Dear Comrade

Chapter 143

Dear Comrade the Leader, Episode 143

Chapter 51. united and scattered

“… … I barely made it out! Unfortunately, some of our bodies were not recovered and one of our troops was captured on Iidid’s side, but most managed to withdraw to the safe zone where the multinational forces were stationed. Your Excellency, this is truly fortunate… … .”

“Relief? damn it Do you guys call this mess now lucky?”

George Herbert Walker Bush angrily shouted at an unfamiliar aide when he received reports of the military devastation in Mogadishu, Somalia.

How could something like this happen in the first year of re-election?

Already, newspapers and broadcasters were sending out images of UH 60 and Black Hawk helicopters burning in the middle of downtown Mogadishu.

Horrifyingly, it was broadcast on the radio as it was, with mad Somali militias dragging and shooting mutilated American corpses.

George W. Bush frowned as it was already clear who the media (who seems to be leaning toward pro-Democrats day by day) would point out who will be blamed for this tragedy and who will be the victim.

“18 dead, dozens of wounded, and one even alive… … The New York Times will try to crucify me as soon as the Republican president is re-elected because he has lost face in the field of overseas military operations that he was proud of.”

Damn media bastards, isn’t it enough to broadcast live the Marines landing scene and even leak information to the militia bastards?

It is only then that his reputation as a victorious leader who led the Gulf War and taught Saddam Hussein manners is eroded.

In addition, it was heartbreaking to think that the 18 people were just 18 infantrymen, but each one of them was a pilot of the most elite U.S. Army Rangers, Delta Force, and 160 Special Aviation Squadron.

In a word, the operation to arrest the Somali warlord, Farah Iidid, and Operation Gothic Serpent ended in disaster through various reports and photos from the JSOC (Unified Special Operations Command) and the Ministry of National Defense.

“Once it happened, it happened, so it is time to focus on minimizing damage.”

“Do you have any plans? Secretary Powell?”

When Bush asked former Chief of Staff Colin Powell, who became Secretary of Defense for the second term of the Bush administration after a recent reshuffle, Powell was also a ‘political soldier’, befitting the evaluation within the military (which may be heard good or bad). made a negative judgment.

“For the time being, it would be better to keep your distance from the Middle East issue. Rather than this, Russia is a mess right now, so you have to pay more attention to that, but in the last presidential election… … Excuse me, sir. You managed to win over Clinton, and if the pressure increases here, public opinion will get out of hand.”

Everyone at the conference table nodded at Powell’s rational opinion.

It’s been a year since he was re-elected, but public opinion about the Bush administration is still accusing him of lying about the fact that Clinton was using marijuana in a debate with Thatcher, who is starting a second political career in the United States. The prevailing opinion was that he greatly benefited from Clinton’s self-destruction.

As such, Bill Clinton was a strong candidate to threaten incumbent President George Herbert Walker Bush, who led the Gulf War to victory.

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Now, the insight that the economy and free trade, rather than the Cold War or international security, are the main concerns of Americans, has gained sympathy and support even within the Republican Party to which Bush belongs, and even the Clinton Clintons, such as by secretly reducing the deficit after re-election and facilitating private investment through interest rate cuts. It was a situation that was being criticized for using the promises or policies of

Although he won the presidential election, it was a close match until the last minute, and Ross Perot, who had been eroding Bush’s votes, suddenly left. From the very beginning, the administration had not been running smoothly.

But at this time, such a bad thing,

Moreover, it was probably Bush himself who signed the request for approval of this operation.

In this situation where he could neither subtract nor beat, he finally made a decision.

If we didn’t reduce the budget deficit right away, the dream of seizing power flew right in front of our eyes, and it was obvious that the Democrats, who were poisoned, would desperately oppose next year’s budget.

Even if the Middle East’s influence temporarily declined, the money-consuming overseas deployment had to be reduced now.

The Republican Party (and its backers, the giant oil majors)’ hidden goal of stabilizing the oil supply route by securing the Somalia’s Cape of Good Hope route failed with this, but oil is abundant in Latin America anyway.

The problem is that most of those South American countries are anti-Americans, but fortunately, thanks to the successful development of a large oil field in a country in Asia that had recently returned to being a pro-American country, Bush was able to make a decision with relatively little burden.

‘I didn’t know that I would be the president to confirm that North Korea has the 7th largest oil reserves in the world. Anyway, the young friend owes us something, and they also make money, so we won’t object.’

“Good. Where should we start with an exit strategy so that we will be less reviled by our allies who have a stake in us?”

“Please do not go directly to the mediation of the Israeli-Palestinian Liberation Organization peace talks that you have postponed, but start by lowering the water supply and sending Your Excellency Vice President instead. Now people are fed up with the Middle East.”

When it comes to peace talks, it refers to the meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the Palestinian Fatah Party and PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) representative, Yasser Arafat.

The talks that have been progressing to establish peace in the Middle East under the mediation of the United States from the time of the first administration have progressed to the final stage, and are currently in a stalemate due to differences in positions between the two sides.

At Powell’s words, Bush and everyone at the table looked to one side.

There, of course, was Vice President Dick Cheney.

With the gaze focused on him, Cheney nodded with a smile as if he knew nothing, as always.

“Dick, I’m sorry to leave you with this kind of cleanup, but it’s a request… … .”

“Yes, sir. Your Excellency, don’t worry and just focus on the Russian issue.”

He spoke up to this point, paused for a moment, and then added a word.

“Because the vice president is originally supposed to do these kinds of chores.”

“Thank you. Please those two countries… … No, two groups… … Not this one, the two forces… … Anyway, let’s reconcile the two. Of course, I know it’s not easy.”

“I will do my best. dismissal.”

“If it was that kid Clinton, he would have put up a pato day in a few years and managed to somehow make it a feat within his tenure, but I can’t. Gone are the days when we only listened to Israel. The Cold War is over and Russia is collapsing in real time, and we can’t wait to see Jewish lobby groups rubbing Washington with the pretext of being a pro-American bridgehead in the Middle East against the Soviet Union.”

Bush, who had spoken up to this point, swallowed his saliva for a moment and spoke as if declaring.

“This is an opinion that can only be expressed here, but I think that the security interests shared by the United States and Israel are starting to diverge. How many times has the US been insulted for only taking Israel’s side? Diplomatic relations between the two countries need to be reestablished.”

“You are right, sir.”

“Then I will trust you. I ask for fair mediation between the two sides.”

* * *


swarm rumble… … .

‘Damn it!’

Meanwhile, in the distance, across the Pacific, another national leader was swearing at ‘state affairs’ that did not go his way.

The crowd gathered at the Pyongyang Kim Il-sung Stadium (the name was to be changed soon) and the party officials, contrary to their expectations, were so out of track that they watched the soccer ball rolling helplessly on the lawn, not knowing how to applaud or how to do it.

However, perhaps because he had had some spare time as head of state for several years, Jeong Hwan, General Secretary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, who knew that the best thing to do in such a case was to just go out boldly, solemnly spoke into the microphone as if nothing had happened.

“Then, with this, I will declare the official launch of the Joseon Football Federation.”


“Damn, this is not worth the face. Should we set up an exercise room in our company and do some exercise?”

“How about golf, General Secretary? Even in the South, national leaders always enjoy golf. Still, I heard that golf courses are starting to open in the suburbs of Pyongyang too, so party officials and military generals often come and go secretly… … .”

The person who smirked and handed him the farm was Chung Mun-young, chairman of the modern group, who organized the historic event of today’s first private club match between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) professional football league.

Of course, even before that, North Korea had a league with a very exquisite naming sense called ‘the best football league’ or ‘Premier Football League’ in English. It was made up of personnel, so to speak, a state-run league.

In the meantime, it was Jung Moon-young, who was famous even in the South for his interest in professional sports.

‘General Secretary, if you leave it to me, I will use my experience in others to take over as the federation president, and after 10 years, world-class professional football clubs such as Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in Spain will come out of this republic!’

‘Hmm… … .’

‘Even if that’s not the case, isn’t North Korea too lacking in infrastructure for daily sports or the soil to nurture elite athletes? If this goes well, it is not a dream to one day form a unified North and South Korean team to win the World Cup.’

This is what he specifically suggested to General Secretary Jeong-hwan.

‘Come to think of it, this grandfather, the modern group, and the original history were also interested in promoting professional sports such as the K-League.’

It was a very provocative and seemingly cheeky proposal for an entrepreneur from the south, but Jeonghwan, who had no reason to oppose it, boldly accepted it.

After all, it is backwards that the party holds the sports field forever, and sports are not one of the 3S policies, which is the triumph of all dictators.

If modernity were to take an active role in that matter, it was only as Jeonghwan that he was welcomed with open arms.

So today, in Pyongyang, winter is approaching, but the first start of North Korea’s first division football league, the ‘Premier K League’ (which was the result of compromise with the name of the highest-level soccer league), launched by modernity as the main sponsor. Junghwan was in charge of this.

Korea’s ‘Super League’ officially started using the name K-League in 1998, and it began to be used unofficially in 1994. .

Unfortunately, due to lack of exercise, it seems that the soccer skills of the great general secretary are not worthy of admiration compared to other fields, but it seems that the people only rise to the ranks of the people.

“Although there are still only five teams in the entire league… … Everyone else started like this. Who knew that Korea, which had a humble beginning, would now win the World Cup qualifiers in Doha, Qatar? Perhaps after a while, this Republic team will also become a World Cup contender. Isn’t it? ha ha ha… … .”

“This is probably the first time that President Chung and the modern family have contributed to the establishment of the Professional Football Association in both the South and the North since Dangun. I hope that you will continue to put a lot of effort into the development of professional sports in this republic.”

“Is there any possibility? Even if I die of old age, I will surely die leaving a will to my sons not to give up on promoting inter-Korean sports. One of my sons is also very interested in professional football… … I will tell you to pay close attention to inter-Korean soccer exchanges.”

“Ah, I know from hearing the story. The name… … Maybe it was Jung Yang-Jun? I understand that you came to Rasun for work in heavy industry this time. When will you introduce yourself? Whether it’s economics or soccer, there are many things that modernity has to do in this north.”

In fact, even without being introduced, I already know who Jung Mun-young’s sixth son, Jeong Yang-joon, who will later become the president of the Korea Professional Football Association, is.

The two had a conversation about this and that, and they headed to the box seats after the two main characters of the day, FC Pyongyang, which was based in Pyongyang, the founding club of the Premier K League, and the Rason Modern Steelers, who were based in Pyongyang.

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Not long after sitting in the box seat, Jung Moon-young opened her mouth first.

“Coming out about football and my kids… … Actually, I have something to say to the general secretary about my children.”

“Hmm, feel free to speak openly.”

“In the meantime, I believe in the many privileges and generosity that the general secretary has shown to modern times and me, Jung Moon-young, and I am telling you… … There are quite a few of my children who are not very fond of doing business in the North.”

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