Dear Comrade

Chapter 319

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 319

In the meantime, he has been actively collecting information on conflicts occurring in Yanbian, serving for a long time in the Special Warfare Command, and knowing better than anyone how important a well-trained special operations force in such a low-intensity limited warfare is as swift as possible because he was a former president of the military. it was overkill.

However, unlike the former president who said it was no big deal, Jung-hwan and especially Baek Seung-cheol did not seem to have fully expressed their gratitude for this support yet.

“I know it was a very bold decision as the leader of a country that practices parliamentary democracy. No matter how much proposals and cooperation there were from President Condoleezza Rice. The people of the Republic and the People’s Army will never forget the grace of these compatriots in South Korea.”

“Grace… … It is an era in which words that would be difficult to imagine if the inter-Korean relations were in the past. No matter how informal it may be.”

As Jung Hwan said, the former president’s decision to provide such informal support was not an easy one.

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No, it’s not just that it’s not easy, but it was a measure that would have nothing to do with being impeached by the parliament if it was done wrong.

Even if it was a formality, the act of temporarily discharging 1,000 members of their own special forces and sending them to other countries as mercenaries was committed without a word to the parliament, no matter how secretive it was due to the nature of the mission.

To help a country that is still constitutionally an enemy.

In fact, the former president responded to the dissatisfaction of the defense minister and the chief security officer that there is a sufficient possibility of impeachment and subsequent prosecution for treason.

-If North Korea loses in this war in North Gando, then our Republic of Korea will see the Five Stars and Red Flags flying over the armistice line. The military is to protect the country from national danger, but its main task is to prevent that danger from reaching the door in the first place. If we do not support North Korea now, our Republic of Korea will regret it later.

“… … But the war is not over yet, General Secretary. If the information reported by the National Intelligence Service and the North Gando Brigade is correct, now the most important battle remains. Am I correct?”

“In the next 17 hours, at 1 a.m. the next day, our Air Force and Army Air Corps will bombard all the Chinese military firepower systems in Ando County, where the enemy’s main force is concentrated. The necessary supplies and equipment are still being moved to Yanji beyond Tumen City. Virtually all new republican pursuers capable of sortie will be mobilized for this operation.”

Jung-hwan’s voice was quite calm, but at those words, the expressions of the former president as well as all the executives seated at the bunker meeting table of the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces hardened with tension.

Both the enemy and the friendly side now know what is left.

know what is coming

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Now, in reality, North Korea and the People’s Republic of China are facing each other with swords pointed at a single wooden bridge.

“According to the analysis shared by our General Staff, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the CIA, if even the main force of the Shenyang District of An Do-hyeon is defeated, there is a 70% or more chance that President Bo Lai will appear on the armistice negotiating table. Because they will judge that the stability and benefits of negotiating and recognizing the Yanbian People’s Republic are greater than the benefits of continuing the war. But my biggest concern is… … .”

“… … It is highly probable that President Bo Si Lai is not such a rational person. Many political leaders often make decisions against the national interest because of pride, face, or extension of government. And especially in the case of authoritarian regimes like China.”

At the former president’s words, Jeonghwan nodded his head heavily as if he was afraid of it too.

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No matter what Boi Lai has accomplished as president, and whatever he intends to do, the moment he makes Yanbian independent, all of them will return to zero and nothing, and Bo Lai will bear the indelible and shameful stigma in Chinese history forever.

He will be the supreme leader who leaves the first instance of secession and independence that no leader has ever given permission since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

In other words, Yanbian’s independence is in fact equivalent to a death sentence for the Boshi Lai regime.

The former president cautiously looked at Jeong-hwan to see if he was worried about it, and opened his mouth again.

“… … If the war continues after that, what do you think the General Secretary will do? If at least one phone call comes to the North Korean mainland… … .”

“I think that’s very unlikely, as we’ve expanded our influence in Yanbian so that even one of those things doesn’t happen in the first place. But I’m not a reckless leader who starts a war without an exit strategy. For security reasons, I cannot tell the president the exit strategy right now.”

“Then I won’t ask any more. All I can do now is to wish you good luck in the battle that will take place in 20 hours or so. Officially, I will announce that North Korea and China hope to find a peaceful contact point, but my unofficial position is that I hope the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea wins.”

And that ended the conversation with the former president.

After that, Jeonghwan spent several hours sharing the final check on the operation to be held tomorrow morning with the staff and executives, and then returned to the secretary’s office.

There was only one person waiting for him in the clerk’s office.

“comrade… … No, you… … .”

“Who is Hyein? Did I do what I said?”

“Yes, by order of President Rice, the US embassy in Singapore prepared a special plane and moved it to US territory. I just got a call saying we have just entered US airspace.”

“It’s good, I’m so happy.”

Jeonghwan muttered like a complaint with his sincerity.

Hyerim Yoo also looked relieved, but she still seemed to have one thing left of doubt or anxiety.

“why… … Do you think the Chinese side would not have touched Hyein earlier? After all, did President Boshi Lai think that working in a third country is too risky?”

“Maybe I just missed the timing. Actually, I have something to point out about that. It’s really fortunate for us.”

That was correct.

Whether Hyerim Yoo also agreed with that idea did not ask any further questions about the ‘straying thing’ that Junghwan said.

For a moment there was silence between the two.

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Now that they face a decisive battle that is as good as risking their fate, it seems that more meaning is clearly conveyed between the two of them, who have been together from the beginning for nearly 30 years, without even speaking through their mouths.

And it was Jeonghwan who broke the silence first.

“The time has been set.”

“… … !!!”

The words were cut from the front and back, but one person who was waiting for him, Hyerim Yoo, opened her eyes and closed her mouth at Jeonghwan’s words.

It was because he knew better than anyone what time period Junghwan was talking about.

And it was also a time that she too had been waiting for for a long time to come, and at the same time, desperately wishing not to come.

And it was after some time again that Hyerim Yoo opened her mouth again.


“Four years later. Just in the 30th year of my inauguration. However… … .”

Junghwan looked into the air as he said that.

Slowly aging and losing the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of youth, he was one age, but his eyes were stronger than ever.

“You have to win first. If you can’t win, it’s of no use.”

* * *

“What did I say! By all means, didn’t you say that Kim Jung-hwan should have captured the daughter-in-law earlier?”

“… … .”

On the other hand, the final meeting on the eve of the decisive battle between the same time leaders was held in the same way with China, the de facto enemy of North Korea.

The difference was that the atmosphere here was much rougher and much louder, because, strictly speaking, it was more like Bo Si Lai, the chairman of the Military Committee and General Secretary of the Party, rather than a meeting, shouting at Hu Jintao and other members of the Standing Committee.

“I just got a report from the Ministry of National Security! It was said that a special plane sent from the United States flew to the United States with a female factor on board. Immediately after that, just in case, I searched all the people in and out of the American embassy. What the hell are you going to do when you miss out on the best card to press?”

“Comrade Bo. After all, Singapore is a third country! Are you saying that in broad daylight, we should have mobilized our National Security Agency agents in a third country to stage a kidnapping? And if even one fails, have you ever considered the diplomatic aftermath?”

“Whatever it is, we have no choice but to fight and see a solution! Now, China’s territory seems to be getting smaller by one point, no, by a lot more than one point, but Comrade Hu is still arguing for face or anything?”

‘Who said to ask for face? You’re saying this because there’s no way this difficult situation can be overcome by grabbing and threatening the daughter of the supreme leader of the enemy country!’

Of course, these words could not come out of Hu Jintao’s mouth, and all he let out was a deep sigh.

When news of the defeat of the air battle in Tumen City came, Bo Bo Lai immediately proposed to mobilize National Security agents to kidnap Kim Jeong-hwan’s daughter, Yoo Hye-in, in Singapore and use it as an unofficial negotiating card, or hostage.

Jang Seong-taek died before he could tell the exact location, but Singapore is a small city-state anyway, and it is nothing like a country established by crossing over to Southeast Asia established by overseas Chinese.

It seemed quite effective, except that it was a very crude and vulgar way to use it in state-to-state diplomacy, so some of the Standing Committee members seemed to be stingy, but it was Hu Jintao who stopped it.

Aside from morality, the most important thing was that there was a very high possibility that it would only have an adverse effect.

‘It goes without saying that if you try to kidnap in the middle of Singapore, where you have been friendly with Americans for a long time, as a sovereign country even though there is no solid information, and you fail, relations with Singapore will become very difficult that day. The uncooperative public opinion of the international community will really hit the bottom.’

‘Besides, even if the kidnapping succeeds, it’s a problem… … Comrades, who is Kim Jeong-hwan from North Korea? A man without blood or tears who came to his seat after purging his half-brother, Kim Jong-il, and all his half-brothers, and perhaps even his father, Kim Il-sung. No. Besides, it is said that not long ago, he even blew up his half-brother, Kim Young-il, who had been a hunting dog for over 20 years, in one shot… … .’

Such a relentless person seems to shake the power and dictatorship that he has built up throughout his life, but would he dwell on only one daughter?

The Soviet dictator Stalin, without any exception, sent his son to the front line with Nazi Germany to be killed, and China’s wealthy Mao Zedong was no different.

According to Jang Seong-taek, Yoo Hye-in is just a civilian, not holding a public office in North Korea, and if it is known that she has kidnapped civilians for no good reason and to use them for intimidation, then China’s legitimacy in this war will end that day. fly

So, from Kim Jung-hwan’s point of view, it’s much more profitable to play the international media play of ‘China, a thug country that kidnaps and threatens civilians in a third country’ by telling the existence of her daughter, rather than just pretending that one daughter is dead.

In addition, according to the information, Kim Jung-hwan does not know what his intentions are, but even if he makes his daughter diligently follow the course to foster a successor, he leaves her unattended in Singapore even after she has reached adulthood. will be.

‘Anyway, when it comes to Kim Jung-hwan, we just don’t know, but there will be plenty of women around. Of course, there will be countless children and illegitimate children. Above all, since we entered the modern era, there has been no such thing as a war won by taking the children of the leaders of an enemy country hostage.’

At Hu Jintao’s words, other members of the Standing Committee (like Kim Jung-hwan, who all have illegitimate sons in their concubines) joined together, and Bo Bo Lai’s abduction plan for Yoo Hye-in was put on hold.

And now that the feasibility of the plan has become zero, Bo Bo Lai is putting the blame on Hu Jintao.

However, perhaps something in Hu Jintao’s still calm expression made his stomach ache, Bo Bo Lai, unlike usual, couldn’t control himself and uttered one more word that he shouldn’t have said.

“If we lose the battle tomorrow, we may hold Comrade Hu for some of the blame! You have shattered the discipline of the commander in front of the enemy, shouldn’t you be guilty of that?”

“… … !!!”

“Comrade Bo, Chairman Bo… … that… … !!”

In an instant, the atmosphere at the meeting of the Standing Committee turned cold, and Hu Jintao’s face hardened.

Everyone knows that Bo Shi Lai doesn’t want to share power with anyone, and that Hu Jintao is still half-decorated as Chinese President because Bo Shi Lai was avoiding another group of people shortly after Xi Jinping’s purge. True.

However, it was unexpected that Hu Jintao, who thought something like this would happen at any time, would openly say such a thing in such a public place.

However, Hu Jintao bowed his head as if he had endured until now in the chaos of Chinese politics.

“I will follow the will of Comrade Bo. Of course, he should be punished.”

“… … It would be good for Comrade Hu, Comrade Hu, that our army defeated the Korean People’s Army in battle tomorrow and Kim Jeong-hwan became a war criminal and was arrested. Then I’ll do it here for today.”

With the last words of Bo Si-rai, who made such an ominous statement, the meeting of the executive branch ended that day.

And finally, 16 hours later, the Ahn Do-hyeon offensive, which risked the fate of both countries, came to an end.

The battle that will mark the end of the Yanbian Civil War, which made the whole year of 2014 noisy and focused the world’s attention on Northeast Asia, has begun.

* * *

– A bird’s nest, a bird’s nest, come out. This is Wonsan – 1. From now on, the Chinese military has carried out bombing missions against anti-aircraft missile systems, ground firepower systems, and other important bases.

-i get it. Be careful as enemy tactical planes are expected to approach to respond.

The start was also an air battle.

At the dawn of the fateful day, the KA-16 squadron, dispatched to preemptively remove the threat to the North Korean ground forces approaching to attack the fortified Ando-hyeon, flew like an arrow through the dark Yanbian night sky.

By taking control of Yanji Airport, arms and refueling can be carried out at any time, there is no limit to the number of sorties, and virtually all of the KA-16s currently available in the Republic were mobilized for this operation.

However, the Chinese military side, which was at a great disadvantage in air battles as most of its radar systems were destroyed recently, did not stand still.

– Approaching a vehicle presumed to be an enemy tactical aircraft from the front. Radar frequency analysis shows that the previously engaged J-10 and… … It appears to be a hybrid formation mixed with another frequency.

-Huh, it looks like a J-11 from the looks of it, but it seems like they were in a hurry to come out with an aircraft that failed mass production.

As was the case with Wonsan-1, it was China’s own J-11 squadron that received technology donated from Russia in the late 1990s to welcome the KA-16 squadron that entered the Ando-hyeon airspace.

The J-11, which is better at air-to-air combat than the low-end J-10, but is difficult to manufacture, has only a few in China, and flew to Yanbian to block the North Korean Air Force.

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