Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1397: Wu Fengji's request

The process of convincing Danny Rand was not very difficult, and could even be said to be very smooth.

Although Danny Rand's strength is not that powerful, he at least knows how precious it is for the human side to get Wu Fengji's help at this time.

And he also wanted to meet the legendary Iron Fist who Nick Fury said could rival archangels and demons.

Maybe he also has a chance to become that strong?

With this idea in mind, Danny Rand is very willing to cooperate with Nick Fury's work.

Ever since the Burning Hell began to wreak havoc on the human world, these superpowers have been constantly refreshing their views on Nick Fury.

These guys who used to always operate in masks knew exactly what they were doing. Those villains were certainly destroying the order of human society.

But what they did was actually the same.

Therefore, they are very cautious in dealing with official organizations most of the time, and more often choose to avoid this situation.

But now that all humans are gathering strength to fight against the invasion of the Burning Hell, those previous worries have become irrelevant.

So they also enjoyed all the conveniences brought by the behemoth SHIELD.

Whether it was help in daily life or equipment and intelligence, these guys received treatment they had never received before in times of crisis.

This is also an important factor in their change of attitude towards Nick Fury, the official leader.

At least Danny Rand felt SHIELD's sincerity during this process, and he himself had no hostility towards SHIELD.

This cooperation is beneficial to both parties, and it is especially important for mankind.

"So when will the legendary Iron Fist Wu Fengji appear?"

Danny Rand asked.

He was already looking forward to this meeting, it was a matter related to his future.

If he could get Wu Fengji's guidance, then the situation he faced might not be the same as it is now.

He has the power to protect himself when facing most demons, but let alone turning the tide, he has to be careful even when facing warrior-level demons.

Such strength can only be said to be quite satisfactory in today's world.

"It will probably take a while, don't worry."

Nick Fury said while sitting at his desk while processing documents.

He has a lot of work content.

Although the things he is dealing with are not important matters, he will not deal with important tasks in front of "outsiders".

Danny Rand is not from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although it is somewhat boring to have to distinguish whether someone is "one of our own" at this time.

However, there is still a lot of information in SHIELD's possession that cannot be revealed to others, so there is nothing wrong with being a little more cautious.

"I never thought that there would be a strong person in SHIELD who could rival Archangels and Demon Gods.

How did you get connected?

Could it be that just like when Bulcaisel broke into S.H.I.E.L.D., you did something that was unacceptable to the other party, and then you didn't get to know each other without fighting? "

Danny Rand asked curiously.

The saying that SHIELD and Bulcaisel "don't know each other without fighting" is what SHIELD declares to the outside world.

Although it feels a bit deceptive to say this, it is better than announcing that "SHIELD was taught a lesson by Bulkeso".

And it cannot be said that all of this is false, at least the beginning of the cooperation between SHIELD and Nephalem can indeed be counted in this matter.

Before this happened, SHIELD's attitude towards the Nephalem was still tentative and trying to master them.

After Bulcaisel showed his power, SHIELD's attitude became gentler.

"There is a strong person in S.H.I.E.L.D., although he is not as strong as an archangel or a demon.

But he still has the strength to fight the legendary demon.

Such a strong man happened to know Wu Fengji, the Iron Fist, from some previous events.

Then the information about Wu Fengji was sent to SHIELD, and it was the strong man who built the bridge to meet Wu Fengji this time. "

Although Nick Fury didn't go into great detail, it was generally like this.

Danny Rand is not an idiot. Since Nick Fury didn't name "that strong man", he won't take the initiative to ask anything.

No matter how ignorant Danny Rand is, he is no longer a young man.

He would not simply measure a person's importance based on his combat effectiveness like an idiot.

And Nick Fury can't be said to be a weakling.

Even though this guy hasn't appeared in front-line battles for many years, his title of King of Agents is still no secret.

There's no problem viewing him as a weaker version of Captain America.

This guy is even slightly more lethal than Captain America.

"If you feel bored, there is a training room next door. You can go and exercise a little."

Nick Fury said without raising his head.

Danny Rand would not have met Danny Rand in person if he and Wu Fengji did not have some romantic feelings.

Before the crisis of Burning Hell, SHIELD had never imagined that there were so many extraordinary beings in the world.

Danny Rand is really not among the best among those extraordinary people.

However, this judgment needs to be revised now. Wu Fengji Zhuyu is in front, and Nick Fury also expects more from Danny Rand.

Maybe this guy can become a powerful person one day?

It's just that that's a matter of the future. Now Nick Fury will not ask Danny Rand for his opinion on decision-making issues that may affect the future.

"I thought you had already agreed on a time."

After Danny Rand finished speaking, he shook his head. He also understood that what he said was a bit ridiculous.

If Wu Fengji really has the strength to fight archangels and demons as Nick Fury said, then such a strong person would be a rule in itself.

It is only possible for others to obey her, but no one will make demands on Wu Fengji and ask the other party to comply.

Although the current human society has not degenerated to the point where the strong own everything, the order of human society has been rebuilt on the basis of the past.

After all, what mankind needs now is no longer a stable situation, but more strong people who can save mankind from crisis.

The strong do have some privileges at this time.

It's just that these privileges have not reached the point where they can completely trample on human morality and law.

Of course, this would also require the help of the Nephalem.

The nephalem grew up in the environment of Sanctuary where they had to face the threat of demons at all times.

They have a relatively mature view of order.

The strong should be respected, but they should never be indulged without a bottom line.

It just so happens that those guys who have no bottom line have been corrupted into demons under the first wave of the Burning Hell, which has actually played a positive role in re-establishing order for mankind.

At this time, most of the powerful people on the human side are those who maintain a certain degree of recognition of the existing order.

This is probably a blessing in disguise.

"Would it seem disrespectful if I come here after Wu Fengji arrives?"

Danny Rand had some doubts.

He had only heard Wu Fengji's name, but he really didn't know what kind of person she was.

"According to the description of the strong man in SHIELD, this Wu Fengji is much easier to deal with than you think.

She is the kind of existence that fits the concept of "chivalrous person" very well. "

Nick Fury said without raising his head.

Out of his trust in Captain Marvel, Nick Fury did not prepare any plans in advance such as "how to handle Wu Fengji's loss of control".

Although even if he made corresponding preparations, it would most likely have no effect.

But this is at least a manifestation of attitude.

When dealing with a straightforward and honest person, just use the simplest and most direct way possible.

Even if they prepare any plans, Wu Fengji probably won't care.

But since it can ensure that both parties will not have any grudges, why choose a less good way to face it?

This is what Nick Fury learned from his first meeting with Bulkeso.

There may always be situations where people cannot teach others, but teaching people by doing is often enough.

The impression Burqasso left on Nick Fury was too profound at that time, and the pain that came from his soul made Nick Fury still have lingering fears.

"I am looking forward to meeting this Wu Fengji even more."

There was a hint of expectation in Danny Rand's tone.

Instead of continuing to talk to Nick Fury, he went directly to the training room next door.

After knowing that Iron Fist could grow to be as powerful as Wu Fengji, Danny Rand also had a lot of expectations for his own power.

Although he understands that the upper limit of growth is not that two people can reach the same point if they use the same power.

But he at least has the confidence to get out of this weak situation.

When he was training in Kunlun, Lei Gong said that he was extremely talented.

Even if you can't become a strong man who can influence the destiny of mankind, you must at least have the power to defeat the legendary demon to better protect mankind.

Danny Rand also felt a little fighting spirit in his heart.

For a warrior, the importance of fighting spirit is self-evident.

After Danny Rand gained this awareness, he felt that his mastery of the power of the Iron Fist had improved a bit.

After Danny Rand left Nick Fury's office, a wall slowly rose.

Opposite the wall are Wu Fengji and Captain Marvel sitting on the sofa, as well as the super girl Kara Zor-El who was invited by Captain Marvel.

"Although this generation of Iron Fist is still very immature in terms of strength, maybe there is hope for the future?"

Nick Fury asked calmly.

What is happening is happening at Wu Fengji's request.

Wu Fengji is inevitably a little curious about her future Iron Fist. Although SHIELD also gave her information about Danny Rand, Wu Fengji does not think that the description in the information can clarify everything about a person.

However, it's not that Wu Fengji doubts SHIELD's intelligence gathering capabilities, but that there are some things that are really difficult to judge from the intelligence.

Just like Danny Rand's fighting spirit and other spiritual qualities.

People change, and a person's mental state may change at any moment.

So Wu Fengji made this request to observe Danny Rand.

Faced with Wu Fengji's request, Nick Fury immediately started taking care of it as if he had found money.

This kind of thing is not difficult to do, and at worst it can make Wu Fengji owe a small favor.

Of course, there will be no victims in this incident.

Even Danny Rand, who was unknowingly observed, could still be compensated afterwards.

When Wu Fengji made this request, it also meant that he was willing to teach Danny Rand for a period of time. This opportunity alone was enough to compensate for Danny Rand being concealed.

Even if Danny Rand knew that he was being observed, he probably wouldn't act too aggressively.

After all, during the time he was studying in Kunlun, it was not the first time that he was tested and observed in this way.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no problem in doing so. Wu Fengji will apologize to Danny Rand afterwards.

Wu Fengji had promised this repeatedly when she made this request.

And Wu Fengji's performance made Nick Fury ecstatic!

Wu Fengji showed an attitude without the airs of a strong person, which is commendable.

This is a kind of equality in personality. Such Wu Fengji can definitely be called a noble person.

Humanity's most important trump card now is Wu Fengji, and Wu Fengji shows a look that is most reassuring to humans!

Nick Fury really couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

At first, he was worried that Wu Fengji was a rigid and authoritative type. In that case, the situation of mankind would be much worse.

Now, although we can't rest assured that we can't say yes, the situation that Nick Fury was worried about at the beginning will not happen.

As long as you are more frank when communicating with Wu Fengji, at least Wu Fengji will not be hostile to SHIELD!

As for worrying about whether Wu Fengji will hate human beings, Nick Fury has no chance at all.

Wu Fengji is a very traditional knight, someone who will fight hard to protect the weak!

Even if it also pursues the "power" itself, it will not become a threat to mankind!

Nick Fury already has the answer in his heart. Wu Fengji is the kind of being who can serve as the patron saint of mankind!

This is not only a good thing for SHIELD, but also a good thing for mankind as a whole!

With Wu Fengji's presence, the pressure that the Nephalem put on Nick Fury has been slightly reduced.

At least the humans won't be able to do anything but bury their heads in front of the Nephalem's powerful power.

Although the Nephalem have never shown any hostility towards humans, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, Nick Fury understands one thing.

There are still times when brothers have different opinions. If humans and nephalem have different opinions on the same thing, who should you listen to?

Without Wu Fengji's existence, humans would of course be speechless in this situation.

But now that Wu Fengji is here, human opinions have increased weight in the eyes of the Nephalem.

This is a very valuable thing!

Having the same position does not mean that there will be no disagreements. The existence of Wu Fengji adds an insurance to mankind!

You can't blame Nick Fury for worrying about these things, he is responsible for the future of all mankind!

There is no need to question his determination to protect mankind!

(End of chapter)

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