Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 437 Wangshan Run to Death

A flash of red light dragged through the darkness, disappearing into the depths in the blink of an eye.

The dirty white hair was soaked by the rain, but the rain failed to wash away the filth on them, only making them look more disgusting.

The rain-stained hairs were condensed together, and they were mottled with light yellow.

The ferocious rabbit's teeth are full of gaps, and a twisted smile hangs on the fat rabbit's head.

Lin Qi had seen many goat-headed and bull-headed horned beasts, but this was the first time he saw a rabbit-headed monster.

It is conceivable that these hornless and weak beastmen are just the lowest cannon fodder among the beasts.

No matter how weak they are, they can't change the desire of the beastmen to destroy civilization. They lurk under the rain curtain, using the heavy rain to cover their bodies, and slowly walk towards the sentry tower in front of Lynch.

I don't know where they snatched hoes and pitchforks from. Those who could hold iron tools were the stronger ones among them, and more of the bunny-headed men only held wooden sticks.

Lynch doubted whether they had the ability to kill people. I was afraid that only women and children who were alone, or defenseless young people, would be chosen as targets for their ambush.

Yes, the current situation is not normal. They should not attack a camp rashly, even if it is night and it is raining heavily, which is conducive to their hiding.

Maybe they shouldn't be underestimated, but they are really worse than skinks.


Tonight was an eventful night. After cleaning up this group of beasts, more than a dozen waves of beasts arrived one after another.

Without exception, their outcomes are predetermined.

The hornless beastmen were followed by the horned beasts with short horns, and the horned beasts were followed by the ordinary horned beasts, and even a few large horned beasts were mixed in.

All in all, they stayed in the forest.


As you can imagine, the battle was brutal. None of the beastmen sent by the remnants of the "Red Crown" and the "Scarlet Skull" to clear the traces came back. The team responsible for the relevant tasks could not contact the leader, so they had to bite the bullet and continue.

After all the soldiers who could be deployed disappeared in the darkness and never came back, the remaining members completely lost the courage to carry out the mission.

They were also afraid of severe punishment from their superiors. The members of the "Scarlet Skull" resolutely walked into the darkness and disappeared in the heavy rain like the beastmen sent out before.

Never came back.

The remaining Tzeentch cultists decided to fake a report, but after they made up various reasons, the intermediary responsible for communicating with them was still unable to contact them, and they lost the channel to contact other groups. In other words, they He became a lone wolf with no hope of returning to his original pack.

"Red Crown" is a chaotic organization that is as fluffy and scattered as white bread.

The hard night rain continued until midnight. Not long after the rain stopped, the sun was about to come out.

The late guard enjoyed the complaints from his predecessors, who, from what Lynch saw, regretted their choice in the draw.

During this process, Lin Qi learned a piece of useless knowledge. Today is the eighth day of the Empire. Calendars and time sequences have different manifestations in different races and countries. Lin Qi neither wanted to laboriously calculate the "Phoenix King Calendar" nor did he want to Investigate the complicated calendar of the imperial people.

There are more than four hundred days in a year in the empire, and elves and dwarves each have new arrangements. For an immortal species, the calendar of young creatures can be ignored. Otherwise, just the time sequence, festivals, and different dates will be enough. A parchment book full.

Lynch prefers to use the cold-blooded constellation calendar. The stars will not change until the world is destroyed. The constellations are there, slowly and endlessly rotating with the universe.

In this world where will can change reality, there are not many reliable reference points left.

More and more humans are waking up from their sleep, and their suspicions and uneasiness about last night are spread by the fresh cool breeze that is still carrying moisture. They can't come up with anything to discuss. There are too many things that are not human, legends and stories. Monsters are everywhere.

Similarly, this is the Midden Territory. If it were other ethnic groups that were not tough enough, their fear of the forest and awe of the night would have frightened passers-by. But in the Midden Territory, Lynch thought that the blond people were quite eager to try. They It's really different from the businessmen passing by.

The simple local customs taught them to be as warlike as the Norscans.

The seriously injured knight can already walk on the ground. Even with the help of magic, this is a miracle.

There are so many miracles in the world that Lynch has no problem with them.

The temporary camp was dismantled at an extremely fast speed, and the mud could not stop the traders. After sunrise, people could already see a majestic mountain standing independently on the vast wilderness.

On the top of the cliff, the fortress overlooking the forest stands here, it seems to be standing in the clouds.

Of course, Lynch could see that it did not go beyond the clouds, but when viewed from a distance, it was easy for people to confuse the sky and the earth into a single line.

We have reached the borders of Middenheim, and the mess of pedestrians can attest to this.

Wizards dared to walk arrogantly on the road - Lynch glanced sideways at the two wizards, one old and one young, on the side of the road. They were obviously used to this. They talked while walking, and occasionally tried to catch a ride.

People are also used to the presence of mages, at least they are not scared enough to stay away.

Humans' manipulation of magic is too dangerous, especially the wild wizards who still follow the ancient method, that is, the "Four Elements Theory". The knowledge of elves is correct at least, but the path discovered by humans still needs to be improved.

Of course, the most dangerous thing is the self-learner who knows nothing.

Although wary of them, Lynch didn't mind his own business until they caused trouble by miscasting a spell.

Not surprisingly, Lin Qi discovered that Tigris had rolled up the car window. Most of the wizards who were still outside the magic academy did not agree with the elf mage's proposition. If the lizard man was interested in prying, he would probably be able to learn about the past grudges from the mage. .

Middenheim embraced wizards who were ostracized by the mainstream community, which was a good thing, since mages willingly fought against other evil forces in return for their rulers.

This is also a bad thing. It must be admitted that some mages are inherently evil forces, and wizards are a mixed group.

Lynch said that the laws of Middenheim were too loose. Although Ulric was the undoubted master of the place, other messy gods, some of whom Lynch had never even heard of, had a place here.

A river, a forest, or a stone can all become beliefs spread in the region. They are illegal beliefs. The empire only recognizes nine major sects——

Tal and Rhea ruled the forests and fields; Maul received every cemetery, and his wife Verena was the psychological home for maesters and seekers of justice; Ulric is often regarded as the first god-king of the empire. , Sigma is his successor; Sharya is the absolute leader in public welfare and medical organizations, and his sister Mermitia influences some rich people and soldiers; thieves and traders worship Ranold, Manna Wei's name is chanted along the coasts of the oceans.

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