Crossover in the Anime World

Vol 2 Chapter 3528: High speed ocean current

Carrying out infrastructure construction and promoting development is the best way to improve public security. Otherwise, the pirates will naturally find a way out. The world navy is helpless, but Duran can do it.

However, after promoting development, pirates will really be banned, and the desire to "become the Pirate King" will not be tolerated by the world, and even Luffy will not be able to find teammates. At that time, Luffy will become a street kid instead of a young hero who adapts to the times and has great ambitions.

Without the tide of the times, Don Quixote is just a clown.

*** and Wave Chaser, when a wave comes, sows can climb trees. When a wave ends, the hero is also the clown.

Why are stories like Don Quixote and the Emperor's New Clothes so popular? For Don Quixote is the ignominious elegy of chivalry, and The Emperor's New Clothes is the ignominious end of kingship.

Are these two ugly things about knights and emperors? No, knights and emperors did a lot of bad things, but why do people still remember these two stories? Because the wave of knights and emperors has passed and subsided, Don Quixote's behavior is very funny. It belongs to waiting for the rabbit, hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, being unable to do anything, and searching for a sword...

There is so much black stuff about religion, why is there no concrete story that is popular? Because the wave of religion has not passed yet, this wave will continue to create black material, and at the same time, it will continue to create other stories, rolling forward, and it will not leave people with the feeling of waiting for something to happen.

The same is true for pirates. If the wave of pirates ends, Luffy, the wave chaser, will become Don Quixote and become the disgraceful elegy of pirates.

"Ten years is not a lot of time, and it is not enough to end the pirate era." Duran thinks that time is not enough. It will only be ten years before Luffy goes to sea. It is not easy to wipe out the pirate wave in ten years. After all, the world is so big. , Infrastructure construction is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and each island is separated, and its scientific and technological capabilities are also weak. It will take a hundred years to complete major development, and ten years is just the beginning.

Ten years is not enough to solve the pirate wave, but a new wave can begin.

"Building ocean current highways is a good idea, but how should we change the ocean currents?" Although Dinisha thinks the method is good, how to act specifically is a big problem.

Dulan said: "First, survey and map. The control of sea currents can be accomplished through directional rings, magnetic propulsion and other technologies. There is no problem with technology. It's just about playing with water. Although I don't play much, it doesn't mean I don't know how to do it."

Luffy's protagonist group has not grown up yet, and of course some of them are experiencing the most critical turning point in their lives. For example, Sanji is preparing to leave his royal family, while Zoro is working hard to improve his sword skills and wants to defeat his childhood sweetheart. Robin is also hiding in Tibet and experiencing severe beatings from society...

The younger generation is growing up, and the backbone of Shanks' generation is slowly replacing the old pirates of One Piece Roger, injecting new power into pirate culture. These pirates are not robbing families, but mainly exploring, exploring the sea, establishing order, and gradually becoming vassals and vassal towns.

Pirates no longer collect tolls, but operate a fixed territory. Are they still pirates?

The navy also realized that the number of pirates was increasing and it was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with it, so it had to activate the Shichibukai. In fact, it is because the cost of the navy is getting higher and higher, because more and more young people are seeking development, and if the navy does not want them, they will naturally become pirates.

The scale of pirates has expanded rapidly, and the navy can only use pirates to fight pirates, but this will further weaken the navy's control. The navy said it was all Roger's fault, but it actually had nothing to do with Roger. Even if Roger didn't say anything, there would be more and more pirates. It's just that he told the location of the treasure, giving the pirates a unified goal. Everyone can join forces to go to the Grand Line to find the Pirate King's treasure.

Roger's death did not increase the number of pirates, but gave the pirates a common goal, allowing them to build a consensus and lead the originally independent pirates to one place.

There will be more and more pirates, because there is no room for development. What are you going to do if you don't become a thief?

At the end of the movie "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier", the emperor asked the protagonist to disband the beggar gang. The protagonist said that the number of beggars in the beggar gang was not decided by the gang leader, but by the emperor. Only the devil would be willing to be a beggar if the emperor could make the world peaceful and peaceful.

The same is true for pirates. If the sea was peaceful, only ghosts would be willing to be pirates, but the world navy cannot do that, so there will be more and more pirates, eventually replacing the world navy.

But for now, no pirate can replace the navy's position, because no new pirates have emerged yet. Pirates are all wave chasers and do not propose a consensus beyond treasure.

Duran and Dinisha don't need a boat, they can just scan it, saving time. time is money.

"The parallel universe has been scanned last time. Let's check and fill in the gaps this time to see if there are any differences between the two worlds."

After checking, it was found that there was not much difference. The experience of the last universe was equally useful in this world, which saved a lot of time. Then the two found a lake to conduct careful experiments.

"This is the sea current technology used by the Atlanteans, which can accelerate seawater in a direction." Duran arranged several rings in a row, and formed a cylindrical sea current through the rings. The water inside was extremely fast, comparable to The highway.

When a ship enters the current, it can accelerate.

Accelerated sea currents also exist in this world, but they are all natural and localized. This artificial sea current must be the first time.

There is no problem in conducting experiments in lakes. But if it needs to be built on a large scale on the sea, it will require a lot of resources and manpower.

"Each ring is at least thirty meters in diameter to allow large sailing ships to pass."

"If the high-speed sea current is built, the ship will definitely be improved. For example, the ship's mast can be folded and retracted, and the height and width are limited. The reason why there is no unified standard for ships now, and they can be built whatever they want, mainly because the ship has not passed Sexual requirements. As long as the sea current is established at a high speed, the standards of ships will also be born, and there will definitely be a series of changes." Dinisha believes that the ring does not need to be too big, as long as the sea current is successfully constructed, the ship will naturally match it.

"My wife has a point, and then there are two-way roads, or even four lanes or even sixteen lanes. The larger the transportation scale, the more enforceable the standards can be." Duran said: "Sometimes the high speed can be double-decker, the sea surface is the ship, and the sea bottom is the submarine."

"Then how do you make it float on the sea?"

"Using magnetic force to fix it is the same as the principle of the permanent pointer. The magnetic field in this world is quite stable. There is no big problem in fixing it in the magnetic field." Duran said: "As for the principle of ocean current acceleration, it is the magnetic force generated in the ring that drives it. The principle of water flow is similar to that of an electromagnetic gun. UU Reading At the same time, there is an isolation layer inside, and the magnetic force will only act on the sea water and will not accelerate the fresh water and metal in the cabin. "

"Laying so many rings requires a lot of resources and manpower. How to solve this problem?" Dinisha asked: "A maritime railway can take twenty years to build."

"We should really look for investors. I don't know if any big country is willing to invest in us."

"There must be people who are willing to invest, but this will inevitably involve wrangling." Dinisha said: "Why don't we do it ourselves and hire workers like giants and long-legged people."

Duran nodded, and it was indeed possible to hire those strange races that were discriminated against: "Let's just build a super mechanical island, integrating the functions of resource collection, ring construction, and ring laying, and building a sea current highway while moving. .”

Dinisha completely agrees: "Building a mobile island directly is indeed a good idea."

They have a base vehicle and a base ship, so Duran goes directly to the base island.

Design it first, then use the dragon to make a wish, and it will come true in one go. It doesn’t take much time.

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