Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 488 Let me lend you a magical weapon

Lin Xinyi never came close to the body from beginning to end.

But he showed a prophetic understanding of the victim:

"This poor lady is 44 years old and her name is Elizabeth Stead."

"She abandoned her family in Sweden and came to London to work in some basic manual jobs in Whitechapel."

Master Lin revealed the identity and origin of the deceased just like checking the household registration.

This made Officer Lestrade slightly frightened:

Although the incident happened suddenly, the police had not yet had time to verify the identity of the deceased.

But since the "Eastern Master" in front of him dared to give such detailed personal information about the deceased, it was obvious that he was confident enough to cope with the subsequent investigation and verification by Scotland Yard.

In just a few words, the unique confidence of a master was highlighted.

Lestrade began to listen carefully.

Just listen to Master Lin continue to say:

"Ms. Elizabeth has a very serious alcohol problem."

"Before she was killed today, she had drank a lot and was somewhat unconscious."

"This" Officer Lestrade's heart moved.

He temporarily interrupted Lin Xinyi's words, walked to the corpse in the distance in person, squatted down and took a closer smell.

Sure enough, when you get closer you can smell:

Under the cover of the strong smell of blood, there was still a faint smell of alcohol exuding from the mouth and nose of the deceased.

Master Lin got it right again!

Inspector Lestrade became increasingly alarmed.

And the master’s miracles are far more than that:

"I saw in the 'picture' that Ms. Elizabeth was walking on this road when the incident occurred."

"It was cold and cold and she had a scarf around her neck."

"And the murderer suddenly attacked her from behind:"

"He tightened the scarf he was wearing from behind, causing the victim to lose his center of gravity off guard, and his body then leaned backward."

"The murderer took advantage of the situation and grabbed his shoulders with both hands and pushed him back hard."

"The back of Ms. Elizabeth's head fell hard to the ground——"

"She was already unconscious from drinking, and she suddenly suffered such a heavy blow to the head. I'm afraid she was injured to the point of becoming unconscious at that time."

"The murderer took advantage of the situation and pursued him, pressing his shoulders from the front, suppressing the deceased to prevent him from struggling to get up."

"Finally, he pulled out the blade with his left hand and cut Ms. Elizabeth's neck with a very sharp knife."

"Ms. Elizabeth's left carotid artery was damaged and ruptured, and blood spurted out."

"She was still able to move at this time, so she subconsciously covered her wound with her hand - which is why her left hand was also stained with a lot of blood."

"But the carotid artery is responsible for supplying oxygen to the brain, and rupture will aggravate the entire cerebral ischemic death process. Although conventional compression can prevent blood spurting, it cannot solve the problem of blocked blood supply to the brain."

"So she quickly lost consciousness in pain due to lack of oxygen to her brain and died of acute hemorrhagic shock."

There are witnesses to this case, and they can prove that Master Lin only heard the noise and rushed to the scene after the incident. He had not seen the murder of the deceased Elizabeth at all, but he was able to restore the situation in such detail at this time.

Of course, this was not predicted by Lin Xinyi from afar.

He was just reciting what Yuan Ai had just relayed to him, the investigation data that the police detectives and forensic doctors who were responsible for investigating the case more than 100 years ago had restored from the on-site investigation——


It’s different from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in 1996.

In 1888, London's Scotland Yard was already equipped with a professional forensic team.

They restored the scene in enough detail.

Master Lin now recited it like this.

Officer Lestrade was stunned for a moment:


"You said that the deceased had 'damage to the left carotid artery' and 'acute hemorrhagic shock'. This..."

He hesitated for a moment with a strange look on his face:

"So you also know about Western medicine?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

Master Lin simply admitted that he was not only a disciple of Buddhism, but also had a diploma in Western medicine.

Anyway, I'm wearing this suit.

Wouldn’t it make sense to know something about Western medicine?

We are not primitive people, so we have to be uneducated and uneducated?

This is a racial stereotype and very incorrect.

"This" Officer Lestrade reluctantly believed it.

He carefully considered the "content of the prophecy" that Master Lin just said, and his expression was still a little hesitant:


"The incident process you reconstructed is indeed very similar to that."

"It can be said that even if we ask the best police detectives from Scotland Yard to come over, they will not be able to analyze it in more detail than you."


"The deceased's left hand was stained with blood, the blood spilled from the back of her head, and the scarf was tightened around her neck."

"These can all be seen from a distance without getting close to the body."

Lestrade's tone was very subtle.

The implication of his words was that he suspected that Lin Xinyi was actually just an observant detective, not a mage with mysterious power.

He suspected that this was not a prophecy, but an inference made by Lin Xinyi using his mind after observing the body surface from a distance.


Conan and Mao Lilan who were watching couldn't help but sweat secretly.

They were not optimistic about Lin Xinyi's absurd strategy.

Now I suddenly discovered that the IQ of this police officer Lestrade seems to be much higher than that of the current police department, and he has not been fooled until now.

Everyone was even more nervous.

But Master Lin remained calm:

"Officer Lestrade, I understand your suspicion."

"Then, let me present more irrefutable evidence!"

Saying that, Lin Xinyi once again locked his eyes on the corpse:

"I just mentioned that when the murderer attacked Ms. Elizabeth, he pressed her shoulders heavily with both hands, causing her to fall to the ground unable to move."

"And in the process, the murderer left bruises on the deceased—"

"The bruises are on both shoulders."

"Especially on the right side, below the collarbone and on the chest, where the bruising is the most severe."

As soon as these words came out, Lestrade was speechless.

Because the bruise was covered by clothes, it would definitely not be visible from such a distance.

If Master Lin could detect the bruises under the clothes of the deceased from a distance, and the shape and distribution of the bruises were correct.

"Go and have a look!"

"Take off the deceased's shirt and see if there are any bruises on her body."

Lestrade immediately ordered the patrolman beside him.

A young police officer was ordered to step forward and carefully unbutton the deceased's shirt.

A quick look revealed that there were indeed bruises on his body.

They were distributed on both sides of the deceased's shoulders.

And the left side is light and the right side is heavy. Just like Lin Xinyi said, the right shoulder, under the collarbone and chest are all seriously injured.

"You're really right."

The police officers all looked surprised.

Officer Lestrade's body was trembling slightly.

He turned around and looked at Lin Xinyi with some excitement:


"These are what you saw in the prophecy?"

"That's right." Lin Xin responded without changing his expression.

"This, this is really amazing!" Officer Lestrade's scientific concept instantly collapsed, and he became a loyal follower of Master Lin in the blink of an eye.

After being under pressure from society and superiors because of the Jack the Ripper case, he finally couldn't help but take the shortcut of metaphysics to solve the case:

"Master, did you see Jack the Ripper's face in the prophecy?"


"What can be seen through prophecy is beyond the control of mortals."

Master Lin gave a disappointing answer.

But he then threw out a solution:

"But I also saw another prophetic picture."

"That's what I just mentioned to you -"

"Between 1:30 and 1:45 tonight, Jack the Ripper may commit another crime in Bishop's Square."

"I see!"

Without Lin Xin's persuasion, Lestrade understood the master's meaning:

"I will send people to ambush you in Bishop's Square now."

"Block traffic intersections in surrounding neighborhoods."

"Promise not to let Jack the Ripper escape!"

"Very good." Lin Xinyi nodded with satisfaction.

He grasped the master's momentum and ordered Lestrade in a serious tone:

"The prophesied time will soon come."

"Let's go to Bishop's Square now."


Lestrade nodded eagerly in agreement.

Jack the Ripper has been committing crimes continuously in recent days, which has brought disgrace to Scotland Yard, and even more shame to the police detectives like them.

He had previously invited Holmes to investigate. Holmes' investigation concluded that the murderer might be related to Moriarty, but he was unable to dig deeper.

It would be great to have such a powerful master to help me now.

Without Lin Xin's words, Lestrade took his arm and invited him to the carriage.

Seeing that a group of people was about to set off.

The boss battle seems to be about to begin.

But Lin Xinyi suddenly thought of something:

"Wait, Officer Lestrade."

"What's wrong?"

"I came out in a hurry this time to subjugate demons, and I didn't bring any magic weapon to save the villains."

"I don't know, can you lend me a few things first?"

"Ah?" Lestrade was slightly startled: "Master, where can I find the 'magical weapon' you want?"


Lin Xinyi pointed at the small gadget hanging on Lestrade's waist.

"This is it."

Lestrade: "."

He looked down at the one hanging on his waist.

Webley MK.VI revolver made in 1887 by the Royal Small Arms Factory.

This magical weapon is a good thing. The British police used it from 1887 to 1970, and it took a whole century before they changed their uniforms.

"Master, is this what you are talking about?"

"That's right."

Facing Officer Lestrade's shocked and stunned gaze, Lin Xin said without changing his expression:

"Times have changed."

"Nowadays, it is popular among us to help others."

The second is later

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