quickly. Once Kislev falls into a protracted civil war, the crazy vampire will use any means to bring this overwhelmed kingdom into the abyss.

Some merchant ships discovered Skellin's longships in the Sea of ​​Claws, and they seem to be plundering the coast again.

There are changes in the greenskins in the southern mountains. Carcassonne should be prepared to resist the invasion.

The cursed Red Duke of Aquitaine is showing signs of recovery. Your Majesty, we need the assistance of the Lake Fairy.

We should launch a chivalrous expedition! Defeating the enemy first can make the world realize the power of Bretonnia again!

The nobles were discussing in the royal court of Cologny. King Gaston observed the sand table tiredly. He seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was confused after each piece of bad news.

But the king cannot be confused!

Perhaps he should take the opportunity to intervene on Albion Island, establish contact with the high elves, and conclude a peace treaty with the Empire.

At the very least, this way, we no longer need to worry about the conflict between the border and the empire, and can focus entirely on the non-human enemies.

The white moon is almost disappearing. We will discuss it tomorrow. Sirs, may the Lady of the Lake bless Bretonnia.

May the lady protect you, Your Majesty.

The cold wind was still biting, like the wail of the dead, and there were no more living Norscans in Bjorling. The pirates looked at the butcher in the blood from afar in fear, and carried out the reward.

The dwarf Sorian excitedly hugged the pearl and picked up the box full of gold coins. He even wanted to count the gold coins in person, but Eugen stopped the irrational dwarf.

The suspended pyramid is gradually approaching the lizard people. If they don't keep up with the lizard people, they will be abandoned in the freezing ground and cold weather.

Your Excellency Grimnir! Our wealth is almost more than that of a dwarf king!

But it's of no use here, Thorian, er, sir.

Eugen wisely did not call the dwarf Mr. Little. He could joke with humans, but the unique ideas of the ancient race would turn the joke into tragedy.

I can feel their power, the ancestors are blessing me! They are also useful here. You lack the blood of the ancient race, Eugen, I can understand and forgive your stupidity, humans are always like this.

The bearded dwarf grinned, and Eugen could even see with the help of the light that half of the dwarf's front teeth were eaten away by insects.

He could see the sincerity of the dwarf, and there was no derogatory tone in his straightforward tone, but this made the dwarf's words more lethal.

No one wants to admit that they are a fool, but Eugen couldn't beat him. The rational oracle gave up the discussion and just hurried towards the pyramid.

Mortal footprints fell into the thick snow. The steaming heat from Eugen's body drove away the chill. However, when another strong wind blew, he still shrank subconsciously, causing Thorian to laugh exaggeratedly. At this time The dwarves are extremely annoying.

Eugen clenched the strange-looking flashlight in his hand. The small strip brought endless warmth to humans, at least enough to withstand the severe cold of the Norsca Peninsula.

He saw Lynch climbing up the steps of the suspended pyramid and wiping blood on the light blue body of the tower.

The humans were not sure whether the lizard men would abandon their two companions who were too late to return, so they speeded up and returned to the suspended pyramid ahead of the dwarves.

Fortunately, the lizard man still missed his companionship, and the dwarf was not left on the ice field in the end if he had such feelings.

Eugen had doubts about Lynch's identity, a legend that is not in the record.

But the performance of the lizards makes it difficult for Eugen to associate them with visitors from other lands. Of course, there may be one unlucky guy who becomes a cold-blooded species. Pirates and other enemies have fought for thousands of years, surviving millions or even tens of millions of local and large-scale conflicts.

It is almost impossible for foreign visitors to survive Lustria's fierce and frequent struggles.

There is no easy life there. The lizard people on the front line have to go through life and death every day. It is better to go to Changyuan in the Far East to garrison. The Chaos tribes on the prairie will not attack Changyuan more than ten times a day.

What's more, the defenders don't have to get into hand-to-hand combat most of the time, while the lizard people have to face various accidents and sudden powerful enemies every day.

Eugen didn't think any stranger would survive Lustria.

Even if he really had a fellow countryman, he wouldn't be him anymore. A war is enough to change a person, let alone years of almost non-stop fierce fighting.

If he was aware of it, the lizard man cast his cruel and merciless gaze on Eugen. In shock, Eugen suddenly shuddered and subconsciously showed a polite smile.

A huge force came from behind Eugen, pushing Eugen into the pyramid.

What are you doing standing here stupidly? Maybe you need a spouse? You haven't been very focused. My friend, do you have a woman you like? Do you miss her? Hahaha, this is nothing to be shy about!

Sorian carefully placed the heavy wooden box on the ground and said nonsense that made Eugen want to beat it up. He spent a full thirty years and two lifetimes alone alone.

It is a romantic story. A young man bids farewell to his lover and travels across the ocean. After experiencing an epic adventure, he misses his hometown and his lover alone in a foreign country, if he has a lover.

Teclis, who was resting on the upper level of the pyramid, crushed the last straw in Eugen's heart with his cold tone.

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