Dear Comrade

Chapter 279

Dear Comrade the Leader Episode 279

By the time the memories of the Great Northeast Japan Earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in the summer and spring of that summer and spring still haunt the world, Hong Kong in the summer was covered in the stench of protesters and tear gas trying to quell them.

The 2011 Hong Kong Umbrella protests were, in fact, as they were in the original history, timing was an issue, and it was self-evident that clashes would occur at any time.

The People’s Liberation Army’s main Hong Kong units began to be stationed in Hong Kong, the ruling magistrates and parliaments were filled with pro-Chinese figures, and construction began on a huge bridge connecting Guangdong, Macau and Hong Kong.

Beyond these recent physical changes, it was the economic issue that made Hong Kong citizens take to the streets.

The economic power that became increasingly subordinate to mainland China and the pro-China tendencies of large corporations and the rich were predictable from the beginning, but it was the real estate issue that became the driving force behind the protests.

It was because most Hong Kong citizens remembered as if yesterday, that the one-peasant policy implemented by the current supreme leader of China, President Bo Ji-Lai, had a serious adverse effect on the Hong Kong economy.

And the great financial crisis of 2008 brought about by that policy.

-Is the mainland determined to destroy Hong Kong’s economy? Half of the financial institutions in Central were affected by the last financial crisis… … .

-This is Hong Kong, where I live off of finance and trade, but the finance was smashed by the mainland guys last year, and the trade volume is expected to decrease significantly as the Trans-Siberian Railway being built in North Korea is completed these days! Now all that’s left is for this Hong Kong to be eaten by the mainland bastards!

Of course, these economic problems were the biggest reason, but in fact, Hong Kong people’s feelings toward the mainlanders from the past have continued to deteriorate due to a very different civic consciousness and low-wage workers pouring in from the mainland and taking away their jobs.

And finally, the trigger for the dissatisfaction that Hong Kong people had accumulated was the so-called ‘linguistic assimilation’ policy, which was implemented in earnest after Bo Bo Si-rai came to power.

It was not because the Communist Party was merciful, but because Hong Kong had historically been one of the leading economic centers in China, that Hong Kong enjoyed economic and political freedom that was different from the mainland until now, even under Jiang Zemin.

Unlike Tibet and Uyghurs, where there are no modest industries, it is unreasonable to forcibly assimilate one of the world’s largest financial centers. I could have done it, but things have changed since Bo Bo Rai came to power.

Although the use of force should be avoided as much as possible in a situation where the Afghan front has not yet been organized, Boh Lai thought that there was nothing hesitating about, given that the economic power of mainland China has now grown to an extent comparable to that of Hong Kong.

Although the 50-year Hong Kong system and the Sino-British joint declaration guaranteeing the rights of Hong Kong citizens as citizens of a democratic society were obstacles, the ultimate sovereignty, including diplomatic rights, resides on the mainland anyway, so it is difficult to find a way to completely assimilate Hong Kongers into the huge population of China. There would be many without it.

In doing so, one of the methods that the CCP cadres rolled their heads and found, what was the linguistic assimilation policy in question, was this in a nutshell.

– Currently, Hong Kong’s legal official languages are Mandarin Chinese and English, which is not appropriate as Hong Kong is the home of the Chinese people like the mainland. From now on, Hong Kong’s official language will be Mandarin, that is, Mandarin, not English or Cantonese.

In other words, it was a policy in line with the brainwashing and cultural annihilation operations of the former Japanese Empire in the name of cultural rule rather than unauthorized rule over the Korean Peninsula.

There is a saying that ‘the fastest way to pollute a society is to pollute the language of that society’.

Only heaven knows whether Bo Bo Shi Lai and the Chinese Communist Party, who implemented such a policy in Hong Kong, and the Chinese Communist Party, carried out such a measure with that maxim in mind, the expert opinion of the measure in one word is – ‘a trick with a lot of brains’. it was

So, why is this a trick? … The mainland Chinese Communist Party’s intention is to control the freedom of political speech and expression of Hong Kong citizens as much as possible while upholding the international cause of upholding the Sino-British Joint Declaration. It was because he spoke Cantonese (廣東話, Cantonese).

– No, obviously, according to the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the ‘Hong Kong Basic Law’ that came into effect, the official language of Hong Kong is ‘Chinese (Chinese)’, isn’t it? 90% of Hong Kong’s population speaks Cantonese instead of standard Chinese. … .

– What nonsense. Cantonese for ‘Cantonese’ or ‘Chinese’? Anyway, from now on, Hong Kong’s official language will be standard Chinese, that is, Common Chinese, just like the mainland.

– No, where in the world is such a law? Less than 5% of Hong Kong’s population speaks common Chinese as their mother tongue! Ordinary language used by only 5% of the main language is the official language, and Cantonese, which is used by all the rest, will not be recognized as the official language… … !!!

– First of all, isn’t it clearly stated in the law? Anyway, on the mainland, I kept all my promises when I returned to Hong Kong, so don’t say anything else. In the future, all public broadcasts and announcements in Hong Kong will be conducted in a normal language.

At the beginning of the implementation of the policy, where this intention was not well known, there was little opposition, but as practically all parts of the public domain, public broadcasting and radio, public office handouts and court judgments were replaced with common language, Hong Kongers soon became aware of the realized the truth.

If this policy is maintained for only 10 years, all areas of Hong Kong, including justice, politics, economy, and administration, will be dominated by and exercised by those who use common currency as their motherland.

95% of Cantonese-speaking Hong Kongers will be marginalized in all fields, and the place will be filled with either the mainland speakers who use the common language, or the pro-Chinese Hong Kongers who will learn and use the common language.

In other words, in reality, it was nothing more than a plan to filter pro-Chinese and anti-Chinese groups through the sieve of language.

And it took less time for these perceptions to turn into anger against oppression, anger into accusations against mainland China, and accusations into action and people pouring into the streets.

– Let’s go! Let’s protect our language, our society, and even Hong Kong!

– Let’s keep Cantonese! Let’s keep our sovereignty! Open your umbrella! Occupy Central!

Soon, protesters made up of college students poured into the streets, and day by day the protesters grew bigger and bigger, absorbing virtually all anti-Chinese citizens in Hong Kong beyond college students.

And, as expected, the mainland Communist Party (CCP) declared a hardline response, issuing a statement stating that “some order-disrupting mobs are throwing Hong Kong into chaos.”

Roads were blocked from traffic, schools were ordered, and Hong Kong police finally responded, and the world began to watch Hong Kong in tension and panic.

And, of course, these international concerns naturally included the UK, the native of Hong Kong and almost the only country with the right to intervene, as it has concluded a Basic Law on Hong Kong with China.

– We urge the Chinese authorities to respect the one country, two systems system based on the China-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, accept the protesters’ demands, and ensure that they can use their language freely.

Soon, a delegation composed of the Ministry of Home Affairs and intelligence agencies was dispatched from the UK to investigate the actual situation in Hong Kong, but they were denied entry to Hong Kong and had no choice but to return to the UK after being confronted.

And despite the fact that the British Prime Minister directly summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest the incident, the response from the Chinese side, as everyone expected, was consistent and blatant.

– We, the People’s Republic of China, faithfully respect all provisions of the Hong Kong Basic Law signed in 1997. It is merely a misunderstanding caused by the difference in interpretation of the provisions of the law, and suppressing the protests is only a part of maintaining order. .

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Naturally, this attitude caused great awareness and anger toward China, not only in Britain, but also in the free world of the West.

In London, protests were held mainly by Hong Kong-British people.

Western progressive media, including The Guardian and The New York Times, sent correspondents to Hong Kong and published articles highlighting the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party, the unpredictability of the Bo Shi Lai regime, and the illegality of its reign.

Of course, in this era when it is difficult for any country in the world to guarantee economic growth in the next quarter without establishing economic relations with China, it was difficult to express that anger through practical measures.

And in fact, the British government only spoke out loud, but rushed to crack down on the dispute so that it did not spread to the economic field.

But at the same time, it was also true that this current helplessness doubled the quiet anger and hostility towards China’s provocation to wipe out even the last traces of the British Empire, and the resolve to revenge with a sharp knife in the corner of his heart.

The Chinese Communist Party should not have come out with this attitude, knowing about the battle under the water between Jeonghwan and the existing Five Eyes members around that time, but at the time, the ‘opposition’ within the GCHQ and the SIS (British Secret Intelligence Service) was hardened. This well-timed (?) provocation by the Communist Party was decisive for North Korea’s conversion of the Five Eyes membership to ‘conditional approval’.

However, regardless of how the old logic of ‘the enemy of the enemy is my friend’ is once again repeated in the offices of Western intelligence agencies, how will the world respond to the unrest in Hong Kong, which has now been nicknamed the ‘umbrella protest’ by the Chinese authorities? He focused his attention on what

How will the Communist Party of China and its leader, President Bo Shi Lai, respond to these protests that directly challenge their own system?

Considering President Bo’s actions so far and his toughness, especially when the camera is focused, it was not surprising that the second Tiananmen Square massacre in which Hong Kong was stained with blood occurred.

But once again, Beijing had the means it had prepared to suppress this situation in a quiet but effective way.

However, compared to the time of the Tiananmen Square incident, it was only relatively quiet, but it was essentially no different from the time of the Tiananmen Square incident.

* * *


It was at the Kim Jeong-hwan Advanced Aircraft Research Institute test airfield that summer that Jeong-hwan tilted his head after receiving this report from Kim Yong-geon.

Antonov invited him to the airfield to show him what he had promised last time.

Kim Yong-gun, who was reporting on the content he had heard from his aide, continued his explanation with a firm expression.

“So… … The Hong Kong police, or the Communist Party, are assassinating the Hong Kong protesters? Is that now, Prime Minister Kim?”

“It’s a common analysis to see it almost like that. The instigators who participated in the recent umbrella protest, these are mainly young student comrades… … These comrades took part in the protests and were taken away by the Hong Kong police, went missing, and were found again days or weeks later… … He didn’t come back alive… … .”

“It’s said that a body was found. It was taken away by the authorities and found dead, but no one suspects that he was assassinated or tortured?”

Jung-hwan asked a natural question, but Kim Yong-geon’s answer to this was more creepy.

“Before that suspicion… … It seems to me that the Chinese authorities have no intention of hiding it in the first place.”

“… … Hmm?”

“According to our Reconnaissance General Bureau and the local anti-communist media… … It is said that the place where the body was abandoned was frequented by people, and there were cases where there were obvious signs of murder, for example, a gun hole in the forehead saying hello. In other words, it was not a mistake, but there was no intention of disguising it as an accident.”

“… … .”

“… … Besides, in the past, there would be reports of refutation through the state-run newspapers in response to these allegations, but it is probably not hiding the assassination because it is reported without hiding the facts even though the media can be censored… … Maybe he was intentionally trying to scare the protesters out by publicizing it… … .”

“… … Hell, if this really comes from the orders of President Boshi-Lai, then you’re not the average crazy guy you’d expect, yes.”

Jeonghwan stuck out his tongue as he listened to Foreign Minister Kim Yong-geon reporting with a heavy face.

There is also the international community’s eyes, and in 2011, in Hong Kong, a global financial hub, it would be crazy to use tanks to crush protesters as in Tiananmen, so I was observing what to do. ) I did not expect to use the method.

As reported by Kim Yong-geon, there have been recent targeted arrests of demonstrators in Hong Kong, and many of these arrests are often found dead a few weeks later in a remote place, but where they can be seen sufficiently. was doing

Most of the victims of ‘drowning on a remote shore’ or ‘suspected traffic accident’ were college students or adults, but there were also a small number of middle and high school students, so they could not help attracting more attention. It was unusual that it was not even released.

It is not that there have been no deaths suspected of being political assassinations by public security officers before, but it was customary to announce even an ‘accident or death’ explanation, but this time there was not even that. .

-Keep your mouth shut, otherwise it’s you and your family’s next turn.

“… … Comrade, it is disastrous to say that our republic supports China in this situation… … .”

“No, lower the water level a bit and say, ‘I hope China will end this situation as peacefully as possible.’”

“… … If you do… … .”

“Don’t you know, Prime Minister Kim? How can the British side, who has been neglected by now, and has a lot of goals, are going to give the Chinese a shot or roll their feet? Then, unless our republic makes a comment like before, ‘Our Democratic People’s Republic of Korea criticizes the Hong Kong mobs for disturbing social order and is on the side of the Chinese Communist Party, which always upholds law and order’… … .”

“… … Unless I’m an idiot, I understand. If they don’t want something like this to happen again, it’s about whether they should support or oppose our accession to our republic. Certainly not for Hong Kong comrades, but for our republic, it is diplomatic luck.”

Kim Yong-gun was definitely right.

Even though the British Empire has lost most of the status of a colonial empire that ruled over a quarter of the world in the past, if China’s open interests were violated in this way, it was forced to find a way to at least retaliate, or at least contain it.

Even after offering a huge bait to join Five Eyes, it was indeed timely good news for North Korea, which faced opposition from Britain, which is the second most influential member of the existing membership after the United States.

However, Junghwan’s reaction to Kim Yong-geon, who muttered so bitterly and satisfied at the same time, was surprising.

“… … Well… … I don’t know if this will turn out to be really lucky.”

“… … Why are you like that?”

“Luck is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Once amazing luck has followed, there are definitely times when it is incredibly bad in proportion to it… … I just hope this isn’t the horribly bad case .”

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