The Electors failed to put the vampire on trial, as Vlad arrived at the palace only as an apparition.

It has inevitable conflicts with the empire, but it does not mean that it will destroy the empire.

In order to get Isabella back, it had to steal the Crown of Witchcraft sealed away by Sigma's followers.

Blow up Duncanhof Castle! Send out rats to eat up all the skeletons! Let's steal back the stolen dimension stones from the ground!

Buy the assassins of the Eshin clan and kill them with the Ending Blade! Kill Nagash!

We have to fake defeat! Expose the plan to that thief! Then use it to guard against assassins, incite rebellion, and the rebellious undead things take away the dimension stones!

In Duncanhof Castle, the Great Necromancer, who had regained his form, had initially regained his strength with the help of the dimensional stone mine stolen from the Ratman Clan.

When Vlad brings the crown back, it will have the confidence to go south to join Arkhan. Using Nagashiza as the starting point, it will break through the blockade of the Tomb Kings, raise the black pyramid, awaken the dead around the world, and open up the undead. The reign of the Supreme Being.

But before that can happen, it seems it must start an endless tug-of-war with the pesky Skaven.

This was not a pleasant experience. It could have dealt with the Imperials neatly, but now it had to postpone the plan.

In Kislev, the army in the Ice Pine Forest has completed its assembly. Soldiers are hiding in the snow forest, waiting for the arrival of the Norscans.

A team of Ugor horse archers patrolled north of the ice pine forest. Soon, a group of Norscans appeared at the northern end.

The northern marauders carried food that was unknown whether it was human flesh or monster flesh, and fought with each other as they marched.

They seemed to have endless energy to vent, until the howl of the winter wolf marked the riders, the Norscans stopped fighting among themselves.

The hybrid warriors walked out from the depths of the crowd, and some who ventured around to both sides of the Norscan army discovered that there were not as many marauders as they had imagined.

There were probably only a thousand or so Norscans in this group.

Before the Ugor people could return excitedly to tell the Boyers, further north, another group of Norscans came from the snowflakes.

Those were two tribes that were at war locally.

Fortunately, they were frightened by the northerners' songs mixed with obscene words. The riders shot a hail of arrows at the wolves that rushed towards the horses, and decisively escaped and circled the Norscans to distance themselves.

Another group of horse archers stepped forward and approached the wolf pack that the predators were approaching. They were also covered in a hail of arrows. Groups of winter wolves died under the arrows, but the Chaos War Mastiff was not an easy monster to kill.

Long howls rippled in the cold wind, and hundreds of direwolves were buried under arrows. The remaining dozen or so Chaos War Mastiffs were covered with arrows and pounced on the horse archers who had no time to distance themselves.

These chaotic beasts, which were about the same size as bears and covered with festering flesh, easily knocked down the fleeing prairie horses. What spread before the casualties was the deep fear.

The prairie of Eastern State once again ushered in war, but Mrs. Kislev was already prepared.

They are Kislev's natural chasm to stop the monsters coming from the dark land. Whether it is green skins, beastmen, or Chaos tribes, before the fall of Prague, no one can even think of driving straight into the depths of Kislev.

Vampires are also no strangers to people. The Maur faith is a mainstream faith in the Eastern States that is no less popular than Esun. They are used to seeing the undead.

Of course, more often than not, we hear about it rather than face it in person.

In the village near the south, in the Temple of Mohr.

Groups of humans hid in the black temple and locked the door. Priests knelt in front of the statues and prayed to the god of the dead for divine power.

The screams of cattle and sheep came from all over the village, and the faint sounds of swallowing mixed with the whine of livestock could be heard.

The fat, middle-aged priest, his head covered with sweat, faced More with unprecedented piety and prayed for the blessing of death.

A black shadow passed in front of the door and window, and the vague ridicule knocked the door of the human heart, causing the women and children in the house to cry helplessly.

The door of the house suddenly shook, and the explosion-like sound caused everyone in the house to retreat. The stronger panic almost caused a stampede in the crowded temple.

The priest pointed to the door in panic and loudly announced More's divine words. An exaggerated scream came from outside the door, making the ignorant human beings breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, an eerie male voice sounded from the statue in the house.

Do you really believe in Maul, the god of the dead?

It was already in, and the garlic and holy water sprinkled outside the door had no effect at all, and no human being even noticed the vampire who opened the window in the blink of an eye and flew over the statue of Maul.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye.

The cold wind drifting in from the open window on the door reflects the cooling blood of mortals, and courage no longer favors mortals.

The chuckle of the dead sealed the fate of the mortals within the house, and nothing could save them, for there were no true followers of Mor in this village.

Vampire hunter Herbert is running fast in the middle of the night. If anyone notices the running man in black and determines his speed from the reference, their eyes will be widened in shock.

He is as fast as a galloping horse!

It would not have been such a surprise if anyone could have noticed the pointed ears covered by Herbert's.

Although his tall stature is enough for people to notice that he is extraordinary.

He is an elf!

Some people may mistake him for a wood elf based on the long bow on his back, or think of him as a high elf based on his luxurious chainmail, but he is actually an Aenir.

No Aenir likes to be regarded as wood elves or asul, although they were listed as an overseas kingdom of high elves in the last era, and their rulers also roamed the Phoenix Court.

The forest spirits cannot control the proud Enir because they have never made a contract with the forest.

Enir is also proud of the civilization passed down from the classical era of the high elves. They inherited the city-states and culture of the golden age. This does not mean that they can also accept the rule of the Phoenix King. The war with Druchi is meaningless. They do not want to be Get involved.

Compared to the same kind who huddled in the forest and couldn't even fight against the beastmen alone, the well-equipped Enil had already proven himself to be more powerful.

The human kingdom has claimed Lauren Loren Forest countless times, but over the long years, Aenir taught humans to fear the elves.

Many Aenir are not content to stay in the forest. Herbert is such an elf. He is not a new blood relative who failed to pass the class test and cannot obtain a settled status. He is a woodland relative who came to humans. Traveling around the world is not driven by failure, but simply in search of novelty.

Of course, not forgetting the past was also an important factor that drove him to enter human society.

Today, three hundred years later, he has almost forgotten who he is.

Since leaving Lauren Loren Forest, Herbert came to Kislev, and by chance came into contact with fellow countrymen in Kislev.

He is now a Patroller, Overseer of the Ersun Defenders, and Hunter of Maul.

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