Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 273 The Last Light (1)

In the south of the village, the silver arrow crossed the street faster than a bullet, passed through the door of the Temple of Moore, and shot straight at the vampire hanging upside down from the ceiling.

The bloodborn noticed the arrows, but unlike the soft throws of human archers, the elves' direct shots were like lightning piercing the earth, with no way to hide.

The sharp edge made of silver penetrated the vampire's shoulder, and its inertia even led the vampire to hit the wall behind the statue.

The aristocratic stone statue of Moore maintains a contemplative posture, and the crow statue on the shoulder of the stone statue looks slightly sideways, as if examining the dying undead.

The vampire used the scream to warn his companions, but the elves who hurriedly returned from Kislev were not the only ones who could hunt vampires in the Eastern State.

We mourn...and pray for those who are still alive.

.Follow the stone path covered with roses and enter the final peace.

The Book of the Dead is sung by hundreds of Crow Messengers in the north of the village. Although mortals will always be confused by political struggles, most of Mor's followers still limit their attention to death.

Around the small village on the border of Eastern State, dissidents from the South and the North began their first confrontation.

To those who hold power, they are just pawns, but to the Maur warriors who have locked down each vampire, this is an endless battle of faith.

The dust trembles with the spells of the undead, and the necromancy that attempts to awaken the dead inspires the deepest hatred among the patrons of the dead.

One voice after another shouted angrily:

By Maul! Gaze upon me! Abomination! Who am I?

The voices of young and old lingered in the ears of the vampires. Dozens of new blood descendants had no experience of facing Pastor Moore, and ignorantly listened to the words of the true believer.

They walked out from the trees, under the eaves, and from the mud. Their souls were shocked by the holiness, and they stared blankly at the incarnation of death coming from the north.

I am Death! I am the priest of Mor, the god of the dead!

The skeleton that had just lifted off the soil extinguished the undead fire in its eyes and returned to peace again. The pale skin of the vampire ignited invisible flames. The burning pain awakened the blood descendants with magical powers in their bodies, but they had no time to escape. .

Not only did the arrows fired by the southern elves accurately name the undead, but the human vampire hunters also took out their crossbows and pulled the trigger to kill the vampires paralyzed by divine magic.

Silver Arrow played the first song of killing, but killing could not stop the vampires coming from other directions.

On the snowy field, one after another old hunters were knocked down by Chaos War Mastiffs. Ivan desperately ran to the south with a few survivors. When another burst of horses' lamentations sounded from Ivan's side, he knew that fifty people He was the only one who escaped.

When they used mounted archery to involve the Norscan tribe, those cunning wolves had already circled behind the mounted archers.

No direwolf wanted to let go of the prey that came to its mouth, and forty-nine horses and an equal number of humans could not feed them.

While urging the horse, Ivan randomly drew his bow and fired arrows to put pressure on the rear.

Fortunately, ordinary direwolves still maintain the minimum fear of arrows and will not pounce on them regardless of the chaos war mastiff.

A group of Ugor riders rushed towards the battlefield and passed by Ivan who had escaped.

Curses and screams continued to appear behind Ivan, mixed with the intermittent sound of the bowstring.

The sound of horse hooves was heard endlessly. Although countless Ugor people fell, there was still a steady stream of horse archers rushing back to the battlefield to involve the enemy.

When another group of Ugor riders passed by Ivan, the young horse archers gritted their teeth and turned around and rushed back to the battlefield.

The order they received was to involve them. Although the Ugor riders had completely lost their organization so far in the battle, chaos was no reason to be timid.

Run! Boye! Run away! You must come back alive!

Norsca Peninsula, the troll country bordering Kislev, the monster-infested ice sheet swallows human life and kills all intelligent creatures that intrude.

There are not many veterans left who came with Igor to spy on the enemy. In order to escape from the Troll Mountains, they abandoned fourteen lives.

Now, as they are about to return to civilized countries, the remaining eight people are already in danger.

Old Ivan from Winter Village grabbed Igor Boye tightly and fled towards the south without looking back.

The troll's stupid roar was filled with rage, because another little kid stuck a toothpick into its nose.

It didn't notice that there were two snacks missing. It just focused on removing the toothpicks stuck in the snacks, grabbed the squealing food, and put it into its mouth.

Under the chewing of the monsters Ke Bang and Ke Bang, the remaining five warriors in the rear couldn't help but lose their courage, but being timid does not mean fleeing.

In the last moments of mankind's madness, the soldiers worked together to cut off the monster's bloody left leg, and made a last futile struggle against the troll that had been tracking them for a long time.

Escape to the north! Lead it further north!

The still sensible veteran shouted, but the next moment his body was grabbed by the troll and crushed into a pulp.

The wounds caused by the soldiers' desperate efforts healed in just a moment. The four veterans hurriedly used tacit understanding to escape to the north in four directions.

The Chaos Warriors slaughtered the huge number of trolls in the Troll Kingdom with fierce enthusiasm.

Wherever the Chaos Legion went, the earth trembled, and the sky turned gray amidst the screams of the Chaos Dragons.

There were streaks of lightning swimming in the dark clouds, and dragon demons drove the mammoths, following behind the mighty legions.

The master of the troll kingdom is powerless and furious deep in the mountains. It can't do anything. Even the troll king is just the prey of the chaos army.

It's my prey!

Further north in the Troll Kingdom, in the Ice Fang Mountains, the Skull Snatcher looked at the God's Chosen Champion who was also sitting on the flesh and blood hound with fear, but only received a contemptuous raise of his hand.

It's mine, and I'm the only one qualified to kill the Old One's champion!

The anger caused the devil's eyes to bleed instantly. So what if he was the chosen champion? He is just a mortal!

Hey~ It's not too late to regret now. You are the third invincible I have ever seen.

Ur'zul's dangerous whispers stirred up Abair's rage, and it was clear that the way of Khorne had no rule of temper.

There was an earth-shattering crash from the continuous icebergs in front of Lynch. It was like a signal. Icebergs were constantly calving and avalanches were happening. It was like there were two gods fighting there.

The omnipresent aura of chaos affected Lin Qi's judgment. He could not intuitively understand what was happening ahead, but everything on the ice sheet was the enemy, the prey designated by the ancient sage Predator Huang Qi.

The lizard man shaved off the abnormal flesh and blood that had grown on his body, and in the next moment, his body returned to its peak state.

With only an afterimage left on the spot, the hunter threw off the suspension engine and headed straight for the Bingya Mountains.

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