Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 436 White Deer and Rain

Everyone on the business road was talking about the recent anomalies. After Lynch returned to that business area, he saw the lingering Sigma priest again.

He seemed to have made up his mind, and the next day he blended in with the caravan as it set off.

It was probably because it was relatively close to Middenheim, and Lynch could already hear recent news about Middenheim on the way.

Most of them are outdated and only have reference value.

The flashing white fur was running rapidly through the forest. What attracted Lynch was not a giant elk, but a half-dead human on the back of the white deer.

He looked extremely miserable, his good-looking armor turned into pieces of scrap metal, and the exposed skin was full of scarred wounds.

The flames destroyed his face, making the dying human being lying on the back of the deer look extremely ferocious.

If Lynch hadn't been able to hear his heartbeat, the lizard man would have definitely thought that this hot-blooded species was dead.

The psychic beast seemed to notice the lizard man. It jumped over the vines nimbly, stepped lightly on the weeds, and quickly rushed to the road.

Before the members of the caravan pointed their weapons at it, it turned slightly sideways, put the dying warrior on the ground, turned around and left without looking back, and disappeared into the dense forest.

Yes, that was a warrior, and Lynch could stake his honor on it, saying he was indeed a "warrior."

Not everyone has the perseverance to hold on to the weapon before death and after being tossed about by wild beasts for a long time. This is a rare and excellent quality among hot-blooded species.

The most anxious among the crowd was the Sigma priest. He used a lot of strength to remove the battle ax from the man's tight hand. The priest anxiously carefully observed the man's face and called in a low voice with uncertainty. a name.

In the end, it was Teclis' life magic that saved the man's life. Eugen wanted to show off his ability, but he did not have enough magic power to save the dying man.

"..Water." The hoarse and inaudible murmur was keenly heard by the crowd of passers-by. The kind people crowded here took out the wine bottle and handed it over gently.

The discussion caused a stir among the crowd, and many people became interested in exploring the unexpected encounter.

"I bet he's a knight."

"Nonsense! I think he is a soldier of the Cheetah Knights. He may have just returned from the front line and encountered an accident on the way."

"Perhaps it was the unlucky guy who was ambushed by the beastmen, Sharya's tears. Beastmen's activities have become more and more frequent recently."

It’s just a small episode, the journey continues.

The wounded man was placed in a carriage at the back, although the man seemed more interested in enduring his injuries and leaving alone than traveling with the convoy to Middenheim.

It's not up to him.

The boring journey lasted until another evening, when Lynch and Lynch came from the Osterland. The businessmen who had not yet separated had already skillfully started to set up camp instead of speeding up to find a hotel.

The travelers with their own concerns raised clusters of bonfires, and the caravans that were too late to arrive at the hotel also joined the temporary camp.

It's safer to be in a crowd than to walk alone at night. Everyone knows that this season is not very beautiful, especially on the forest trails.

The beastmen have been hungry all winter, and the raptors that have just survived the cold winter are also hungry for raw meat.


The humid air makes hot-blooded people feel uncomfortable, and it can be predicted that this will happen for many days after the snow melts.

The nights in recent days are still chilly, and what's worse is the spring rain that falls from time to time. Whenever the uninvited rain extinguishes the fire, there will be a piercing thunder.

The light rain soon turned into a heavy rain. Only a few unlucky ones were still standing sentry under the simple bunker. However, Lynch felt that this was meaningless. The dense raindrops would block the sight of mortals. By the time they discovered the enemy, they would have already touched it. Go to the camp.

More people were hiding in temporary tents. The horses abandoned the carriages and received better treatment than people. The coachmen were afraid that the horses would get sick, so they made a small roof to protect them from the rain.

The light emitted by the oil lamps was barely visible in the darkness. Under the dark clouds, seven or eight lamps hidden by the rain were the only light.

A portable alarm bell was hung within reach of the sentries, but they would never need to use the alarm bell, because Lynch had solved everything before a group of sneaky beastmen came over.

Tonight was indeed a bad night for humans. Where Lynch could not see, there was probably an unlucky person whose throat had been slit by thieves or horned beasts who had seized the opportunity.

Rays of lightning cracked between the dark clouds, and through the lightning, people had the opportunity to see the night scene a few meters away.

Lines of raindrops hung on the treetops, and small animals escaping were scurrying around on the branches. Occasionally, one or two snakes perfectly blended into the trunks. After the fleeting flash of lightning, darkness swallowed them up.

By the time the lightning illuminated the darkness again, they had disappeared.

The thunder that followed the sudden appearance of light echoed horribly in the air for a long time. The croaking of frogs and the occasional roar of beasts always made the sentries clenched their weapons uneasily.

Tonight was a really good weather for the lizard people. Lynch had not participated much in Thoros' night patrol team, but he knew that many hot-blooded people who tried to enter the rainforest had died in Lustria at this time.

It's probably daytime there, and the season is always summer.

The moisture drifted to the lizard man's side along with the water mist stirred up by the rain. If it weren't for the temperature being different, Lynch would have thought he was back in the rainforest.

To be objective, tonight is really dangerous. Birds of prey are baring their fangs one after another, and all the living creatures in the forest are secretly stirring.

Unfortunately, the travelers were unable to experience the adventure in person. The faint smell of blood was washed away by the rain and cool wind to the distance of the camp. A few sensitive night watchmen noticed the abnormality, but they did not get too stressed.

The unpleasant smell of burnt food struggled to penetrate through the rain. Seasoned defenders knew that it was the smell of meat.

Tigris, who fell asleep to the sound of rain, also smelled the fragrance. His brows wrinkled slightly, as if he recalled some unpleasant experience. He sat up suddenly, lay on the bedside and retched for a while before turning pale. Go back to sleep.

He desperately hoped that the guy who was roasting animal meat at this time would know that even the simplest meal should find a way to add some seasoning.

Obviously, someone with a dull sense of taste didn't know the connection. The lizard man just ate the texture. For him, the meat quality, rather than the actual taste, had a greater impact.

The darkness swallowed up the rain unbridled, and the frightening night continued. The guards were already leaning together suspiciously, aiming their guns and swords at the entrance of the fence.

Lynch bets that even a hare coming right now would set off a warning bell among the hotbloods.

The lizard man couldn't remember when he had the ability to have his wishes come true. At the next moment, he discovered that there was indeed a hare, and it was the kind that stood up and walked on two feet, approaching the camp.

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