Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Immortal Palace Inheritance

Next, Lingqing came to the hall built by Guo Ning.

This hall is suspended halfway up the mountain, with only a stone platform and half-eave outside.

The vast hall spaces are all within the mountainside.

In addition to releasing the bright flame butterfly that Zhu Guang had refined, Ling Qing still used his own mana to transform countless phantoms like a sword crane.

Another copy of the "Steamed Game Ginseng Soup Method" was taken out and placed in a stone box.

After he wrote down the contents of the original, he returned it to Guo Ning and others.

Then he placed the stone box in a conspicuous place deep in the hall, and the real talisman Mingguang Butterfly lay on it, flapping its wings from time to time.

At this point, except for the template of the talisman that cannot be used, all the high-quality templates have been placed in their own places.

Just waiting for someone else to take the chance.

However, there is another important point. .

Lingqing arranged for Guo Ning to also take someone to look for opportunities, and then came to the belly of Hulu Mountain.

This Gourd Mountain was originally built with Yuansha Gourd as its foundation.

Within this mountainside, it is naturally within the Yuansha Gourd.

Ling Qing pointed it out, and the turbid fiend essence that was flying all over the sky suddenly froze.

A part of the Yuan essence fell on the bottom of the gourd, turning into a hill as bright yellow as jade.

The remaining Yuanjing turned into bright yellow sand crystals to form a corridor, twisting and twisting in the gourd.

Ling Qing raised his hand to play the Dao Dao tactic, and blessed all kinds of prohibitions and spells for this passage and Yushan.

An hour later, he stopped just now and came to the top of Yushan Mountain.

He raised his hand and held out the Longshan Divine Seal, and a talisman was formed under one point, and it shone on it.

This place was prepared for Huo Mojun and other people who hit the Dragon Mountain God Seal.

After everything was ready, Lingqing came out of the Yuansha gourd and came to the stone platform in front of the main hall.

Looking at the situation of Guo Ning and others around him.

They were content, and did not try to collect the five-virtue peacocks, golden cicadas, dead crows and other fine talismans.

Although Lingqing didn't mind, but they didn't, and he didn't remind them.

But after this incident, he also found a problem.

That is, the beast he transformed with mana disappeared after being scattered, making the beasts everywhere sparse a lot.

Lingqing thought for a while, and then scattered most of the remaining talismans in the tiger skin bag to make up for the empty amount collected by Guo Ning and others.

Only a few ordinary symbols remain.

Then, he took off a roll of animal skin from his waist and unfolded it in the air.

It is painted with various lifelike beasts.

It was the Book of the Wild that he made before.

Lingqing shot a phantom of animal claw from the dantian and landed on the book of wildness.

Immediately, the beast on it roared, and it turned into a rune and merged into the beast's claws, and Lingqing couldn't stop hitting it with a wild rune.

When the changes were over, the Book of the Wild had become a little different.

This is that he imprinted the animal claws representing the whole wild way on the book of wildness according to the method of the talisman.

In the future, when he uses the book of wildness to record the template, he can directly integrate it into the beast claw brand.

When you want to use the template, you can also use it as a talisman with mana.

Whether it is transformed into a beast form or transformed into a beast with mana, it is the same as a talisman.

But the difference is that the beasts transformed by this talisman are infinite.

As long as he has sufficient mana, he can transform the templates he has collected without limit.

Unlimited types, unlimited quantities.

Ling Qing looked at the new book of wildness and shook her hand.

I saw it flying in midair, getting bigger and bigger and more and more empty, and soon it turned into a painting and generally covered the entire valley.

Then he kept playing the Dao Dao tactic.

A ban was set up, and the Earth Demon Formation transformed by the alien dragon rod, the Gourd Mountain transformed by the Yuan Demon Gourd, the Dragon Mountain God Seal in the mountain, and the Book of Wildness were linked together.

With the help of the great formation, leylines, and artifacts, the book of wildness was activated, and a large number of beasts were transformed.

From time to time, with the neighing, the originally sparse beasts of various colors gradually became richer.

It makes the whole valley and Hulu Mountain full of vitality, which is a fairyland.

However, in Lingqing's eyes, most of these beasts, insects and birds were created by him according to the book of wildness.

A small part is made of wild symbols.

Guo Ning and others were waiting under the mountainside hall as early as when he published the book of wildness.

Now that he saw that he had received the merit, he hurriedly shouted in unison.


Lingqing watched them take one or two talismans in their hands at this time, waved the dust in his hand, and instructed them.

"Okay, now that the venue is set up, you will spread the news of the opening of the Immortal Mansion skillfully.

Invite people to look for an opportunity. "

"Yes, the subordinates will live up to their trust."

Lingqing led Guo Ning and others out of the valley, and turned to see that the valley was still the same as before.

After nodding his head, he set the mechanism for opening the gate of the grand formation on the bluestone beside the valley.

He raised his hand and sprinkled the remaining ordinary talismans into the valley.

Several snakes, worms, birds and beasts were scattered all over the valley, and one of them, a long golden worm, was the most conspicuous when it landed in this bare valley.

Xiangcheng, Fengchun Road.

This is the most prosperous street in Xiangcheng, where all kinds of shops, restaurants and teahouses are concentrated here.

Recently, there have been rumors everywhere in the city that there are immortals in Longshan who have inherited the world.

Today, His Majesty has not only dispatched experts from the Shence Army, but also real masters of Taoism and Buddhism.

Now the news has been spread for half a month, at this time, a large number of Jianghu and strange people have gathered in the city.

They all thought that they could get some opportunities from the Immortal Mansion.

"I don't know which person who suffered from the plague spread it. We came to this Xiangcheng, but it's only been more than a month, and the news has been spread for more than half a month."

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On a table by the window on the second floor of Fengchun Building, the beautiful woman named Sanniang took a bite of a chicken leg and said angrily.

"It's normal, it's easy to fish in muddy waters."

The opposite Wei Zimo took a sip from the glass and said leisurely.

"If I don't want Your Majesty to find the Wonderful Art Immortal Recipe, I will also spread the news all over the world.

In this way, even if I find it, I can shirk and say that someone else has it.

Then, find a random person who has taken advantage of the world to send an official document to the sea, and leave himself clean. "


Sanniang slammed the chicken leg in her hand to the table, splashing a puddle of soup on Wei Zimo.

"I said, you're not in a hurry at all, are you?"

Wei Zimo didn't lift his eyes and didn't move, he still drank the wine leisurely, but the soup disappeared when it was poured in front of him.

"Don't worry, the news has already leaked out, what's the use of worrying?

Recently there are rumors that someone has got some special opportunities from the mountains, and it is not far from the immortal mansion.

Raising enough spirit to deal with the next competition is the real business. "

At this moment, in this quiet afternoon, a sudden noise came.

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