Dear Comrade

Chapter 278

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 278

Chapter 97. good luck and bad luck

The Great Tofuku Earthquake, which occurred on March 11, 2011, was a day that brought an unforgettable shock to Japan and the Japanese people, but at the same time brought a not small shock to the whole of Asia and the world order as a whole. It was similar to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

The Richter magnitude 8.9 earthquake that struck Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, in northeastern Japan at 2:00 PM on March 11 was the largest earthquake in the history of modern earthquake observation in Japan, but it was the tsunami that caused the real damage. .

Most of Sendai’s buildings, with earthquake-resistant designs applied to nearly 90% of buildings for a long time, survived the sudden earthquake, but it was not the largest tsunami in history at 40 meters high that hit land from the sea after the earthquake.

And a huge tsunami that started from the sea eventually hit the shores of Sendai, which I thought had survived the earthquake again this time, and swept everything away.

-Oh My God! The house is being washed away by the waves! The sight of cars, household items, and even electric poles being pulled from the floor and being swept away by the tsunami… … !!!

-What you see now are people in Sendai, Japan, after being chased by a tsunami and isolated in a tall building, sending an SOS signal to a rescue helicopter. Currently, the Japanese authorities have declared a state of emergency and… … .

– It’s an unbelievable disaster. Experts say that the economic loss caused by this disaster is unpredictable. … .

In just ten days after the earthquake, more than 8,800 people died and more than 12,000 people went missing.

However, it didn’t take long for it to become clear that the true damage caused by the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami was not the end, or rather, it was just the beginning.

When the tsunami hit a power transmission tower on the shore, the electricity supply was cut off in the area, and then the power plant and substation facilities were also swept away.

And it didn’t take long for the Japanese government, which had been floundering in response to the earthquake and unprecedented tsunami, to emerge as a more serious problem than any other.

However, the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident has a slightly different meaning to the global media, North Korea, South Korea, neighboring countries, and allies including the United States, who have been watching this disaster in the northeast part of Japan every moment, that is, Japan is a country that has not been seen before. It made me look at it from a slightly different perspective.

The first was the immorality, corruption, and audacity of the private power companies, which tried to reduce costs and avoid responsibility by subcontracting to subcontracting, which was the root cause of this situation. The serious incompetence and inefficiency of the Japanese government, which aided the power companies, and above all, the bureaucracy was exposed.

-No, now this is a vehicle loaded with relief supplies, so why are you blocking the entry? One o’clock is urgent… … !!

– Currently, the passage of all transport vehicles is restricted in the area. There are no exceptions as it is in accordance with the Disaster Response Manual.

– Now the victims are starving! There are even reports of malnutrition among children! The emergency food collection center here is full of emergency food, so why don’t you give it out right away?

-All relief supplies should be equally distributed to all victims in accordance with equity. There will be no supplies until there are enough supplies to distribute to all victims.

-This is a fuel vehicle for the relief helicopter! Why can’t you let me go!

– Again… … Let’s see where we have to go through the process. First, file an application for access to the disaster area through the local police station where the vehicle is registered. Has your application been approved? Then, go through the document check and vehicle inspection again at the local toll gate. Then you can pass by. How do I get an inspection when the toll gate is closed? Well, that’s not my fault, after that, I don’t know.

-This is the US Marine Corps Air Corps and Pararescue Team who came to rescue the disaster area of our allies! I am trying to rescue the victims and supply supplies. Where can I start and how can I help? In addition, the U.S. Forces in Japan plans to dispatch ships to load supplies to help… … .

– This is the prime minister’s residence. Please change the commander of the U.S. Army in Japan. Oh, Commander. I’m calling to complain about the current unlicensed flight and arbitrariness of U.S. forces in the disaster area of Sendai that is disrupting our overall disaster relief plan. Yeah? Do you need an extra-legal response in a situation like this one? No, if you violate the rules and procedures like this and get criticized by the media later, will the commander take responsibility?

And the situation in the disaster area, the uncooperative attitude of the Japanese government, and the fact that it was only focused on concealing and shifting responsibility quickly spread to the outside thanks to the benefits of advanced IT culture.

Soon, the media began to report on Japan’s deep-seated bureaucracy and the unwillingness to hold anyone accountable, and the US government, initially trying to help out and help Asia’s most powerful ally, became suspicious.

And it was the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, which was rapidly getting worse two days after the incident, regardless of the previous efforts of the political circles, that gave the decisive blow to these US politicians and bureaucrats’ suspicions about Japan.

Two days after the incident, which was around the time the Fukushima nuclear power plant was operating over whether to abandon the reactor, finally, when the predicted explosion occurred, the roof of the power plant flew off, exposing the fuel rods.

Six days after the incident, a restraining order and an evacuation advisory were issued for 80 km around the reactor, and embassies of each country sent out a warning to their citizens residing in Japan that the incident was a serious situation unprecedented in history.

At this time, a significant number of people, including the US military, who were engaged in rescue operations were exposed to radiation, and radiation doses exceeding 6,000 times the usual were detected in an area 2,200 km near the nuclear power plant.

In an instant, even the amount of radiation detected in distant Tokyo increased explosively, and cesium and iodine were detected in tap water near the accident site.

And when the International Atomic Energy Agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), released a statement condemning the Japanese government, in fact, that it would measure radiation dose independently rather than the Japanese government’s announcement, only then did the US government, cabinet members, and members of Congress come to think of this. .

– Could it be that we have been immersed in the memories of the past and have slightly overestimated the capabilities of a country called Japan?

* * *

– The Chairman of the US Army Joint Chiefs of Staff, dispatched U2 reconnaissance aircraft to Fukushima to directly collect information on radiation damage in the disaster area. It is also considering dispatching a CBRN unit belonging to the U.S. Marine Corps. Experts judged this as evidence that the US no longer trusts the Japanese side in providing information in a crisis that could even cause radiation damage to the western United States.

“It’s going to happen in the end. It’s like disrespecting a house on fire, but ultimately, it’s their fault, what can I do?”

“Can I judge this as evidence that the US is starting to question Japan? I heard that even the US forces in Japan suffered radiation damage, and the imported US fighter jets were also flooded, causing great damage… … .”

Yoo Hye-rim asked Jeong-hwan, who was reading an Internet newspaper article titled, ‘The United States presses the Japanese government for the transfer of control over the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, to the Japanese prime minister’s office, to remain silent’, but Jeong-hwan shook his head.

“No way, this is a story limited to the response to this nuclear power plant incident. For the United States, the strategic value of Japan is still fundamentally the same.”

“Girum… … .”

“… … But with this, at least on the list of Asian candidates to join Five Eyes, Japan is far farther than our Republic. Look at this, it looks like the national leadership that has to make a decision in an emergency. They are just blaming each other.”

“Looking back, it’s okay. It’s a shame because this was a disaster, if it were a war… … .”

“Besides, there is even a highly credible circumstance that the U.S. side, which has been actively trying to help from the beginning, has continuously concealed relevant information… … It’s hard to trust the skeptical US intelligence service and Congress. It means that we failed the test of how the joint U.S.-Japan response system would function in an emergency.”

“I have been pathetic since the moment the Hagiya incident occurred. It seems that a system like ours has a better advantage in this case than a democratic system that shifts responsibilities to each other like it was in the Soviet Union’s Chernobyl.”

“On the premise that the leader is awake.”

Jeonghwan said that to Yoo Hye-rim, who shook his head, walked over to the sofa in the secretary’s office and sat down.

It was something he had expected, but for once, he felt a strange sense of relief, both bitter and fortunate that he had passed the ‘Five Eyes Interview Asia 1st Qualifier’.

After the Tokyo G20 meeting and secret meeting with Rice, Junghwan did not send any further persuasion or news, just waiting for a response from Five Eyes (written as America).

It was because he decided it was time to wait entirely for how the other side would evaluate the card he had put on the negotiating table, ‘Unlimited access to the Internet backbone network across Japan’.

Of course, on the surface, they were watching the NSA’s ‘evaluation’ and the judgment result of whether or not to introduce the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea into their international intelligence inner circle, Five Eyes. It was also because they waited for the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Five Eyes was an extremely exclusive espionage network of Anglo-Saxon-Christian Anglo-American countries, but the wider the net, the network, the web, the better. was coming

The ‘n’ countries were, of course, allies from the past, Germany, France, Israel, Japan, and Korea. Jeonghwan knew that Ollyza had some kind of cautious ‘internal demand’.

And in the race for the top ally category of the United States, Japan, the most competitive candidate, was eliminated before the competition even started.

“But this does not end there. No, it’s rather just the beginning. No matter how much the US actually leads Five Eyes, it is not that countries that can be unilaterally ignored in the first place are allies, and the ‘territoriality’ of the existing Five Eyes members… … No, the ‘verification request’ will start now. Which country is the first to mount a gun? … It must be England.”

As expected by Jeong-hwan, the first place to express dissatisfaction with North Korea’s secret ‘deal’ request shared by the U.S. NSA chief secretly was the British Government Communications Head Quaters (GCHQ), which together with the NSA, is the main pillar of Five Eyes. ) was.

Although Britain was one of the first free Western countries to establish diplomatic ties with North Korea and a European country that has maintained good relations to this day, they argued that it and the issue of joining Five Eyes were completely different in nature.

– No matter how good the bait they offer, and even if we may have to introduce an Asian country to Five Eyes because of China’s recent arbitrariness, it has been 20 years since diplomatic ties were established, and what do we believe in North Korea, which has a completely different culture and system from the existing member countries? into the network?

… … Of course, this was a ostensible reason, and in reality, it was intended to raise its voice as the second-largest member of the United Nations after the United States in Five Eyes, but the British objection was as big an obstacle as the US Senate Intelligence Committee. .

Even in this day and age, where the ‘toothless lion’ canal is often referred to as an insulting nickname for the UK, other member countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, broadly, even the United States, are current or potential Commonwealth countries, so the British opinion holds a very strong weight. because there was

As long as the UK opposes it, no matter how much the US intelligence authorities and the White House were very enamored with the bait presented by Jeong Hwan, North Korea’s membership in Five Eyes should be seen as far from reality.

However, as can be seen from the proverbs such as Jininsadaecheonmyeong and Hosadama (好事多魔), sometimes things happen negatively or positively regardless of human will or abilities.

Jung Hwan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), who faced strong opposition from the UK, an existing member, while trying to join Five Eyes using data from all over Japan, a potential candidate country, as a transaction target, this time, unexpectedly pure luck followed.

The promise of one country, two systems in 1997 is dead! We Hong Kongers resist the tyrannical dictatorship of the CCP and its pro-CCP Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying!

– After ruining the Hong Kong economy once with real estate games, are you anxious about not being able to dye Hong Kong with natives in the era of President Bo Si Lai? All who have a will, come out to the streets!

-Occupy Central with our umbrellas! We, Hong Kong, want to return to the British rule that guaranteed autonomy!

This was the case in Hong Kong, where, while the eyes of the United States and the world were focused on the Great Tohoku earthquake in Japan, resistance to the mainland communist party trying to thicken Hong Kong’s collar was like wildfire across Hong Kong.

It was the beginning of the Hong Kong umbrella protests that took place three years earlier than the original history.

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