Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1398: Possibility of gaining new power

In this way, Danny Rand became the target of the test without his knowledge, but there was no problem with this result.

After all, even if he found out about it afterwards, he probably wouldn't be that embarrassed.

He is the beneficiary in this matter. He may feel angry when he knows the whole story, but he will probably figure it out soon.

At that time, Danny Rand, as the beneficiary, could not say anything even if he was dissatisfied.

Is this a good result?

Nick Fury has completed his initial contact with Wu Fengji, and he can temporarily relax and deal with other things.

As for Danny Rand, Nick Fury has been handed over to Agent Hill to pay attention to.

SHIELD will do its best to satisfy any request made by Wu Fengji.

After Wu Fengji appeared, SHIELD's expert team had completed the analysis of Wu Fengji.

Although Nick Fury cannot guarantee that what he knows is all the situation, he still has a little more trust in Wu Fengji's character.

Among the results of the analysis, Wu Fengji is not a person who would embarrass others.

In this case, instead of worrying that SHIELD would not be able to meet Wu Fengji's request, it would be better to make a more generous promise directly.

It's just a small trick in interpersonal communication, and it doesn't harm anyone's interests.

But it can make SHIELD have a better impression in Wu Fengji's mind, so why not?

Nick Fury participated in the next job with a sense of relief. After winning a patron saint like Wu Fengji for mankind, he felt that his pressure was much less.

But this is just the beginning!

Next, he will find ways to help Danny Rand, the Iron Fist, grow. Wu Fengji Zhuyu is in front, and Danny Rand is also an Iron Fist. He might not be able to become another strong man at the level of a patron saint.

Nick Fury now has more expectations for the future of mankind.

As for the Nephalem problem, that was not something he could think of a solution to right now.

The strength shown by the nephalem has exceeded his imagination. He can't find a few Wonder Women who can limit the opponent's combat power just now in SHIELD.

When facing a being far more powerful than yourself, the right choice is to treat it carefully.

When Nick Fury left SHIELD, Danny Rand was still exercising in the training room.

He knew nothing about what was happening, and Wu Fengji was also observing Danny Rand's situation during the process.

Although Wu Fengji has not been a weakling for a long time, she has grown up little by little from weak to strong.

It was not difficult for her to discern the state of the weak.

Although she did not expect that Danny Rand's growth as Iron Fist would be so slow, at least Wu Fengji did not directly choose to give up on Danny Rand.

Growth takes time, and Wu Fengji knows this very well.

Agent Hill is accompanying Wu Fengji in S.H.I.E.L.D. Her most important job now is to ensure that Wu Fengji's needs can be met, and Nick Fury has already taken on the other tasks.

As for Captain Marvel, he temporarily left S.H.I.E.L.D. with Supergirl. The two of them had already taken action after knowing that humans lacked the ability to fight against demons.

The situation on Earth is much better than in the universe. The Burning Hell has restrained its actions due to the existence of the Nephalem.

In this situation, Captain Marvel and Supergirl are enough to greatly improve the living environment of mankind.

There are only a few legendary demons operating on the earth, and the two of them, Captain Marvel, have enough fighting power.

Although there is no guarantee that the demons will be completely eliminated, it is more than enough to reduce the threat of the demons a lot.

While this storm was occurring, the living environment of humans had undergone many changes.

These changes are indeed valuable to mankind, and they also give mankind a lot of confidence.

After all, how tense the situation is is not something that is suitable to be told to everyone.

If the time comes when humanity no longer sees any possibility of victory, then Nick Fury may decide to tell everyone the truth.

But it's obviously not to that extent yet.

The storm caused by Constantine is not completely without benefit to mankind. At least now, the slightly higher-level demons in the Burning Hell are thinking about this storm.

It's already good news that they don't focus on humans.

"Ms. Wu Fengji, can the power of Iron Fist be extended to everyone?"

Agent Hill asked cautiously.

Now that she has stepped into the extraordinary realm, she naturally understands that it is somewhat taboo to explore the source of other people's power.

But the power of Iron Fist is too attractive to humans.

If you are gifted, you will have the power to fight against archangels and demons. Every additional strong person in the human race is of great significance!

Agent Hill asked after weighing the possibility that Wu Fengji might be angry about this.

Beings like Wu Fengji should not be directly annoyed by this problem.

“The power of Iron Fist is not suitable for large-scale dissemination, and obtaining such power also requires some qualifications.

However, the strength of your willpower may not make you a top powerhouse. Perhaps you should pay more attention to developing the strength you already possess. "

Wu Fengji was indeed not angry. Although the answer she gave was not what Agent Hill wanted, she also provided some high-level suggestions.

After hearing what Wu Fengji said, Agent Hill realized that the power of the light ring controlled by SHIELD was also possible.

It's not that the imagination of SHIELD personnel is limited, but simply because none of them, the Lanterns, have shown such amazing combat effectiveness.

This is why they have not noticed what the light ring represents until now.

"There is a big connection between the ring in your hand and your willpower, but I think the combat power you can show is not satisfactory to you?"

Wu Fengji said gently.

Upon hearing this, Agent Hill just nodded and agreed with Wu Fengji's statement.

Although the Lanterns of S.H.I.E.L.D. can also play a good role in fighting against demons, they always lack the power to make the final decision.

This problem has actually been bothering SHIELD for some time.

“When you start to have doubts, your willpower will naturally start to waver.

It seems to me that the person who left before may be better suited to use the power represented by this willpower than you are. "

Wu Fengji said.

Her impression of Nick Fury is really good.

Although Wu Fengji is obsessed with martial arts most of the time, she has no problem with her vision of people.

Among the people she has ever met, Nick Fury's willpower is definitely among the best.

So Wu Fengji is somewhat curious about why Nick Fury didn't become a Green Lantern.

The power of the Lantern can support them to survive and fight in the cosmic environment. If the power of the Lantern can be widely spread, then the battle situation in the universe may also change.

While Wu Fengji was chasing the magic talisman, she saw a lot of battles in the universe.

Even in a civilization like the Shi'ar Empire, the demons of the Burning Hell are still difficult to resist.

Of course she can also understand how much more combat power is needed to fight against the endless tide of demons in the Burning Hell.

It's just that she really can't come up with any good ideas now.

"The director doesn't want to try those powers that he can't figure out. He's just too cautious."

That's all Agent Hill could say.

Because she didn't know what considerations Nick Fury had in not seeking a stronger fighting power for himself.

Apart from some technological creations, Nick Fury has almost never tried to obtain the power of any system.

This can even be said to be paranoid in the eyes of Agent Hill.

After hearing Agent Hill's statement, Wu Fengji nodded inconspicuously.

She admired Nick Fury's caution. When he gained something, he always lost something.

This principle is quite normal in the universe.

Just like those mages, even the Supreme Mage still has to pay some price when using magic.

Although after Emperor Weishan also chose to join the camp against the Burning Hell, the cost of white magic has become insignificant.

But obtaining power through borrowing does not only happen to mages!

Nick Fury's identity is very special. As the leader of SHIELD, he is also an important link between humans and extraordinary people.

If he has to pay some price in the process, the impact will not be simple.

Even if it is just to avoid such a possibility, there is nothing wrong with Nick Fury's approach.

"Although this cannot be said to be the best decision, at least it is not the worst method."

Wu Fengji nodded as she spoke.

"Ms. Wu Fengji, can he master the power of Iron Fist?"

Agent Hill asked.

She hopes from the bottom of her heart that Nick Fury can also have some power.

While no demon has emerged yet intent on killing Nick Fury, Agent Hill doesn't think it's out of the question.

After all, just killing Nick Fury can cause some chaos on the human side, and killing Nick Fury is not even a difficult thing!

If Nick Fury only uses a life substitute to carry out activities all year round, then there is still some uncertainty in doing so.

But now that Nick Fury's identity has been exposed, killing a soldier who can only be said to be experienced in combat is not difficult at all.

"I cannot make such a guarantee. The power of the Iron Fist comes from a dragon named Shou Lao.

To what extent you can use this power depends on the individual. "

Wu Fengji said.

This news about the source of Iron Fist's power should not have been revealed so easily, but obviously Wu Fengji didn't care about it.

The truth is quite different from what she said.

The threshold for becoming an Iron Fist is indeed not as high as imagined, and the power of the Iron Fist does not depend on how much power the old dragon gives to others.

The power of the Iron Fist is very similar to the power of the Nephalem. Gaining power can only be said to be gaining the seeds of power.

To what extent this seed can be cultivated is another question.

Of course, this way of obtaining power is destined to be impossible to spread completely.

Not just anyone can gain the power of the Nephalem. It can only be said that people with a certain level of power are more likely to possess qualities that can be recognized by the Nephalem.

In Wu Fengji's view, it would be easier for Nick Fury to try to become a Nephalem than to try to obtain the power of the Iron Fist.

At least in Wu Fengji's eyes, Nick Fury's quality is enough to support him to become a Nephalem.

"Then how does that Shou Lao being view himself giving power to others?"

Agent Hill nailed the point!

SHIELD knows how those mages get their power!

This Shou Lao's approach sounds no different from that of Emperor Weishan.

Lending one's power to others will inevitably result in a situation of borrowing and repaying!

Agent Hill even began to worry that Wu Fengji had taken back the power of the Iron Fist by the old man. Once such a thing happened, humanity would lose a pillar!

Although Agent Hill did not think that Wu Fengji herself could not think of this, she still needed a definite answer to this kind of question to make her feel at ease.

"Taking back the seeds doesn't mean that the towering tree you cultivated will directly collapse and wither. What Shou Lao gave is only a seed, and what he takes back is just a seed."

Wu Fengji said.

Her words did reassure Agent Hill a little.

But Wu Fengji is already as powerful as she is now. If she is willing, she can randomly pick out a lucky latitude demon and kill it, and then become the master of that latitude.

Even if the Shou Lao had other ideas, he would re-examine whether there was something wrong with his idea after taking into account Wu Fengji's power.

Wu Fengji is a straightforward and kind-hearted warrior, but that doesn't mean she will accept any condition unconditionally!

But for the sake of saying that, Agent Hill couldn't continue asking even if he was still a little worried.

Exploring the source of other people's power is considered a minor offense, but Wu Fengji herself doesn't care.

"Although the power of the Iron Fist cannot be given to others casually, some methods of nurturing energy are not secrets that are not passed down."

Wu Fengji said.

With her current strength, she can give others the seeds of power like the Shou Lao, but she will not give others the power of the Iron Fist.

Because that is disrespectful to Shou Lao who helped her.

As for Kunlun's boxing skills and internal strength, Wu Fengji does not intend to teach them to others, but some of the abilities she has developed herself do not have similar restrictions.

It's just that Wu Fengji didn't directly express this intention.

Teaching students this kind of thing is not a decision that can be made lightly, and it requires a considerable degree of responsibility!

Just like those ancestral spirits choose successors, they will be responsible for the actions of the successors.

For this reason, both Mocott and Tarik have said that if Rumlow falls into darkness, they will personally take action to solve the problem!

Of course, they will also provide assistance such as teaching and protection within their own capabilities.

Inheriting this kind of thing itself should be a very cautious matter. Guys who easily hand over their power to others often have a deeper conspiracy!

Just like Sithorn, the **** of black magic!

What you take in advance must be given first!

This is the most common way to obtain power in this world!

On this basis, if you want to gain power while paying the minimum price, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, the only answer is to use technology!

The price that needs to be paid for the power brought by technology is only the resources and energy consumed in the research and development of technology!

This is the power in this world that requires the least cost.

It's a pity that the current peak representative of the individual power brought about by technology is only Tony.

As for Steve, his serum can be considered to have this kind of power, but the power Steve uses now comes more from Johanna's inheritance. (End of chapter)

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