Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 265 Every inch of land must be fought for

The human's face turned red and he hesitated to speak, which made the dwarf laugh even more enthusiastically.

Lynch just glanced at his companion and then withdrew his gaze. He activated the floating engine with some familiarity, slightly adjusted the indoor temperature and air circulation, and selected the next target - the Hell Summit Mountains.

As usual, he announced his next destination to his companions, and successfully received silence mixed with fear.

Even the dwarves, who are famous for their boldness, couldn't help but wonder:

Hell's Summit Mountains? Just the four of us? Grimnir! Maybe we should exchange this box of gold for ten carriages of fine wine.

This way we can still have a good drink on the road instead of dying hungry and thirsty with rich treasures. Thorian swallowed his unsaid words. The old dwarf knew that when going on an adventure with no life or death, some unpleasant things would happen. It's best not to say auspicious words clearly.

There are still traces of civilization in the southern part of the Norsca Peninsula, while in the north, the Hell's Peak Mountains and the Nagofari Mountains, closer to the Arctic wasteland, are places of destruction. To a mortal, it is no different than hell.

The archmage's face darkened for a moment, and the shadow enveloped Teclis's clear-cut face. The elf's tense expression relaxed in the darkness, as if he had let go of something on his mind.

It seems that you are already prepared. I admit that I was scared. It is too close to the Shadow Continent, and even Bell Hades has never set foot there.

But we have to go. Lynch stared at the young elf and finished what he had not said. The minions of the Dark Gods are gathering, and we know nothing.

The lizard man looked down at the young races and categorically conveyed his cold-blooded will in the language of the elves:

The war continues, it never stops! Today, eight thousand years later, we are at a disadvantage! The ancient race does not have enough power anymore.

All races on this planet that are still resisting are obliged to participate in the war. We are all soldiers!

The battle against the Chaos Demon can only be fought to the death! Otherwise, you will lose your dignified freedom and completely fall into endless madness and indulgence.

Bitterness filled Eugen's heart, and it seemed that they had to go to the dangerous place where the Chaos Warlords fought bloody battles.

He should have thought that a lizard man would not be content with peace and quiet. Thoreaus was either fighting or performing special tasks. He had to stand guard even when he was at his most peaceful. He never stopped.

Even the most elite Imperial soldiers need a vacation. No one can always be at the forefront of the battlefield. Obviously, cold-blooded people have no concept of vacation.

Dwarves always have an attachment as hard as meteorite to their homeland, and this attachment is even as important as their beards.

The persistence of dwarves can resist death, but it cannot resist the endless invasion of chaos.

North of Kislev, and further north in the Pit of Hell, the battle in the Norscan Mountains lasted for eighteen years. The dwarves of Dulong City should have persisted, fighting the Norscan invaders for hundreds of years with the help of their magnificent fortresses. , but in recent days there has been a change in direction.

An unusually powerful Chaos Storm destroyed the Runesmith's Rune Anvil, and all the ancient runes used to combat the magic of Chaos disintegrated.

The devil's laughter was hidden in the roaring wave of magic. The brave dwarf warriors were scorched by the magic. The overloaded magic torrent swept through the mountains, turning the dwarves with magical repulsion into ashes under the load. The Ska's long-indestructible bridgehead was instantly defeated by the power of Chaos.

The skeleton in the stainless steel plate armor still maintained a posture of resistance, but no matter how stubborn the dwarf was, he could not continue to fight.

The blade-like cold wind is the echo of the wave of magic in reality. The wind of chaos blowing from the northwest brings the roar of the frost demon dragon, the roar of the chaos giant, and the thunderstorms between the movements of the dragon demon.

The Runemaster saw a distant view of the Norsca Icefields.

The boundless barbarians, wearing living demon armor and wielding blood-thirsty demon weapons, surged toward the south.

Huge Chaos war elephants are scattered among the vast army, manticores and harpies hover in the sky, and the hungry howls of monsters disperse into the winds of magic, intensifying the madness of Chaos.

Their purpose was obviously not Dulong City, but the gathering of countless chaotic monsters aroused the mania of magic power, which indirectly affected the guards of Dulong City.

After the sudden change, the remaining dwarves were driven under the shelter by the rampant magic power, and continued to use guns and cannons to launch a stubborn resistance against the Norscans who invaded the fortress.

Chaos Lord Valmir Aislin is a maverick warlord. The warlord leader of the Aislin tribe seems to have an undying hatred for the dwarves of Dulong City.

The warlord's oath still echoes in the ears of the King of Dulong City. The humans who succumbed to Chaos want to kill all the dwarves in the Norsca Mountains. The Dwarf King Thorgard Colomson vowed not to let him do so!

Destiny always favors the Chaos tribes. No matter how heroic the dwarves fought before, the outcome of failure is doomed from now on.

The vital entrance to the city has been lost. Next, the limited dwarves will be gradually cannibalized by the unlimited Norscans.

Which dwarf has time to worry about the fate of humans in the south?

It looked like another world-destroying army, but the dwarves were stuck in the mountains and had no time to send help to the Kingdom of Kislev in the south. They couldn't even send a message.

We can't just wait. There are no natural dangers in the ice pine forest, but the snowy river at the junction of the ice pine forest and the ice field is very suitable for an ambush. ​​Valery Boye's fluffy white hair was fluttering in the cold wind, and his genius was bright. This old lord Then he knocked on the door of Leviticus Boyer's room.

After hearing the voice of the visitor clearly, the curse that had just come to Levi's mouth was swallowed by force. He reluctantly opened the quilt, put on his bear fur coat, and greeted old Boyer politely.

Now is the time to recuperate. If it were any other boy who disturbed the peace, Levi would have scolded him without hesitation, but Valery was a good friend of Levi's father.

You are as energetic as you were when you were young. Levich mumbled vaguely, earning a serious look from Valery.

“You better not think I’m too old to hear.

Livivic Boyer, I have carefully studied the great battle of twenty years ago, before the demons and monsters joined the Norscan army, and we had a chance to win. Old Boyer recalled the cruel Patriotic War and couldn't help but close his eyes to block the tears flowing in his eyes.

The slightly hoarse old accent sounded again, and Reevich made a gesture of listening with interest.

When facing the northerners, we often resort to forts. This has been the safest method since the founding of the People's Republic of China. However, wooden wall forts can only block small-scale plunderers. Once demonic warriors appear, they will huddle behind wooden walls. We are just lambs to be slaughtered.”

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