Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 219: place of talisman

The vigorous posture of the green carp drew a graceful line in mid-air, and went straight to the top of the waterfall against the current.

After that, countless carp jumped up one after another and went upstream along the waterfall.

This waterfall descends from the top of the mountain, and it is also 100 meters high when it falls into the pool.

Although the carp is good at jumping, when the blue carp jumped to the half, it also felt a little powerless.

But when it was about to fall, it flicked its tail sharply.

The cloud-like scales on his body circulated, giving birth to a green cloud to hold it up, and then floated up again.

It was only after crossing the pointed mouth of Hulu Mountain that it slammed into the green lake on the top of the mountain.

This blue carp was transformed by the carp talisman that Lingqing gave him when Ning Caichen was in Jinbang High School through his luck.

Has the ability to step up the sky.

Not only can it transform into a blue cloud to carry its flying body, but it can also increase its luck and status. .

Afterwards, whether it is a huge golden carp, or a jade carp as beautiful as glass.

At most, it only jumped halfway, and because of nowhere to focus, it fell back into the pool below.

There is only a palm-sized ink carp, because of its small size and slender body, it is good at borrowing water power and slowly cruises to the top of the waterfall.

Looking at the two stone pillars standing on both sides of the waterway, there is a plaque hanging horizontally with the word "Dragon Gate" written on it.

Suddenly, he jumped up with strength, passed through the middle of the stone pillar, and landed in the pool.

Suddenly, an inexplicable aura rose from it.

Seeing this, Qingyun Carp separated a cloud of green clouds and fell on it, adding a boost to it.

Ling Qing did not expect such a change. Looking at the transpiring ink carp, he looked at the profound altar in his body.

It is found that the carp template has differentiated into a talisman, which is constantly changing.

The situation with the blue lion is also somewhat similar, and it may be the change caused by jumping on the waterfall.

Although this waterfall is not a real Dragon Gate, it can lead a lot of its kind and climb to the top with Qingyun Carp.

He got the deed of luck and luck, but he also got a bit of the meaning of leaping from the dragon gate from it.

Seeing this, the rest of the carp under the waterfall jumped up more vigorously, trying to cross the dragon gate in their eyes.

However, the height of 100 meters is also an insurmountable gap.

Even if the eight-foot golden carp sacrificed itself to make pedals for others of its kind, not a single carp leaped to the top of the lake.

Lingqing watched for a while, then stopped paying attention, and flew to Hulukou again with Qingshi.

The gourd mouth on the top of the mountain is only more than ten feet round, and most of it is occupied by a spring in the middle.

Lingqing waved the dust, and several stone pillars rose from the pool, and then raised his hand to release a red-crowned crane with a black and white red-crowned crane on its head.

However, this crane is a little different from ordinary cranes.

Occasionally, there are black and white rays of light flashing on his body, exuding a sharp sword intent that is yin and yang, and everything is slashed.

Its sound is as loud as the sound of an iron stone sword.

This is exactly the sword crane that Yan Chixia achieved with her own sword technique combined with the principles of black and white yin and yang on the crane.

This crane is arrogant, and Lingqing does not plan to get some ordinary cranes to dance with it.

Just to avoid being thin, he put a little on this Jianhe.

Seeing its figure transformed, it showed eight identical sword cranes.

This is all conjured up with Lingqing mana.

Although this kind of phantom does not have the talisman as the most carrier, its ability is generally the same as that of the talisman.

Lingqing looked at the top of the mountain and found that the hall that Guo Ning and the people were building on the mountainside had not yet been completed.

The rest of the bookstore and Tallinn are also busy.

Only the locust forest in the back mountain has been basically completed because the locust trees from other places were moved over.

So he rode a blue lion and jumped straight down from the top of the mountain, landing on the waist of the back mountain.

This is the pass of Hulu Mountain, and a plank road is recessed inward.

"Xianchang, your subordinates have replaced this forest with locust trees as you ordered."

Seeing him come down, Si Ziping Fei, who was the **** of Cangtou Mountain, came to him and said respectfully.

"Ah, very good."

Lingqing looked at the locust forest covered by the mountains in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

He raised his hand and put his sword finger on the handle of the Wanhua whisk, and a strange red and black gas stuck to his fingertips and was pulled out.


Ling Qing raised his finger and flicked it into the locust forest in front of him.

Immediately after the hand formula changed, the Dao Dao method was played by it.

At the same time, the divine seal was activated to summon the evil spirits, evil spirits and resentments in the Longshan Mountain, and fill them into the Huai Lin.

After a while, the entire locust forest gradually rose and covered it with gray fog.

Ling Qing raised his hand and released a large black crow with a sense of transparency.


The crow flapped its huge wings and made a shrill cry, flying towards the largest locust tree in the forest.

A roll of wings built a huge bird's nest and got into it.

Then there are various kinds of crows, bats, owls, vultures, vultures, hyenas, various snakes and scorpions, etc., which were scattered into the forest by Lingqing.

For a while, even if it was daytime, there was still a chill in the air, causing Si Ziping to shudder.

"Xianchang, Xianchang, I don't know what this is?"

He asked curiously while looking at this secluded forest that had changed drastically.

"This forest is used to keep talismans, and it is also a place to practice."

Ling Qing glanced at him, "If you are interested, you might as well go in and try it out.

As long as you can kill it, you can get a talisman.

Can have many uses. "

"Can I have this opportunity too?"

Si Ziping's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

Although he didn't know the magical effect of this talisman, he saw a character like Lingqing.

I am willing to spend so much effort to arrange such a place to raise this talisman.

It is natural to look at it a little higher.

Now that I hear that I can have a chance to try it, I am naturally It is not only him, but the others who are busy behind him at this time are also looking at Lingqing with anticipation.

Ling Qing smiled, "Naturally, but each person can take up to three, not many."

As long as he is willing to sacrifice seriously, Lingqing doesn't mind who takes away the talisman.

For Wei Zimo and his party, who came to seek immortal fate, and Guo Ning and others, there was not much difference for him.

Moreover, this is not a multiple-choice question. The talisman has been taken out. The big deal is that he can make it and put it in.

"Thank you Xianchang! Thank you Xianchang!"

When Si Ziping heard the words, he immediately thanked him.

After seeing Lingqing flying towards Shanxi with a green lion, he turned around and looked at the people behind him and said.

"The immortal is merciful and bestows me this blessing. You must cherish it and not be greedy."

"Yes, Xie Xianchang is merciful!"

The little ghosts first thanked Ling Qing respectfully, and then thanked Si Ziping.

"Thank you grandpa for your mercy!"

Immediately, together with Si Ziping, they all entered the locust forest, each looking for an opportunity.

At this time, they still have the authority of the Dragon Mountain Divine Seal, and it is only easy to deal with such ordinary quality talismans.

This is also Lingqing's reward for their mission.

Not to mention that they were looking for talismans in the forest, Lingqing placed golden cicadas in the Tallinn in Shanxi in turn, accompanied by a group of insects and beasts.

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In the book house in the south of the mountain, there are five virtue peacocks and a group of birds.

Also, let the mountain gods of Meihua Mountain and Changling Mountain, who are responsible for the construction of Tallinn and Shulu, bring a group of little ghosts to try their own chances. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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