Dear Comrade

Chapter 144

Dear Comrade the Leader Episode 144

“Well, that’s not surprising. Chairman Chung, who is famous for his bold acts… … I don’t think you’re here to tell me about such trivial worries… … .”

“… … I can’t hide this. That’s right.”

Junghwan’s point was correct.

It has been four years since the modern group became the first company to enter North Korea after the inter-Korean agreement. In the meantime, it would not be an exaggeration to say that modernity is enjoying its second heyday in North Korea.

With the full protection of the secretary’s office and the Workers’ Party of Korea, it monopolized numerous orders, and modern electronic TVs, refrigerators, and CD players have already become essential items for households living in the North.

In addition, from this year, the company started full-fledged oil mining and launched an oil drilling/refining company called ‘Modern Oil Bank’ in partnership with the Oil Refinery Corporation and British Petroleum.

Of course, there were natural restrictions, such as having to fill 70% of the workforce with North Koreans and reinvesting about half of its operating profit back into North Korea.

However, it is the modern group that has benefited the most from the current economic exchange between the two Koreas.

Because of that, the price of the stocks he owns also rose, and the value of his personal assets also rose sharply.

“Let’s open up the chest. Chairman Jung. What are you really worried about?”

“… … Some of my sons I mentioned earlier are against this business strategy. Our modernity is still in this country… … So, I owe a lot to others, but there are a lot of people saying that I am not trying to drive a stake in the North at all, and that Jung Moon-young has dementia.”

“Hmm. That is really ineffective.”

It wasn’t much of a surprise.

The rejection and hostility toward North Korea over the past 40 years is not something that will disappear overnight.

When the first modern singer, to be precise, Jeong Moon-young, said that he would go to North Korea to engage in economic exchanges, most Koreans just thought that the old Chairman Wang is old and he misses his hometown.

However, the problem began as rumors spread that modernity had begun construction of its second headquarters in Pyongyang.

Crucially, as the rumors spread that North Korean oil, whose existence was still doubtful, was really commercial and even started selling, the Koreans’ eyes began to change significantly.

Jung Moon-young, who thought he would come down after smelling his hometown for a moment, stayed in Pyongyang for one year, two years, three years… … It was a word that started to come out among the Korean people as it became endlessly long.

In other words, a sense of crisis began to emerge among the Korean people.

“Jung Mun-young is getting old and losing her mind, so she is possessed by a North Korean psychological warfare agent! We are going to bring the whole modern group to the North!”

“I was seduced by the saying that it allows me to mine exclusively for oil and makes a lot more money than in other countries, so I abandoned hundreds of thousands of modern families and ran into North Korean gangsters!”

“There is a testimony that Jung Moon-young entered Pyongyang, was awarded the Order of Merit of Kim Il-sung, and took an oath as a member of the Workers’ Party!”

“What is the government doing? North Korea is trying to swallow up modernity, the only global company that Korea owns, but if only second-class companies like Seongsam and Taehwa remain, all 40 million people will starve to death!”

‘Of course, such domestic public opinion is not the only reason. When did the Korean chaebols pay so much attention to public opinion?’

Considering the steps of Jung Moon-young’s sons that Jung-hwan knows about, it is clear that they are inside even if you don’t look at them.

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No, in fact, considering that the succession issue is bound to be the most sensitive issue for businessmen and politicians, there is no reason to mobilize future knowledge as the cause of the opposition of Jung Moon-young’s sons and daughters.

“Even if I tell you what kind of favors and treatment modernity is receiving in the North, it seems that the children do not believe it. Are there any entrepreneurs who hate cheap labor and tax cuts?”

“These kids, unlike me, were born in the South. There is almost nothing in the Northeast. furthermore… … .”

“… … Moreover, after the death of the president, they have to share the kingdom of modernity among themselves, but it would be inconvenient for my father, who will retire at old age, keep leaking the wealth of the kingdom to this republic. It is convenient to do the succession work itself or the subsequent business or in their courtyard, South Korea, but there is no need to venture to this republic where the taste of water is unfamiliar, right? Am I wrong?”

Even if there are things that are illegal or difficult to comprehend in the process of national sentiment (though obviously not one or two), there are many things that have been sprinkled on the politicians and the judiciary, so it will be convenient in many ways.

Jung Mun-young, who found out about Jung-hwan’s fastball, dyed her wrinkled face red for a while, but soon confessed with a resentful expression that she couldn’t do anything about her child.

“The public opinion is also going to heat up, and it seems like they are trying to spin-off the company with the support of the politicians. Now, President Park Yi-sam looked up to the chaebols, but it was clearly not the general secretary who liked the drums… … The lawmakers might like this opportunity to say that Jung Moon-young, who was trying to enter politics, which is their own bowl of rice, cut off his limbs. The justification of defending the national wealth is sufficient, isn’t it?”

“… … Hmm.”

Jung Mun-young was nervous inside that Jung-hwan was very disappointed about this issue and might even yell at him, who is like his grandfather.

Even if technology is transferred from modern times and the industrial foundation is established in return for various benefits, North Korea’s industrial capacity is still far behind that of South Korea.

However, if modernity withdraws from here and removes all factories and manpower, North Korea, which has just started industrial development, will become like a dog chasing chickens.

Until now, the authority of the founder and ‘Chairman Wang’ Jung Moon-young, who was absolute in the modern group, was absolute for modern times to come and do business in the North, where there are many uncertainties.

Although it is hard to accept this fact as Jung Moon-young, who has lived with the reward of going to work while looking at the morning star up to this age of close to 80, the time is certainly not far away.

And after he dies, will the children, who had their eyes widened at the thought of receiving the modern royal family stipend in return for their dedication to the company and their father, intend to continue their business in the North?

It was not Jung Moon-young who knew that it was difficult to find a sense of adventure and love for the North in his children, even though it was difficult to accept as his age in his seventies.

However, on this matter, Jeonghwan said that it was not a big deal.

“Then all my children ask me to come to Pyongyang at least once. Just talk to me.”

Jung Hwan’s sudden remarks made Jung Moon-young startled and raised his head, which he had bowed for a moment to notice.

I was so surprised that my complexion, which had been red for a while, had already returned to my own color.

“General Secretary… … Are you serious?”

“I’m not serious. Now, this North Korea has changed, and I want to show you that modernity guarantees entrepreneurial freedom more than South Korea, not that modernity can do business activities and pursuit of profits in this ‘North’ just as much as doing business in the South.”

Of course, their equity and property and corporate governance.

Despite Jung-hwan’s promise, Jung Moon-young couldn’t erase his doubtful expression.

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No matter how much Junghwan takes his feet and persuades him, will he be able to prevent his children from splitting up the company and withdrawing to others?

As if laughing at the distrust in Jung Moon-young’s heart, Jung-hwan thought that it was going well.

‘I’m going to buy everything at the IMF anyway, but I’ll have to grease it up a bit in advance.’

At that time, in order to comfortably buy Korean companies in exchange for borrowing money, it was necessary to guarantee the management rights of the modern family, the major shareholders.

And it is necessary to reassure them by confirming in advance that they can do business in the North as in the South, and that they have their own vision for future growth.

If the current president Park Yi-sam or the next presidential candidate, Min-jung Yoo, are sane, no matter how urgent the foreign exchange is, Korean companies like Altoran will not be turned over to the North.

“The date we met… … In the next two months, maybe early next year. At that moment, there is something I want to show the president’s children. Would it be okay if the Lunar New Year passed away outside of South Korea?”

“It’s something I want to show you… … May I ask what it is?”

“It’s nothing. It’s just the future. The future of the North, their future, and the future of the modern group, haha.”

* * *

At the time Junghwan was talking about the future, there were people discussing their uncertain future even in Seoul, about two hundred kilometers away.

“Yangheon, what is your father’s reaction to you? It’s about our position.”

“Hey, why are you asking me that? The older brother is the second son of the father, no, the first brother died after the death of our modern eldest son and the crown prince. Aren’t you supposed to be the representative in this case? After leaving me only to do these things that make it uncomfortable for my old father… … .”

“Father? Speaking of horses… … Does your father know that Yangheon likes you the most? Is there anyone in our family who doesn’t know about you? Right now, you only have electrons and ships, but maybe in a little while you will be able to hand over to you the beams of modern times, so to speak, the modern construction, which is a seal!”

“Ah, brother! You’re not even a school girl, are you jealous right now? Something that hasn’t happened yet… … My older brother has been to prison as a substitute for his father once, but is your father arguing that he only favors me?”

“What? wild? This guy… … There’s just nothing I can’t say to this hyung. With just a few more words, you’re going to put this hyung’s slap on your back. Take a look, you bastard!”

“older brother! Fifth hyung, please be patient! Aren’t you ashamed to see the staff in the office building!”

“You are right, honey, you can stop too!”

“What is right? Yangjun, are you going to leave the company and pretend to be a moderator just because you are in politics? Hey, it’s you, you’re holding a stake in the waste heavy industry, so you don’t have to worry about the apple box, are you?”

“Oh, little brother!”

In a conference room of the modern construction office located in Gyo-dong, Seoul, there was a sharp battle between the brothers.

Although they did not openly slander or swear at each other because they were conscious of their place and social position, by listening to the conversation between them, anyone could tell that they were far from friendly brothers.

After arguing with each other, the quarrel finally reached a state of lull, and the eldest, Choi Sang-seok, a middle-aged man in his 50s, who appeared to be the eldest, muttered with a sigh.

“Anyway… … Is your father fully aware of the bad public opinion right now? The Blue House also said that YS is sharpening its sword… … I don’t think it should have been passed on to the rednecks to the point where you can’t even get a feel for it… … .”

“Oh, my brother. No matter how old your father is, what kind of person is he… … One business sense that smells money is still intact. Can’t we just ask Yangjun right now? Yang Jun-ah, your company is also over there in Myungcheon, didn’t you dig a little bit of oil there, is this hyung wrong?”

“It’s been a few years since you left that company, so why put it in there? Your brother is the young general secretary, didn’t the Iraq war over there, and he drove away all the restoration supplies. A friend who is about the same age as your nephew is also very resourceful. How else did you steal it from the Yankee caucasians? … .”

“Calm down, these guys, no matter how hard it may be, they are not a country where the president is elected by election like this Republic of Korea, but a country where the Kim family of the Communist Party inherits and eats from generation to generation. Right now, I may make you drink sweet water, but I don’t know when I’ll catch a pod and eat the whole company… … Everyone knows you can’t believe what politicians say, right? It’s because my father was enamored with the idea that he would let me go back to my hometown when he got older… … .”

“Who knows that? Right now, after ten years or so, many North Koreans will soon change their minds when their wallets are large enough to ride in a car. There is no one in the group who doesn’t know that you are greedy in the automobile sector… … .”

“In what millennium will such a day come? Of course, North Korea is growing rapidly now, but the Asan Research Institute predicts that it will soon reach its limit and it will be difficult to exceed Korea’s national income… … I don’t know if there’s even a real unification, I’m afraid.”

At this point, Choi Sang-seok’s 50-year-old man and Jung Moon-young’s second son, Jung Yang-goo, took a slightly reserved stance, but his thoughts were still firm.

Certainly, as his younger brothers have said, his long-awaited business was the automobile business, which started with parts and a manager when he first followed his father to modern times, and had greased his hands.

And from his point of view, there was a limit to developing and growing the automobile business in North Korea.

In particular, in the automobile business, in order for latecomers to catch up with Japanese, German, and American companies that were ahead in advance, the domestic domestic market had to support them, and they had to have a period of technology and capital accumulation.

Even if North Korea continues to grow, it will be difficult to overcome the fundamental barrier of population size.

So, in the end, modernity dies, but the way to live is to live and remain in others who can do patriotism marketing, and that is why the recent trend of public opinion is that even President Yang-gu Jeong, who sold automobiles based on the domestic market under the policy consideration of ‘Loving domestic products’, was also concerned. .

Fifth, who is favored by his father and his father, Yang-heon Jeong, the president who has been arguing with him right now, may be interested in advancing into North Korea if management rights are guaranteed… … .

It will not come to you at all, it was.

‘This time, my father made the wrong decision. If you are sure about your father’s will… … At that time, I will have to make a decision for the sake of modernity and this Republic of Korea!’

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