Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3527: Windmill Village

Navy or pirates? Many small villages are two-faced, especially these small places without garrison. When the navy comes, they are good people. The pirates are here and welcome.

Although the navy controls the four seas and the great routes, its numbers are limited after all, and it can only garrison troops in places with occupation value. These strategic islands are generally more prosperous and more able to support people.

The village where Luffy is located is a small place with no garrison. Since there is no garrison, there are not only pirates but also mountain bandits, but the villagers are submissive and treat everyone who comes with a low voice.

Of course, when the navy comes, it still spends money. After all, this is the hometown of Vice Admiral Garp, so it still has to give face. Some pirates will also give money when they come. After all, pirates are like rootless duckweeds on the sea. When they need supplies, they need to dock. It is still necessary to have a good relationship with a specific village.

Finally, there are the bandits. They actually give money, but they are the poorest and have the most credit. After all, bandits are not as mobile as pirates and can only collect tolls within a fixed range, so their income is limited.

"Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there is economy. The military depends on politics, the politics depends on economics, and the economy depends on geography. In the world of pirates, the economy is still too backward. If various resources can be integrated, it can Get out of the urbanization model and into the circular model.”

Dinisha feels that this is the best way for the world's navy to control: "Concentrate resources in big cities, control the big cities, and control the area with points. This is the basis for the world's navy to maintain. Once the counter-urbanization begins, , if it blooms on all sides, the navy will be unable to control it. This is just like the big country game in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Except for the Qin State that really broke through, the other six countries are all playing the big city economy. "

Big cities are like water pumps, concentrating all resources and then controlling them. By cultivating an army, you can control the surrounding areas.

"First go to each island to investigate the product resources. We can help exchange what is needed and build infrastructure on each island. When each island develops, the world's navy will naturally have too much to take care of. And if the pirate hometown develops, it will also leave Make money in your hometown instead of taking risks at sea. Development is an effective way to solve the problem of pirates and Tianlong people. To develop, the economy must be mobile and cannot be gathered together. The Song Dynasty was a painful lesson."

The Song Dynasty had the same three-redundancy problem as the world's navies.

The problem of the Song Dynasty was excessive urbanization, and resources were constantly being sucked into big cities. The people around them could no longer survive, so they had no choice but to go to Liangshan. Then the imperial court sends troops to fight. If they can defeat them, they will be destroyed. If they cannot defeat them, they will be recruited. After recruiting, continue to fight new rebels, and the cycle continues.

The result was redundant troops, redundant personnel, and redundant expenses, which the Song Dynasty did not solve in the end. The three-redundancy problem was summed up by a Jinshi in the Ming Dynasty. By the Ming Dynasty, urbanization had indeed eased.

However, urbanization was not just a choice of the Song Dynasty, it had already begun in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, the princes and nobles collected resources by controlling the city, and they only collected and refused to let go.

There are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is to form regional control, but the disadvantage is that the army relies on urban supplies and cannot fight long distances. Qi's martial arts warriors, Wei's military soldiers, and Zhao's Hufu cavalry and archers are not weak in combat effectiveness, but they rely heavily on urban supplies.

The world navy is the same. Its combat effectiveness is not weak, but it relies heavily on supplies. It either uses the Devil's Order to fight a wave and then leave, or it fights defensive battles in the city. It is difficult to fight a big battle with pirates on the sea because there are not so many supplies.

Of course, pirates don't actually have that many supplies, but pirates have lower supply requirements. As long as they find a small village to buy some food and drink, they can continue fighting. The navy needs support such as artillery shells, maintenance and so on. Only those who stutter will have combat effectiveness.

"Then shall we be businessmen?" Dinisha asked: "We have also been to the pirate world. This should be a new parallel universe. The ocean is so vast that it is very difficult to be a businessman and build infrastructure."

Duran completely agreed. The islands are scattered across the sea and are difficult to connect. It is difficult for an unknown island to attract capital, and capital investment is risky. They would rather go to safer big cities.

Large cities are basically on the route to the Grand Line and are supply points. There are a lot of ships coming and going, and with more people, resources are naturally concentrated. These supply points are also key to the battle between the navy and pirates.

"If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. You must first ensure that the island's resources can be transported out, and at the same time, funds and people can be sent in." Dulan said: "But if you want to do something special, you need strong capabilities. Only by redistributing resources in big cities and forming an economic circulation, currently only the county system can reverse urbanization."

Why can’t we solve the pirate problem? It's just that many small islands have not developed. Everyone either joins the army or becomes a pirate. The navy certainly cannot afford so many young people, so there must be many young people who can only become pirates.

So the navy can never solve the pirates because they cannot bring development.

But as long as the navy occupies a large supply point and controls the resources, the pirates will be helpless and it will be difficult to pose a decisive challenge to the naval order.

After all, the pirates can't propose any development direction. Even if the pirates win, they can only control the city like the navy. In the end, they become the navy, and then new pirates appear.

"Building roads, how to build them?" Dulan thought, it would be either a ship, a maritime railway, or rely on sea currents to form a high-speed, or maybe even through upwelling currents, directly to the sky.

If you want to build roads, there are still many problems. Not only the shape of the road, but also the Neptune species that can bite off the arms of the Four Emperors are also very dangerous, as well as the harsh weather at sea, and all kinds of strange and weird magnetic fields.

The spring, summer, autumn and winter of this world are not determined by the distance from the sun, but by the magnetic field position of each island. Some islands have always been winter, while some islands have always been summer. Even Winter Island and Summer Island are right next door, completely a world of ice and fire.

Such special geological conditions make it really difficult to build roads.

"Uncle, sister, are you pirates too?" After Luffy sent Shanks away, his little hand never left the straw hat. This is the hat Shanks gave him, and he must return it to him when he goes to sea in the future.

Dulan looked at Luffy and imagined that this was the Sun God. It would be disrespectful.

Luffy had been looking at the two people for a long time. They were strangers standing on the dock.

"We are not pirates, we are people passing by."

"What about your ship?" Luffy asked curiously.

"Just going to buy it."

When Luffy heard this, he said with envy: "That's great. When I grow up, I will also buy a boat and go to sea."

"Kid, do you know where I can buy boats?"

Luffy shook his head and said: "There is no place to sell boats in Windmill Village. UU Reading You can go over the mountain and go to the Royal Capital opposite. But be careful of the bandits on the mountain."

This island is still very big, not just a village, but a kingdom.

"Kid, was the pirate just now your friend?"

"No." When Luffy heard the stranger asking about Shanks, he immediately ran away alertly. He was very loyal at a young age. No wonder Kaido would cherish his talents and teach him domineering skills in the future.

Luffy ran away, and Duran was still thinking about how to build roads: "Last time, we built a ground-effect aircraft, but this time we are going to build infrastructure, and we still have to think about the environment."

"The history of mankind is the history of wheels. On Earth, the number of cars is equal to national strength, and the change of cars from horse carriages to steam cars, to internal combustion engines, to new energy electric cars is a change in energy. In terms of ships, it is from sailing ships to steam engines to steam engines. Diesel engines, to nuclear energy." Dinisha said: "It would be better to build more nuclear energy freighters. Infrastructure construction is too difficult."

Du Lan, however, likes to challenge difficult problems and said: "Sure enough, it is most reliable to control the ocean currents and create high-speed maritime roads through ocean currents."

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