Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 487 Master Lin appears in London

The hat of Moriarty's comrade was slapped on his body.

Conan was completely speechless:

How to explain this?

How could the average person know Moriarty?

Who knows Moriarty?

"I'm sorry." Miss Maori blinked her innocent and pitiful big eyes and looked at the teammate she had accidentally tricked with a rather self-reproaching look.

But no one would blame her.

After all, no one expected that Jack the Ripper would be connected with Moriarty.

So much so that they were all suspected of being Moriarty's accomplices.

And it’s useless to discuss responsibility now. We still have to find a way to get through this.

"no solution anymore."

Lin Xinyi quietly tensed his body.

There are so many doubts about them that they cannot be explained at all.

If we continue talking like this, I'm afraid that players like them will end up in prison before Jack the Ripper is caught.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi had to be prepared to pass the level violently.

By joining forces with Mao Lilan and selling a few elementary school teammates to attract firepower, they should be able to break through the defense lines of these police.

And just when he was getting ready to launch an attack.


Hui Yuan Ai tugged at the corner of his clothes:

"If it really doesn't work, I have an alternative."

Here Lin Xinyi was busy whispering to Haiyuan Ai, leaving all the trouble to Conan and Mao Lilan to deal with.

After Conan and Mao Lilan hesitated and delayed, Officer Lestrade's expression became very serious:

"Well, I knew you wouldn't let go easily."

"It doesn't matter--"

"Come back to Scotland Yard with me, we still have plenty of time."

The implication is that they are already invited to the police station for tea.

"Mr. Lin"

Mao Lilan looked at Lin Xinyi anxiously.

She was anxiously waiting for Lin Xinyi's instructions and debated whether to use force.

Lin Xinyi’s answer is:

"No need to rush."

He replied calmly.

That tone and demeanor seemed to be a poor copy of Little Miss Huiyuan, very deliberately cold.

But even so, this indifferent attitude, combined with Lin Xinyi's appearance, can match any temperament.

He really looks a bit like an "otherworldly" outsider.

"Officer Lestrade."

Lin Xinyi stepped forward and said calmly:

"We are indeed not Moriarty's accomplices."

"Please don't get me wrong."

"Then who are you? Why do you know Moriarty's name? And you happened to be at the scene of Jack the Ripper's crime, and you even have so much private information about Mr. Holmes?"

Lestrade's questions came clicking like a Chicago typewriter.

With so many questions put together, even a young Sherlock Holmes with an explosive IQ like Conan can't figure out how to solve the problem.

But Lin Xinyi was able to get it right.

Because the liar does not need to have a high IQ, he only needs to have a higher IQ than the victim:

"Officer Lestrade, I can answer all of your questions:"

"We know these secrets because..."


"Alas" Lin Xinyi sighed deeply.

Pretending to be helpless, "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person":

"Because of my 'prophecy' ability. ’”

"Now that it's happened, I won't hide it from you—"

"Actually, I am a monk who came all the way from the East to the West to slay demons."

"These children are all lay disciples who follow me in practice."

Conan: "."

Mao Lilan: "."

Mr. Lin, what are you doing?

How come everyone has become a monk?

This style of painting has become too exaggerated! !

His teammates were stunned by Lin Xinyi's operation.

Officer Lestrade looked even more confused:

Why did the young gentleman in a suit and tie in front of me suddenly turn into a mysterious Eastern monk?

"You don't have braids on your head either?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

Damn, I forgot that the Qing Dynasty was not dead yet.

Lestrade's soul questioning almost broke his guard.

"We are monks."

"You have more freedom with your hairstyle choices."

Lin Xinyi was talking nonsense seriously.

Anyway, these Westerners know nothing about Eastern monks.

Although he pretends to be an oriental monk, he is still very fashionable and fashionable, wearing a suit and tie.

As for whether the name "Oriental monk" is useful in the West.

Miss Haiyuan used her historical literacy to assure him that this trick would definitely work.

In London at the end of the 19th century, Eastern monks who pretended to be mysterious were even more popular than the Hogwarts wizards who pretended to be their own.

Because there is a craze of Eastern mysticism popular in the West these days.

Even the original work of "Sherlock Holmes" mentioned it:

During the three years that Holmes faked his own death to escape the pursuit of Moriarty's remnants, he spent two of them in a temple on the snowy plateau of the Far East.

This shows that Westerners at that time had fantasies and yearning for the mysterious East.

As the first generation of literary youths who yearn for the snowy plateau, in the fantasies of these Western masters, the snowy plateau is simply a pure utopia far away from the world.

This fantasy even spread to later generations.

So much so that until now, Western gentlemen represented by the BBC are still staring at this issue.

They hope that there will never be modernization, that it will always stay in the primitive and ignorant old times, and that it will always act as a living fossil in the eyes of Western curiosity seekers.

Just like looking at monkeys in a zoo, the more "natural" the better.

Why build railways and run schools to improve people's lives?

No, it’s not innocent anymore.

Western gentlemen don't like this.

And now, in 1888, before the Qing Dynasty was over, the East was still the most mysterious and innocent time.

The mysterious monk from the mysterious east is naturally so mysterious that it is admirable——

Now that they are all masters.

Then it makes sense for me to know some prophecy skills, right?

Now that I know prophecy, it’s normal for me to know Moriarty’s name, know Sherlock Holmes’ privacy, and know when Jack the Ripper will commit a crime, right?

"That's the way it is."

Lin Xinyi put on the appearance of "Master Lin Zhi" and explained to Lestrade calmly:

"I foresaw that a tragedy would happen here tonight."

"Because I couldn't bear it, I brought my disciples to stop it in advance."

"But this time it was still a little slow."

"But it doesn't matter, now there is still a chance to catch Jack the Ripper——"

"That's from 1:30 to 1:45, Bishop's Square."

"Well" Lestrade looked strange.

He clearly didn't believe Lin Xinyi's lies.

There's no way around it:

An eminent monk ran to the "Bishop's Square" and cast down demons on the bishop's territory.

This sense of dissonance is too strong.

Moreover, the clothes of Lin Xinyi and others did not look like the simple and mysterious oriental monks at all.

That suit, that tie, that leather shoes, he knows the trends better than the gentlemen in London.

Especially the clothes on those little Brahmin players

The aristocrats in London City don't dress so exquisitely, do they?

This dress is too modern, not innocent, it doesn't have that flavor.

Lestrade really couldn't believe such ridiculous remarks, and even suspected that the other party was insulting his IQ.

But Lin Xinyi was unhurried.

Hui Yuan Ai dared to give him such a wild idea, so naturally he helped him think of a way to fool these NPCs.

Now is the time for him to take action:

"Ha ha."

"I know this is hard to accept."

"But that's the truth -"

“I can see ‘pieces’ of the future in advance and meet people I’ve never met before.”

"For example"

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment.

He turned his head and looked aside with Officer Lestrade's gaze:

Standing in the distance was a middle-aged man dressed in a poor manner, being surrounded by patrolmen for questioning.

He was the witness who just shouted "killer".

The patrol police rushed to the scene immediately after the incident, and there were also onlookers who testified:

Lin Xinyi and others had no private communication with the initial witness from beginning to end.

They didn't know each other at all and had no chance to know each other.

But Lin Xinyi knew his name:

"If the information I got from 'precognition' is correct:"

"He should be Mr. Israel Schwartz, a Jew."

This is of course not a prophecy, but the details of the case recorded by Haiyuan Ai——

Because he was involved in the Jack the Ripper case, this originally unknown witness became famous for generations to come.

"This" Lestrade's expression changed slightly.

He turned around and asked the patrol officer at the scene.

After confirming the name of the witness and confirming that Lin Xinyi and others had never communicated with the witness from beginning to end.

Sergeant Lestrade's attitude finally changed slightly.

"You're right."

"Although I don't know how you know."

"But the guy who almost saw Jack the Ripper was indeed called 'Israel Schwartz.'"

He confirmed what Lin Xinyi had "predicted".

But there was still doubt in his words and eyes.

Obviously, Master Lin's display of such a small hand could not deter the experienced Officer Lestrade.

"I know you still don't believe it."

"But that's okay."

Lin Xinyi glanced at the corpse over there from afar:

They had not touched the body at all since they arrived at the scene.

The surrounding residents who opened their windows to watch the excitement, as well as the patrol officers who rushed to the scene as soon as possible, can all vouch for him.

"What are you going to do?" Lestrade vaguely realized something.

"Don't be nervous." Lin Xinyi smiled slightly: "I just want to tell you all the scenes I 'saw' beforehand."

As he said that, in the shocked and stunned eyes of Officer Lestrade.

Forensic Lin, no, Master Lin.

The performance started as "autopsy from the air".

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