Cosma Empire

Chapter 189

Located on the eastern coast of Star Empire, Irian City is very economically developed and is known as one of the three pearls on the East Coast. There are gathered merchants from all over the world. Every day, huge freighters sail from the Haiping line, unloading countless goods and then filling in the same innumerable goods. The pier becomes a lively city in Irian. The place.

Many merchants sell their goods directly here. The low price of these goods is lower than the price of goods in stores and shopping malls, which is close to 30%. Therefore, a large number of citizens are cheaper here every day. Although city managers have repeatedly asked merchants to leave as soon as possible after the process has been tax-paid, they are not allowed to sell goods to destroy the economic environment of the city. However, huge profits have caused many businessmen to take risks and risk being fined here. “Factory direct sales.”

Irian, with its developed economy, rich products and beautiful environment, has become one of the best choices for people to travel and spend a long time. The huge population makes Irian have seven administrative districts with a population of more than 8 million! Here you can see the hottest stars, enjoy the most delicious food, use the most advanced things, and some people will not leave after coming here, shouting here is the world of heaven.

In the morning, the sea breeze blowing from the coastline with a touch of scent, wiped the dust on the street along the street, no need to clean the cleaning staff carefully, it is difficult to see large pieces of garbage near the ground. A group of seagulls also emerged from the cracks in the rock and neatly landed on the pallets on the beach. Their little heads may not know why people are feeding them every day, but they know that they are here. You will definitely be able to eat spit.

The kicking footsteps made the blind-eyed buddy immediately feel refreshed. He added a little milk to the coffee that had just been filtered out, and then took another pancake and sent it to the second table outside the house.

“Good morning, Mr. Durin, you are still on time!”, the guy with a flattering smile, the golden sunshine of the morning spilled over the deserted east street, the golden glory of the whole street filled with a sacred a holy atmosphere. The guest in front of me has been here for almost a few minutes in the last half of the year, drinking a cup of coffee, and then asking for a snack.

As a bustling metropolis, the level of consumption here is not comparable to other small places. For example, if you have a cup of coffee in front of Durin, if you drink it at Tenel, it will be enough for one dollar, plus half a burlap, a total of five. But here, just coffee requires two pieces of 99 points, and the burritos cost a dollar, almost two to three times the level of Tenel consumption!

Perhaps this is also the main reason why people love to go to the dock to sell bargains, because they can’t afford the things in the mall.

In fact, it can’t be said that consumption can’t afford it. The high price means higher income. An ordinary worker earns about 20 yuan a month. He is already catching up with some middle class in Tenel City, but here, They are still poor.

Durin nodded took off his own cap after the compliment, the suit of the suit seemed to shine, the white striped shirt plus his temperament, and the people familiar with him thought he was a low-key rich, despite the fact that it was.

The running sound in the ear and the rushing gasp made Durin take out a dollar bill from his pocket. The newsboy took off the cap and wiped the sweat on his face and head with his sleeve. He carefully put both hands in his hands. The trousers were clean and the latest newspaper was placed on the chair next to Durin, and both hands took a new dollar from Durin. The newspaper actually only needs fifty, and the other fifty is the tip that Durin gave him.

It is difficult to see beggar and tramp in this city, and the local government’s policy is to kill everything that might affect the image of the city. The tramp, beggar, and street gangsters are almost impossible to find. Even if there are a few, they will soon be sent to the seventh district to force work.

Among the seven administrative districts, only the sixth and seventh districts can build factories and stay away from the main city. Here, industry is never the main force of the regional economy, and naturally there is no strong support from the city hall. If it is not for the city’s supporting enterprises and the integrity of the project, it may not even have a factory.

Therefore, the intelligence network here is mainly composed of these newsboys. Each district has two or three intelligence organizations composed of newsboys. They have a bar as the core, and a complete professional system makes the information transactions here very orderly and safe. Durin can go directly to the bar to buy intelligence, but the information he buys is never as fresh as the information owned by the newsboys who are running in the “first line”.

The consumption of 50% per day has already allowed Durin to get a lot of valuable news from it, so he will come here every day and will sit here.

“Thank you very much for your generosity, I wish you a happy day!” The newsboy once again took off the cap and bowed his body. He liked Durin very much, because Durin is very gentlemanly, even in the face of his inconspicuous social bottom. Still very polite, and very polite.

After Durin nodded, the newsboy smiled back a few steps and ran back to the street to start sending newspapers in order.

Durin regained his gaze and focused on today’s newspaper. When he opened the newspaper, his eyes were condensed, his pupils shrank a little, and he also took a sigh of relief.

On the front page of the newspaper, there is a guy he knows under the bold black font – “The Empire Central Bank admits failure, Cannes branch president resigns”, the photo sits on the left Peter Mayor adult face ugly Desperate, Durin couldn’t help but laugh a few times and then began reading the full text.

In fact, after the departure of Durin, the State Police Investigation Bureau immediately dispatched a large number of agents to Tenel to investigate the issue of the gold robbery. On the one hand, it investigated the reasons for the death of Orlando and the serious injury of Shane. Karl was secretly arrested and eventually disappeared. Lewis was shot by three people on a steam locomotive leaving Tenel. The underground forces of the entire city were greatly cleaned, and many clues were broken, and there was no progress in detecting the work.

Amber then returned to Ordo to continue to detect his serial killings, and it became meaningless to know that the robbers had left on the basis of leaving. But he didn’t have enough evidence to prove that Durin and his group were robbers, so he knew it, but he couldn’t say it. He is a fair prosecutor, and his pleasure and pursuit is to punish those who and everyone believes oneself infallible into prison. He can say that Durin is a robber, but what if he doesn’t? He knows that the three forces that exerted strength in this case are from the top, so he is even less dare to talk.

Especially on the second day, Amber decided to leave when he thought that Alisa would become the trump card for the sanctions of Durin and finally found it was a useless clue.

He believes that in this empire, he will also meet Durin, because he and Durin are unwilling people, who always have to make something to attract attention.

The newspaper omitted the specific information that the treasury was robbed. Even the stolen goods became some gold jewellery and one million in cash. The Imperial Central Bank was trying to reduce the impact and found two people to back the pot. The first is the president of the Cannes Province branch, and the second is the president of the Tenel City branch. They not only resign but also face prosecution from the old club.

But is it really that simple?

Durin, who puts down the newspaper, meditates, and it is absolutely impossible for this to end. Banks will certainly continue to trace, the so-called recognition failure may be just a smoke bomb, the purpose is to paralyze the robbers to expose them to flaws. This is not a casual matter. After all, half a ton of gold and one million yuan of banknotes are not going to be used. It is not a simple matter, in case Durin really believes that this report began to use the gold in the hands of those hundred dollar bills. It will definitely reveal flaws.

But he is not worried at all. Sometimes people always say that law is a privileged and active umbrella, but sometimes the law can protect ordinary people with money from privilege. Want to prove that these gold is his Durin embezzlement, simple, come up with evidence. For half a year, those bricks have long been sold as gold jewellery to tourists from the entire empire and even other countries. There is no evidence to capture the celebrities of a region, a businessman who has made outstanding contributions to regional taxation. This is simply joke!

Yes, Durin is now a Boss in a jewelry store. The stolen gold from the Imperial Central Bank is being sold to the guests. The hundred dollar bills are also cleaned through underground financial channels. Of course, he paid for it. 20% money laundering costs, this is what the vampires have to offer him the great talent.

He flipped through the newspaper at random, thinking that there was no news that could cause him to pay attention, but he accidentally discovered another acquaintance, the actress who forgot his name. The newspaper said that she became the first supporting actress in the “Irian Holiday”, and Irian will take pictures and shoot in the future, which gives Durin a strange feeling that can’t be said. He ran so far, he could still meet an acquaintance, and he also thought about another thing.

Money, just the embellishment on his pursuit of the goal, he wants to be a great person, not a rich person. There is no conflict between them, so he has been hiding here for a while and is actively preparing to come back and do something.

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