Cosma Empire

Chapter 188

Karl’s brain is blank. At this time, he only knows that he is talking about shit. This is simply a bureau, a very unconventional bureau, a rogue bureau.

He is still fooled by such a stupid trick!

In the face of more than a dozen black holes, he can only do the obedient kneeling, but he will not admit defeat, because Lewis is hiding next to him. After this deception, Karl suddenly thought of another question. If Shane was hiding next to him, why didn’t he find a problem when he sent someone to search the dock in the afternoon? Why didn’t Lewis hide in the side and didn’t see Shane?

Is this a trap for him?

The three hybrids of Durin, Shane, and Lewis are just to get him into jail? If not, Lewis found Shane, why not remind him? They must be colluded! Karl’s inner temper was smothered by deception, and his gloomy face almost dripped water, slowly raising his hands, slowly squatting on the ground, and then shame on the ground. He swears that if he can get through this difficult time, he will definitely let these hybrids pay the price they can’t imagine.

Shane’s ruddy face pulled out the handcuffs from the waist, stepped on Karl’s shoulder, and pulled his arm hard, and the painful Karl screamed.

“Head, what about Durin?”, one of the men looked at Durin, who was sitting in the car and slowly reversing. He whispered, “Would you like to stay with him? He used to be Tenel’s private wine giant.” It’s a feat to hold him!”

Shane looked up and glanced at the car that was falling backwards. Although the cabin was dark, he could still feel the look of Durin. He shook his head and said in a tone that he didn’t even notice: “Don’t worry about him, just put Karl in jail and stabilize my current position, Durin can’t turn any waves!”

As long as he can grab Karl and then get rid of Orlando and the mayor, there is a place in the city. At that time, the private liquor industry was completely determined by him. Although he was arrested and sent back to the state bureau, he suffered a lot and suffered a lot of losses, but he understood one thing, something he had never considered before. The contraband investigation bureau is indeed in order to prevent the smuggling and trafficking of various contraband products. The real intention of the new party leader Marcus is to use the contraband investigation bureau as a means of political struggle to help the new party’s grassroots officials to open. situation.

For example, Tenel City, the old party is closely united, and it is strictly forbidden for the new party to intervene in this area. His main job is not to catch the small gangsters who sell private liquor here. His main job should be to help the governor open Tenel City. Work situation, take the initiative to become a banner of the new party in Tenel City! He should play a political role, not a policeman who catches thieves!

With this kind of enlightenment and understanding, Shane felt that Durin was really only a trivial matter. Only by giving the big men the old ones can they play their special role and get recognition from the boss and the top.

He had locked one end of the handcuff to Karl’s wrist, and as he prepared to lock the other hand, a huge force pushed him forward, smashing his weight and falling. Fall to the ground. Immediately after the fierce gunshots, Shane immediately understood that this time he wanted to be a hunter, not only himself, but also others. Fortunately, he wore a bullet-proof vest, otherwise he could have taken his life with that shot.

He gasped and hung in the back of Karl’s car. He faintly saw through the window glass that there was some black shadow on the container stacked next to him. He shouted a counterattack and took the initiative to fire a shot. Your own allies indicate the direction of the enemy.

At this time, Orlando looked at the three sides of the crossfire and had some unusual thoughts. This is a good opportunity. For him, this is a golden opportunity. There are three big guys here, Shane, Director of the Bureau of Prohibitions, Tener City, the only private tycoon, Karl, and the biggest gang leader of Tenel City, Lewis. He has no friendship with these people, and he doesn’t feel good about it. Instead, he Three people don’t like it very much.

When he thinks of the name Shane, he has nodded pain, too lazy to recall. Karl has been obsessed since he became “only”, forgetting what he is, what position he occupies at any level, always a disgusting look, and he is not as polite as he used to be, even if he gives He also sent money as a kind of alms. If Orlando’s hatred of Durin and Shane is the hatred of red fruit, then the dislike of Karl is like a soft disgust.

As for Lewis, it is even more remarkable. At present, the most powerful gang leader in the city, it is reasonable that no matter how Lewis mixes, as long as his identity has not changed, he should always be shorter than Orlando. Can this be the case? No! Lewis is the guy who is the first class expert. Every time he looks at Orlando’s eyes, Orlando feels like he is being humiliated.

He is thinking about whether or not to leave these people behind, knowing that the members of the parliament have already revealed it to him a little. In view of the increasing confusion of Tenel City, he waited to clear the entire city after the gold robbery ended.

He did not think too long, and let the gendarmerie soldiers who changed clothes start shooting. In order to avoid retrieving the identity of these gendarmes, and to avoid the damn Amber’s gaze on the gendarmerie, they not only changed their clothes, but also changed their weapons. They were all pistols. In fact, even if Orlando wants them to take out rifles, it is impossible. The gendarmerie can’t take the initiative to interfere with the city’s specific management during the non-war period without the joint signing of the mayor and the parliamentarians. In other words, even if the city has become a sinful capital, criminals are everywhere, but as long as the ordinary people’s life order is not chaotic, there is no riots and riots, they can only shrink in the military camp.

Some policies can be enforced flexibly, but some must be strictly enforced, especially for the military and for the military.

The fourth party’s fire suddenly caused a brief pause in the three sides’ exchanges. Now, let’s not say Karl, even Shane himself can’t figure out what happened. Why is there so many people coming to a simple event? Where did these people emerge from the horse?

Of course, Shane can ignore Durin, but Orlando can’t do it. This time he has the most people. The gendarmerie has given 30 military-trained soldiers. He has seven or eight in his own hands. Absolutely a powerful force. He left his own confidant to continue to encircle the criminal group in the city of Tenel, with a well-trained soldier to chase Durin. At this time, he ignored a very obvious problem. It is obvious that Durin can leave here immediately. Why is his speed so slow, just like deliberately catching up?

Orlando didn’t think about it. After he took Durin into a warehouse at the dock, the lights in the warehouse suddenly lit up like white!

Durin is still sitting in the car, even if he doesn’t even look at it, Orlando’s pupils shrank, a “Yes” blurted out! He saw, the rifles in those hands, his reason told him that he should now be able to run away if he turned and flee, but the sensibility occupied the commanding heights. If he could win Durin and the “testimony”, he not only cracked the gold settlement, At the same time, it may be appreciated by the old party’s top management, and then to the life of Peak.

Human greed is the most terrifying thing. Being timid will make people amplify the risk and make people fear. But greed will make people ignore the danger. Even if it is a cliff of ten thousand zhang, it will take the last step with the slightest hesitation.

Almost no suspense of crossfire ended in a minute, and the fire net formed by the rifle’s rate of fire was not something that these people could resist by relying on the body of the flesh. Even if the soldiers trained in the course of avoiding bullets, facing the intensive sweeping of the condescending, it is the same as the fart.

The last shot stopped and Durin got out of the car and walked to Orlando. This chubby guy may be able to breathe because of the thicker fat, which resists the lethality of some of the bullets. His eyes were a bit sloppy, as if he didn’t see Durin, relying on a pendant in the corner of his hand. The pendant is hollow. After opening it, there are photos of his wife and his two children. His eyes have locked the two photos, as if they entered an independent World.

Durin kicked the pistol around him, knelt down, grabbed the pendant chain from his hand and slammed it a few times before grabbing it. Orlando’s heavy breath was whistling and his lungs were broken. He coughed blood and wanted to snatch his pendant, but he could only look at Durin and stand up.

“You have a very beautiful wife and a very cute child. I can understand people’s uneasiness and worry about them when they are about to die. But please rest assured that my friends, I will send them greetings from me. I wish you happiness in heaven!”, the pendant slipped from Durin’s hand and landed on the ground, screaming and smashing at Durin’s sole in the eyes of Orlando as a treasured pendant.

His eyes gradually dimmed, his body twitched a few times and then slowly tilted and stumbled.

Durin drew a cross on his chest, prayed for him piously, then turned to look at his brothers, said with a faint smile: “Put something on the boat, we can leave!”, he actually Understand that behind the Orlando should be the group of the gendarmerie, but he still does not understand why the gendarmerie wants to kill him, this is a very strange thing. But it doesn’t matter, because he wants to leave, he will take everything, but he won’t take hatred.

One day he will come back, pick up these hatreds again, and return the angry flames to those people.

Under the cover of the intensive gunshots, people did not notice that a dark fishing boat was under their eyes, carrying gold, money and Durin entire group, and left the agate river in the slight vibration of the propeller.

No, someone noticed that the man was hiding on the third floor of a warehouse.

Amber’s eyes gradually brightened. He forced the Durin’s file into a volume. He also realized why this very smart person did not clean up the flaws he left in the bank.

Really a fun person!

Amber is also a powerful person. He has no way to hunt down a group of ferocious robbers with automatic rifles, but he believes that he and the guy named Durin will have another day to meet again. He is looking forward to the day!

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